Seen To Be Seeing A Huge Enough To Block Out The Sky, In HUGE Plasma Colors, The Single Word, TRIANGLE

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear June 1, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2023

 Seen To Be Seeing A Huge Enough To Block Out The Sky, In HUGE Plasma Colors, The Single Word,  TRIANGLE; seeing, hearing overnight, 37 More Days!!!

Youtube mrmbb333, Sky Drama,

Youtube, mrmbb333, SEEN BY 50 DIFFERENT PEOPLE, (-Beware Of Alien Dangers From Above, Thus Saith Taking The Bride's Chariot Skyrocketing Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM! So much has changed since, Sept BETA 22/23, 2015; for example, when THEY  warn Tribulation Saints beware of  Alien Dangers.

Truthfully, I didn't believe in Aliens, just repeating what I heard, only there's fallen angels, demons perpetrating what some thought were aliens even alien tech; only since being assured, by THEM further Fallen Angels is why Aliens exist; thinking recently,  Red Dragon, Fallen Angels Them could be why an innumerable of creatures being loosed from the bottomless pit exist; including The Anti-Christ all-around Anubis Army. HBOW/APB

Though Triangle Crafts Are More Divine Than Malevolent, hearing, months back from Standing Over Sleeping Beds Anxious Guardian Angels, Fallen Angels Is Why Alien To, I'm Thinking, Alien Tech Exist! 

Around  Mid January  2023, these darts I call them, they're no where the size of its Triangle Shape Mother Ship, I first witnessed around the same time of those mysterious Phoenix Lights;. Undoubtedly like the one half of a football field, reportedly, seen days past, when I saw that I said that's the thing I saw hovering soundless over my Memphis neighborhood, 96/97...

-Anyway,  these Triangle Darts, I stepped onto the deck trying to hear her better, Instead hear something odd, look up next my grand here is, AH MY GOD! What, what happened? I'm like girl I'm seeing triangle crafts, three, flying over; these same rear lights, only they're red, blue, yellow. Almost like I'm looking at an entirely different skyline; then excuses break out: maybe that's how a passenger flight look from here. Only spoiler alert is, a passenger jet flies right over, look nothing like a triangle craft. 

-Marvel not mrmbb333, as I woke May 26, 2023 hearing, "last day of America," it was while there was a very long duration quaking, shaking, ear deafening Air Craft overhead. Another of my grand daughters, suffering the same, described had to be a  UFO, not knowing only a day or so prior. How it was, 50 people actually witnessed  a craft fitting the description of everything we were hearing, fearing and speculating. HBOW/Apb

NASA UFO team holds first public meeting on unexplained sightings, 

Hearing During Obama/Biden, "I Don't Care What The Heavens Do Anymore".... Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, there's something just now June 1, 2023, bout 37 days, I know, HBOW/Apb

-Get A load Of This mrmbb333, I think it kinda says, labor, as in your labor as sky watcher isn't in vain; one thing I been asking, though I think Triangle Crafts and their Angelic autopilots aren't anymore dangerous than Prophet Ezekiel, Chpt 1, described sky Phenomenon the taking of God's Grace from The Apostate Temple; asking that is mrmbb333, if Fallen Angels is why Aliens exist, does that make, Rev 12 John, witnessed war in heaven, like prehistoric? I don't know, you? There's is said Lucifer and his minions could've ruled the planet, like wayyyy, back then, before that ARMAGEDDON too was tossed down into it all, whoa did I just answer my own question? Again, I don't know!

-Gods Grace like witnessed leaving The Temple, see more here,.II Chron 7; truly like Jesus saying especially to Jerusalem, you won't see ME again until you cry, BLESSED IS HE WHO COMETH IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, you better , HIS OLIVET return alone, ALONE, save from Human Extinction; HBOW, yes I really did see Reigning Church Bride possess, prep, and launch Dan 2 stone from heaven, heard, "this is the Anti-Christ Murderer; presently predicted, Nov 11, 21 2021,revisted through the night, as recent as Trump of God Angel Gabriel, May 15/16 2023, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! I know, I know! Apb The RAM, 

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Hearing the door, hurriedly scurried away, off not wanting to be found so emotional still, thinking Nicholas Edin, who else would enter her private offices so unannounced; "Lord Maaseiah,"at the sound of his voice, no it was Tribunal Cheyenne, but even he wouldn't just enter,"Oh Sia Cheyeene, it's you," noticeably collecting herself, swinging around, greeting him, "Christ, Sia Sioux, but how is, wait I relocated to Southwest Africa so we couldn't meet like this, so it's all a mistake? No no, no, Holy Father this witness, just a moment ago I was in my offices, The Paris, Global Juttah, a thousand miles away, wh, wait, that's ah, not, you know. Not unless beloved Sia, you and I were immensely concern ourselves with the same, nearing events to uncertainty. Then I don't know, Sia Deburk, things I need great to small, they're just here, heart desires all. Actually same thing happen to grand, said one moment Memphis Grand at home watching tv on her phone, next moment that same grand is at grand house watching, TV, on her phone. So as you right now, translated, grand saying, not considering the look on her own face but the one on her grands stunn face, she'll never forget. Why art thou, beloved all our souls, castdown? When coming a disturbing knock at the door. Please enter, but Masseiah, scurring off hiding, "sorry to bother you," Cheyenne Waterfall yet to realize, "Spirit and I were like calculating your multimillion man reveals and found one like hidden your Rite Aid Pharmacy reveal. I totally agree,"my Christ," immensely started, what, how? Wait, I know," I was explaining to Darius Maaseiah, ah my god," with stretched, watering eyes to mouth covering awe. You, you translated? Very well dear Sia Cheyenne, I believe we aIl come emotional suddenly realizing why all things American Exodus to West Rule migration began with my Memphis; even the for his two presidency's and as recent as Jan 2022 both of them, into campaigning Biden/Harris Whitehouse, The Obamas, time done lapsed, Memphis Dunlap. I fear Grand Maaseiah I know as well, and you, Tribunal Sioux? I fear so as well Darius Lord, as far back as Rev 10 Mighty Angel, and Rev 17, 7th angel, fear not beloved above all others you've prophesied its all gone into either Memphis Texas or Tenn, everytime you warn orphan children were left just as far as you can say, as Mother Africa's Exile Luxury.  What's The Secret Of Memphis, Approaching Angels, inquired, mgod Sioux," spinning, searching all around, "and just like that Grand Maaseiah, he's, gone, he's probably on the commy, right there, I'll let you talk, I can't believe we just witnessed that. {{{"Hello"}}}, easily, carefully bringing the call to her ear, thinking if she hear Sioux Noel voice again thousands of miles away, she'll just faint.    >>>"First Darius Juttah, Please, how many of you just watched YouTube Dutchsinse June 2, 2023, videos on what he describes as inconceivable, highly suspicious catastrophic Canadian fires and what most of all did you notice? He carried on Memphis Collin as a person who'd not at all been reading or made aware of Grand Sia toward him predicting fiery doomsdays, Volcanic Apocalyse; then all along the North American seismic to tectonic, Craton; then beginning and Ending with US/BC West Pacific into its US/BC Atlantic, soon to claim The Entire, The Americas. Oddly like if you asked him Memphis Collin who she is, he'd be totally, utterly clueless, though, though El Eli he just confirmed everything she's been warning since WITNESSING herself  inviting all US states from a barbecuing, beware of North American multi-million man traffic jams. Though, though you two he recanted, he did hypothesize this Canadian ginormity if seismic could also mean, something Apocalyptic was brewing, like a, yeah, yeah Montebello man, just Monte please. Yeah, something as a Super Eruption and literally chocked it's admission, which, something Apocalyptic would equal that just now, June 4, 2023, Hammering, Rev 17;14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband, and El Maha, Grand Sia mom worried through May 15/16 2023 night over that Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, same area map! Woe, woe, woe, earth inherits planet wide, Satanic, Demonic and shown a hybrid between the two, ALIEN Apocalyse has come down to you knowing they have but a short time, soon, two quarters of The Earth no more! Wow Darius Sis, Karsiann, I know ah, I guess, pop up reveal, you guys call it, well thanks Darius Juttah, for that interruption, but I had to make sure it wasn't just me, noticing that about Dutchsinse; so MEMPHIS Collins, it's true, the more they procrastinate what they know the more they're affected by a fast and furious Ludacris contagious and spreading? And that Tribunal Juttah isn't concerning at all, still I was saying Darius Sia, this ad come into youtube videos, well At Jude Ad, cancer don't care how old you are. I remember your Grand Sia mom saying First Lady Obama had been aligned to Memphis procrastinating moms, of endangering children. Plainly because of her support of such children hospitals more so torturing children to get these results, than healing, them. Yes Preecest Halsly with her now Golden Boy Caleb all its evidence, including revisiting The Refrigerator Reveal, Reminding our grands three years old up, how their generation would grow up in occupied territory, even an occupied America. I remember grand Sia saying once Eze 9, heart stoppers were finished with US soil, descending many. Frightnight to Amazing Grace, come the warning The war on drugs never could've been fought let alone won because of legalized substances, pharmaceuticals, which is also prophetic. Then, Darius Juttah, I'm like couldn't the same be said about The war on cancer or any scourge where money is at it's root, the war on hunger, I mean if COVID  like Moscow Scientist just verified is a Euro/US bio weapon, just as Grand Sia been warning, long before Bill Gates, not only is it the De-populationalist best friend but it too has money, even pharmaceuticals at its roots of all their evil. Thanks, Sia Darius, I just had to get that out, I think Alicia, Memphis Carter hand is raised for you and you're welcomed, that's what reveal classes are for.  Sia Carter, did she, ah when looking up just now the biblical word, pharmakeia, talk about Nextus Juttah unforeseen wicked devices. Like first, I get, this Incert saying, Feb 17, 2022 — Pharmakeia, That is used in reference to idolatry and often translated as “sorcery,” and is seen in 2 Kings 9:22, Isaiah 47:9, 12, and Micah 5:12. Combining ... then you click further, you get, The Greek word pharmakeia appears in Galatians 5:20 and Revelation 18:23. Terms from the same root word appear in Revelation 9:21, Revelation 21:8, and Revelation 22:15, how these are typically translated into English as “sorcery,” “witchcraft,” or “sorcerer.” Saying still, Ancient Greek uses of pharmakeia closely mirror the generic modern English word drugs ; the same Greek root word produced English terms such as pharmacy and pharmacist. Which we know goes back to Grand Sia, Rite Ad Pharmacy deal, the back turn clerk, the exchange of a US Five bill into 15 revisiting US, BC, and Uk death tolls as recent as Ebbing And Flowing since Senator Hussein Obama was declared THE ONE, it's July 27 28 2022 clarified these percentage and they egging on CHINA right now, as 25 million in Britain deaths, 25 million in Canadian death's, equaling 100 million, when you add They been Warning since Bush's error Islam, 50 Million US will die. Frightnight revisted across, into Trump's inauguration morning, 50 Million US will die, previously during predicted Hussein Obama WH, Predicted US death tolls into heavens run amok Covid was doing, during Biden's Inauguration and here Predicted during Biden/Harris actually 100 million dead. Ah Darius Juttah, ah Memphis Carter saying all that, wow, thanks Carter man, adding Apocalyse upon Apocalyse, did you all see Specialist Michio Kaku just like predicted Grand Sia's Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE is imminent, as in only a short time prior, Jan 15/16 she getting a warning we're actually escaping super heated, molten lava flooding. Oddly inconceivable some by racecars, racetrack escapes others we know by Skyrocketing Carts, as into second heaven intercessions, by Super Mario Carts. I know, but it's, the new, Super Mario movie now as many others, Armageddon, KNOWING, 2012, here lately, Greenland, Super Mario Cart can be seen as an end of the world movie scenario, and if you've Nextus Juttah, actually watched it, you'd know why. Yeah, Carter man for those newbies after THEY protrayed a flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of The Biden/Harris Whitehouse we were instructed to know more, like check out other earth ending Movie scenarios, again ALL extreme mockery of GODS Noah's day and beyond extreme, extinction level wrath at them. Shown to be, evident, Salvation Ark, this time Jesus arriving at the nick of time Millennium Reign and that's Preece Avier man dancing Hallelujahs all around!!! So Darius Juttah, I been meaning to ask, do we know what's so special about, the July 27/28, since Senator Hussein Obama 2009. Would you mean Preece Menelyn since Jesus THE CHRIST used it as The date, 2016 to show HIS descending  Millennium. While, while at the same time showing home planet littered with its prodominately military dead. Including, West Rule death tolls, revisited 2010, New, Holy, Whitehouse descending, 5% into 15% in loses, again West Rule losses. Unimaginablly, presently in prophetic Hindsight, post apocalyptic Britain, Canada and especially America. Just think, Professor Michio Kaku YELLOWSTONE prediction, come to light, just as CHINA was threatened and Russia is saying THIS IS WAR, more evidence AODHF is too puppeteering, and star warring for The fall of genocider Great WHORE, Mystery Babylon disguised as Satan' s evil work, WEST RULE WORLD systems. I mean they keep  flaunting all these unimaginable military weapons that's gonna burn in fires, keeping the planet warm for 7 years. It's just so ridiculous, they, they're so ridiculous, transgressing Western Leaders who, what has vexed you? Saying all that Darius Juttah, I'm reminded of Grand Sia always relating to Ps 2, wait let me get it, paste it,"; equally see what days It all, here too, can't grand Sia but remember your grands shown as such work alcoholic, they were their own designed labor camp, so in that scenario, who hath bewitched you? Like look, its your though blurred own image in the mirror, brilliant Memphis Carter. Looking here at my notes Alexander Zoe, you have the next question, well, ah the 190, supposedly millions, said to be taken out of US Georgia ATLANTIC COAST, Holy Saints or Tribulation Saints, how do we Darius Juttah even know? This exact total 190 revisit Eze 4/Dan 5 to Grand Sia Mom, the US weigh scale of martyred blood guilt a lost of 50 million, US. I'm then thinking Nextus Zoe, verses a gain of 190, ah million in Tribulation Saints, plus besides the twelve tribes too have a redeemed, specific number, 144000. When, when, I doubt such a defined number is given for the HOLY Church Bride beyond Amazing Grace, THEY, well, we are ONE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD. So sudden apocalypse, that Hawaii Missile alert to that Indian Ocean earth Tsunami, don't forget first of all Jesus using the days of Noah, those like US BC West Pacific designed by Rev 10 Mighty Angel as inundated with such forewarnings but still as Noah's day taken SUDDENLY within an hour. I feel Zoe man as Dutchsinse described what just happened to commanded to be wiped off the map, Great Whore Mystery Babylon disguised as Canada. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, REV 18 AODHF described it, GONE IN ONE HOUR, smoke of its burning, even Canada right now, rising up forever! Grand Saurus saw it as speedy as a driver being abruptly ejected into Arab/Israeli/Anti-Christ reign come; marvel not Nextus Juttah, the present Arabian/ Islamics territory threatening, joining THE Abraham Accord to BRICS, de-dollaratiion, when actually, they're mostly responsible for the petro currency. Just saying if that isn't Rev 17 fulfilling, The Great Beast not only Sia Darius' sister turning on the Great Whore, Grand Sia mom hearing, "Whore and Beast Separated; but here's puppeteering Russia, CHINA and surging, allying BRICS nations to do the same. Right El Dae, Dae, so right, I guess we can say Nextus Juttah, no world system has been in so much trouble with the Authentic God Of War/Wrath. We often hear, if GOD is with you, what about if you're Great WHORE, Mystery Babylon and Ancient Of Days Heavenly Father isn't only star waring against you but is puppeteering Dragon beast and his controlled nuclear nations to do the same? So when ELOHIM is instead against you. Dear Preece Phiny, what has you at the edge of your seat? Right, like, wife Natasha and I were discussing whether they're the same, Rev 9, those loosed evil angels 200 million man army and Grand Sia witnessing, the Alexander, Hitlers Germany's Antichrist, vast Anubis army; like are they one in the same? Even are they all, China's 200 million man army. I'm contemplating an answer both Preecest and Preece Lorena, well we know, prophetically, these four, once bound, fallen angels 200 million demon army who has a predicted year, a month and a day, to torture man, then they're done. The Anti-Christ Reign after 42 months of false peace fails his Anubis Army, is also for these 42 months are immortal, not even visible and war instead Grand Sia Interstellar Armageddon. Whereas CHINA'S armies like all man's Armies are flesh and blood, visible, so are their hundreds of millions dead. So many people to die, yes, an out breakout of apocalyptic events, happening simultaneously, triple Great Tribulation, making planet home uninhabitable for billions its resident. Revisited, not only as the promise of mansions in heaven by Jesus, THE CHRIST, but planet home again uninhabitable mystery Woman too offer of mansions in heaven, I know, I know, I know, who is she, having Jesus Christ authority? Actually  Nextus Sailors, Cruisers, I flip that question, its urgent inquiry to you, who do you think mystery woman is? And judging by the hour, you are dismissed, blessed day, sweet sleep.. The Darius Juttah, million-man grocery store, barter balen, toll booth, was she handing over of those store mangers keys, to the bottomless Pit, this same Mystery woman? Did you not just hear beloved Kirk? No, I mean yes, I didn't ask who she was but is this the same characterization of the same reveal? So we' gonna add Preecest Lorraine inquiry as well, I'm running, see you all in two days." Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today like those rebellious the days if The Prophets, yet say The Lord seeth us not, The Lord is ascended from The Earth."


Article, Discover The Largest Volcano In Virginia, Yes I said, Virginia! (Though it's said it was many millions years ago, dumped Volcanic ash, up to 500 feet, what about the volcano in Colorado? 

WHY AREN'T WE SURPRISED; wait didn't they have suspicious earthquake activity in those area's,  Virginia Too Has A Volcano, learning the US/THE AMERICAS is a vulcanologist paradise; I'm thinking 101 eruptions to 99 bowls of molten lava, including domining, Mauna Loa, aligned to  ARMAGEDDON YELLOWSTONE means Imminent planet wide Volcanoes, when there's that many and more again The US/The Americas; HBOW/Apb. 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear BIG JUNE,  15, Apocalyptic Firestorm, Canada into The AMERICAS/WEST RULE!, 2023, I woke to a hammering Rev 17 14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband, June 4 2023, and another translation of my MEMPHIS Grands like the hammering off of a Mount Sinai type reigning God's Back Turn Throne,, presently Ben Affleck's Armageddon Nov 11, 2022. Both said, hammering were right before Hawaii's Mauna Loa erupted now its again Hawaii's Kileaua..Understand, the last time Hawaii's dominoing, Volcanic summit into Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE was threaten by that Jan 2018, missile alert; well you seen the trailer to  Passion 2, The Return Of Jesus,  believe it not THEY showed up at  my Memphis son home, to crossover some and ascend, others by  that vass of a number. Presently I'm telling you, asking you as THEY asked me, WILL ANGELS ALSO ASCEND? What's The Secret Of Memphis? I Know MOSES, Mine or Both? The commanding Sunlight Of God, after that 30 minutes of silence was done, rising from behind that Mount Sinai Type, did  entreat me like a Moses, cause all I heard from HIM, well THEM, so including possessing, prepping, and launching, STONES FROM HEAVEN,Holy Bride Of Wrath, now reigning God's Back Turn Throne was, "LET MY PEOPLE GO! HBOW/Apb 

Tweet Responses  

Garth Brooks Praised 


-Y'all did get the last US, tug of civil unrest was culled by COVID-19, actually my predicted near two decades, Russia Moscow just confirmed, Euro/US Bio Weapon, Backward Letter C pandemic with a pale horse pandemic come as the mass dieoff ascension of children, contagion. Y'all not getting it, these are not only The Days Of Noah's Extinction level AODHF/MOSES to star warring Archangel Michael THEM commanded African American Exodus, but starting with you, abolishing any hope for The Continuity of WEST RULE, into The Continuity OF The AFRICAN American;  Africa's Southwest Atlantic,Blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit; instead Star Warring The Authentic NEW WORLD ORDER ,Jesus Millennium Reign, AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM 


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