Honestly there's a lot more of prophetic events being revisited here, like confirming thrice, in text like messages, Jesus THE CHRIST is on his way here; but most memorable, when I come into the Feb 12/13 2015 demo; since for seven DRAGON BEAST YEAR'S, OCT 17 2021 the Anti-Christ like at present is seen in great prowess planet wide, soon littered with Its Human Extinction; but on the other hand Jesus THE CHRIST arriving to the rescue the way if a gamma ray burst; I'm looking at reigning Holy Church Bride and Frightnight to rolling twilight skies rising up forever and forever, she's prepping Daniel 2 witnessed even by his King Nebuchadnezzar, stone from heaven; we know possibly ebbing and flowing with US heaven-ward death yolls Nov 4-8=2022,, the up there, hammering off of a Mt Sinai Type, Apocalyptic Event, when further I begin hearing, "this is the Anti-Christ murderer!"

Article, NASA mission to stop asteroid Bennu from colliding with Earth ends this week

ByEric Ralls staff writer

And Then There Was One!!!!

Waking, actually just now hearing simply TIME; but waking Oct 3 2004 ebbing and flowing into it's Oct 2021 hearing two Big ones coming and seeing ebbing and flowing 22 years now US WEST RULE, weight of Martyred blood guilt, sentence, judgement, assured D-DAY, Oct 17 2001, is BENNNU one of the Big Ones; or one of the two hammering off of a Reigning Mt Sinai type, Apocalyptic event; there's an asteroid C
commanded to both end middle schools to Wisconsin/WEST CONSTANTLY SINNING! Marvel not even the reigning Holy Church Bride possessed, prepped, and launched Dan 2 stone from heaven; thing is, it had a meteor surface; plus we know a predicted Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE is too cosmic related.

-Marvel not the HUGER THAN THE HUGEST SUN EVER Single Word DONATE To TIFF, some ginormity not yet BEN AFFLECK'S ARMAGEDDON YELLOWSTONE, caused a MEMPHIS, mandatory evacuations/EMP to CME Event that sent two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet and hundreds of millions, soon a billion refugees into Star Warring Archangel Michael's List, assigned, designed territories; beware, the as sudden, as Noah's Day World Flood to Canada, Maui sudden Combustion, I'm Telling Y'all, From Vin Diesel Fast And Furious to Super Mario Brothers Carts, Its The Speed!

Frightnight if we are near two years Oct 17 2023, into Prophet Daniel's most Apocalyptic 7 DRAGON BEAST YEARS, there's to ever be ever; Jesus Millennium Reign; ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER DESCENDING KINGDOM to follow; then a plethora of like Hurricane Lee', guided extinction level events, as Imminent natural, VOLCANIC Nuclear SOLAR Cosmic and shown a hybrid between the two Alien Apocalypse; would be all its evidence you'd ever need; Marvel not Rev 3 Jesus THE CHRIST saying RUN; The Sunlight Of God/Trump Of God Angel Gabriel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM Commanded African American Exodus into designed, assigned safehaven territories Jordan's Petra City: US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER into Africa's Southwest Atlantic! You, Yours? HBOW/Apb

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor, I Can't Believe This A Big Mistake Just Happen

Hearing This, Interstellar Armageddon/Angel Gabriel Sounding The Last Trump Over MEMPHIS,2013, Raleigh Home

Seeing This, Interstellar Armageddon, During His Everything Followed By 2017, Hurricane Season/Sudden Disasters President Trump Prepping Jan 2019, Nations Address

GO GET THE TWELVE HEIRS; INVITE THE BETA (Specialty Saints/Holy Royal Priesthood Estimated Time Of Blessed BRIEXIT?

I'm first standing before this unprecedented multicultural choir to celebration, when like John, okay again not just John. Only by now Holy Church Bride reigning, The Two Witnesses being celebrated as so, as of Their resurrection , ascending, descending leading captivity captived,The Tribulation Saints all there. So again, Pastor, you know what John was hearing as the silence in heaven began to vibrate across The Paradise Of Heaven? I too begin to hear it, soon there's no denying it, GOD IS CRYING, uncontrollably at that; Like just there, I too, hear it!

Undoubtedly all GOD'S BACK TURNED THRONE into that, incalculable multi million man choir, all soon hearing, ELO-HIM sobbing uncontrollably, frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, AODHF is lamenting, MY PEOPLE ARE DYING, DYING, and they're being stripped of EVERYTHING Jesus THE CHRIST, behold strip their leaders, kill all parents by, finish all schools, except they Run, EXODUS, HEAR ME, DOMINOING HAWAII INTO 101 BEN AFFLECK'S ARMAGEDDON YELLOWSTONES, began at My Sanctuaries Abominable, Detestable Americans, MEMPHIANS, CHURCHIANS, to Trumpians! !

From Melting Prepped Mountains, to Crystal clear heavens cracking apart, missiling down yours subscribers is a mission to labor of LOVE, FAITH, obedience, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit. THEY know you know three designed, assigned star warring, Archangel Michael crossing over territories, where, Jordan's Desert City Petra; US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER; ESCAPE into Africa's Southwest Atlantic Coastal Cities, Towns; knowing VOLCANOES ON ORANGE ALERT, so like I inquired of Maui/US/BC West Pacific into days prior, WHY DIE? WHY PERISH! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! C. O. Trumpeting Guardian Angel Gabriel THEM to Star Warring AODHF/Archangel Michael THEMl

Close Encounter with A CME, (Coronal Mass Ejection;

Marvel not those President Day, huge burning US Flags, by yet sparking, hanging, down electrical wires; to those encroaching upon stay put incentives, edging dangerously close, crashing, exploding 

fuel trucks/escaping molten lava flooding Into Heaven by Mario Cart, Super Mario Brothers Cart, now an end if the world move scenario.

Frightnight both the June 4 hugest SUN EVER and Even HUGER July 8, Single Word DONATE (stay put incentives, can't save you); TO single word TIFF, All A The EARTH Stood Still, End Of The World Movie Scenarios Cruises, WAR OF THE WORLDS; CAGES, KNOWING; DON'T COURT TO FLIRT REEVES MOVIES; REVISITED NOV 11 2021/NOV11 2022, WARN IN THREE LANGUES POSSIBLY ESCAPE VIN DIESEL FAST AND FURIOUS FROM BEN AFFLECK'S ARMAGEDDON YELLOWSTONE!

Article, Nationwide blackout as national grid collapses again
Published on September 19, 2023
By Ogaga Ariemu,

(Think back, wayyyy back to Intravenous Angels come to help lot and family escape, family lot knew these were Angels visiting him, warning him, these were holy angels that mob of sodomites (see pride marches to MOLESTERS to MUTATORS of children/riches to rags sickbeds to sleepovers); He resisted volcanic apocalypse come for them to the point he offered ( like western parents, to pulpits to politicians) a devilous, rebellious and mockerous Father offered his daughters to raging, ravishing sexual demons to deviants; (from school same gender, curriculums to the emancipation of children); 

Be crystal skies missiling down while Holy Church Bride skyrockets, surreal, that's what The God who sees, Jan 12 13 2023 Rev 18, meant saying  He's seen your sins, He know what HE has to do and as being celebrated in Aug 5 2021/Big Sept BETA/JBIG JUNE/UNETEENTH 20, 2023. Today, yes a for a year oldest sister who by THEM overseeing her sickbed to hospice bed planned its very morning THEY would take her, just as I'd also promised both her daughter and her, and yes we again come close to a double funeral, fret not this is Holy Apostles enduring CHRIST ❌, to be separate from the body is be present with The Lord.

Promised, we hold off until The Sept BETA Holy, Psalm 35/91,Intravenous Guardian,TRUMPETH, Angel Gabriel THEM would take her, well us out. Like miraculously, while loving family members, were planting us in, Apostle Paul celebrating resurrection, ascension, GLORIFICATION, death, grave where is thy string, glory; THEY knowing I'd be making this comment, there's only days past, showing holy Saints as busy as ants at getting second heaven intercessions all ready, and I mean whatever helpful position you held here, I mean 

 We're running around, interstellar Armageddon spoils of spiritual warfare, second heaven intercessions, this hurried and hurried!   
Obviously, like FATHER GOD HIMSELF is COMING! When with filled cart 🛒 in hand, soon to realize, I'm standing right behind her, busying about. Here's bum, bum her grands call her, the look on her face, her eyes, she was all herself again, running into a hug, a hold, realizing I'm right there with her. Though I woke just as suddenly, that amazing Reunion, greeting, hug stayed with me, all round , in, through for the rest of the day!

I'm ready, is what I heard, Jan 12 13 2023, ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, is what I was assured, with me just now realizing the question asked me before a grand Caden/CAMERON and I boarded a craft to heaven, they both asking me first, was I ready? I admonish THEY take us to our equal as Christ THE LORD, glorified body, like hourly but knowing THEY'RE right here doing just that taking us, I just hit a glanced of THEM building my Temple OF God Foundational, Stay Put, Pillar, 
just a Morning past I had such its ascension, anxiety.

I know once there among all it indescribable phenomona, it's gonna be whether we'd ever been here, DOOMSDAY earth ever atoll. Star Warring ELO-HIM, the saints under the throne has been pleading HE take their vengeance for millennia, but this Aug 5 2921, Star Warring Rev 11 ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, reminded of days of old. Surrealistically, only one thing literally put fire behind Lot and Family. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, the alike warning that followed my awarded big sis own Septa BETA 20, 2022, blessed Brexit, it's 21, Volcanism Placed On ORANGE ALERT;

Here's comes its alike 22nd date,  REVISITING, OUR MOMS Aug 7 BD, THE HAND WRITING CLUMSILY, ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE! Next I knew not only am I, but Rev 10 Mighty Angel and allying him is Rev 17 7th Angel, bearing 7 more judgment bowls. I know, I know, was this May 15, 2004 visiting Angel Gabriel mentioned 7th Angel; or the Mystery Woman, the multimillion water cooler, having these bowls only now blacken, was Rev 17 7th Angel come with judgment bowls, also with her? Looks like, so WE were All, inviting US states from a sudden barbecuing, exception US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER, instead hundreds of millions of others were to escape an as dominoing, Apocalyptic Hawaii Maui just now /US/Canada West Pacific.

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies Error Hussein/ ISLAM, UK'S Cameron/Sunak; CANADA'S sudden Combustion Trudeau/Harper, US' s Obama/Biden and last but primal, Israel's Nethnuye/well actually THEY warn, Before it's News, Israel, how they're living, shopping on mountains edge, and gave me, it's Shimon Peres. Frightnight with Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE taking up its rear, dominoing Hawaii Volcanic Summit, they're escaping Fiery Doomsday VOLCANIC Apocalypse but recently, Jan 16/17, 2023 they're to use prepped racecars to racetracks to Super Mario Brothers Ariel Carts to
escape a boiling as well, warn as molten lava flooding.

 like I explained it here I'm seeing myself squeezing into a Mario Cart to heaven, with my recently murdered sister, we're off to find Madea; Woe, getting that HUGER THAN THE HUGEST SUN EVER SINGLE WORD DONATION TO TIFF remind as Jan 2018 Rev 10, MIGHTY ANGEL, no further delays, beware The Midwest The Eastern Seaboard as the inundated with fiery doomsday apocalypse US/BC West Pacific; get it, get Jesus THE CHRIST, get fast and furious, Mario's Carts, get up yonder or even denying Him get you and yours racecars to racetracks, get over yonder; those only given down from heaven safehaven territories, for Father Abraham's/ MOTHER AFRICA'S, billions his spiritual, to biological to Prophetic lineage, now doesn't that include, you, yours? 


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