Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear August JUNETEENTH 26, APOCALYPTIC 2023, seeing the horror of DEA agents flipping multi generation houses searching I thought for illegal drugs but actually searching for what could only be, stockpiled, prescription drugs; beware yet procrastinating, The commanded African American Exodus; blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, HBOW, Apb mi
Who Shall Believe, What The Holy Spirit Saith To THEIR, Apostle/Prophets? Also the texting of especially college grands, beware of arguments about religious things. In prophetic hindsight, one just end in a brawl causing hundreds to thousands their lives; I witnessed breaking news videos of authorities covering bodies with tannish tarps until they could get back to them. Just how accurate can these things be? I witnessed something similar, the investigation of a fiery crash and charcoal bodies, a raised arm that look like that of a child or female before waking to breaking news about Kobe Bryant's and daughter's fiery crash. HBOW/Apb

JCON/JCOR When You Shall See (Know) RUN To Jordan's Petra US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER into Africa's Southwest Atlantic! 

The title HIDE YOUR FAMILY, arriving directly to my phone, what I originally was to comment too. Clearly saying, hide your family is too much FSS, as of Rev 6, 6th seal, Apostle John witnessing to mocking many running to mountains and caves. Fruitlessly escaping God's SOLAR TO VOLCANIC wrath; since they've come, its beginning to look a lot like US/N. America, States Of Barbecue, of getting you to US Georgia's Atlantic Coast CROSSOVER where during Moses day Exodus, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM can best get you, yours to exile luxury,  Mother Africa's Southwest Atlantic.... WAKE! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! JCON/JCOR 


Taken By A Lock Of Hair, Seeing By A Torn Hole There, They Worship The Creature, They Worship Hawaii's IMMINENT Volcanic Summit! You, Yours? Everything else ropes, knotted at best to help your endangered children climb out of Anubis' Undergrounds you've cursed them! Remember I've participated in saving children from these damning, arcade, TORTUROUS places, one was by a tossed in to them, knotted rope! HBOW/Apb 

All The Explosions On The Sun, Know About Solar Flares to CMES, ttps:// (-Oddity, catching this report actually during Prophet Ezekiel lock of hair fly over, hole punched in the wall, worshipping the creature, they, religious leaders worshipped The Sun! You, Yours?

Though The Answer Is In The Question, like Intravenous Angels asking, ,(WHAT'S THE SECRET OF MEMPHIS to Rev 2 Jesus, Hawaii Missile Morning, inquiring will Angels also Ascend?); some just asked, what instead of who; why?

What Saved The ‘Miracle House’ In Lahaina?; well see more here,; all the way into the end, as she asked, a spiritual awakening to divine answer that's been saving humankind from human extinction to eternal damnation since Holy Elohim promised, delivered, sacrificed and glorified The Woman Seed! HBOW/Ap

And these are the descendants of the beauty rescued from the hands of the Beast's Mark: Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Koph Reshiram Saurus and Queen Bride Laydon Seashell Bianca Voightright  

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The 

Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Aristotle Heiress Cologne and Antelope Deer, Jaguar Deburk was born their beloved son, Samson Frederick Cologne, a dear son, Matheson Francis Cologne and a third son Tiahleigh Viceroy Cologne  and a son Esteem, Patterson, Franklin Deburk 
     Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII 
Wr. March 6, 2018, 10:59, 7:17, thirty minutes into America's complete extinction, no more western rule this planet

           ...Thou Art All Fair, My Love; There Is No Spot In Thee...

                                   Scene X

     "Why are you guys looking at me, please don't tell me I was snoring? You was speaking in tongues just as you woke, I was Halde actually speaking in Dutch You speak Dutch, or you have a gift of interpretation? Neither, I was in a dream, where Sia Maaseiah, arriving a fast food window, was like making drinks to food items, orders for us, ah feeding us. Some only liquids, others meat, then I saw this sign, these words, this message, in English, but I spoke them in Dutch and I knew I was speaking Dutch. So what did the English passage say? I don't remember, it was too fast, I only Caleb remember it was written in English and interpreted Into Dutch. But, here, here, the latest on Dutch News. Who  all speak Dutch? There's something about a failed referendum, called a step back for democracy, and the date of February 22 ...wait!" Curiously fitting his listening ear anxiously back to her, it couldn't be a coincidence but still what did it all mean? Did you say February 22? That's Evolent the two year anniversary of the UK, Brexit ...and yet another, news report and Caleb, you're right, because the second article, reads 'Dutch state appeals against Brexit ruling, crowdfunding campaign hits target'. Where to, Ad answer you, this Dutch news it's referencing the Netherlands, into the Hague government, ex cetra. Hey, lil sis here, all of you may as well be speaking Dutch right now. So, why have Evolent over here speak in Dutch, if all they had to do was put the word dutch in her head? It's a blinking light of caution Halde, as to shed a light of forewarning or awareness, about these seeming inept dealings, the Netherlands. Look even more revealing to marveling, Sia Maaseiah's grand, Dad, the Jesus Husband, carrying some to Georgia first, warning about a pending Cameron, day of ascension, also 3 years prior, Feb 22, (2012); why her reveals are called the link prophecies. Yeah Halde, that is a switch, instead of Dutch you guys being translated into English, it's the very opposite, like English is come Dutch. Plus dear sister, the word Dutch could've been short for Maaseiah's, suggested, dutchsinse, earthquake predictor, prophecy, who knows why they do it the way they do, only that they always have done it this way, like speak in confusing parables to darken mirrors. Though gravely catching my ear, the Brexit is what was being referenced during Sia Maaseiah June (2015), moving to Heaven, to Georgia dream, and a date of September 23-25th as a departure day for the Holy Bride. The very day, it's 23rd, to it's month, (2017), demonstrated was the celestial sign of Apostle John's description of the Revelation 12 sign, of an Anointed One, being snatched out of the hands of the Dragon, by being taken off this planet to heaven, again you guys, just as Sia Maaseiah was seeing here, July (2015), it's forewarn Cameron, fulfilling Feb 22, 2016. I been meaning to ask you guys, how sure are you, that Georgia being referenced here, is the state and not the country, where is the country Georgia located as far as the United States, not it's southeast, right? I did Evolent call myself researching that, I didn't find any relations until I looked at a full map, America's Southern Atlantic, is Georgia's Western tier, so yes, it's possible to reach, Georgia the country from there, so you could be right, but if all are being stampeded into Africa's Atlantic, like it's Canada, Britain, all those countries the Atlantic, this would be the country Georgia's Blaexit instead of America's escape into safe haven! In class lately, Sia Artelon, mention, how the end of February, he heard territorial spirits discussing how they would leave in a week, and immediately he calculated how that would be around Sia Maaseiah's final Matrix ten day count, that's, if like Moses Exodus, there are indeed ten, but if not we're talking between March fifth, fifteenth to its twenty-fifth, it's tenth to eleventh to it's twelfth, Matrix prophecy. The ah, ah dream Halde, after the, what, what do we call them? After the future tribbers were delivered to safety as of southeast, into Georgia, and this blessed escape again return for Her, just before they would board this especial chariot, I mean it was her car but as well, it was a chariot. Ah, you guys, one of the other articles, is about a Dutch company launching its first flying car, so hearing what you just said about Maaseiah's car, that apply here as well, right? Even what God has in store for us, so far surpasses man, it's without description for eons, I'm sorry, please continue, ...the ah moving to heaven slash Georgia dream is where Sia Maaseiah witnessed the scrolling of this September date. Only just prior she was looking in the face of a grandson and a distant relative, with one she recognized as a Cameron, when she then heard the saying, it's all about Cameron. We went on to learn, PM. Cameron future decisions, the signing that next year of the Brexit, ...well this report, ah the February 22 referendum is in relations to Dutch citizenship, it could be referencing all nations problems right now, with world migration, I mean many escapees will return to the countries of their origin, right? Right, that would Evolent definitely be right, so getting back, Cameron signing this Brexit was just as predestined, as intertwined with Obama's (2008/09), administration being awarded a two weeks and seven year timetable. A predestined one, you guys dating back to the prophet Daniel's,12, into Apostle John's Revelation of it's 10th, 17-18th chapters, again Obama's, who was two weeks shy of fulfillment, as of the (2015), moving to Heaven, Georgia and Cameron's reveal. These made aware then cause the application 2003, of Saddam Hussein being declared injured and finished, as to be crushed by a huge container that is West Rule, is also referred to here. It was Caleb, (2002), she witnessed four continents to nations in a block, Asia, America, Japan and Russia and first heard it said, as of Trump's (2017), inauguration, "fifty million would die," concerning, because. it's like all of the phenom above all happen so Prime Minister Cameron, signing what they call the Brexit, was western leaders unknowingly like something right out of Revelation 17:16-18, agreeing to the end of Western Civilization as of the beast to antichrist reign. Right upon Maaseiah witnessed that West Rule felled cataclysmically by the speed of an hour to what you guys? Further, Islamic and Antichrist reign, Obama's was a pending ancient beast reign, here Trump's is come Ancient beast rule, which is why in comparison to the Brexit, Maaseiah has formed Trump's a Truexit. As in a commanded Moses day exodus, with everyone of these prophecies to timetables extended along the assignment of the November 24/25th (2017), Matrix ten day count, now, presently it's tenth. Cay, look, you sure that's the best route to take? It's so steep through here, ....according to your gadget right here we're on the best, fastest route, in like three hours we're there, but you are more than welcome brother to check it yourself. So Pier's dad rented some cabin there? No, Pier dad own a log cabin lodge, in Georgia, he emptied it out for us, for the Dorm's spring breakers, meaning they're all there and those Evolent who aren't are more than likely, like us, headed there. Look, what about this route? The comey, GPS is saying if we take this, we're there in thirty minutes, thirty minutes Aid in comparison to hours, that can't be right, I'm just saying. You say you don't remember what you read or even said in Dutch? No Halde I don't, and it's sorta frustrating, but ah, your brother's explications of Maaseiah's reveal, the pending Brexit to what is come the Truexit of Ancient beast reign made it, make sense. They seem to be very insightful of such things, believe me, the Sia Juttah wouldn't have us any other way, I just need to pay more attention, ...amen!" The two brothers sounded off simultaneously, getting back to the discussion of which route was the speediest, even smiling as he remembered one guy lead to flood waters by one of these gadgets. What about you guys, what about your families, you guys were nuptial or pre-nuptials, prenuptial, both of our fiances' went south with the others and you Halde? Ah she just been asking Pier Swanson, just not, ...I'll ask him when it's good and time, ...I probably shouldn't have said that huh? No, brother you shouldn't have, let's just keep Pier out of such things, you know, until. Look, did you all ever think the Bride would still be here, this close to Daniel's final week of years? I remember Avolent 2007, Maaseiah claimed we lingered along the fumes of end time prophecy, that we were that close, sure it was that far back? That Aid man would mean it's going on eleven years since she said that, then what year was it she was given the Bride's heaven bound mission? The Bride's Heaven bound mission? Yes, Evolent, it would seem, just as upon Jesus ascension, would intercede God's throne for the anointed, Lord Maaseiah as you just called her, was receiving an alike commission for the Tribulation Saints. I think brother you just missed our turn, yeah, yeah, see it's telling you where to make a U-turn, anyway she said she was standing the kitchen, when in her hearing she begin to hear. "Soon the church bride could be in heaven, looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints, as the Antichrist, Rev. 13, you guys, is given power to overcome them! Probably the fulfillment of her first speaking in tongues, while in heaven, as she stood an opened, passageway way from heaven right into the earth, where she poured out in unknown tongues all across earth's lands and inhabitants. I told you, I told you, there was no way that length could be that much of a differentiation, it's a single log cabin, not a lodge, I just knew it, it was too good to be true. Okay, okay Caleb, let's just get back to yours, I'm ready to be there by now! Are we lost? No, no Halde, even better, "are we there yet?" Funny you two, very funny, but no, Caleb is getting us back on track, we'll be there in 120 minutes. Really? As in two hours, well at least we knocked an hour off.".    {{{"Hey bro, Pier, good timing, we're only a couple hours off, dad and I have built you guys a fire to both warm and cozy up the place}}},...they're warming up the place, {{{I cannot tell you how delicious that sound, anything else about Canada?}}} Ah it's bad, really really bad, as bad you guys as Maaseiah saw it, and all the highlighted areas along the US West Pacific are all under mandatory evacs. Then it's well, as Maaseiah said, they would wait until millions are dead}}}, ah my Christ, ..I can hear it, it's a breaking news alarm ...ah my Christ, Caleb!" With his voice shivering, his eyes filling with heart tightening terror, it was Yellowstone, it was erupting! {{{I think it's Yellowstone,'s, ah, Christ you guys, it's yellow, stone, wait, wait, they're not, they're not sure, what the heck!}}} They're not sure, ah he's gone, here, was something about Yellowstone, and then, silence." With them all leaning into his seat, a bit of his ear, this panic, crying over what they thought was the sudden incineration of millions, just this overwhelming fear, whether others got out in time? "Guys, guys, I'm still driving here, then pull over, there is no pulling over, there's Aid man, over the mountainside, that's it, then we'll be looking at Jesus and Jesus will be looking at us. Okay, everybody calm, something huge and horrible just happen, but just as well the heir Juttah is arriving people there, the heir Juttah? We missed the heir, Juttah? I'm just saying Cay man, it's Pier again guys, {so what, what? Did you hear about the heir Juttah? I heard, but what about Yellowstone they don't know, they only know a ginormous explosion just leveled the entire areas we just you guys ran from, I, uh, I, can't do this, ah, just get here, be careful and just get here!"}}} "They're still uncertain what it was, so it could be that or any of the others, it could be Yellowstone, but it could also be, Russia's doomsday bomb he was just threatening, it could be a CME, or an Asteroid, Nasa been really questionable lately about them. That's crazy as heck, how can they not know?" With them all boo, oohing all around him, triggering tears along his cheek, his nose, and until he wipe, his neck, how in Jesus name could they have known sending their parents on that cruise would save them for now? "Evolent, so what did you see back there, you wasn't at the dorm, so how did you see any of that, did you just lie to us? I told you what you needed to hear so you wouldn't worry, ...ah, so you lied to make us all feel better? I'm sorry," helping a calming Halde ease out of her chest for crying, the truth was there wasn't enough crying in the world to remedy the horrors now behind and before them. "I shouldn't have done that, yeah, Pier told us not to believe anything you say, I said I was sorry, and what, that's to make it all better? According to both your Christ's Lord and your Lord Maaseiah, yes. You said in the dream just now, Maaseiah was feeding the people, yes, feeding them what may ask, that's if you remember? Some she was giving only liquids to drink, others she was giving meat, and still others, both liquids and meat, now Caleb, I'm glad you asked, because once the Dutch language come I forgot the rest of its meaning. Well, it's apostle Paul describing how some, being babe's in spiritual knowledge are yet feed milk, while others being more nature, are instead feed meat, it all reference your range of maturity in Christ's things. Look, we're here you guys, woe, how many are those things are there? The Heir Juttah, and as many as needed for transporting, I think they're gonna take us there, you think the Juttah Septennial begins? I do, I think especially what Maaseiah been seeing doing these ten, Matrix ten day counts, all verifies, it, we're being taken out, and these Juttah heirs may as well be our own chariots to heaven, to marriage suppers and mansions, God's Throne On ofly you guys not yet," just as Evolent was to make an exit, getting out before all of them, leaping right into a crowd of going to and fro of young, marriage worshipers, "not yet, not yet at all, Evolent, where is she, going? Evolent, Ev, wait, did I just nick name her, Ev? Yeah older, wiser brother I think you just did, you know what that mean? Now instead you have to marry her and bring Juttah Heirs into God's Kingdom reign, stop it Aid man, you always think everything's a game. Plus I think that heart is already taken, yeah, if so, why on earth and heaven is Pier Swanson evading such a jewel of a woman as Evolent? I don't know big brother, but here he come, you can ask him, and whisper it contents in my ear later on, in the meantime, I'm going to reserve me a seat on one of these Heir Juttah's, us, bro, that's us a seat, your brother, your sister and our futures wives, ....yeah, yeah, I'll think about it!" See The Exodus Of Evolent de Rossi here,

For They Say The Lord Seeth Us Not, The Lord Is Ascended From The Earth!" Eze. 8:12

For They Say The Lord Seeth Us Not, The Lord Is Ascended From The Earth!" Eze. 8:12

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor,  Undeniable Evidence We're In Trouble Right Now Towns Evacuated, Cities On Fire,


-Holy Father this witness as the title, proof, 'WE'RE IN TROUBLE,' hit my phone; marvel not, there's, A Voice Warning 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava; A Hand Writing On A Wall 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava; A Hand Writing Clumsily Escape Yellowstone, actually 101 of them; as recent as Jan 2023 THEY crafted us racecars to racetracks US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER to Mario Carts to heaven, to better out pace warn, molten lava flooding! 

-Before FSS I saw the flames, behind you, my response was gonna be; you FSS mean, in trouble like The Maui fiery doomsday and bout 30 other US states no more, should've been burning into Washington DC  by now, Air Force Ones, two's, threes, Its entire Residents, Pres . V Pres All and some bout an entangled, hovering, spacecraft?

-Actually part of a comment I was working on, Maui fires burning into the Whitehouse by now, and Kirk Cameron Left Behind Two using it all as a built offering, alter of repentance and reconciliation, presently the Lathania, Miracle, Church House!  Before clinking here. Frightnight is, and he, well it's not that he doesn't know, ALL MINE PLAYING IN FIERY TRAFFIC, with knotted ropes ALL, KNOW. Frightnight Its like  Americans CHURCHIANS to Trumpians refusing to look up, that one of Holy God Of Wrath cursed disillusionment is to stand on positive thinking. Amazing Grace, while as Mat 24 Jesus THE CHRIST warn sudden apocalypse, especially, fiery doomsday apocalypse Natural VOLCANIC Nuclear SOLAR Cosmic all EASILY have at you EASILY, because you're not running! 

- I knew driving me this way like a Moses Returning to Egypt Memphis, again he didn't know, even the 22st revisit, BIG June/JUNETEENTH 17 2023 the Sunlight Of God Commanded African American Exodus, to its date; he was driving me right into Godzilla like, MAMMOTH firestorms; its dominoing Hawaii into MEMPHIS into threaten, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! Dutchsinse did theory even if filled with tons of lava, its was once a space port;  even if not, anything a Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE has to have a component, UFO to Those Incoming Planetary Bodies, guided to strike at both Wisconsin (WEST CONSTANTLY SINNING/WEST RULE)? To Middle Schools. HBOW/Apb The RAM 

Hearing Kill All Parents By, Kinda Eze 38/39 since I heard One Say Silly, Mask Like During a Pandemic That Killed MILLIONS  PARENTS, GRANDS, Apparently Not Him,HIS! Onward It Bio-weapon To Kill Billions

YouTube Geology Hub Hawaii Kilauea Volcano Ready to erupt,

Those Who Didn't Die By The Plague, BEWARE like Rev 9/20 Apostle John I've witnessed the loosening of the 4 bound Angels and their 200 million DEMON Army; WHAT'S TO DO WITH THE ANTICHRIST ANUBIS' ARMY POSING AS POLICING GERMAN SHEPHERDS,NOT SURE! During a multi-million man grocery, The Store Manager's Keys To The Bottomless Pit past to Satanic, Demonic and shown a hybrid between the two ALIEN APOCALYPSE  Yeah seems they didn't have the Adamic, produce the women seed, Christ redeeming ❌  at all, Fallen Angels hath them, bring Aliens to human extinction, natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic to ALIEN, ; Oh, Ah RUN!



MAY 26 2023 Deemed Last Day Of America; An Inundation Of Triangle Crafts HOVERING AROUND, Perhaps?


Speaking of MILLIONS COVID MARTYRED AND, AND dying; when it was clear they weren't gonna take me with my eldest sis, the Sept BETA 20, 2022; remember its Sept BETA 2020 Gog and Magog taunted Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM about its missed opportunity to ASCEND HOLY CHURCH BRIDE! There's Grand Caden 🏥 stay; 🏫 return, skating date, thrice sicken the house, I'm with hospice sis so stricken,my Memphians threatening a double⚱️, Sept 21 🌋 went 🍊; 22  Ben Affleck's Armageddon, Y. S. Oct,This Rev 17:14 J. H. 🔨 ⚒️ US Into Fiery Doomsday Apocalypse Nov, predicted, Ben Affleck's Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, "Hawaii is building into." HBOW/Apb The RAM 

Posted 08/28/202$

THEY Christopher Greene, including a pacing anxiously between the earth, the sea.and US, Canada West Pacific Rev 10 Mighty Angel; there's a Rev 17, 7th Angel, bearing 7 judgment bowls with him, again warning, Jan 22-29, 2018, desolstions predicted US soil NOW come! HGOW/HBOW! Wow, didn't know you'd Dutchsinse, (Dutch), done a video so recent... Thanks, Star Warring GOD/ Archangel Michael THEM, SPEED!!! YouTube Dutchsinse, 06/02/2023, All of Quebec Canada Just Erupted Into Fires - Canada Under Attack, (-A below, It normally take me 5 to 10 minutes to share a prophetic parable, I been sharing this since this time yesterday, such resistance,. Admittedly Dutch, you would think I wrote it today, but it's been 5 years and 2 months, HBOW/Apb US/BRITAIN/Canada, Handwriting Of Judgment On A Wall, Jeremiah 37:8; And the Chaldeans (Islamic/Israeli/Anti-Christ Rule); shall come again, and fight against this city, and take it, and burn it with fire. Frightnight every biblical prophecy Linked, Threaten AMERICA/West Rule, Involves Total Obliteration By Apocalyptic Firestorms…Natural, VOLCANIC Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic/ALIEN/ THE SINCE CHERNOBYL SPRING RAPTURE DEMO, THE SUNLIGHT OF GOD! THERE'S SOMETHING 08/25/2023, EVEN MORE HUGER THAN THE HUGE SUN I SAW RIGHT NOW ABOUT THE HUGE ENOUGH TO BLOCK OUT THE SKY SINGLE WORD OR ABBRV. TIFF! Hint; could be Hacks Cross MEMPHIS EVACUATIONS to EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANOS, Hurricanes, Florida to Cruise Ships, Related WR March 6 2018 ...Thou Art All Fair, My Love; There Is No Spot In Thee... Scene X "Why are you guys looking at me, please don't tell me I was snoring? You was speaking in tongues, just as you woke, I was Halde actually speaking in Dutch. You speak Dutch, or you have a gift of interpretation? Neither, I was in a dream, where Sia Maaseiah, arriving a fast food window, was like making drinks to food items, orders for us, ah feeding us. Some only liquids, others meat, then I saw this sign, these words, this message, in English, but I spoke them in Dutch and I knew I was speaking Dutch. So what did the English passage say? I don't remember, it was too fast, I only Caleb remember it was written in English and interpreted into Dutch. Again written, 03/06/2018 {{{"Hey bro, Pier, good timing, we're only a couple hours off, dad and I have built you guys a fire to both warm and cozy up the place}}},...they're warming up the place, {{{I cannot tell you how delicious that sound, anything else about Canada?}}} Ah it's bad, really really bad, as bad you guys as Maaseiah saw it, and all the highlighted areas along the US West Pacific are all under mandatory evacs. Then it's, well, as Maaseiah said, they would wait until millions are dead}}}, ah my Christ, ..I can hear it, it's a breaking news alarm ...ah my Christ, Caleb!" With his voice shivering, his eyes filling with heart tightening terror, it was Yellowstone, it was erupting! {{{I think it's Yellowstone,'s, ah, Christ you guys, it's yellow, stone, wait, wait, they're not, they're not sure, what the heck!}}} They're not sure, ah he's gone, there, was something about Yellowstone, and then, silence." With them all leaning into his seat, a bite of his ear, this panic, crying over what they thought was the sudden incineration of millions, just this overwhelming fear, whether others got out in time? "Guys, guys, I'm still driving here, then pull over, there is no pulling over, there's Aid man, over the mountainside, that's it, then we'll be looking at Jesus and Jesus will be looking at us." Why do I Speak In Prophetic Parables? Jesus Disciples asked HIM with Him answering by quoting prophets of old, saying well see more here Mat 13: 10-17, HGOW/HBOW see entire prophetic parable here,, HBOW/Apb The RAM YouTube Dutchsinse, 06/02/2023, All of Quebec Canada Just Erupted Into Fires - Canada Under Attack, (-It normally take me 5 to 10 minutes to share a prophetic parable, I been sharing this since this time yesterday, such resistance, admittedly Dutch, you would think I wrote it today, but it's been 5 years and 5 months, HBOW/Apb US/BRITAIN/Canada, Handwriting Of Judgment On A Wall, Jeremiah 37 8; And the Chaldeans (Islamic/Israeli/Anti-Christ Rule); shall come again, and fight against this city, and take it, and burn it with fire. Frightnight every biblical prophecy Linked, Threaten AMERICA/West Rule, Involves Total Obliteration By Apocalyptic Firestorms…Natural, VOLCANIC Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic/ALIEN/ THE SINCE CHERNOBYL SPRING RAPTURE DEMO, THE SUNLIGHT OF GOD! THERE'S SOMETHING 08/25/2023, EVEN MORE HUGER THAN THE HUGE SUN I SAW RIGHT NOW ABOUT THE HUGE ENOUGH TO BLOCK OUT THE SKY SINGLE WORD OR ABBRV. TIFF! Hint; could be Hacks Cross MEMPHIS EVACUATIONS to EARTHQUAKES, VOLCANOS, Hurricanes, Florida to Cruise Ships, Related WR March 6 2018 ...Thou Art All Fair, My Love; There Is No Spot In Thee... Scene X "Why are you guys looking at me, please don't tell me I was snoring? You was speaking in tongues, just as you woke, I was Halde actually speaking in Dutch. You speak Dutch, or you have a gift of interpretation? Neither, I was in a dream, where Sia Maaseiah, arriving a fast food window, was like making drinks to food items, orders for us, ah feeding us. Some only liquids, others meat, then I saw this sign, these words, this message, in English, but I spoke them in Dutch and I knew I was speaking Dutch. So what did the English passage say? I don't remember, it was too fast, I only Caleb remember it was written in English and interpreted into Dutch. Again written, 03/06/2018 {{{"Hey bro, Pier, good timing, we're only a couple hours off, dad and I have built you guys a fire to both warm and cozy up the place}}},...they're warming up the place, {{{I cannot tell you how delicious that sound, anything else about Canada?}}} Ah it's bad, really really bad, as bad you guys as Maaseiah saw it, and all the highlighted areas along the US West Pacific are all under mandatory evacs. Then it's well, as Maaseiah said, they would wait until millions are dead}}}, ah my Christ, ..I can hear it, it's a breaking news alarm ...ah my Christ, Caleb!" With his voice shivering, his eyes filling with heart tightening terror, it was Yellowstone, it was erupting! {{{I think it's Yellowstone,'s, ah, Christ you guys, it's yellow, stone, wait, wait, they're not, they're not sure, what the heck!}}} They're not sure, ah he's gone, there, was something about Yellowstone, and then, silence." With them all leaning into his seat, a bite of his ear, this panic, crying over what they thought was the sudden incineration of millions, just this overwhelming fear, whether others got out in time? "Guys, guys, I'm still driving here, then pull over, there is no pulling over, there's Aid man, over the mountainside, that's it, then we'll be looking at Jesus and Jesus will be looking at us. Why do Speak In Prophetic Parables? Jesus Disciples asked HIM with Him answering by quoting prophets of old, saying well see more here Mat 13: 10-17, HGOW/HBOW see entire prophetic parable here,, HBOW/Apb The RAM

Article, Nadine Dorries resigned as Conservative MP from her Mid Bedfordshire seat with a blistering attack on Prime Minister Rishi Sunak..(, truly I thought I read, UK' s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, reigned and that's dancing Hallelujahs All around the fiery doomsday Apocalyptic Fire-rocketing The Piggy Backing West Rule Leads, Great Whore Mystery Babylon disguised As America/WEST RULE! But GOD'S EXTINCTION LEVEL WISDOM, each world leader is, same gender, genocider and PROCREATED, same predestined, to Prognosticated to be, who what, Where they are imminent moment by moment, fulfilling Endtime bible prophecy, Natural VOLCANIC Nuclear SOLAR Cosmic and shown a hybrid between the two ALIEN, you, yours?

Mid January Frightening Parents Won't Sacrifice, Won't Forfeit The American Dream For Their Children, Assuring Instead He's Ready To Do This; "And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; BECAUSE THOU HAST TAKEN TO THEE THY GREAT POWER, AND HAST REIGNED.

From A Silence in Heaven, AODHF, I will Strip Her leaders 1993/From A Hammering Lamb Of God, I will Strip Schools, 2023

I know Rev 3 Jesus been warning like WATCH, see want I do it, since Dec 3, 2021; wow such an inundation of catastrophic events since. Until, when my my grand told me while out a day prior they watched fully covered in black Muslim marching with signs saying I 💕 Hussein, what, were you dreaming, repeatedly I asked. Getting visions of Rev 13, not only those two Senator HUSSEIN Obama's 2009, Great Beast rise, The Earth, The Sea

FRIGHTNIGHT the saying and they shall love, honor and worship The Beast; reading here, UK Prime Minister Reigned is just as inconceivable, know, you know, even if I'd been telling you and telling you and telling you, since Bush Clinton Bush a HUSSEIN world reign is coming. Wait did they say, US' Biden, Harris resigned? O HAPPY DAY, But who can blame them, not only is 100 million westerners deaths aligned to Western leads these apocalyptic firestorms are coming for their, well we as their's, our everything else!

Truly marvel not fire like a sword, from prison bars target error Saddam/Islam President Bush nor the flaming blazing frying pan flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris, Airforce 1, 2, 3, all ; encouraging its billion or more in refugee, The Continuity of the African American, Africa's' Southwest Atlantic, Continent, as to further screen earth ending movie scenario, upon which includes Super Mario Brothers, Ariel, Skyrocketing Carts; I know, I know, Aug 2021 thru Aug 2023, Ps 2/Rev 11,Star Warring AODHF promised mockery is off the charts! Again Apostle Prophet and wayyyy more THEY entreat me, I know.


Like Rev 10 Apostle John beginning to hear those forbidden  to be written 7 thunders, quickly silenced; left with the memory of one, I too began to hear, moctjy Islamic names, the appointing to ordaining of Dan 4/9:27/Eze 38 39/Rev 17describe, until seven years be fulfilled, since Oct 17 2021, Great DRAGON BEAST ANTI-CHRIST appointed ten kings, Frightnight, NBA'S California Dreaming Kobe Bryant's Fiery crash morning. Imagine when I researched Memphis Muslims I Love Hussein Campaign, threes now something about Hussein Suleiman, and no, though I'd like Rev 11:1, , 2, Apostle John witnessed, predicted a Hussein Whitehouse/WORLD REIGN into Jesus Millennium Reign, I knew no more about than I knew about soon campaigning Hussein Obama! Frightnight , I'm thinking,one of the naming off of Rev 17, described, Anti-Christ, ten headed Kings did sound like as Suleiman is spelled to pronounced, yeah like thst. Fear not, not that I'm looking to wondering even. 2 Thess Apostle Paul to biblical scholars has assured The Anti Christ  identity can't be unveiled as long as the Royal Priesthood is here but boy is as close as the Mother's Day 2020, prophesied, hour/ROYAL PRIESTHOOD,manifested in multicultural  flesh! HBOW/Apb The RAM 

YouTube, Shorts, Pastor JD reveals two States  the US, have direct energy weapons,

(Beware, after designing them US states of barbecue, exception US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, COAST, COAST CROSSOVER, just now, the word death written on each US state and painted over in red; WAKE! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Since Dec 3 4 5 2021, JCON/JCOR 

Same Noah's Day Extinction Level God back then, same Noah's Cousin, Star Warring AODHF right now, destroying the world because, The West Is Constantly Sinning! 

DESOLATIONS PREDICTED US SOIL NOW COME! Jan 2018, Rev 10, Mighty Angel/ Allied, Rev 17, 7th Angel 

Like a pandemic of sudden cardiac arrest, I didn't want to say what happened to my Memphis Nephew, sudden heat/heart stroke nor NFL Hamlin, were possibly those commanded, Eze 9  heart stabbers seen on US soil from P. Bush to  p. Biden; Directed energy weapon,  see here,; heard this before, Direct Energy Weapon explaining the entire Country Of Canada a day's sudden combustion. Yeah that same Canada (2005); commanded wiped off the planet; ebbing and flowing date July 27 28 2022, B. C. with calculated death tolls, at 25 million…. seems  THEY didn't stampede elephants of staying unaware for nothing nor every, ALL, injured,, orphan school child come to the Lambs Book Of Life, Crafted Into A School, Name Roll Call! 

Frightnight to rolling Britain, Canada to America/THE AMERICAS, WEST RULE Twilight Skies, till HE come, when only days prior Pastor more the warnings, The US states of barbecue, VOLCANISM ON ORANGE ALERT; hearing Hawaii is building into; even Rev 10 Mighty Angel warn both the US/BC Midwest to the Eastern Seaboard beware of desolations fulfilling, Hawaii dominoing, THE FIERY DOOMSDAY VOLCANIC APOCALYPSE, along the N. American Seismic Craton, previous states, BURNT TO BARBECUED, no more,soon into Texas, Memphis TN into a type of Eze 5  barber chair, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, beware The Biden, Harris WHITEHOUSE/NEW ENGLAND! STAR WARRING, HGOW/HBOW 

Why I, THEY Speak Dutch! YouTube Dutchsinse,  HUGE EARTHQUAKE UNREST, DEEP 7.1,

 -I know, guided Asteroid commanded Impacts US Soil/Middle Schools; Still Dutch, what's a very imminent, Nov 11 2020/Nov 11 2021/Nov 11 2022, All Its night into morning, May 25, 2023, Eze 5 Barber Chair, Mirror, Ben Affleck's Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE? What's The Secret Of Memphis, what's offering MEMPHIS Brides Running Shoes In place of tattered Red Heels? /presently Memphis, protrayed as the movie Pompeii, Signs, Devil's And Demons, Gladiators into a Mammoth, Changing Biblical Apocalypse! 

Hearing INVITE THE BETA! Since Sept 22 23 (2015), Bride Estimated Time Of Arrival! THE BETA/Missling down Stars/ALIEN APOCALYPSE!

-Hearing you say they, Chinese are the most earthquake prepared people in the world!?; Since May 27/28 2022 they are also the most referenced people on the planet. Here I'm thinking Dutch, being the most prepared shouldn't make you overly convinced, these are times never before this planet, nor ever or ever again. This the one, May 30/BIG June 01, 2023, while caring for a special needs (endangered), child, turn and saw the HUGEST SUN to solar events ever.

Seeing The Word Death Written On Each US State And Painted Over In Red; Does Have A Feel ,MOSES, Swabbing SPECIALTY Lamb's BLOOD ON Doorpost, THEN THE PASSOVER/PRESENTLY, THE  CROSS ❌ OVER!

-They, Asians being  a high priority May 2022, began with a fast and furious Tokyo drift, mockery at Tokyo Olympic Games, with millions dead, dying with COVID and hundreds of millions to billions, unknowingly MANDATORY EVACUATIONS; to showing me standing before a class of children teaching them how the Chinese language work, huh, how you say RUN, A Vin Diesel, Fast And Furiously, in either of these languages? 

-Continuing said concern for Asians into early 2023 year, before I woke, saying Duh in Dutch, (; see more here, Rev 17/18 especially by dominoing Hawaii to seismic/volcanic apocalypse,The END of WEST RULE!/THE END OF AMERICAN DREAMING/NO MORE SETTLING. Wait, Mockery of a seismic Tokyo Drift was actually proceeded that Jan 2021 by a Pompeii movie, type Gladiator arena reveal, squashed by a ginormous, EARTH QUAKING, Memphis event, woke people from damning possessions to trances. Furthermore, waking speaking as three other fathers, Chinese, Japanese,  Spanish. They're on the run each a single son, in reverse, they're a financial center; a Grocery store; a fast food restaurant; you Dutch, yours? RUNNING I mean, running saves lives, saving lives saves, like JESUS BLOODY ❌ says immortal souls, you, yours, HBOW/Apb 

-Article, Update: Red flag warning now in effect for portions of Big Island; wind advisory also issued;YouTube, Shorts, Pastor JD reveals two States the US, have direct energy weapons, (-Frightnight Pastor  Farage to Amazing Grace, see Isa 16:1-5/Rev 12:1-6, There's One Act Of Divine Intermission proceeding The Righteous Dead Rising First Translating To Crossing Over Tribulation Saints. Ascending but first descending, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM to reassure me, first showing me, us, Ascending Royal Priesthood, all around Exile Luxury, Africa's Southwest Atlantic, Coastal Cities, The Repatriation Of Rev 12 Birth MOTHER, MOTHER' AFRICA, blessed Brexit! BRIEXIT! Blaexit! You, Yours! 

YouTube, Shorts, Pastor JD reveals two States  the US, have direct energy weapons,

YouTube Pastor J D Farage, Trying To Explaining Hawaii's Upcoming Digital Summit 

Seeing Famed Letters USA Floating Off The American Continent Into Africa's Southwest Atlantic Behind Witnessed Since SENATOR Barack Hussein, Hundreds Of Millions to Billions, In Westernized, Refugees, The Prophesied, Prophesied, Repatriation,


-Knowing Covid began to fulfill the Aug ({2004}), designing of a  killer flu/New Pneumonia, I witnessed, US Labs, I'm not saying we're not under attack, a convert civil war, by Direct Energy Weapons.  Although I'm  waking, a year into predicted Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE Nov 2022, now hearing , Hawaii Is Building Into. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, building into the dominoing; volcanic apocalypse, Yellowstone Is? Referring? Since Oct ({{2015}) into presently striking these keys, I been warning  your leaders for near a decade Hawaii Volcanic Summit. Ironically, its Hawaiians rather running too it's worshipping  the creature than Running from, it's CREATOR sentenced, Hawaii dominoing Into US states of barbecue. 

Pastor Farage like many such leaders in the knowing trying to find other reasons other than with Covid, their knowing and not doing is endangering sitting ducks, getting those like you, horribly dead. Marvel not, aligned to 50 million US soil, souls alone just subtract Millions, US  bio-COVID dead. Frightnight to Amazing Grace, Jan, 2018 Hawaii Missile Morning/Jan 2023, The mass dieoff ascension of children, contagion, Mat 24/Rev 3 Jesus THE CHRIST suggestion still, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, reminding, running to, Jordan's Petra, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER into Africa's Southwest Atlantic Continent, saves lives, saving Lives only as Jesus THE CHRIST ❌, saves immortal souls, you, yours!  HGOW/HBOW


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear September BETA/JUNETEENTH, 01, APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM 2023

Lathania Miracle Church Repentance Alter Here, plead here PS 51

Pray for Leaders Like Musk, Trump, McConnell and The Same Gender , School Curriculum here, Dan 9 begin vss 4,;

Hearing Things Like Strike Out Her Name; Seeing Famed Letters USA Floating Off The American Continent Into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, Continent;  Telling My Memphis Grands It's Faith, Fate Or FLAMES, You, Yours?

Indefinitely like the days of old,  Noah, take June/Juneteenth 17/19,( {2002}), Moses Commanded African American Exodus, seeing the word death written on each US state and painted over in red; and those who didn't die by the US Lab Bio Weapons, your donations won't, can't save; loosed are the four winds of apocalypse; loosed are four bound Angels/200 million it demon army;  loosed Dragon BEAST ANTI-CHRIST, His Anubis Army; exchanged hands, Rev 9/20, the multi-million man grocery store, manger keys to the bottomless Pit; marvel no longer why Ancient Of Days HOLY FATHER is crossing HIS over, Tribulation Saints, or snatching THEM out!  HOLY SAINTS, You,  Yours?

-Kinda like The Same Gender Genocidal/PEDOPHILE Agenda,  I know there's a convert genocide being committed especially against young black males, though met with a guided fireball, still my use of King Solomon type, barbecue grill, burnt offerings reasonings to bring them back from Great White Throne Judgment. Prophet Daniel, knew his knew they where in sin, refuse to repent, still these were rebellious evils he reasoned with merciful, HOLY God Of Wrath/ The multi-million man water cooler, carrying now blackened judgment bowls, Mystery Woman,  Instead, forgiveness, the offering up of Jesus THE CHRIST, Mansions in heaven; BEHOLD HE STANDETH AT THE DOOR AND KNOCKETH, IF ANY REPENTANT.RICHES TO RAGS SICKBEDS AND SLEEPOVERS! 

A Hand Writing Clumsily Escape Yellowstone; Frightnight to two type of hammering off of Apocalyptic Events; one, by a furious concerning, endangered children, Big June/JUNETEENTH 04, 2023, Rev 17 14 Lamb Of God Jesus Husband! Ah, WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Ah, RUN! Thus Suggested Mat 24 /Rev 3, Jesus THE CHRIST! 

-Putting Volcanism on Orange alert,  one day later,  for an exact year, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE; going on to warn Hawaii is building  into; who was amazed Mauna Loa erupted, its now warn Kileaua, and the barbecuing of Mauians? No one that's been following this work, about a dominoing Hawaii, about  99 bowls of molten lava, about molten lava flooding to 101 YELLOWSTONE ERUPTIONS? Tthere's US states of barbecue; until there's Ps 35/91/Rev 12 described star warring Archangel Michael THEM stampeding us, A Sunlight Of God Commanded African American Exodus, from The American Continent into The AFRICAN CONTINENT, exile luxury, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit you, yours? Star Warring, AODHF!/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM 


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