One Strike The Telling Heart, NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE, You're Ascended But Mostly Descended Being First Born
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear January 31, APOCALYPTIC
-When I come into the demo, now, more than a decade, I could like at present see into people's houses, I always described it as some heard about the Cuban Missle Crisis; you could feel the anxiety, people stone face HD viewing, like waiting for the worst news to break. Clearly you didn't have to see nor wonder, suddenly they speed through the house, packing what they could, grabbed a arm filled with kids and out the door, on foot they ran; Fightnight is unknowingly taking up their rear, were these Eze 9 type Commanded slayers, even giving stampeders Chase, having no mercy old or young.
-You see, once they Chase you down, capture you, they like spin yuu around, like into a dance, a waltz even when this huge sword like syringe goes slicing through the air, point blank the TELLING heart and instantly you're mostly descended, and on to the next. I Know you're wondering, the little Miya girl, backseat surveyor, translator, what she's to do with all this?; Ezekiel's was an ink horn man, knowing the loving heart, going ahead of deadly REAPERS, marking some free of second death. Frightnight to AMAZING GRACE, since we're Commanded The.AfricaniAmerican Exodus, it's seems little Miya translate them for hundreds to thousands of miles ahead, out of harms way; see also here, Ps 139:16/Rev 20, your name, the Lamb's Book Of Life; the page I witnessed torn out; there's Archangel Michael's List, your name, either, written or stricken out? HBOW/Apb The RAM
60-YEAR-OLD DEAD AFTER FIGHT AT GAME, Teachers Walk Out To Send Message Following Repeated Acts Of School Violence, (Even my Grand Caden school, not at Gwinnett, will be on lockdown next week, because of school violence); Police Shootout Lead To Highschool LOCKDOWN!; growing NBA Brawls, here, and here,;
-You know those Royal Guards, during immeasurable temptation, they won't move, motion to make a sound; know assigned Guardian Angels are basically the same, except every blue Moon they'll speak and say, like, March 2022, "Fallen Angels Is Why Aliens Exist," to here lately, I'm heading towards my kitchen of reveals, hear, "you know religious leaders didn't hate God, they only hated the GOD that was in Jesus; further meaning, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, Americans, to Churchians to Trumpian's, don't hate Jesus, they only hate The JESUS, that's in the Christians/THE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD! see entire prophetic parable here, and
Youtube Sister In Christ, EXPLOSIONS OVER BILLINGS MONTANA,; Frightnight to AMAZING GRACE, I'm being constantly reminded of When Jesus Explained To Disciples (His Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension, GLORIFICATION and MOUNT OLIVET RETURN) He wouldn't be with them always!!!
Seeing Famed Letters USA Floating Off The Planet; After We Heard During Pelosi's Taiwan's; STRIKE OUT HER NAME!
-Believe me, I've asked, how can we be over 470 plus days into what's described Oct 17 2021, The Final Week of Daniel, SEVEN, Dragon Beast Years, The Anti-Christ Reign, Triple GREAT Tribulations,; then I keep hearing Dec 3 2021 Rev 3 Jesus, which alone revisits tug of WW3, Trump/Abbas, Dec 3, 2017, stampeding Elephants of staying unaware, Jesus THE CHRIST, saying to, like Rev 17:14 described faithful OVERCOMERS, like Jeremiah, like Ezekiel, even like John, WATCH! Apparently, THEY want us to see ALL this, recurring Apocalypse Come, up close and personal, it's been a long time coming, our prescribed" TIME TO REJOICE!
-Sweet Sister, I was hearing from Father King David Himself, Ps 37, fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity, for they shall soon be cut down as green grass and wither as the green Herb, say like the city of Atlantis, you shall diligently seek their places, like under from US West Pacific t o US Mid Atlantic, a boiling, bubbling crater of 99 bowls of molten lava, and shall not find them; Marvel not the hand writing clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE; to the following, BREAKING of News Report, "after 101 YELLOWSTONE ERUPTIONS!
-Frightnight these harrowing red alerts and how I know we're all EARTH homeless, blessed Brexit BRIEXIT, Blaexit into MOTHER Africa's' Southwest Atlantic, well, after they showed a death bringer being released from beneath the earth; MOTHER earth just opened up and a molten death rider leaped out; so fiery doomsday, Volcanic Apocalypse, revisited Oct 11, 2022, hearing, ORANGE ALERT, YELLOWSTONE, The Building Of Hawaii Into; again My children away for birthday celebration Jan 16/172023, it being suggested again by stampedIng us, Angel Gabriel THEM, they don't even return to this house but fast and furiously, get into US Georgia's Coast, CROSSOVER!
-I, Apostle Prophet I Am know, those predicted 99 bowls of molten lava to 101 YELLOWSTONE Eruptions with a hand writing clumsily Escape Yellowstone. When all of a sudden, as a driver elected out, it's as the phenom YELLOWSTONE wilderness preserve before you and as the SCORCHED land, auto's and motorist, Serbia, Tunguska event behind you, just as Joel 2/2 Pet 10, both described, here's fiery VOLCANIC APOCALYPSE, The United States Of Barbecue; Marvel not calling us up into heavens, a Chernobyl Nuclear Plant threatening home planet, was a stretched out, with healing WINGS, SUNLIGHT OF GOD, Summoning, John's Rev 4:1, COME, COME COME!
-Intimidating still, Sister In Christ, you just know, Mal 4, described, Sunlight Of God, He's too, reassuring, all our enemies are as ashes under our feet; don't even mentioned the mystery woman come to our rescue, though she's offering better homeless earth shelters, (Mansions In Heaven): she's brandishing more now blacken Judgment bowls; marvel not additionally though Rev 10, Mighty this warning, US Mid West, The Eastern be aware of fiery doomsday US W Pacific; still with a MIGHTILY CONCERN, Mighty Angel, is Rev 17, 7th Angel with seven Judgment bowls his own. Got Him, Got Jesus THE CHRIST got Tribulation Saints and gone over yonder, yet? HBOW/Apb The RAM
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, April 2/17 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Unto Emmeline Joseph Lopside and Maleah Bridget Clare was born a son, Emmanuel Nicholas Lopside, a son, Hiers Madelyn Lopside, and a daughter, Charlize (Charlie), Amirah Lopside and a son, Legolis Hairston Lopside, Clare
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII
"Wow, you two are so fused, you look like Siamese twins, you know us sisters love, loving on each other, while can a loving husband squeeze in there? You can have her, I'm going to help my husband cook, what dear husband Mitchel, are you designing? Stuffed crates, I'm just uncertain about whether to do something red or white in a sauce, you know once I have my culinary classes, I'm going to cook all over you, well babe until then, would you hand me the cream? Ah geese woman, you and these finding this mystery America, documentaries! Well a lot of Vulcanologist to archaeologist do think Sanford beloved, between the W Pacific and the Mid Atlantic, ring of fire, they say is yet expanding, there was not only a country, America, but an entire American continent. But in that, in all that ocean of lava? That's just Bron too hard to believe, well that sea to sea crater of molten lava is why they can't excavate it all, like they want. Believe it or not lover boy, it is believed there laid the greatest nation this world, to follow the Roman Empire, but after 101, ah, ah, Mariah! Yellowstone's, it was call something like that, we only just studied it days past, yes, after 101 this Yellowstone killed tens of millions, and all the other stampeded, they even say, Sanny, it's why the African Juttah even exist. Here, here, listen here, he's their top scientist, Dr Bloomberg, Volcanologist Sanny, to extinction studies. Then they're designing way's right now to do it's research, like within those lava beds, crazy I know, but just listen!" >>>"Hey, hey, hey, sleepy head, though it pains me, you asked me to wake you. What's wrong? You're shivering, no way Phearce, no way will you ever believe what I just saw, heard, ah my god, heard! Come, come, here, tissues, ah, ah, you know I love to watch docs on finding Atlantis. Right now they think was in North Africa, this eye of the Sahara, and before this Pangaea stuff parted earth's crust, was once part of South America? Imagine Phearce instead coming in on a conversation of young genesis marriage worshipers, of whom one is just fascinated as I am Phearce, only on finding long, lost America. Their present, generations past, many say to exist, but there's yet to be proof, now how much would that freak you right out! Okay, okay, I hear how mind and heart blowing that is, but, but Phearce, there's no proof, and the ring of fire, ocean to ocean of magma, from the W Pacific into the Mid Atlantic that is yet expanding, prevents them from excavating the conspired areas. Then as you was waking me the two sisters are apparently studying in their classes, these historic, mysteries, of whether America or North America's continent ever existed. Loving girl, hey, come here, no, Rig, please, no, no, no, you know what? I just wanna go, I don't want no more of this, I don't want to see it, no, Phearce, no dreaming it, I'll never sleep or dream, never again, I mean that! But loving girl, go where? Just as God, the Heavenly Host can't escape this breakout of mortuary, we been hearing for a decade now Rig, even our ascension is from up there, second heaven. Still this witnessing and interceding the Tribulation Saints until Daniel week finale and they then join us, in third Heaven, Lamb's, Marriage Supper. I got to go, I got to shower, so you gonna mention this in class? No, no, no, I'm not, I don't Phearce ever want to believe I just dreamed that, it's, it's, hey, hey, hey, okay! I mean you're free Phearce to do with it what you want, you do know Sia Maaseiah saw that, when the sword like syringes, bearing grim reapers were finished thrusting in reaping sickle US soil. Just so, it's American Continent, nothing was left Rig but a magnetic manner of memorabilia one in a distant land is to hang on the frig! No, no, no, don't tell me, don't, don't, ah, I saw that! Excuse, one of the young wives, Mariah, was helping her husband in the kitchen, just as she reached to opened the fridge for cream, Phearce, I saw on the door, a magnetic keepsake, ah, it had a huge red cut out heart, a picture of mount Rushmore it's middle, it was multi color and it said, I love the USA! Ah my god, ah my god, sh, sh, sh, I got you, sh, sh, sh, I got you. Then beloved girl should I tell you, the coast to coast impact crater, boiling and bubbling over with molten lava; Please tell me you knew that's Sia Maaseiah's Juttah Septennial, to the Deburk's Globe, even the Juttah Tribunal Hillsfeets, all their assumption, regarding her predicted and revisited 99 bowls of molten lava? Actually Rig seen as recent as Jan 13 (2019), as a handwriting on Trump's wall, 99 bowls of molten lava, and Rig as a hand writing clumsily, it's Aug 7th, (2019), 'Escape Yellowstone! Then something it's Aug 5, (2019), as the now COVID-19, shutting down the whole planet, only including all screening, HD, 5G, and Social, media, with the last thing it's screen, the single word disappeared? As in no more this planet, the holy Bride, those holy angels nor unholy, West Rule America. Rig, Regan Central, I'm in the shower, look, how far into Jesus' millennium would our grands to great grands be, to be having these kinds of finding Atlantic America, documentaries? I know cursed with Dan 4 madness and Noah's day normalcy bias, they can't see it, but predicted volcanic apocalypse is happening right now, as in Phearson McPhearson, right now! Even so come Lord Jesus! Phearson, how many hundreds of years would it be into Jesus's millennium, is there now a Mystery, Atlantic, America? You think I'm pregnant? I don't, you babe, tell me, you know Phearce I don't have these kinds of futuristic dreams unless I'm, you know, I don't, I could meet you at the birthing center later, after your conference all. Rig, loving husband to Rig, yeah, I mean if you're still going, right, right! Rig, all this is insane, I just want my husband to hold me, take me into our marriage bed, keep us there so amazingly until we hear Jesus, shout, The Voice of the Archangel and the Trump of God, at least then Phearce we'd know we have exactly, the duration of Daniel's final week left and nothing more, and Phearce, nothing more! Ump, you smell so good, taste, so, good, I better go, I better go, grab me a face and drying towel, actually my robe would be best, and juice, we have juice, right?" Why speak in parables? For they say the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth, Beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry, RAM, see Regan Central and Phearson Mycal, Heart Ravishing,
PS, Hashtag, Excreta, give here,, when I eventually include a donation alert, it's Holy Spirit influenced; not that I don't need it as much as you need to give to, THEIR Apostle, but so Holy Father is justified by all Elohim promises to judgments, Apb
Youtube, Black And White Sports, 19 Year Old Swimming Instructor Died Suddenly From Cardiac Arrest,
The Authentic Quademic Gun Violence, The Opioid Crisis; A Regularly Mutating Coronavirus; ONE STOP THE HEART COMMANDED REAPERS!!!
-I'll just come out and say it, when Damar Hamlin suffered cardiac arrest in front of Millions I couldn't help but think about, those Eze 9 type commanded reapers; on US soil, one Strike the telling heart, you're ascended bit mostly descended. Though to be honest, I thought the same when my nephew suffered an alike fate, six months after his mom's murder; and just now.
-There's my niece, a sleeping agent, overdose, cadillac arrest. Frighten, she witnessed them both taking up the rear of the ambulance, the aunt, the car she died in, the cousin, the car he died workings on; know, I been warning a decade now, those procrastinating commanded The American exodus, into US Georgia's Coast CROSSOVER, Eze 9, type Commanded slayers, one strike the telling heart, have them.
-Revisiting, as mocking millions Covid deaths, like swept under a rug of collateral damage, 'Fast and Furious, a Tokyo Drift, Tokyo Olympic games; now with my nephew, while they prepped his mom's burial; I had a Gladiator arena demo about he and his younger brother; they're sparing like entertaining their entire Memphis loved ones, an arena of Millions in coronavirus corpses.
-There's as well an odd post repast demo, two actually, one before her shooting murder, one before her funeral, both referenced her, but the latest, come by her, warning, saying GAMES OUT! NO more game play, not even childs play; no more going on as normal, especially again, this warning included NBA'S California dreaming, only a year before Kobe Bryant's fiery death.
-Just think, the death bringer, commanded to target first born males, MOSES commanded Exodus, a red alert Dream about Memphis uncle Pastor, before his first born son is shoot to death.Marvel not the warning we fight not against flesh and blood, but devils and demons and now Aliens, only on a more personal to domestic level; they're alarmingly, inundating the home front.
- Take what just happened to those Memphis Police, officers, when I've witnessed an Egyptian Anubis Army, disguised as policing German Shepherds. Marvel not, Egypt's tenth plague, death bringer was the turning point for enslaved Hebrews; instead the Backward Letter C pandemic, (Covid); has done nothing to recoil Americans, constantly sinning, nothing, so marvel not as well the demo of the keys to the bottomless pit, showed to exchange hands! HBOW/Apb The RAM
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear February 1, Apocalyptic Firestorm 2023
Marvel Not Those Two Crystallized Beast, into the crystalized skies missiling down; Rev 6, 6th seal, One1998 Godzilla; One Anubis' Army assistance, Egypts Sobek, both were tasked with falsifying apocalyptic skies (US soil on the cusp of nuclear war), instead with crystalized skies; American tourism go on like nothing, especially the areas of the planet in prophetic hindsight, has claimed tens of millions in sitting ducks to boiling frogs onto hellish horrors, tortures for eternity
Article, 10 Things To Do On Hawaii Big Island ( Fightnight the more while Indonesian and India's resident were shown Dec 4 2922, CLEARLYRUNNING from volcanic magma, spewing from volcanoes, Semeru to Stromboli; actually revisiting Dec 4, 2021 Mat 24/Rev 3, Jesus saying RUN! As predicted, months to hours prior, an erupting Hawaii Mauna Loa, residents were shown as Eze 9 sanctuaries worshipping the damning thing; AODHF/JCOR
-No Wonder When Jesus Explained An Outbreak Of Apocalyptic Events To Inquiring Disciples, What shall The End Be And The Sighs Of Thy Coming? First Jesus Said, Let No Man Deceive You, These Are Things THAT MUST BE!
The reason THEY Aug 24, 2022, portrayed the opening of the Bottomless Pit (Rev 9:1-6), as with store managers keys exchanging hands, Divine to Demonic; the INVASION of Ancient, seducing evil into peoples homes, hearts and minds right now.
Know also the remission Moses Egypt,10th plague of death brought, here, during Archangel Michael THEM, alike Moses Exodus, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, Americans easily plowed over , gladiator arena style,Millions COVID dead, WHORING, warring, killing, destroying the more; HBOW/Apb
Youtube Sean Turi, WORLD'S BEST UFO PHOTO? CALVINE PHOTO Investigation, ,
He Shall Cover You With His Feathers And Under His Wings Shaft Thou Trust, Recently I Was Assured. You May Ask Who Is He? -During Chernobyl Spring Rapture demo, Thinking It Was An Arrived To The Rescue, WINGED, again WINGED Jesus; But Descriptions Here, Malichi 4 reassures Unreliably, This Was The Sunlight Of God!!!! He Shall Cover You With His Feathers And Under His Wings Shaft Thou Trust! See also here,, Yutube, mrmbb333, Something is definitely going on up there!!!
-Take it from me Sean, if Holy Spirits, just say witnessed star warring Archangel Michael THEM, explained, Fallen Angels, Rev 12, war in heaven, is why Aliens exist; my question, would they too as Satan and millions in devils, (Fallen Angels), been grounded; like their power over the air, say over second heaven, Alien settlements, be, greatly diminished? Let's say, until the Aug 244, 2022, just now, opening of the bottomless pit, the loosening of the 4 fallen angels from the Great River Euphrates; I mean, think, what else would explain their unparalleled limitations, to easily extinct humankind until now, God's As NOAH'S DAY, Described A Noah's Cousin, Extinction Level Wrath?
-What if I told you witnesseing these very elusive triangle crafts, as Jan 24, 2023, is no different than one every now and then, witnesseing or making contact with just as elusive, evasive Holy Angels? So , similar to Prophet Ezekiel, describing first the phenomon of GOD'S GLORY LEAVING THE TEMPLE, Though he as well, being taken by a lock of his hair and relocated to translated; the alike fly over the nation to entire CONTINENT while in fiery, VOLCANIC, apocalypse, as from the West Pacific Ring Of Fire/US/BC West Pacific and tens of millions are horribly no more. I guess I'm asking, was this phenom as the Christmas Carol, Mr Scrooge,, flyover to look and see, on Angels wings or by a triangle craft? -Frightnight to AMAZING GRACE, since I've seen, traveled both ways, including being all of a suddenly translated for Thousands of miles, and there's a little Miya Girl surveyor, Translators in the back seat; possibly right into westerners , blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, ONLY SAFEHAVEN territory, Mother Africa's Southwest Atlantic COAST; the since (Juneteenth 2002),/Sunlight Of God, Commanded African American Exodus, so imminent as to mock us all Sean, Jan 16/17,2023, granted our own race cars, a cleared out for now, free for all race track, speeding into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER! HBOW, I witnessed the Reigning Bride possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2 stone from heaven; I witnessed Further, This Reigning Bride Of Wrath, Was Me, Myself; Apb The RAM, see more here,, these are all my Amazing Grace experiences for 36 Chernobyl Rapture Springs Demos, in the form of Prophetic Parables.... Like for six millennia, its ALL being fulfilled Prophetically, AODHF/JCON, HBOW/Apb The RAM
Sorry, I was to suggest you HBOW/Apb, GOD BLESS/GODSPEED
Sorry, I was supposed to suggest you
Youtube, Ron Yates, What's Coming Is, WORST Than, RATE HIKES" Shocking Vaccines
AND LIKE THE CITY OF ATLANTIS YOU'D DILIGENTLY SEEK THEIR PLACES AND NOT FIND THEM; WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! . BEHOLD I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS!!! F FOR FORNICATION A FOR ADULTERY; A FOR ABORTION; LGBTQ AND P, FOR PEDOPHILER! -Like for six millennia its ALL been ending prophetically; we the prophesied day, hour and nano-second of fulfillment. Marvel not just before THEY send us off Mat 24 Jesus, forewarn FLIGHT, presently these assignments of race cars and free for all race track, this speeding into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER, THEY showed, warn THEY'RE COMING! Shocking Vaccine, beware Rev 2 RECURRING since Jan 12 13 2018, here, the same, Rev 2 Jesus, 2023, threat of a mass dieoff ascension of children; beware The Tripledemic, killing horribly within 5 minutes. Frightnight, what's good for molten Lava flooding and those for two weeks, California Atmospheric Rivers/an active Long Valley Volcano, so, so so close; to awarding unforseen HORRID deaths, then Judgment, then Eternal LAKES OF FIRE! The Dying Of Schools Is Painful Go Down To the Middle School, Cast A Stone (An Asteroid/Comet) -Apparentjy this time Jujy 27/28 2021 Trump of GOD, Angel Gabriel, THEM, as runnining us out of IMPACT ZONES Jan 16/17 2023, or simply suggesting since we're out, away, we don't return again to this place, wasn't a vacation spot in not a safehaven Florida/ATLANTA, but our for four years now home, the impact zone, a Gen 15 type, Archangel Michael rescued grand Caden from, all the way through a hole in HEAVEN, not a safehaven, Lithonia GA! -See Rev 17:17, I explained to many CHINA being forced, to join Russia; the failed de-dollaration of the worlds currency to growing Ukrainian allies. How even their over the cities of America China reconnaissance balloon, I remind CHINA is the military god of this planet, like predestined to deal with the West, genocider diplomacy. Fightnight those powers that be which can STOP IX, say Ps 35/Rev 11, SOUNDING OF THE SEVENTH ANGEL TRUMPET/ Rev12 Star Warring AODHF/Archangel Michael THEM, -Know also, there's Eze 9 Commaned heart stoppers of descending millions;; Rev 9, Aug 24 2022, the opening of the bottomless Pit to SATANIC, DEMONIC and shown a hybrid between the two ALIEN APOCALYPSE,. Frightnight to Anubis Demons disguised as policing German Shepherds all-round,THEY all have a common enemy to target GREAT WHORE MYSTERY BABYLON disguised as WHOREMONGERING, WAR-MONGERING, America, as Western Civilization, heck, even The American Continent is to be no more; marvel not the hand writing clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE; (THE AMERICAN CONTINENT); Knowing where, NOW ARE YOU RUNNNNNNNNNING? AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb
Youtube Marfoogle, THE SPY BALLOON,; more of the predicted Asian Invasion Of US Soil/as the BETA shot skyward, the warning, by it's Angelic pilot," beware of Alien Dangers From Above; I'd be dishonest Marfoogle, here CHINA showing by prophetic design, it's the military god of this world; if I said finally realizing these reports, I didn't think about one, Rapture demo, of 36 Chernobyl Spring Raptures. Just as so, I witnesseed a cloud, balloon and balloon every time a born again Saint , THE RIGHTEOUS DEAD RISE FIRST, was captured into it! HBOW/Apb
FEMA Camps Coffin Investigation,; I never related this report to seeing during Obama/Biden/ H. Clinton error Col Gaddafi, aligned to 50 million US deaths; a funeral reef, attached to a Nov 4, 1975, Newspaper Boy, handlebars, shooting into the heavens with US soil death tolls; nor near two decades, Aug 2004, before Bill Gates warn of a nearing, flu-like pandemic; I'd done the same, a US Lab, bio weapon, backward Letter C , flu PANDEMIC /WITHIIN FIVE MINUTES, KILLER PNEUMONIA….HBOW/Apb
See more here,, and here, ( I couldn't help but wonder this warning, RED ALERT, Mass Casualty Training,; the same as May 22 2021, HOLY INTRAVENOUS GUARDIAN S, Warning of both recurring storms to build a up of RESCUERS, FRIGHTNIGHT, the more there's during Bush'/Clinton Bush, error Islam, build up of torture vehicles, A DIRTY MEDE marvel not May 22 2022, there's that reference to the Game System GTA, this escaping , procrastinating, endangering parents, line upon line, neverending line of injured to orphan school children; before waking to news about that Uvalde School shooting;
-Whereas just now, as in just now, showing HIMSELF Aug 5 2021, star warring with Archangel Michael THEM, AODHF, warning, I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS; do you know where your children are, are they in easily targeted buildings, CHURCHES, Schools, to School Buses? HBOW, I witnessed, for a year, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, Nov 10, 2022, the hammering off of a Mount Sinai type, also reigning God's Back Turn Throne, Dan 2 stone from heaven; which the Reigning Bride possessed, prepped and launched, a described Anti-Christ murderer; I know, Apostle Prophet I am know, question is you Knowing where, are you as Mat 24/Rev 11/18, JESUS FAITHFUL, Holy Saints to Tribulation Saint, ARE YOU RUNNNNNNNNNING? AODHF/JCOR…
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