Our God is a God of War, A Star Warrior With Archangel Michael THEM, the horse and rider hath he trampled into Africas' Southwest Atlantic;
Prophecy Link's Fulfilling Nuclear Feb 28, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2023
The for Millennia assured Great Gathering Of Saints, (The Rapture) Predicted All This Nuclea, Apocalyptic 2023 To Go Live, turn on top of Jesus explaining to Lazarus sisters, HE IS THE RESURRECTION OF THE RIGHTEOUS DEAD;THEY reassuring the one Apostle/Prophet with 36 Chernobyl SPRING Rapture demos, so far and as of Jan 16-222023, a race carliftoff, return with more invitations; I know, I know! Sharing This Reveal, Inspired by Ashbury, Kentucky College Revival; and no wonder it's spreading to college campuses and other venues that're not actual churches..
-Amazing grace to Fright Night since showing us HIS Throne back to mass assembly and mass prayer: too mocking assembly filling up with smoke and demons of teen boys pedophilia from the opened bottomles put to mocking choirs as locking millions in parishioners in highchair like traps; even the revisited since March 13 2018, millions in Tribulation escapees arrived at a huge vacant church to parking lot:to await further it's Crossover onton Mother Africa's Southwest Atlantic, HBOW/Apb
Article, TheStreet, Elon Musk Warns About a China-Russia Alliance, https://www.thestreet.com/technology/elon-musk-warns-about-a-china-russia-alliance; (Seems to be seeing Bush/Cheney using Axel Grease on bike handlebars disallowing CHINA and Russia; Seem to be seeing during Obama, Biden Clinton,2013, those save Nov 3/4 2013 (See US/Saudi Arabia Petro currency); bike handlebars attached by a funeral reef like any wonder there's an invasion of Anubis undertakers, US soil? Again an Obama/BidenA funerals reef oaring skyward with US death tolls Frightnight, those US death tolls by Pres Elect Biden/Harris/Obama,, that as I write, Feb 27, 2022, have Covid deaths soaring skyward, presently a million and counting; with 49 million US deaths aligned to an error Saddam to error Hussein to go! HBOW/ApbArticle, Elon Musk Warns About a China-Russia Alliance.....see more, its prophetic parable here, http://2017thelinksprophecy.blogspot.com/2023/02/tweet-article-thestreet-elon-musk-warns.html
-Then it would seem Elon Musk and Father of the Daniel 9 27 Abraham Accord, Arabian/Israeli/ IRANIAN non Aggression pact, President Trump, are in agreement. I agree it's like elected leaders have forgotten like stampedIng us out of their way Ps 35/91/ Rev 12, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, they've forgotten they supposed to be protecting lives, that again protect souls. Though, so have HOLY LORDS since Jer 37:8,1998, type Bush/Cheney, warn of China and Russia allying eachother; shown HIMSELF also star warring, and here, Rev 17:17 Puppeteering it all!
Our God is a God of War, A Star Warrior With Archangel Michael THEM, the horse and rider hath he trampled into Africas' Southwest Atlantic;
-I'll keep saying it, Apostle/Prophet of Jesus THE CHRIST, Star Warring AODHF/Archangel Michael THEM ALL entreat me. Though, Westerners Death Tolls yet sat at 100 millions, no further delays, again hear me, "NO FURTHER DELAYS" HE THST LETTETH TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY!!!! But with the fall of WEST RULE/The American CONTINENT, they have a billion or more to lose! ("I WILL TAKE 190 OUT OF THIS AREA; I heard in my hearing Sept BETA, 2021;
-Clearly understand, their standing up to NATO and their nuclear allies, a China-Russia alliance can actually save millions of lives, billions even. Surrealistically, shown to be evident, by enforcing a predicted for millennia, that for years world kingdoms, nations, would agree upon this non aggression pact; Marvel not Rev 11/17, AODHF showed HIMSELF star warring; and puppeteering the downfall of Mystery Babylon; apparently as the evil days of Noah, THEY WANT THIS DESCRIBED ABOMINABLE, DETESTABLE WORLD MAYHEM ALL, ALL, ALL GONE! HBOW!
YouTube Ryan Hall Y'all, https://youtu.be/zobODFnrJNA; like Youtube Dutchsinse, https://youtu.be/T1u3b7x42FE/https://youtu.be/Ka-OrQJNFQs; is just as hilarious as he is accurate...
see also here, https://youtu.be/nneN-77U_eg; (-Remembering, Mothers' Day 2020, THEY mocked Dr Fauci, safe from deadly Covid, outdoor family gatherings by predicting this outbreak with severe storms and not a safe haven churches, church choirs as locking its members into highchair type feeder like traps; I'm the way, truth and the life, I AM BLOODI RECONCILIATION; I alone shall give you rest unto thine everlasting soul, SECOND DEATH HATH NO POWER! WHO AM I? WHO DOOES RELIGIOUS, POLITICAL, MONETARY LEADERS SAY I AM? HBOW/Apb
(Admittedly Ryan showing us no US state is safe from mega disasters since March 13 2018,, stampeding all US states into US /Psalm 35/91/Dan 9/10, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, US Georgias COAST/CROSSOVER; ;like revisited its specific date a little past midnight March 13 2022, as showing Rev 12 Archangel Michael THEM circling The Bride's Chariot all around; getting us out of soon to be apocalyptic dangers, like into equally THEIR Africa's Southwestern Atlantic.
The Saurus, Coogan African Juttah, Septennial 1986-2016-2026, America's 2017, Commanded, Hemingway Exodus, Beware Holy God, Is AWARE! Apb
Unto Unto Darius Juttah Preece Ebonee Bele Kroff and Preecest Darius Karsiann Coogan was born a son, first Prince, Silverton Nicolas, Coogan, Chow, a son, Second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh Kroff, a daughter, Princess Ni Be we Consquella, Isabella Kroff, a daughter, Princess Oceana Tabatha Kroff, and a daughter, Princess Brooklyn Robin Nest Kroff and
Come out of her my people
Uganda As Asbury REVIVAL
You Shall Tread Upon The Adder
- I did pastor explained earlier seeing a black serpent that'd been shelved and saw it as a great awakening that was come; I couldn't sleep last night and put The Asbury Revival on, heard its worship come so anointed until it sound like Angels were singing, and believe you me I know what that sounds like, heavenly home, Throne, again so so anointed, Ib broke out into non stop Hallelujahs , I guess until I woke to the same stunning worship this morning.
Just think Apostle John and I, Apostle Pat THEY call me, both were standing before astronomical celebrations to unspeakable Joy in heaven before the for 30 minutes silence fall. Graciously, now we know why for God So Loved The World During Noah's Day now presently in Noah's Cousin, Only Ridding The Planet Of Darkest Of Evil Infiltrations the genocide of the human species and here HE go again, many millennia later. Truly any surprise, HE was crying inconsolably, His people were dying, dying and being stripped of EVERYTHING Jesus Christ hath brought them,and do were we these innumerable in choirs; thus the silence in heaven.
-Running across your Uganda testimony,Pastor, while suffering separation anxiety, first I rejoiced, danced, laughed. Then I was reminded of this phenomena event, when I come into this demo,1992/1993 I was being hand off to an elder I knew was the Prophet Ezekiel, wasting no time he brought me before three what would be time tested door;s, time tested because it's SUNLIGHT was blinding, whereas following each timely closure there was a joy, gladness and jubilee just as unspeakable, as Apostle Paul himself describe.
-Amazing Grace, when John described there was no need for the sun there, this is what he meant, THEY are the Sunlight there; even how no man nor angel has looked upon God at any time, GOD to look upon is the consuming sun, that could pastor consume but mercifully wasn't so much. So by the time I'm peeking into a third door, we'd witnessed these laborers to the Endtime Harvest personally by the Sunlight of God be washed and cleansed, especially their hands, (he that hath clean hands and a pure heart, could approach) to as recent as Aug 5 2021,ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER!
Surrealistically, we'd watched Sunlight of God like a surgeon remove their old hearts and implant them a new heart of Jesus Christ, there right there once beating in HIS HAND the old to the new. Miraculous, to marvelous, this pastor is the Sunlight Of God, we witnessed slowly descend and while HE did l, HE changed, shift shaped, ,malformed until reaching us,HE'S a metamorphosis of a Diamond Carved, Crystal Dove Chariot, snatching out Holy Church Bride with astronomical, Rev 12 New Born,speed..
-Unimaginably still,,this third, final door again HE was as a hand again, touching, anointing them all yes Pastor Breaker, this anointing did leave an identity mark, in their forward. When just as soon, HE come as a mouth speaking great, wonderful things, until the last I heard, was how they,vWE, were to be acquainted with HIS grieves and sorrows. Proven to evident, that when they left The Throne, for convincing me, who must be, seeming ancients ago, I Cor 12/Ephesians 4, Apostles, Prophets, Evangelist, Pastors and Teacher's; and this door too was closed for, it's Juneteenth June 17-19, 2002, Sunlight Of God, was blinding! HOW/Apb
Youtube, Future Unity, Saudi Arabia just announced a terrifying discovery, https://youtu.be/NPC5-c66Ilc
-You'd have to unrivaled Bush/Clinton/Bush/Biden aligned to an error Islam/Islamic Assassin's Ccreed; the Saudi Arabia/US Petro currency come after Col Gaddafi/CHINA US of Africa/ Golden Dinar to Pres Trump's Abraham Accord, Israel falling to an enemy Hamath to an imminent Islamic/Israeli/Anti-Christ reign of biblical fulfilling/proportion; HBOW, I did witness reigning Holy Bride, possess, prep, and launch Dan 2 stone from heaven; an Anti-Christ Murderer; pound described abominable detestable lives lands churches and schools; bombs, guns and voting booths into repentant altars of Jesus THE CHRIST, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Apb The RAM,
Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, IT JUST HAPPEN, https://youtu.be/T4_8G3br8VM
See more here, https://youtu.be/TfIyBdrYOq4
are we under attack or under severe denial?
Hearing WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES; Strike Out Her Name, During Pelosi's Taiwan; seeing famed letters USA floating off the planet! "I Will Strip Schools;" WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Feb 12/13 2017, Kill ALL Parents By, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS! -Know July 27, 28 2023, Woe to School Buses, come on the ebbing and flowing date, since Obama', The One, (2009); hundreds of millions poured into Africas'Southwest Atlantic; Jesus Millennium descent, Obama's Jujy 27 28, 2016; something about not up to the challenge, commanded African American exodus, NBA players, too busy California Dreaming!!!! Just now, July 27 28, 2022, I woke from westernized death tolls, being tallied; Britain 25 Million; Canada 25 Million for a grand total of 100 million, adding aligned for decades to US leads, error Islam, error Hussein, 50 Million US dead."
Frightnight to an Anubis'Army of undertakers to mummifiers all around; I just woke March 1, 2023, from something about endangered teens and the small American flag to all of a sudden huge America flags burning and hanging from the skies and before noticed being quickly removed; beginning US/BC West Pacific, an attack on US flags or like prophesied and recently predicted, an attack on US cities? Beware being shown, told they're coming, and fitted into race cars, to speeding along a racetrack, this speedy escape, Know, this sudden Invasion on US, Western soil would include both, natural enemies, earthquakes to volcanoes and military enemies; domestic, Islamic to Asian....HBOW,/Apb
Article School Supporting LGBTQ B Community Forced To Close, https://abcnews.go.com/US/christian-school-embraced-lgbtq-community-forced-close-doors/story?id=97037899
First like Rome's Pope finally realized, relented, know , there aren't any Christian anything supporting the genocider Lgbt And P for PEDOPHILER Agenda; LET NO MAN, Fallen Angel to DEMON DECEIVE YOU; THANK GOD, Noah's Extinction Level AODHF; had mercy and not sacrifice, only threatening, except their abominable detestable parents repent, there'd be a mass dieoff ascension of children; Marvel not hearing in the last few days, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS; WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES; I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS, beware those Noah's Cousin to an Aqua Era , of extinction level flooding; HGOW!
Article, USA TODAY, COVID-19 pandemic 'most likely' started in Wuhan lab, FBI Director Christopher Wray says, https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/03/01/covid-19-lab-leak-christopher-wray/11372746002/
Who Does Standing Over Sleeping Beds Anxious To Circling The Bride's Chariot All Around, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM Act Like I Am? Will Angels Also Ascend? Thus Asked Rev 2 Jesus, Threatening A Mass Dieoff Ascension Of Children, Hawaii Missile Morning!
-I'm the one who heard, Kill All Parents By, Finish All Schools, before a US Lab bio-weapon, 2020, killed a million and counting US parents and grandparents, alone. When I come into the (Aug 2004) demo, what I was to understand, this was a US Lab, these were people we trust doing this, THESEE WERE PEOPLE WE TRUST.. Next I know I'm Looking into a microscope, what I'm seeing is a combination of the Spanish Flu , that'd killed tens of Millions; combined with something deadly, Avian to Swine, that like both Apostle John and Apostle I am, Witnessed of a Pale Horse Pandemic would kill billions; easily millions a day.
-Here to view it under a US Lab, its microscope, by those we trust, why I say it's like being taken and shown the designing of the atom bomb and we know what human extinctiion its mutations, brings. Only here again under the microscope, we now know the look of leopard spots, the flu pathogen the shape of a Backward Letter C only with a mass it's middle. I was to understand a flu like manslaughter mutating into a described new pneumonia. Whereas Dr Fauci, not a culprit but explaining Trump's speedy vaccine, explained the two Obama Admins spent researching coronaviruses, apparently that'd be both the highly successful pandemic and the ever failing vaccine; like it was never Osama Bin Laden, COVID 19, was never China! HBOW/Apb
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