Not The Blue Pill, Please Not The Blue Pill


Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear January 30, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2023: -I'd just stepped out onto my deck, fir privacy, so we could hear better. For sure, it's Jan 24, 2023, meaning ten Matrix  days prior, just revisited that too ginormous to explicate, by sn innumerable of THE HEAVENLY HOST, ANGELS snatching us out of what I'm to wake and realize, a missile alert in  already predicted to go 99 bowls of molten lava, Hawaii, talking to my TIME DONE LAPSED THE OBAMA'S/Memphis, Grand.

-She Is The One,  2016 who witnessed that  EMP to CME walk-o-thon out of Memphis Hacks Cross but who also  she witnessed Juneteenth, 2019, both her birth and church family, arrive US Georgia's Coast, crossing over the old old Arkansas Bridge, Pres Trump', down on all  fours, King Nebuchadnezzar, penance.

-Suddenly she hears, from me, O MY GOD! I hear what? I return, I'm looking at triangle crafts flying around up there, huh? Yeah, I'm seeing triangle crafts, unless, I defend, that's how passenger flights look  from down here; she return, no grandma, I don't think passenger flights, ever look like triangle crafts; since a passenger flight, followed, she was right, it didn't at all look like a triangle craft; I could say I was floored, but no, wasn't nothing I'd not seen before, just not so live, and flying around up there as normal, FAA Flights!

-BEWARE, first by this time they'd given me several demos reassuring The Rapture Goes LIVE; plus THEY'D just again warn THEY'RE COMING, and remind we're to race track into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER! What this mean, when I from my bedroom, 2013, heard a star wars battle being wedged in the heavens, if I'd walked outside, looked up; actually I would've witnessed what I did see Trump's Jan 2019, Rev 12 Angels battling a star wars in the heavens, again if I described it a star war battle, this video,; plainly signifies what I saw, first an Interstellar Ad Astra/Armageddon, see what Ezekiel 38/39 and Rev 12 John describe further.

-Here, also Rated R for Reality, not withstanding I as well had to fantasize, Grand Caden, the one who witnessed mocked upon his procrastinating family,  a Lot and Family, fireball, impact, Archangel Michael THEM, escape, to ascent,  taking, arriving Him, God's Throne Bosom; though his four year revisit upon my March 13, 2018,witnessed African American exodus; only here just after midnight March 13 2022, his witnessing Archangel Michael THEM circling the Bride's Chariot all around.

-Surrealistically, mean also, if he'd ran outside, to the deck that night, no doubt he would've seen ready to translate us up, a barrage of triangle crafts; that's, THEM, entreating me, like Rev 16, referred reigning Bride, as in the flesh as Rev 20, referred Lamb of God, Bridegroom, was manifested in the flesh. HBOW, I witnessed, the mystery woman, though she carried more Rev 16/17, judgement bowls, two of which were threaten, Jan 3/4, 2023; anyway, what she instead offered these Millions now earth homeless among a single water cooler, were could've only been, crowns of life to mansions in heaven; GOT HIM, Got Jesus THE CHRIST and gone up yonder, yet? 

These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME;  Featuring King Bridegroom, Dazhar Raed Ahalogy (AJah) , and Queen Bride, Ndi Musanyufu, Gabriel

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986 2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Caleb (Golden Boy Caleb); Pierre Johnson and Gravelyn Cecelia Venture was born a son Caoyi Longstrom Johnson, a goddaughter Kiylha London Johnson, a goddaughter Saniyah Destiny Johnson, a goddaughter, Andrea Trinity Johnson,  and a godson Hreidon Assius Johnson, Venture

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

"Looking at me Frenze man, you freaking me out; like what your Tribunal Godtriplets, Grand Sia mom, say don't freak us out! Yeah El El, did you really, she, they really just suffer a Memphian, this horrid near death, on the very date, its Memphis aunt, no more violence March, death memorial? Actually freaking you more Trist man, grand, grand says near two other Memphis literally shared the same death date as this murdered Aunt, a grand as well; calm down, geeze man, its all a reminder of how sick as Noah's day,  of their rebellious, procrastinating whoremongering warmongering, showing, again, showing, HIMSELF ALSO STAR WARRING ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER IS!!! WELL, what it I told you guys, one of the reason, the primary reasons Pope Frances is looking to resign is because he's having his own indescribable Nicodemus to Governor Pilate  moment, only, only not about The Chosen Series version of Jesus but about grand Sia mom and what angels descending and ascending upon her, as mighty to mightier than Christ Jesus, HIMSELF must then mean; Clearly no question not only is GOD, Alpha and Omega, the FIRST and THE LAST, the beginning and THE END, but has placed in our midst what can only be Rev 16 evident Holy Bride, manifested in the flesh, this beyond, DIVINE, Prophetic, Apostolic, outreach ministry. I know, I Know I Know, but reconsider, Jesus, THE CHRIST, is made up  of  billions in the Royal Priesthood, Grand Sia witnessed HIM descend into second heaven intercessions, Obama's 2015; but HE'S still an individual God man, tempted at all points as we are; is that what HOLIES meant assuring her They wanna be down here where she is, like at least, descended two thirds the way? Ahhhhh, no, but Really man, that's what THEY meant, second heaven intercessions. Just ask yourselves, wait, why is everyone staring at me? Not at you El Shaddai man, but there's a Sunlight radiating all about you and we're all fantasized, yeah, wondering is it taking us up as well. No, I'm wondering is it the Sunlight Of God your mom witnessed moving from her window, after her eyes opened to the word, LIGHT, she hearing THE BEGINNING OF THE GENESIS MAN, MARRIAGE some saying what caused the BUG BANG; Let There Be Light! Wait, you guys are serious, Maha?" Looking all around, examining himself, soon noticing, Fright Night, he did have the entire theater/game room attention. "You can't see it can you? Well of course Daedae, we've considered, wait, wait, so it was the Sunlight of God, who blinded Saul for those three days? We know, who besides Jesus can offer up mansions in heaven to those millions a single water cooler; craft The Lamb's Book of life into a school name roll call; yes, yes yes, stand the Earth the Sea and witnessed that cloud balloon and balloon every time a saint by its name written the Lamb's Book, is captured into it. Yeah, right El Daedae man, and be so inundated with the entire Angelic host Jan 12 13 2018 Rev 2 Jesus inquired of HER, of Them enveloping her so mighty, would THEY, would intravenous HOLIES, with earthbound assignments for Millennia now ascend? So your Grand Sia Mom, El Mahaseiah, since your brother is still in a daze, hearing Invite the BETA, did it revisit her hearing during Obama/Biden, go and get the 12 HEIRS?". >>>"You're her aren't you?  I Am her? Church of the MARTYRED, 2023, calendar, it's August month, yes, ah yes! Seems Caleb hadn't seen such a wild smile all his life, yes, I'm here for the Juttah Tombola; I can't wait, you're here too, The same? Ah, no, no, I have, I'm ah, you're betroven, ah how wonderful, I can't wait! Stretching her already long neck, as she was long, tall, didn't expect so many, but many of every kind, there was. Hoiyw did you know, me? My grand got her calendar only days ago, she thinks it priceless and will use it for pieces her burnt offering, to make it equally priceless, you understand right? Your grand must be really wise use priceless materials to make a priceless offer, maybe I'm to meet her. But , a long, pointed finger, piecing the air, but I can't wait to see whose the husband, the father of our children, the future Royal Priesthood, ah my God, all of this. Yeah,, like what you hear about the wait; these assigned wedding extravaganzas? Honestly, wow we haven't exchanged names, I'm Golden Boy Caleb, wait, Grand Sia, seen in heaven, learning to ride a bike, Golden Boy Caleb? Ah my God, how you know all that? Ah, Golden Boy Caleb, I'm the contisor of all her reveals, I even know at one time you, a Spector haunted her, yeah but it wasn't bad like all ghost children, we know about her! You Are? Golden Boy Caleb couldn't wait to hear, Ndi Musanyufu, means happy," this other one whispered in his ear, I know the language, I'm impressed Ndi, you didn't take offense, your wonderful work tattered into pieces. Undiubtedjy, but your Grand Sia knows, everything burns for its reason, didn't Apostle Peter see it, all the planet burn to a crisp? Is that fiery doomsday, not that grand Sia hearing again, let there be light, truly mean, worldwide, Apocalyptic regeneration? Wow, where that even all come from? You are Golden Boy Caleb, love? Golden Boy Caleb, ah yes, I guess, I see you didn't know, you didn't tell her? Caleb, what, ah when Kidin relieve me, we'll go to lunch, I'll explain then. But she knows, how is, she know Gravelyn because, she'd already been made aware, you know, by her studies. Anyway, Grave, she's the one, Grand's calendar, August month! That's it, with mouth gapping awe, bringing a little tear, that's it, wait, but does that mean she's met with some tragedy, ah, Martyrdom or so? She's right there love, I can't ask that, here's Kidin, whoa, am I late? N'all man, as always, you're on time, just think Golden Boy Caleb, as I look all around, I'm not even knowing, one of them is him, blessed so Ndi Musanyufu, blessed so, see you around, yes, all around, with Godspeed see ya.". >>>"Sound to me as to Grand Sia, "don't give me the blue pill, please not the blue pill," is as they're pleading, Royal Juttah, they don't fall victim to unprecedented disillusionment, as falling for The Mark Of The Beast! Wait, wait, wait, did you just call some the Royal Juttah, I know don't make a big deal yet, but since we're 470 so days into that first Rev 11 1, 2 42 months duration, newbies like yourselves are likely to be called, Juttah Royals to Royal Juttah and I was just there, The Global Tribunal, its decision making, so I kinda Know. Who El Daedae were they talking or pleading to? Captives Caoyi love, who else? Do you even like being called El Daedae, ask Tristian Troy who nick named me, El Daedae, yeah but I never asked! It fine, offends less and less people, like they don't know my parents, our parents didn't name us, even me, El Shaddai, The Aqua Juttah Genealogy did. Hey You guys I just got an epiphany when the Sunlight of God, from behind s mount Sinai type God's back turn Throne, commanded as Moses day as to Moses let my people go, he wasn't just talking to Political, leaders, to relentless warmongers  but spiritual leaders as well. Like a time to assemble a time to do as Mat 24 Jesus suggest and run, churches, cathedrals, mosques, RUN and fast and furiously at that, El Daedae man does that mean apostate assembly leaders are equally aligned to 50 million US deaths, mega Church types I mean? I know Hen man that's why Grand Sia mom keep saying some of the most targeted area's right now are not just red states but those along the bible belt, matter fact you know now cause they're constantly getting battered. Look you guys know as of a day or so ago there's a vid up, saying Grand Sia, tremendously referenced Memphis TN is Egypt and It's Nile River slash Mississippi River the same? I'm just saying Holy Watchers as protrayed through HOLY SCRIPTURE, did approach Grand Sia, asked what's the secret of Memphis? But suppose RiversMoon man its her, suppose grand Sia is the secret of Memphis? I'm saying like asking Jesus what's the secret of Nazareth? His, Jesus THE CHRIST, born in Bethlehem, but being from Nazareth, threw a lot of people off, especially wiser than them, all, Religious Leaders! Where you see that again Rivers man? The commy of reveal, I'm sure it's easy to find, and I'd really appreciate if you especially Memphis Carter took a look. Okay, look,just wanna ask again, hearing invite the BETA, El Maha, the same as go get the twelve heirs! I guess Charr girl, we'd have to know who's doing the inviting, but BETA meaning Bride Estimated Time Of Arrival, yeah I think that's exactly what it mean. I'm thinking further meaning, SHE'S a world system all HER own, and AODHF has a form of etiquette in all things, as SHE is." Why speak In Parables, Jesus Disciples Inquired Of Him, with Him quoting prophets of old saying, Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.

14 And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and seeing ye shall see, and shall not perceive:

15 For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and should be converted, and I should heal them, see more, Mat 13:10-17

Youtube, Dutchsinse, 01/20/2023, Deep M6.8 Earthquake-- Potential Very Large, ( Lest we forget with warnings Orange Alert, YELLOWSTONE, THE BUILDING OF HAWAII INTO! I witnessed in heaven, this hammering off of a Mount Sinai type also reigning God's Back Turn Throne, Dan 2 stone from heaven! AODHF/JCOR

Youtube, The Earth Master, Three Days Ago, 4500 Tremors Cascadia Subduction Zone Since Jan 1, West Coast; (Let Apostle, Prophet Bradford further remind not only The US/BC West Pacific Jan 22-29, 2028, MIGHTY ANGEL said, BEWARE, Desolations predicted US soil NOW COME, but Soon realizing, the article I'm reading while being mocked stranded in a car, massive flood, waters, is not only written in Dutch but warns about an increasing volatile WEST PACIFIC/US/BC West Pacific! 

They're Coming! GO AND GET THE TWELVE HEIRS; Invite The BETA;  SHE'S Escaping Through The Stars Of Heaven's Missiling Down Into Doomsday Planet; FINISH ALL SCHOOLS, WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!!!see entire prophetic parable here,

I Will Strip All Leaders, I Will Strip ALL SCHOOLS!!! AODHF! Marvel Not Dutchsinse, Hawaii Missle Morning Rev 2 Jesus, Coming For Endangered Children, Designed Jezebel Type Procrastinators Riches To Rags Sickbeds And Sleepover! 

-Just saying its been ten days, what you thinking about all the warnings, The Cascadia Zone is about to erupt, could it be the 10.2 Earthquake I Heard;; even could I finish, hearing, Oct 11, 2022, The Building Of Hawaii into; the US/BC ending Cascadia Zone/101 YELLOWSTONE ERUPTIONS!!! Anyway head's up, way up, I saw a hand with a pair of scissors cutting up your Earthquake Map; no doubt the same warning They're Coming,  and THEY fashion us with race cars, speeding along a free for all race track, y'all know where!

-Pretty much Dutchsinse like they're coming to shut all this information sharing down, all these lifesaving, soul-saving, technics. Marvel not  following  such warning, was an atmospheric event shutting down FAA Flights; the  Keanu Reeves,, The Day The Earth Stood Still, APOSTLE JOHN 6/6/The Mayan/The Carrington type Apocalyptse. No doubt,  the unprecedented, volatile Sun for a year Feb 2023, just unstable enough to put us that predicted 190 years, deficit, actually a ginormous sun spot just now, scientist are concern about. BEWARE, the ginormity, natural, VOLCANIC, nuclear ,SOLAR ,Cosmic, that follows predicted California two weeks of Atmospheric River, FLOODING, Noah's Cousin massive deluges; 

-BEWARE THE HBOW, possibly I just witnessed, the exchanging of Hands of the keys to the bottomless pit, but why now Dutchsinse you may ask? ,Note, the days of Noah, Jesus described we are,  A Noah's Cousin to Aqua Era, remind of a God who's not pleased with creating The Adam; blessed is the Last Adam, which again comes in the name of AODHF; but what this mean we're as leopard spots, at the point of no return. 

-Noted,HIS  WRATH at EVIL mankind, is Extinction Level all over again, the exact conditions, Rev 9, Apostle John saying and those who didn't die by the, say, tenth plague of Egypt, (coronavirus); repenth not. Then come the, GOD HAS NO OTHER CHOICE, the handing over of man's earth inherit to final days,  Satanic, Demonic and shown a hybrid between the two ALIEN APOCALYPSE! No flesh survives, JESUS SAID HIMSELF, Get it, Get Jesus, THE CHRIST, Get up yonder! HBOW, I witnessed The Reigning Bride possessing, prepping, and launching Dan 2 STONE from heaven, described, THE ANTI-CHRIST MURDERER!! Apb The RAM. 

Article, NTEB, I Cannot Wrap My Head Around The Senseless Beating Death Of Tyre Nichols By Memphis Police Other Than To Say It’s The Rising Spirit Of Anti-Christ!



WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! See, Rev 6, 6th seal/

-Especially since Feb 2017/into Nov 2020/Jan 2022;, this showing of  procrastinators homes being ever infiltrated by these evils; my Memphis niece, recently bought to the brink of horrid death, ([Dec 29, 2022}); and I were discussing Nov/Dec 2021, Memphis like, sin Cities Sodom and Gomorrah being given over to an inundation of influencing devil's and demons, posing in homes as any other house pet;, dogs , cats to serpents. Remember those Sparkling, Red Monster/d Munster Trucks, arrived MEMPHIS Highland street for those made aware, all being road ready to get out of impact zones.

-One red alert Dream, I call them, about a stalker, killer beast, killing by day, hiding undergriund by night. Fightnight, included my Memphis sister and her household, she who was shot,, killed six days later, ({Dec 29, 2021}); only with the lost of her first born son,  six months later,  in the way, also on US soil,  I've witnessed  Eze 9,  Commaned reaperss, ONE STRIKE THE TELLING HEART, instantly end some; Marvel not Aug 24  2022, THEY protrayed the exchanging  of hands, the keys to the bottleless pit as the passing off.of store managers keys, of trapping millions left to trade/barter balen, with, for their immortal souls.


See here, Psalm 139:16

Your Name, The Lamb's Book Of Life; The Page I Saw Torn Out; seeing a Michael's List, Your Name, Written Or Stricken Out?



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