We All Living In A Yellow Submarine, A Yellow Submarine, Or That A Yellow Super Volcano?
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear May 30, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2023, since using not just her birthday but it's Atlanta overnight stay to revisit our fast and furious escape by crafting Tribulation Saints racecars to racetrack escapees and HOLY Saints, carts (Super Mario Brothers carts), with wheels UP, into second heaven intercessions. Only, here, giving me the loan of grand Caden tablet, I didn't at first pay attention to the past word, made up of 4 numbers. When I asked, she said oh, that's the year I graduated. honesty I only realized when we made the ebbing, flowing date, June 27 28, 2021 Florida trip of it, yeah and was run off, out if by Trump Of God Angel Gabriel himself, their anniversary and June 27 28 2015, SUDDEN translation of my grands from Memphis into Georgia's Atlantic Coast, CROSSOVER were the same date;
Here these Four numbers, this year goes back to the reveal of why they Translated my grand to US Georgia's Coast, they acting as all North American to Western Tribulation Saints; only with showing THEMSELVES Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM planning to Further plant them into Africas''s Southwest Atlantic, exile luxury. When I come into this for many decades demo, oddly I was witnessing The Earth opening up, to a rider of death who just leaped out of her, when I begin to hear, quoting. "Behold it is death, and it's riding against time, the time it was defeated at The Cross Of CHRIST, riding upon Abominable, Detestable lives, lands and churches M, for they have forsaken God.
When just as soon I heard Father King David, speaking to me, his, rather their Psalm 37, again quoting, "Fret not thyself, rather trust, delight and commit, and he shall bring forth thy righteousness as the light and thy Judgments (testiment, revelations), as the noon day," and this beyond demonstration, (Demo), passed from me; actualy worried all night May 15/16 2023, it being this imminent, See here, https://youtu.be/1Cv9_AdB5Nwm; Admittedly it'd be years before I understood, a death bringer released by our entrusted mother earth, but since there's a deadly Bio Weapon, see here, https://youtu.be/gYSlcQXidqsr; released by our entrusted Religious Political leaders, yeah THEY showed me that too, July/Aug ({2004}), actually that's equally come forewarning, May 15, Angel Gabriel, ({2004}), HBOW/Apb
Article, Chinese Yuan to Replace US Dollar as World's Reserve Currency, Says Russian BankerAnd the ten horns (see just now, ten BRICS nations meeting in South Africa, but see also during Trump and Abbas tug of turf wars, Abbas mentioning his eight other leads, even back then, I explained, including him and Nethanyue, that's ten. When lest you forget still, Kobe Bryant's fiery crash morning, Jan 24, 2020, (also warning us US W Pacific, Fiery Doomsday VOLCANIC Apocalypse here, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, Jan 22-29; 2018)/Also the flaming blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice Harris, Jan 22-29 2021/, AND BURN HER WITH FIRE!!! Again NBA, Kobe, fiery crash morning, I woke from these ten heads beginning to be named to ordain, mostly Islamic, I assured, so UAE, IRAN and Saudi Arabia joining BRICS to THE ABRAHAM ACCORD, isn't only a given, but it's prophetic;
Rev 17:16, Apostle John being explained, And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, AND BURN HER WITH FIRE; marvel not hearing, Jan 12 13, 2017/2018, (One Hour With The Reigning Since Oct 17 2021, for SEVEN APOCALYPTIC YEARS, DRAGON BEAST; Whore and Beast Separated, Great Whore Mystery Babylon Her Most Vulnerable to Compromised into fiery Oblivion; knowing Run, running saves lives, saving lives saves souls; HBOW/Apb
BRICS Draws Membership Bids From 19 Nations Before Summit, (when I read this I was like wow, they're (Those Ten Heads); really Ready to be rid of America, (Great Whore Mystery Babylon); visiting Holy Lord's, did explain Two decades ago, here's paraphrasing THEM, De-dollaration, ends described Abominable, detestable America, Banks, Housing and CHURCHES; knowing, POUND ABOMINABLE LIVES, LANDS AND CHURCHES, BOMBS GUN'S AND VOTING BOOTHS INTO Jesus Christ Repentant Altars, Why Die? WAY PERISH? HBOW/Apb The RAM
8 Times in the Bible People Wanted to Kill Jesus
Not everyone loved Jesus. https://medium.com/centered-on-christ/8-times-in-the-bible-people-wanted-to-kill-jesus-b7092e4fb77f
I Like Auto based videos, like I told Full Spectrum Survivor, it's The New Normal, Mat 24 Jesus having put ALL HIS in flight... Jordan's Desert City, Petra; US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER into star warring Archangel Michael THEM, Africa's, exile luxury, Southwest Atlantic; Rev 7 John's, masses pouring into Jesus Throne bosom, and that's Canadian Prepper, dancing Hallelujahs all around!!!! HBOW/Apb
Youtube Red Pilled, TV, This Is World War 3, Putin just scored a devastating blow to the US! See here, https://theweek.com/briefing/daily-briefing/1023829/10-things-you-need-to-know-today-may-26-2023;
-I woke May 26, 2023, from hearing, "The Last Day Of America,"....vs waking ebbing and flowing since Senator Barack Hussein announced his Presidental bid, here July 27 28 2023, hearing calculating death tolls, Britain 25 million, Canada 25 million, equaling 100 million Westerners deaths.
-Fightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come that's 100 million, after you add..Well THEY been aligning all US Presidental leads since Bush Clinton Bush, so that's as wel Obama/Trump/Biden/ H.Clinton/Harris, to an error Islam and 50 million US deaths; sooooo, if Russia and China don't take US/Western soil, extremely Imminent, dominoing W. Pacific, Volcanic Apocalypse will; WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? RUN! Especially since You Know three designed, assigned, territories, where! HBOW/Apb
Youtube Kennan Bridges, Breaking The Spirit Of Poverty & Releasing Abundance, https://www.youtube.com/live/Kj3sPqIsvok?feature=share, (-For The Lord Knoweth The Way Of The Righteous But The Way Of The Ungodly Shall PERISH! Reminded, Just before dozing off one night, a full bright moon in my sight, I Kennan began to hear the moon speaking to me, reassuring me, I guess us, blessed are The pure in heart for they shall see GOD; further had it whispered in my ear right here, by standing over sleeping beds anxious, Archangel Michael THEM, He shall cover you with His Feathers, (no doubt, Mal 4 described, He witnesseed, decades of Springs, escaping US off doomsday planet, HE that Commanded, Those Juneteenth Exodus, The Sunlight Of God); and Under HIS WINGS Shalt Thou Trust!!!
First hearing, Strike Out Her Name, Then Seeing Famed Letters USA Continuity Of The African American Floating Off The CONTINENT The Direction Of MOTHER AFRICAS/ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM, SOUTHWEST ATLANTIC!
Like whether It's All Gone Viral Right Now, Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic to ALIEN, Apocalyse; Hearing May 26, As Predicted For Decades Of De-dollaration, "Last Day Of America!"
-So Kennan, sounds bout right, Commanded in heaven, Juneteenth (2002) revisted again Juneteenth 2018, showing some escaping across The Old Arkansas Bridge, like rebellious fathers both King Nebuchadnezzar and king P. Trump, down on all fours penance; Commanded b,y The Sunlight Of God,, reigning God's Back Turn Throne to like a Moses ; Let' God's People Go; (JESUS THE CHRIST, SAYING, BIBLICAL TRUTH ALONE, SETS HIS' FREE); here's blessed Brexit ,BRIEXIT, Blaexit. of witnesseing hundred of millions of these refugees pouring into Trump'Of God Angel Gabriel, THEM, lead designed, assigned safehaven territories.
-Tribulation Saints, ; Isaiah' 16/Jesus, Mat 24, Mine, July 6, 2020, Rev 12 New Born to, Birth Mom inherit revisited upon Westerners, Americans, CHURCHIANS, Trumpians, RETURN TO MOTHER' AFRICA to John's Rev 7 masses pouring into heaven, all Tribulation Saints; Rev 11 two Witnesses ascended, but that they first descended leading captivity captured, The Tribulation Saints. Undoubtedly Keenan, the same like Moses Hebrews, aren't suppose to leave these lands of slavery and penitentiary empty handed. Fret not, remenber both only GOD'S WILL, ever, EVER could've been done here and the world's wealth is stored up for The Just! ! Star Warring THEMSELVES, AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb, The RAM
Article, BRICS prepares to challenge US-EU dominance, https://dailyinvestor.com/world/18913/brics-prepares-to-challenge-us-eu-dominance/Youtube Marfoogle (Adam) News, It Only Take Nine,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear June 2, Apocalyptic Firestorm 2023, Heard May 26, 2023, The Last DAY Of America; saw June 1, 2023, 37 days; only thing about 37 days from now,. Frightnight to amazing Grace, that's revisiting both Juneteenth, Sunlight Of God, for 21 years Commanded African American Exodus; and the Translation of my Grands, Like Disciple/Apostle Philip Out Of New Madrid/TIME DONE LAPSED THE OBAMA'S, New Madrid, Memphis
-I explained lately only God's Will ever could've been done on this planet, supposed every advisory authority religious to psychological lead with that priceless morsel; ALL GONE BEFORE YOU THIEVES AND ROBBERS!. I Suppos ending Russia's regime is gonna be about as strategically as ending various Islamic regimes only this time, Israel, Britain, Canada and America does all the death and dying. Marvel not, the demo of inviting all US states from a Barbecuing Trump's 2018; revisted it's March 13 2021, Grand Caden witnesseing Archangel Michael THEM circling The Bride's Chariot all around/that long duration quaking, shaking, breaking Craft overhead, May 26, 2023, I know, and so do you.
-Then miraculouly Adam, to have Rev 10 Mighty Angel after US, Canada West Pacific is no more, burnt to burning, warn The Midwest, The Eastern Seaboard, the same! Frightnight to Anubis undertakers, mummifiers, all around, I can't see a Walmart without thinking I saw those burning, with The Whitehouse.Then there's Shopping malls, I saw those become Fallout/BOMB-OUT shelters filling and filling up; marvel not the multi million man grocery store, barter balen, toll booth, Aug 24 25 2022
-Understand Holy God who 's the only ONE getting HIS will done, showed John HE'S puppeteering The whole Apocalyptic thing, JESUS MILLENNIUM REIGN COME, showed me HE'S star warring with Archangel Michael THEM, HIS, THEIR first target is genocider Great Whore Mystery Babylon disguised as America, THE AMERICAS, WEST RULE and since October 17 2021 we're 1 year, 7 months and some days into its assigned, ALL OF A SUDDEN, fiery doomsday apocalypse, of a SEVEN DRAGON BEAST/ANTI-CHRIST, YEARS!!!
-Just as so, explaining since Mighty Angel warning, Aug 5, 7, 30/31,2019, I witnesd two of their world systems Skyrocket to Fire-rocket Off the planet, I mean blink and you would've missed it, 190 years of tech gone and 100 million Westerners lives, thus Saith the one who was predicting Bill Gates warned flu pandemic up to three decades into its Covid outbreak, before he did ; Unimaginably with Russia just now confirming both my witnesseed US Lab design backward letter C pandemic and Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE; why ,cause like y'all they know., stop deceiving yourselves, stop deceiving others, WATCH! RUNNNNNNNN! LIVE! HBOW/Apb
Email me, Apb The RAM, here apostle5808@aol.com, text to telegram me here, 901-600-9519
Youtube, Leaving In Droves. Brotha Say He See Them Folks, Pull Their Money Out And Leave In Droves, https://youtu.be/cUsFM2lz4TE
LET MY PEOPLE GO! Thus Saith To Me Like To Moses This Sunlight Rising From Behind A Mountain, Both Reigning AODHF Back Turn Throne
-Here I am, Apostle Prophet Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM entreat me; wondering how will these p folks you call them ever be persuaded to follow Sunlight Of God Commanded since Juneteenth (2002), African American exodus. Frightnight to Amazing Grace into Africas''s Southwest Atlantic, The Caribbean/THE AMERICAS is not safehaven territory. Only you're telling me, they, The Brexit are practically leading the pack, The Blaexit, why does that surprise me? Oh, I'm to tell all Americans you owe this government nothing, they haven't given you, us anything that didn't come from making amends, ELO-HIM.
-Getting reveals in reverse, mockery is while Senator Barack Hussein was vying for the Whitehouse, during a mocked nations summit, described THE ONE, granted a two weeks and 7 year timetable. Frightnight to Amazing Grace, I was witnessing hundreds of millions of his US constituents instead pouring into Africas' Southwest coastal islands and cities; Only Pres Trump's March 13 2018, I witnessed those same hundreds of millions first pouring into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER, again CROSSOVER to Archangel Michael THEM safehaven territories, even exile luxury.
-See Bible examples, Enoch, Elijah, The Book Of Acts Philip, The Many Times Jesus translated out of the hands of HIS enemies. Understand HOLY CHURCH BRIDE GOING OFF THE PLANET, during the June 27 28 (2015), Translation of Memphis Grands, (let's say North AmericaTribulation Saints, Americans, CHURCHIANS, TRUMPIANS); they were delivered into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER; when I witnessed them by every type of loaded up vehicle ever made pouring out of what's described, US States Of Barbecue, they were pouring into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, to by star warring Archangel Michael THEM be CROSSED OVER into Africa's Southwest Atlantic; HBOW Apb The RAM
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