I Will Strip All Schools, Race Suddenly To US Georgia's Coast! WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!!!


Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear January 23, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2023; five years and ten days now Jan 12/ 13, 2023, is the phenomona demo of an astronomical host of Heaven tasked to snatch out of what's soon a predicted to go Nuclear, Hawaii Missile Crisis. Marvel not hearing, "the building of Hawaii into," after getting more references to YELLOWSTONE!!! Whereas all this Apocalyptic, 2023, Nuclear January, there's just been more references to star warring Archangel Michael THEM speedily stampedIng to crossing over Tribulation Saints into designed, assigned territories; Jordan's Petra, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER, Africa's Southwest Atlantic; US/BC West Pacific, VOLCANIC APOCALYPSE IS COME: 

-When I come into the maze of revealing sin, May 22,2022, soon there's something about that Uvadle School shooting; something as I wake, about the highly controversial gaming system, GTA! Only here,  it's as though I'm In the movie, Twilight, the office scene, only beyond its characters Edward and Bella, I see more of an odd thing, they're fading into non existence, as more and more children are piling up behind again this Bela person. Soon I, apparently an office administrator, walk over to see just how long is this mysterious line?.

-Frightnight, only to frighten it's for as long as I can  see, so I step into the hall following for as long as it goes and there's no end, I follow still, soon seeing from the outdoors facing windows, heart grippingly,  it's a line upon,upon line, neverending line of injured, orphan school children; Marvel not just a few days back, I so clearly got the date 07/11/16, see here, ; first I thought, that's the year IA pilot Jr Darius, my Prophetic Parables.

-Actually, Grand Darius kinda woke us from sleep startled he'd had a dream that while away he'd become an orphan in care of his dance instructor, something about Hawaii, caused it: still days later he called me,  odd within itself, said he moved too, explained he's in his dorm room watching Hawaii 5'0, his favorite TV series, since that dream. I know, I know, but know also this date 07/11/16 also revisits witnessing Jesus Millennium Reign Descending to replace, TIME DONE LAPSED, The Obama's (Islamic/Israeli/ANTI-CHRIST RULE), AS World Reign!

Article, 10 people killed, 10 injured in mass shooting at Monterey Park dance studio,   https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-01-22/la-me-monterey-park-mass-shooting

Article, A gunman killed 7 people in shootings in Half Moon Bay, California,   https://www.npr.org/2023/01/23/1150931739/half-moon-bay-shootings-california-updates


( First it was forewarn way back before Pres Bush Katrina to just before that train of Atmospheric rivers hit California, WHAT ABOUT THAT  Predicted ARTIC, POLAR CHRISTMAS? All going on as normal,  WHORING, stealing, killing, and DESTROYING, especially after coronavirus laid waste to millions, can just FOR GET IT! Make you wonder ,with commanded one stab the heart reapers on US Soil, was Damar Hamlin sudden, cardiac arrest, a miss; can they even miss? I know my recently won to Jesus Christ, July 2022, Memphis Nephew, wasn't a miss, y'all know one of the ones THEY protrayed a Gladiator area of entertaining  to the death ontop of millions in coronavirus corpses; then come judgment, HELL, torturous demons and Eternal Lakes Of Fire/AND LEST I FORGET FOR SUICIDERS/FAMICIDERS, MORE INSANING BLACK VOID, OUTER DARKNESS!!!! HBOW/Apb The RAM



Hearing just now, like since you have your race cars, cleared out, free for all race track, race suddenly to US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER! Thus Saith Trump Of God, Angel Gabriel; To be honest, I thought that predicted Noah's Cousin by those for two weeks and more, train of atmospheric rivers would've cleared California DREAMIERS right out, clearly according to Eze 5,  that's what ALL MEGA DISASTERS ARE FOR,, STAMPEDING YOU! I guess those not counted as tens of millions US/BC West Pacific SUDDENLY, horribly dead did get out, STAY OUT; TWO BOWLS; Long Valley, SUPPER VOLCANO, Boiling Oceans to Rushing Lava Streams in the Streets, and you, with assigned race cars, racing to get out, ALL ACROSS THE COUNTRY, ALL COME! .AODHF/JCOR

These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME;  Featuring, King Bridegroom, Lymbert (Lamb) Eimitri Cartsin and Bevelyt Rossen, Rosenfelt 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986 2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Dazhar Raed Ahalogy (AJah) , and Ndi Musanyufu, Gabriel was born a godson B'air Ironton Ahalogy a son Sedonis Kelsey Ahalogy a goddaughter, Halogen (Halo),Kankade Ahalogy and godtwins Carian Nkwagaka and Nyabo Sorian Ahalogy

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

{{{"Hey loving girl, sorry I missed you, I know why you call me, when we are to reconsider the growl to ROAR I heard, we are to reconsider like those most procrastinating homes are emptying out of Holy Spirit while simultaneously May they are filling up with unholy spirit. Some as serpents, as GREAT BEAST,  demon dogs and every evil work! One grand, I saw as a serpent that had been shelved, indicating light had come to a breakthrough, I heard you talking,  I was in the shower, but just as well Grand, I saw one Serpent , this fetus for children, slithering about like his master seeking whom it may beguile; to DAMN. I'm afraid to ask grand if that was a demonic growl, how much more danger are you in? Being in the house of procrastinators, That's not loving girl, all, I thought about Peters and his REVELATION about Great Tribulation to the Bride's Resurrection, he's asured  by Mat 24 Jesus, not to return home, and found a huge, Satanic, Demonic Beast had taken up it's residenc. eOnly grand, we saw those Great Beast as friendly house pets, The Lion, The Leopard, Demon Dogs, as far back as 2017, we know now, they're aligned to Anubis undertakers, coming after those loving girl soon to be a million or more dead a day. But I'm convinced, clearly there's nothing more Maaseiah Adonai I can do to convince our Memphians, THEY just revisited Jesus explaining those who won't listen, shake them off as the  dust on your feet, keep, keep, keeping on; that's Grand after THEY just reassured us those designed worthless, homicidal parents and grands who didn't die by that US Lab designed bio weapon,  also didn't repent of whoring, stealing, Killing, DESTROYING and Every its evil work! No wonder Grand the maze of revealing sin about store managers keys as the keys to the bottomless pit exchanging hands, so grand," as a stunning one, sitting the mirror, thick white robe, checking her long glorious hair for split ends, thinking she had no time, she had to get dress,. "Who is the great Angel that deliver those keys to Great Dragon Beast disguised as Lucifer? As you ask I'm finding it, a better revelation, God's Jesus' and John...

Here's May, how Father Swaggart Expositor Bible Interprets both Rev 9:1 to  Rev 20:1, know this is the first also I've read his interpretation....


1 And the fifth Angel sounded (presents the fifth Judgment, and as stated the first “woe”), and I saw a star fall from Heaven unto the earth (actually refers to Satan, as the next phrase proclaims [Lk. 10:18]): and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. (Christ gives this “key” to Satan, although He may use an Angel to hand the key to the Evil One [Rev. 20:1].) 2 And he (Satan) opened the bottomless pit;


1 And I saw an Angel come down from Heaven (continues with the idea that Angels are very prominent in the Plan and Work of God), having the key of the bottomless pit (speaks of the same place recorded in Rev. 9:1; however, there the key is given to Satan, but this Angel of Rev. 20:1 “has the key,” implying he has had it all along; more than likely, God allows this Angel to give the key to Satan in Rev. 9:1) and a great chain in his hand (should be taken literally); 

"I know loving girl why you 're so quiet, the saying this angel who has this key, he's had it all along, but Maaseiah Adonai, also reconsider the part, where father Swaggart says, and you most of all Know it  quite well,  Mighty Angels ASCENDING and Descending upon you, how apparentjy Angels are very prominent in the Plan and work of God; I still grand," hearing the emotions in her voice, nose, throat, "what did it mean after I passed those keys, my leaving behind with millions trapped a grocery store reveal, my childhood best friend? Your childhood best friend May shown to be Memphis Brides, hand running shoes in place of red tattered wedding heels. They won't listen May, that's why GOD only told Noah HE'D destroY the world with an extinction level flood,  only showed us, they're escaping hundreds of millions from FIERY DOOMSDAY the American Continent into Africas' Southwest Atlantic, because THEY May love won't listen, tens of millions are dying unimaginablly horribly, now go get dressed, loving tremptress, I'm here,  tell me you're ready! I think I hear Knight and charming husband come in, whoa, I'm in so much trouble, I got a sneaking feeling Loving girl, not for long." Grand Sia Maaseiah instead thinking, The Prophetic Parable, Lord Urusalem, A Door Was Opened, Reveals,  The Bride' Suddenly In Reign,. How oddly,  confusingly, there's an invasive Helel (Lucifer), constantly beckoning her, just so relentless she instead be his, they instead rule above Almighty God; had something to do with a  childhood scar!; "I'm in here, runnining, rushing, loving man as usual, will you bring me a glass of water ,I'm suddenly so thirsty!" Why Speak In Parables? Why did The Chosen Jesus Character Tower So Above, Holy Spirits Holy Bride/Carnal Bride, Prophetic Parables/Apostle Prophet Bradford? Jesus disciples asked HIM, why He speak in Parables with Him answering either it didn't matter puzzled or plain, clear, cursed from the womb, people had eyes but they couldn't see, ears but they couldn't hear, a mouth but no GODLY Wisdom, a heart, that's waxed cold, as their stone Anubis God's, so were, are they! HBOW, I witnessed the reigning Bride possess prep and launch Dan 2 stone from heaven; THE ANTI-CHRIST MURDERER, but Great Whore Mystery Babylon, WEST RULE first! Apb The RAM.


-I Warn my Host grand son lately, the one featured, Jan 2022, maze of revealing sin, as pending head wound rappers before Takeoff and Gangster Boo, hearing still Nicki.Minajj and Missy Elliott, (your names, the Lamb's Book Of Life, Written or stricken out? Warn him,, near every function turns gun violent, including children BD parties; the surreal quademic Guns, OPIOIDS, A Pale Horse Type Covid/GOD'S WRATH AS NOAH'S EVIL DAYS! WRATH, WATCH, REPENT RUN OR PERISH, DON'T BE NO FOOL, SECOND DEATH HATH YOU! HBOW, hearing the second Bride Of Wrath; 

-Did I just witnessed HBOW, hand over those Rev 9 keys to the Bottomless Pit as store managers keys to a locking millions in cashier? Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE COME, toll then for crossing over, Rev 6, Pale Horse/Revt 18 HGOW, Two US Quarters, remember, the little Miya Girl surveyor, translator, crossover into Jesus Millennium COME, AH COME, was for two US Quarter's, YOU WRESTLE NOT AGAINST FLESH AND BLOOD BUT  DEVIL'S, DEMONS, ALIENS AND YOUR OWN BIRTH UPON CROSS, REPENT OR PERISH! Apb The RAM

See more here, http://2017thelinksprophecy.blogspot.com/2023/01/these-are-descendants-rescued-from.html

Youtube Marfoogle, THE CORE HAS STOPPED, AND People Are Going Nuts, https://www.youtube.com/live/Cqo9ZnDmAnw?feature=share (-The Scientific EXPLAINATION, no doubt; just reconsider, Trump Admin Dan 4 Madness curse, award / a fast and furious, Ludacris contagious and spreading, counting down for 7 years post apocalyse The American /CALIFORNIA Dream, since D-Day, Oct 17, 2019; an as King Nebuchadnezzar madness curse, on top of mentally induced curses the veil of illusion, darken mirror,s HOLY GOD OF WRATH, SAYING, PROMISING STRONG DELUSIONS;

-Admittedly Adam, none of which is to top witnessing those two in the heavens, crystalized GODZILLA' type Beast, one an Egyptian Sobek, falsifying Apocalyptic skies with crystalized skies, wait there's some too that, I'm but positive Adam, they just references Satanic, Demonic to even Alien oppression to possession shiftshaping person to person, as the handing over the keys to the opening of the bottemless pit, Marvel not alone, that's a predicted a million or more dead daily. Again I know my children, grands hate this more than AMERICA/ WEST RULE ENDING AND JESUS MILLENNIUM DESCENDING, Mat 24 Jesus suggested during these beyond Noah's evil days, ALL HIS RUNNNNNNNNN! Totally without excuse, you now know three for Millennia designed, assigned territories where! HBOW/Apb The RAM!!!


Still with 50 million US predicted dead, 25 million Canadians, 25 Million Brit's; even with Canadian Prepper warning there's a Russian Nuclear sub sitting off the Eastern Atlantic. I'd be more concern Adam with the atmospheric phenomon that just shutdown FAA air travel being a prelude to the Keanu Reeves, THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL SCENARIO! Whether I wanna be in these US states of Barbecue, impact zones with all travel SUDDENLY, permanently brought to peddling bikes, running shoes and the horse and buggy, with an as Noah's day a WRATHFUL GOD puppeteering it all. 

-Just consider boiling Flood Waters and you have enough active super volcanoes on MIGHTY ANGEL forewarn the US/BC West Pacific Coast to bring such unimaginablle horror; emphasis on active SUPER VOLCANOES. I know being in the impact zone, Lithonia GA, when THEY showed me that's coming a week today. Sincerely, I wanted to grab what I could and just go, just the thought of dominoing Hawaii to California to YELLOWSTONE, molten flood waters!! Though like Holy Angels, Abraham's Nephew Lot, days, I'm  trying to convince my family, COME ON LET'S GO, THEY even showed me Adam, said They're Coming, Trump of God, Angel Gabriel THEM, THEY Adam, like I been seeing, warning decades now, explained 2015,  predicted 99 bowls of molten lava, every Extinctiion Level Event, there is, is come, impacting US/WEST RULE soil, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, but first of all, Mat 24 Jesus saying, RUNNNNNNNNN!, 



-Seeing Holy Angels battling  that star wars/WWIA, Soon hearing Michael is setting His all around; extreme mockery, as laughing to keep from crying, are surreal forthtelling right now,; like  Christopher, showing Jan 17/18, STAMPEDERS with their own appointed race cars, speeding along a not for long,  free for all race track into one of three designed, assigned territories;: reassuring me, like those hundreds of millions I witnessed pouring into Africas's' Southwest Atlantic, like, alike STAMPEDERS, Isaiah 16/John Rev 7/12, I too did that. So Chris,; with Gen 15 , Ps 35, Ps 91 to Rev 12 star warring HEAVENLY HOST, showing especially the past decade or so into this very, prophesied nano second, THEY'RE the authentic GUARDIANS of the Galaxies/The third, second and first heaven, the earth into the abyss, so much for Davos Elite to WEST RULE ALLIES  To China's 200 Million man armies, that's if they're not warring on Rev 17:17 HGOW, side to first  obliviate, GREAT WHORE, MYSTERY BABYLON!!!!

-Riddle Christopher Greene, HBOW, THEY, star warring Archangel Michael THEM, also entreat me,  this! Well first, who are Abbas' during he and Trump Dec  2017, tug of turf wars, Abbas mentioned eight leads and does it have anything to do with Zech 13/14, Israel falling to an evemy, Hamas? Originally, why are we again counting down since April 2, 2019/April 20 2020, these since Senator Obama, two weeks and seven years timetables; into Trump's and his son -in-law, described ABRAHAM ACCORD? Undoubtedjy The Dan 9 Oct 17 2021 for seven years, non agression pact/DRAGON BEAST reign, TRIPLE GREAT TRIBULATIONS?

- Presently, we know Arab Emirates signed on, but what about Saudi Arabia ,their recent host, 200 million man Army, China or should I say that ebbing and flowing, flowing predicted, US soil Asian Invasion? Marvel not those two black serpents just now, one,  closet, shelved, meaning REVELATION LIGHT, a breakthrough, one slithering all around, a trusted family pet,  this fetish for children, like his RED DRAGON master, seeking whom he may further beguile to DAMN TO ETERNAL LAKES OF FIRES; BEWARE, procrastinating commanded The AFRICAN American EXODUS, fit into one or these categories; HBOW, I witnessed the reigning Bride, for a year now ,Ben Affleck's Armageddon/YELLOWSTONE, Nov 10 11 2022,  hammering off of the Sinai type reigning God's back turn Throne Dan 2 stone she later possessed, prepped and launched, then I heard,  thought it's strange, it's choice of descript,  The, Anti-Christ Murderer; Apb The RAM

Youtube Mary Greenley, News, Large CARRIBEAN Earthquake Shakes YELLOWSTONE Super Volcano, https://youtu.be/mwmh3FpurbE; see more Dutchsinse warning the same here,   https://youtu.be/jAYVnf_k2xw (Marvel not Mighty Angel standing one foot the earth, one foot the sea, surveying to patrolling US/BC West Pacific forewarn Desolations predicted US soil NOW COME! Marvel Not the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris; leaving nothing to further spectate but the plethora of earth ending movie scenarios! 

Asteroid Destroy, Strike Out Her Name, WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!!!

-Ah my God, bless you Mary, not only did Hunga Tonga erupt two months to date THEY mocked an Eze 5 barber chair type Ben Affleck's Armageddon/YELLOWSTONE and scientist haven't stopped talking to warning about it's unprecedented Eruption,  until eeen now, UNDOUBTEDLY, nothing the planetary bodies to planet earth  has ever been the same, won't, and that's with a death bringer from beneath the earth, YELLOWSTONE, building into a Noah's Cousin type of human Extinctiion, like witnessed May 22 2022,  line upon line, neverending line of injured, orphan school children cone,  get to THE Ark Of SALVATION, JCON/JCOR

-Know, after THEY told, me, showed me as Brad Pitt Oct 10 11 2021 reveal a guerilla war, (WWIA WWZ WW3); was building;  Jan 10/11 2023, I hear, see, THEY'RE COMING;  revisited June 27/28 2021 Trump of God GABRIEL again warning get to  for thousands of years,  designed assigned safehaven territories. Though a Meteorologist confirmed late Aug, hurricane building, hurricane Iran either wouldn't OR COULDN'T cross Georgia's Boarder Line, His words not mine. Clearly, you've probably took note, since THEY said THEY'RE COMING Jan 10-12, 2023 other than safehaven US Georgia's Coast, parts of Georgia have been as targeted as states especially the US  Gulf coast , RED STATES to The Bible Belt, this hearing April  2, 2019, Destroy Louisiana! 

-Here, especially getting TWO BOWLS, as of predicted 99 bowls of molten lava; after eruptions Semeru to Stromboli,. Unquestionably Mary, I felt urged  to go see what of a prequel there was before the earth ending Hunga Tonga Ocean to Atmospheric volcanic phenomon; here's that comment, Understand, the instant Article is about Hunga Tonga; Wow, I just swiped my phone to do more research on who knew the Hunga Tonga underground volcano was about to blow; and what could be the TWO MOLTEN BOWLS predicted to follow Semeru to Stromboli massive eruptions. Surrealistically, did the atmospheric event shutting down FAA flights have anything to do with the TONGA; are there any signs? HBOW, j hearing only hours ago, Jan 19/2023,  a second Bride Of Wrath;  I witnessed Feb  (2015,)  the reigning Bride possess, prep and launch Dan 2 stone from heaven;! possibly revisited the Bush era, maze of revealing sin, though the mystery woman carried more judgment bowls, Rev 16/17, only blacken, she offered to homeless earth inherit, its millions a single water cooler, what could then only be mansions in heaven!  Apb The RAM

Seeing Famed Letters USA Floating Off The Map: But Was That Before Or After Hearing WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES; ONLY HEARING JUST NOW, I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS! 


Beware I just woke  just now Jan 252023 from Aug 5 2021, Rev 11, for when the 7th Angel shall Begin to Sound,  AODHF,  showing HIMSELF standing over sleeping beds anxious yes, but star warring with Archangel Michael THEM; as so just now waking up, after spending It's time with HIM, reassuring HE'S more than ready! You all know, prayed it for Millennia, HE'S READY to do what John is witnessing, the phenomona Celebration in HEAVEN GOD'S has taken HIS vengeance, Judged, sentenced accordinly all those  viciously, violently, HORRIDLY rejecting Jesus Christ BLOOD RECONCILIATION AND THEY HATH EARTH REIGNED! 

-Know also, celebrating, THIS UNPRECEDENTED JUBILEE, O HAPPY DAYby this  time not only is the Royal Priesthood in reign, not only are the Two Olive Branches there, but Hearing AODHF voice, COME UP HERE, come along too, are  those equally blessed the purposeful second heaven intercesssions, the Tribulation Saints. I know billions more are dead , Dying and damned, believe me I saw the planet littered with them during just revisited  just now, the July 27 28 2016  Demo of Jesus descending Millennium Reign; NO FURTHER DELAYS, DESOLSTIONS COME,  also says,  Jan 25, 2023, Rev 11, AODHF with Jan 22-29, (2018), MIGHTY ANGEL! Marcel not the Jan 14/15 2023 offer of race cars, thus cleared out, free for all race track,  knowing where, RUNNNNNNNNN! HBOW/Apb

Youtube, Watchmen River, HAVE YOU SEEN THIS NEWS? https://youtu.be/qTPvVElhrIA (-Did You Hear Father Biden just Now Confirming Those Military Actions Taken IN Ukraine, Mean We're In WW3 And Sitting Ducks, To Boiling Frog Americans Are Like Fine, As Long As It Doesn't Spill Over Onto US Soil! I told you from the beginning Biden Harris, campaign, building back America better, revisted Holy Scripture saying without shedding of blood there's no remission, NO NEW AMERICA/Nor God's Kingdom Descending, As New, Holy Whitehouse, with Holy Bridegroom, The Holy Bride to The Royal Priesthood, ALL, intact, HBOW/Apb


-Memorializing NBA, California Dreaner Kobe Bryant's fiery crash, even revisit for three years, those ten heads of Anti-Christ rule, being called to ordain, mostly Islamic names; Believe this Apostle, Prophet, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM entreat me, if we had something to fear from Russia, THEY would've  snatch us out ebbing and flowing  for 21 Christmas Holidays, D-DAY, Oct 17 2021. Actually instead of warning us we're in the last week of Daniel, SEVEN DRAGON BREAST YEAR'S; Triple Great Tribulations;  no flesh survives except for the elect sake; GOD IS A GOD OF HIS PROPHECIES AND PROMISES, EVEN IF TO LEAVE BILLIONS DEAD TO DAMNED!

-Marvel not, I woke July 27 28 2022, just now, THEY'RE calculating Britain death tolls, as 25 million, Canada's death tolls as 25 million for a total of 100 million. I know, I know, see we had death tolls as a funeral reef into earth's ceiling Obama/Clinton 2013/Trump, Biden 2021, THEY'VE been aligning Bush Clinton Bush error Islam through to Obama, Trump Biden error Islam as 50 Million US dead, for two decades. Still Russia's threats isn't what's to fear, not just yet, but Asteroid destroy, WEST CONSTANTLY SINNING; escape 101 Yellowstone eruptions, a hand writing on Jerusalem to Trump's WAILING Walls, 99 bowls of molten lava. Even THEY just now Jan 16/17, 2023, mocking STAMPEDERS as having race cars, a free for all race track, escaping molten flood waters into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST!

-Whereas here lately as I been predicteding a GINORMITY, like following California's Noah's Cousin, a train of atmospheric rivers; that's Mauna Loa, YELLOWSTONE/ NEW MADRID, hearing, THE BUILDING OF HAWAII INTO; only two months before it too began to blow. Remember the Islamic-Israeli/ANTI-CHRIST reign can't take FULL hold of fulfilling until Rev 17, referenced GREAT WHORE MYSTERY BABYLON is no more this planet, indefinitely; Marvel not I woke just now, Jan 27 2023, hearing The Abraham Accord, I'd again explained to my Memphis Grand, that's the only reason why there was a Trump Whitehouse, he was predestined the Daniel 9:27 non-aggression pact. Cleverly, with especially the Arab Emirates signing, on, but is that China business with Saudi Arabia, their de-dollaration of the worlds economies and doomsday MYSTERY BABYLON, America/WEST RULE,  true reasons they're escalating the Russian, Ukrainian war? HBOW, Apb The RAM

Youtube, Mark Hitchcock, AMERICA DIES BEFORE THE RAPTURE, Goodbye America, Dr.  Mark Hitchcock, https://youtu.be/Wbaj43EReWg

see more here Rev 6, 6th seal/www.intrepiddream1012. blogspot.com, the skyrocketing to fire-rocketing of those two West Rule World Systems, and some to do with 101 YELLOWSTONE ERUPTIONS, like at present, Britain, Canada, America are wiped out during the crossing over of Tribulation Saints and the catching away of Holy Saints; HBOW, I witnessed the reigning Bride possess, prep and launch Dan 2 stone from heaven; marvel not presently Nov 11 21 Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, 2023, I witnessed the hammering off a mount Sinai type reigning God's Back Turn Throne, Dan 2 stone from heaven; Apb

You Tube mrmbb33,  Strange Eerie Message Appears In Sky Out Of NO Where, but did triangle craft just now, like stepping onto the deck was into second heaven intercessions, planetary skies Then justified that's how passenger planes look from here Only one passed just as soon and it did not look like a triangle craft; beware Hamburg, being a word of knowledge, I'd learn much later, not only mrmbb333 was it Germany, but where its reportedly Ben Laden them planned the attack on The US Trade Center/Towers; hearing they're coming vs hearing, The CHALDEANS are coming coninside with seeing an Islamic/Asian Invasion On US Soil

See more here, Is It 90 Seconds To Midnight? https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/3834582-90-seconds-till-midnight/

America, Have You Fallen Before? NOAH'S EXTINCTIION LEVEL, HGOW

-What I do know, just now, as in Jan 16-20, 2023, Rev 11/ Rev 17/17, Star Warring AODHF is totally reassuring  after many Millennia, HE'S  ready to do this. First of all, grant y'all these race cars for speeding a free for all race track into safehaven territories; secondly, loose on US/Western soil, like for another round, Rev 7, commanded four winds of APOCALYPSE, ridding the world of the whoremongering, warmongering Gog and MAGOG world system disguised as American to California Dreaming; WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!!!

-Marvel not, it was a little past midnight March 13 2022, with Archangel Michael THEM circling the Bride's Chariot all around; revisiting it's March 13, 2018, when 100s of millions of you crossed over from VOLCANIC Apocalyse, US West Pacific into US Atlantic Georgia's COAST. Seems HOLY BRIDE couldn't ascend until y'all did, crossover, and crossover again to translate,  into Africas'Southwest Atlantic, exile luxury, at least that's the way I've seen it these 36 Chernobyl Spring Rapture demos, now, HBOW/Apb

Warning, USA Surrounded? Russian And China Nuclear Ships, https://youtu.be/WszwNZ7HnlQ

Youtube Christopher Greene, Joe Biden Warning to The World As Everything Escalate, https://youtu.be/b377DN3k5gg

See America/West Rule, Own Handwriting Of Judgement Written On A Wall, Jeremiah, 37;8: I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS; WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! 


Make No Mistake This IS WW3, (WWIA, WWZ); Make No Mistake This Is China Allying Russia; Make No Mistake There's No Power To Defeat A 200 Million Man China Army But Archangel Michael THEM, see here, Chpts Rev 17/18, Rev 17:17 see,

ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM, THEY'RE Not Fighting For America, West Rule Nor Their Allying Forces Right Now, But Are Star Warring To Get Us Out Of The Way, Ascending Some, Crossing Over Others, Some Descending Into HELLISH torturous demons, others taken by An ANTI-CHRIST Army Of Anubis undertakers to Mummifiers; Got Him, Got Jesus THE CHRIST And Gone Up Yonder, Yet? AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb!!!

Your Name The Lamb's Of Life Even Archangel Michael's List Written Or Stricken Out? 

The LAMB'S  Book Of Life Crafted Into A School Name Roll Call, Perhaps There Is A Process For Millennia Of Individually Calling Us Up Into Home Heaven Phenomena Jubilee!  See Entire Prophetic Parable, Here, http://2017thelinksprophecy.blogspot.com/2023/01/these-are-descendants-rescued-from.html

Youtube, Dr Hitchcock, America Dies Before The Rapture, Goodye America, https://youtu.be/Wbaj43EReWg (Seeing famed letters USA floating off the planet taking both the trajectory of the trans Atlantic slave trade and Juneteenth 2002,  Sunlight Of God, Commanded African American Exodus blessed Blaexit, BRIEXIT, BREXIT!!! HBOW/Apb

See here, https://youtu.be/T5W3TJtYa2E,  Amazing Grace to Frightnight,  and why, Dr Hitchcock I say there's first an Interstellar Armageddon, IA/Ad Astra, I say, that spills into biblical territory, Megiddo. Surreal is,  if I described, during Pres Trump nations address, Jan 20, 2019, seeing a star wars battle, by Rev 12, Holy Angels, being wedged in the heavens, this clip would've  been close to what I saw. Then I heard, "Michael Is Setting His ALL  around."

-Proven to be evident, the turning point for THEM no longer being so elusive all around the, had some to do with a sickly to dying to deceased/ASCENDED for now,  Lamb of God, Jesus Husband, Dominion Angels, Chernobyl Spring, Mal 4, SUNLIGHT Of God, Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 10 Mighty Angel, Aug 24, 2022, Rev 9 Great Angel; Guardian Angels, for decades protrayed as my rescuing husband,  Rev 17: 14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband, Noah, Jacob, Moses, Daniel's, to MOTHER MARY, Trump of God, Angel Gabriel;  Ps 35/Ps 91, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM. Trump of God. 

-Here's Angel Gabriel reminding again, as recent as Jan 14-16, 2023, mocked, we're with race cars, a cleared out, free for all race track speed racing into our own as Isa 16/Rev 12 designed Safehaven,  US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, CROSSOVER, to Translated into Africas'Southwest Atlantic! Though I believe Dr Hitchcock, it's since my childhood, I explained to Youtube Pastor Breaker, such, as HOLY ANGELS, actually been ascending, to descending upon me, since I crawled into my prayer closet way back then, GOT JESUS. Like only moments before what I describe, was live, the Chernobyl Spring Rapture and a WINGED JESUS, (Actually, Sunlight Of God), calling us skyward, COME COME! COME!; I can say after 36 Rapture Spring demos thrice this Nuclear Apocalyptic January, 2023, THEY'VE assured the RAPTURE GOES LIVE! HBOW, I witnessed the Reigning Bride possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2 Stone From Heaven; Apb, THE RISING ABOVE MINISTRY/The RAM


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