Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear SOLAR Big JUNE 09, 2023, here are a few of breaking news solar events since while caring after another special needs kids, all children are, in the distance I witnessed the HUGEST Sun Ever and you're talking the one who Witnessed God's Back Turn Throne, The Sunlight Of God Rise From Behind A Mount Sinai Type also reigning God's Back Turn Throne, commanding The Continuity OF The AFRICAN AMERICAN, by also commanding The African American Exodus! 

KILL ALL PARENTS BY FINISH ALL SCHOOLS!!! There's This Choosing Between A Multi-million Man Water Cooler to Multi million Man Rite Aid Pharmacy to Multi-million Man grocery store, barter balen toll booth to multi-million man traffic jam or being offered up freely, Mansions in heaven; yes that easy, a choice; 


Evidently FSS it isn't your mortgages to even The American Dream anymore your concern; only we are told FSS if , when America, NATO piggy back off  The Russian/Ukrainian tug of turf  wars they The US/NATO would advance such trespasses into WW3 territory. and so they have. One agreeing with many its military strategist, saying the same, also sounding the alarm was Present Trump himself. Shown to be evident, clearly this is Piggy backing, warmonger Biden/Harris' advancing the world over into WW3/ARMAGEDDON,100 million Westerners deaths, 

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come to The advancing Anti-Christ Anubis Army all-around; soon billions across The World, no more. Whereas finally these many millennia described Holy Church Bride is snatched outta here, itself a catastrophic event upon the world. Seeing FSS skyrocketing off the planet as well, except The Continuity OF The AFRICAN AMERICAN; any ever again, for all infinity its residue, remain, Great Whore Mystery Babylon disguised as America/West Rule; RUN; you and your hundreds of millions in American, CHURCHIANS TO Trumpians refugees, know three designed, assigned, territories where, yours, July 6 2020/2023 Rev 12 protrayed US GEORGIA'S ATLANTIC COAST INTO MOTHER Africa's, Southwest Atlantic! HBOW/Apb 


When I come into the demo, I was seeing inside parental, domestic homes, there were three beast, posing as anyother friendly house pets, The Lion (Genocider, Babylon)  The Leopard ( Genocider Grecia); The Demon Dog, undertaker, mummifier, Anubis, (Genocider, The Anti-Christ, FINALE!!?o/! Knowing Bible Prophecy, two Great beast as of those Daniel 7 witnessed strove upon the sea of future, its ebbing and flowing into prophetic prediction here,  its ebbing and flowing date, Feb 12/13, 2017; 

Possibly the two Great beast US election campaign 2008/2009, both Rev 13, Apostle John and I Witnessed one rise from the earth, the other from The Sea: one great beast (I'm thinking The Pending Roman/Britain Empires/West Rule), Daniel eventually heard commanded, "RISE UP EAT MUCH FLESH,  see more of America/WEST RUL, their own weights of Martyred blood guilt, billions over the Ancient dead, to Billions presently dead to dying, WATCH; for when you shall see The Abomination That MAKETH HUMANITY DESOLATE, RUN! Marvel not the offer to Memphis Brides of RUNNING SHOES, running saves lives saving lives saves souls; WATCH! RUN! LIVE!


Article, CNN Global heat in ‘uncharted territory’ as scientists warn 2023 could be the hottest year on record,

-For GOD so loves The Future Royal Priesthood, the crossing over of Tribulation Saints. Thank HIM for Archangel Michael THEM, tossing in historically early Atlantic Hurricane building, antagonizer African Sand storms THE EXODUS TRAJECTORY, reasons its 2022 season hardly happened! 

YouTube CBN Why Are People Suddenly Falling Dead, I explained EZE 9 Commanded Reapers on US soil, one stab the telling heart, more odd they were running down those once procrastinators, who're finally stampeding 

Go Into The City, Have No Mercy Slay Literally Old AND Young, Begin At My Sanctuary; Kill All Parents By; FINISH ALL SCHOOLS!!!

-Seeing now at least two red alert demos, concerning him,  and his college friends,, one showing those his age late teens to early twenties  hopeless, with head wounds. So you can say  I was really giving him a head's up, when fightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, save us from The Anti-Christ with an Anubis Army all-around;

-I was only days past, explaining this growing pandemic with my Memphis Grand; only hours before this church, school and college friend, brought earth shattering news his own, early twenties sister, had just suffered a sudden, deadly cardiac arrest;  I know,  Apostle Prophet and wayyyy more THEY entreat me, I know!  HBOW/Apb The RAM

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Cristiano Ariel Fraize and Zabiel Sabrina Tolls.. Featuring King Bridegroom Davis Cord Kele Jr and Queen Bride, Aryanna, Chandni Chowk; Featuring King Bridegroom, Carius Kieran Holmes and Queen Bride, Chelsea Sannai Hippa

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Heyson Baldwin Bald and Adelson Jaleel Benning was born a goddaughter Harper Geona Bald, a goddaughter Murphy Charlotte Bald and a godson Cutter Axyton Bald, Benning 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

"No I'm saying because of ebbing and flowing dangerous to deadly prophetic fulfillment, nuclear, VOLCANIC Nuclear SOLAR Cosmic and shown a hybrid between the two, the opening of the bottomless pit to Satanic Demonic and ALIEN APOCALYPSE the earth, the planetary being, world nations, leaders can no longer supply us with the conveniences it used to not even close here's the shnuf part whereas Jesus recommended for when you shall see The Abomination That MAKETH DESOLATE, only presently its WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Which remind if Job lamenting through tremendous trials he wish he'd never been born, how must more disappointing through my trials convincing Holy Father, to heal me by taking my life by a non-seizing event; only years when something like that did happen as in Grand Juttah marvel not, not only have you seen a volcanic evd to The American Continent but to west rule three primary heads Britain Canada America. Well, did they, did Putin's Moscow right before a US Assassins Creed was enacted against them, accuse an aligned by Europe/The US De-populationist, thy attempted a bio-weapon? Yeah BFA man but if so, zombified Americans went on like it was nothing, said bio-weapon described as Grands predicted Avian to Swine new pneumonia; designed to past from animals to humans, only seems highjacked, as Jesus warn mas dieoff of children of children, contagion; know, there's a YELLOWSTONE component as well, that America to North America readies for its continent ending event, even the Planet. But where, how Baxely man, just now Biden WH when given the opportunity to discuss with Southwest Africa's leaders the placement of  Hundreds of millions of American refugees they went for the advancement of an alike marriage abomination that got Noah's world wiped off The Planet, which Kadesh cuz, if you think is equally what those disillusioned with depopulation would do. I Know we've opted not to be a part of The GREAT WHITE THRONE judgment, like we have a choice, but I'd love to be there to see the look on all THEIR faced, the horror falling into their stomachs realizing The World leader they serve as Messiah is Red Dragon them, in disguised, come with total human extinction, including every last one of them, then death, judgment and eternal lakes of fire, ah, what tangled oceans upon oceans of Molten Lava they weaved. So we all agree, that's our 11 o'clock Juttah News hour discussion, sworn to protect us, all human life, could there ever have been a full blown, fledged nuclear war? I'm talking History Channel documentary, Russia's fired nukes vs America's, vice versa, fired nukes and nothing is left the planet but hundreds of millions and soon billions dead. Clearly Nigeria Juttah, nuclear war like IA just makes The Genesis Man, Marriage and therefore, Ancient Of Days HOLY FATHER'S, HIS for many millennia WILL, obsolete, so any wonder ELO-HIM just showed HIMSELF Ghost Horse man, star warring with defeatist, overcomers, Archangel Michael THEM!" >>>"Ah, that's easy, The Book Of Revelation John saw were those nearing Apocalyptic events of his own imagination or were they The Revelations Of God? So Tristian Troy man you're asking what did Grand Sia seeing the hugest SUN ever while caring for a special needs child, ALL children are, having been abandoned by parental to guardian care what the two have in common? What about Rev 2 Jesus threatening all of them with death, except those called by HIS NAME, those stampeding by HIS NAME, repent, we talking Father King David, Psalm 51 style never to sin again Roman 6/12/I John 3, style. But Preece Betz man, still before you answer that the last hammering doomsday planet into even more viral Apocalyptic type Volcanism Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE is, too had troublesome kids at its root, two of them unfamiliar, I hear, well read! Like the destruction of Noah's world has procreating fallen angels, mutating the woman seed blood genome, its ebbing and flowing sinless  potentate/WORLD'S SAVIOR; how many will ever know any such threat as(marriage abuse, causing HIV Aids), to The Genesis Man Marriage, it's future Royal Priesthood, CHILDREN is being met with the same, only as we can see NATION, CONTINENT to WORLD WIDE, just an outbreak of fiery doomsdays extinction level events, lately the wowing SUN! Speaking Preece Heyson, you Sailors, Cruisers of The Wowing SUN, you all see by mrmbb333 videos, that ginormous sunspot that's turning earth's way? That kind Tristan man that can virtually set us back to the days of Noah, more like the last five thousand  years didn't happen? WOE, WOE and WOE! Well, thank the Hallelujah LORD, Nextus Juttah, sudden lost of tech any day, hour now is 190 years worth, clearly why they chose Keanu Reeves THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, its compilation. Yeah, ah, Hey man, long before Grand, Grand Sia predicted Backward Letter C Pandemic did the same, shut the planet down, no wonder, its mutating Bio Weapon into the Pale Horse Pandemic, will kill to damn billions more, the tech to prevent it or at least like Covid-19 send it ebbing and flowing into greater it apocalypse. Heyson love, we better go, yeah, should I remind us all, we only have a few hours of Safari sand, picnics left, race you Bethel love, you, husband Lion," noticeably she's easing up, thinking how best to challenge, which way is speedier, "who has two left feet? Ah, huh, don't think I don't see what you're doing and the one who wins loses all this weeks demerits, All, …READY SET GO!" Ah, my god, he never wins, whether he let her or he's terrible at winning, I guess he'll be in the free lunch line for the week. Did you say, let her, so that's your excuse husband for your brother losses? Ah, …be careful Levth man how you answer, that," throwing an empty juice box at him, attending him, third brother, meddling, brother Lamath,"I'm just saying, don't either of you come for my credits: So, big brother, husband, I plead the fifth, you plead, you do know this is Africa's Juttah nothing of Americanism stand. I take my little brother advice, and my big brother, we're losing precious time, let's go build a huge appetite for dinner, any suggestions, aren't you reading my mind? Look, surely you guys, Sailors, Cruisers can't still be feeling guilty for getting out of Canada the way you did, no but for leaving our loved ones? Leaving, surely after The Country, seeming overnight combustion into world stretching twilight skies, smoke from record burning, yours Sailors,  Cruisers are not still there? Grand Sia, MEMPHIANS no matter what, these last decades to hours, they staying put in impact zones, dominoing Hawaii into now Russia warn YELLOWSTONE zones the two, rebellious, procrastinators are as incorrigible as the Ethiopian and his skin. Then, then, Grand Caden fireball, Archangel Michael escape, revisit, didn't intravenous Angels, possibly as well our Trump Of God, Angel Gabriel THEM have to literally pull Lot and his out of the sky, the stars missiling down, literally kicking and screaming? Look, I was watching Pompeii, Come reminded of Grand Sia gladiator dream, that ended with some ginormous, quaking the earth Memphis event, predicted a dominoing Hawaii into Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, I just couldn't shake its phenom coincidence. Why Beethoven man, its Beeth like my dad, but yeah, and not to mention one of its gladiators since dead by what could've been those Eze 9 heart stabbers, right now a growing pandemic of sudden cardiac arrest, especially in young people. I know, I know, I know that's all to be said about that, right?  I say, proven to be evident, chosen family members, mocked, abused, persecuted, even executed. How many of them, like Jesus' siblings, their refusal toward chosen loved ones are in tortuous hell to  Anubis underworlds right now? I mean how many of MOSES exodus suffered, died, were, are being tortured unnecessarily into this hour cause they refused, not only him but his lead brother Aaron and lead sister Miriam? Babe, I got intertwined us, and that glistening waterfall on my mind, really, all through blistering night, into right now, say no more," pulling him up, out right along, I'm already there, catch you guys later. I bet I know what you thinking, if only we had, hotrod car with us; the carnival here have hotrod bumper cars, you're serious? Been meaning to tell ya, then let's go, it'll have to do, what? There's just enough time there, loads of fun back, we're on the way home, Safari, sand, picnics over, look, as long as we get back here on time, right, right, let's go!" Why Speak In Parables? 

Article, We’re experiencing Earth’s hottest weather in 120,000 years, and it’s just getting started,

YouTube mrmbb333

Marvel not during July 5th, 2023 fantastic demo, just as I cared for a special needs child, AODHF describes ALL children are, I soon come face to face with The HUGEST SUN or SOLAR event ever. We were told mrmbb333 a predicted Mayan APOCALYPSE 2012, Solar event did indeed happen,  only months prior, it just wasn't earth directed. No doubt said prophetic earth ending been ebbing and flowing into this present hour; the hottest the planet has been for many, many, many millennia, four of the hottest days ever; The Atlantic its hottest on record. Right here is showing with an earth directed sunspot that can actually put us back to Noah's Days.Frightnight APOCALYSE Planetary Body mrmbb333 during a 37 down countdown to every type of extinction level event including NUCLEAR WAR THREATENING, unimagined; WATCH! RUN! LIVE! HBOW/Apb

YouTube Jim  


-Once a finger pointing to a picture of Mel Gibson, his message to the world what an insurmountable trespass is human trafficking, especially the trafficking of children. Here's my concern upon first seeing this trailer,  was with menacing child predators, molesters, mutilators around each its safehaven corner. Even the latest Pride Marches chanting they're coming for your children; marvel not seeing a church congregation of teen boys, pedophilers erected with your infant children.

-So even if they're joking, only no ones laughing, their father Satan agenda is your owe species, human extinction; where to take them all Jim to be safe, other than Jan 2023, Rev 2 Jesus THE CHRIST for many millennia into this present hour, solution, like, even with The Holy Church Bride, take them ALL out, HIS EXCEPT PARENTS REPENT,  threaten mass dieoff, ascension of ALL children, HBOW/Apb The RAM 

Climate Disasters Daily? Welcome to the ‘New Normal.’

Around the United States, dangerous floods, heat and storms are happening more frequently.; (-Sound Like a quote to warning from me, 2015, every extinction level event launched , incoming, impacting; Fightnight with two hammering off of those ginormous events, Nov 2022/June 2023, a giant SUN, viral Volcanism and endangered children all related; HBOW/Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear July 11, Apocalyptic Firestorms 2023

Article, Yes, solar storms are increasing, but don't lose sleep over an 'internet apocalypse.' (-Thus assured those two ginormous, amphibian, crystalized Beast; one its 1998 Godzilla version, One Undertakers, Anubis Army General, Sobek, assignment keep you American Dreaming though Apparently, as both Noah's and The Days Of Lot The Heavens Are Missiling Down and Home Earth Erupting Up! Why DIE? WHY Perish? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! WHY DIE? WHY PERISH! WATCH! RUN! LIVE!

THEY Don't Care What The Heavens Does Anymore, Don't Look Up! 

-Especially Aug 5 2021/July 11 2023 Ancient Of Days HOLY FATHER warn for in one hour is thy judgement come, fire, brimstone and you shall utterly be destroyed; Apostle John Rev 6, 6th seal witnessed the heaven roll back like a scroll; I Apostle THEY entreat me, I witnessed the heaven crystalized, break, cracked along huge shards and missile down into billions earth inherit; Apostle Peter, witnessed the world consumed, well see, The Movie Knowing, last few minutes, prophetic Solar Event! M
arvel not the multimillion man water cooler; the multimillion man Rite Aid Pharmacy; the multimillion man grocery store; the multimillion man traffic jam, all sudden apocalyse with Trump'of God, Guardian Angel THEM to Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM Intravening, crossing over some, ascending others, you, yours? 

THEY Don't Care What The Heavens Does Anymore, I  Witnessed Both Reigning Bride Possessing, PREPPING and launching Dan 2 stone from heaven, witnessed, the hammering off of a Mount Sinai type reigning God's Back Turn Throne; heard it's The Anti-Christ Murderer; Don't Look Up! 

Email me here to telegram me here, 901-600-9519

See more here, prophetic demos told as prophetic parables; Why Speak In Parables?

Article, Yes, solar storms are increasing, but don't lose sleep over an 'internet apocalypse.',the%20internet%20to%20go%20offline.


-Kinda true, you'll lose no sleep, so all of a sudden two of your world systems were Skyrocketing to Fire-rocketing Off the planet, taking 190 years of tech, again this sleep, (WWZ, fast and furious, Ludacris and contagious/Rev 2 Jesus THE CHRIST, mass dieoff ascension of children, contagion); this being taken unaware, sudden apocalypse Jesus THE CHRIST described it, as The Days Of Noah, your presently wiping New England states off the planet, with massive deluges, Noah's Cousin. 

-Frightnight to rolling twilight Canadian skies till HE come; since they're aligned to 100 million of your deaths, IMMORTAL SOULS, you can just hear Jesus THE CHRIST, as He assured Governor Pilate it is those procrastinating, parental, religious, political, SOCIAL MEDIA, monetary to military LEADERS, who've committed the greatest offense; get it, get Jesus THE CHRIST, get up yonder or even denying HIM get you and yours over yonder! HBOW/Apb 

Swing Low, Sweet SUNLIGHT OF GOD, Designed Diamond carved, crystal dove, The Bride's Escaping Chariot, See also here,; the prophetic parable, of me again these near 40 years, experiencing how all of a sudden we're no more doomsday planet; 

-Seeing, witnessing decades now, they've had the opportunity to get hundreds of millions to safehaven territories, The America's gone under oceans of those predicted 99 bowls of molten lava, 101 BEN AFFLECK'S ARMAGEDDON YELLOWSTONE eruptions; marvel not as THEY crafted Tribulation Saints racecar, racetrack type fast getaways, Holy Saints Super Mario Brothers Cart, type skyward escapes, second heaven intercessions on all their stampeding heels is terrifying molten lava flooding; except commanded African American exodus, there's no continuity of Great GENOCIDAL WHORE, Western Civilization, Frightnight, like their mutineering parents deceivers and murders from the beginning, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers press on toward American Dreaming, whoring, stealing, killing and destroying, AND DESTROYING! HBOW/Apb The RAM 

Article, The “Disturbing” Prison Conditions Facing Chanel Lewis
Story by Amos Barshad • 13h ago, a881744f7916474&ei=92When You Do it Unto the least of them, you do it Unto me, JCON/JCOR

Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, to an army of Anubis undertakers, mummifiers all around; The last I personally concern myself with such a case, SADLY that ended in the prisoners death; last I heard before a Multi-billion dollar, historic blizzard hit California, crippled traffic, devastated crop's, again the last I Heard was," let it snows Tookie Williams, (The prisoner in check), "let it snow; marvel not Pres Trump' and his have caught, is catching legal hell since he ended his presidency seeing to assigned prison executions before his exit, again they too reaping untold evils committed the prison to prisoner system, sown, marvel not those who've mistreated like my own children, grands, Chanel Lewis and any others are instantly reaping these trespasses sown, come speedily, intravenous MIGHTY, Holy God Of Wrath, make no tarrying!" HBOW/Apb 

Hebrews 13:3, Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering; AODHF/JCOR 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear BIG JULY 12,  Apocalyptic Firestorm 2023

YouTube, Mr. Weatherman, Under The Heat Done With  The Caribbean, Central America, The United States,

-Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come; to the multi-million man water cooler; to the all around Anti-Christ Anubis Army; I'm reminded of just now seeing the word death written all over the US map and then painted over in the color red; we know a fastly approaching for a year,  waking Big July 27 28, 2022, after hearing death tolls being calculated Britain 25 million, Canada 25 Million for a total of 100 million, Westerners deaths, including America's error Islam of 50 million US dead.

-Evidently not the first time I've seen the US covered in red and realized while Coronavirus was at it worst, at one time one US dead every 20 seconds. Admittedly a first since inviting all US states, exception US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, from a barbecuing, seeing the word death written on every its state; marvel not the command to Eze 9 type heart stabbers, kill all parents by, FINISH SCHOOLS and Jan 2023, Rev 3 Jesus Revisiting, as recent as Big JUNE JUNETEENTH 05, HIS threaten mass dieoff ascension of ALL CHILDREN , I know, Apostle Prophet and wayyyy more THEY entreat me, I know, HBOW/Apb 


-Explained to readers as far back as 2015 the making of every manner of ELE'S were brewing; explained to grand Memphian months back great experts and scientists were about to see things they never imagined in many lifetimes; know end days bible prophecy it's here, RUN, AODHF/HGOW 

YouTube Last Days, Dream About An Earthquake On The New Madrid, A 10.0 Devastation

Breaking News,Aug 30/31 2029, "After 101 Yellowstone Eruptions." tossed and turned all May 26 2023 Night, some bout, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, Totally Imminent!

Heard, "Last Day Of America," May 26 2026

After I heard, breaking news, quoting, "major major earthquake, West Pacific Canada," then heard, 10.2 earthquake, I knew from previous reveals, like thirty plus rapture springs,The 10.2 earthquake referenced Memphis New Madrid; marvel not THEIR predicted dominoing Hawaii into YELLOWSTONE leaving into Memphis and beyond with orphan children; apocalypse come was revisited as recently as Oct/Nov 2021, Hawaii is building into/the hammering off a volcanic event; June/July 2023 there's another hammering off of a catastrophic event just before another Hawaii Volcano blows; whether Russia, CHINA or Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE; Sunlight Of God Commanded African American Exodus into MOTHER Africa's Southwest Atlantic is totally warranted, US States Of Barbecue, totally imminent, HBOW/Apb

YouTube, Breaking News, GOP Rep Claim Dr. Fauci Served Unlawfully Years During Covid,; (-You all do remember, Trump and Pence 2015 announcement were aligned to HOLY GOD OF WRATH, cutting HIS FURY at the rise of people eaters and earth enders Eze 38/39 witnessed rise Territorial Spirits, Gog and Magog

For In One Day, Within Its Hour, You Shall Literally Be Destroyed

YouTube, Breaking News, GOP Rep Claim Dr. Fauci Served Unlawfully Years During Covid;

Stop it, everyone, their children, grands, greats know it's Pres Trump, because of his more than human life presidential campaign who served illegally and more a De-populationist, especially toward non-whites; as predicted, predestined The Dan 9:27 Islamic/Israeli/ Anti-Christ, Abraham Accord, further mean because of him, and their Genocidal politics/PETRO CURRENCY billions more will die, including any day now, Russia, China or Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, 100 million Westerners, Brits, Canadians Americans, HGOW/Apb The RAM


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