One Strike The Telling Heart, NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE, You're Ascended But Mostly Descended Being First Born

P rophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January 31, APOCALYPTIC Sorry, I was to suggest you, HBOW/Apb, GOD BLESS/GODSPEED FIRESTORM 2023, -When I come into the demo, now, more than a decade, I could like at present see into people's houses, I always described it as some heard about the Cuban Missle Crisis; you could feel the anxiety, people stone face HD viewing, like waiting for the worst news to break. Clearly you didn't have to see nor wonder, suddenly they speed through the house, packing what they could, grabbed a arm filled with kids and out the door, on foot they ran; Fightnight is unknowingly taking up their rear, were these Eze 9 type Commanded slayers, even giving stampeders Chase, having no mercy old or young. -You see, once they Chase you down, capture you, they like spin yuu around, like into a dance, a waltz even when this huge sword like syringe goes slicing through the air, point blank the TELLING heart and i...