We All Living In A Titan Submarine, A Titan Submarine, A Titan Submarine!! Is That A YELLOWSTONE STAR PORT?

 Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear BIG JUBE/ JUNETEENTH 24, APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM 2022, initially in the Big JUNE JUNETEENTH 04,2023, demo, first it was my heaven bound oldest sis, reminding of one in particular about my Rev 17 14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband; when just as soon, I found myself speaking to my equally, heaven bound mom, both had previously by HIS SAVING BLOOD, been welcomed to heaven, moma too mentioned this particular specialty date, I'm guessing BIG JUNE JUNETEENTH 2015, when he, as Lamb of God Jesus Husband, first demonstrated snatching his grands out of Hawaii dominoing into May 15, 2023, Eze 5 barber chair, Ben Affleck's YELLOWSTONE into TIME DONE LAPSED, Memphis/THE OBAMA'S New, New Madrid.

Then I wake, watching from the head of my prayer bed, I'm to now realize I have visiting endangered children again, and all around them, because of them, because of something broken, Rev 17:14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband is just hammering and hammering away, when suddenly like July 6 2020 Rev 6 New Born, in a flash, He disappears, just skyrockets, both sweet and bitter, he raptured that's clear but I'm still here, that's clear. But sorrowing not a total lost these Celebrative MEMPHIS Grands just come pouring in, celebrating one thing in particular, PS 37 Father King David Reassuring AODHF, concerning this ministry, promising, HE'S to bring fourth it's Righteousness as the light and its judgment as the moon day as Rev 10 Mighty Angel assuring, But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets; hum, May 15, 2004, Trump'Of God Angel Gabriel, saying she's ( described 2011, Holy Church Bride) she's coming, going with the 7th angel, so again Angel Gabriel's Nuclear Jan thru BIG JUNE 2023, 7th Angel? HBOW/Apb 

Article, Iranian-Western talks have resumed. Here’s what that means
By Abbas Al Lawati and Mohammed Abdelbary, CNN
Published 8:45 AM EDT, Wed June 28, 2023, no doubt by now, the curse of procrastination followed by unprecedented troubles hath at them both; time is out: reach Iranian-Western, Abraham Accord, non-aggression pack or the within an hour apocalyse; bringing Rev 10 Mighty Angel onto The prophetic scene mean, time, time, time is of the essence, mightily.

YouTube Pastor Breaker WHAT DOES BLOOD HAVE TO DO WITH MY SIN, https://youtu.be/mAsNqzVldUo

See here http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/2010/12/maaseiah-vii.html and here, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

Fulfilled During COVID worst US die off's, The US map covered in red; dozing just now, BIG June 23, 2023,waking again to a US Map covered in red but after the word death was written on each US state, exception, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST COAST, Coast, CROSSOVER. Frightnight The Commanded AFRICAN American Exodus Began With Memphis, TN, soooo, what about all its previous city-states? Is that what's about, Mighty Angel prancing US/BC West Pacific, BEWARE as well the Midwest, the Eastern Seaboard!

GO AND SIN NO MORE! JCON/JCOR; when a hand writes in red, Rom 6, Man can't do this, only the Holy Spirit…HBOW/Apb

See here, I John 3:9, Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his SEED remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. The first time pastor The Genesis Man Marriage reproductive origin is referenced as a seed is Genesis 3:15, Here begin God's punishment for both Red Dragon's deception and The Adamic, dispensation of innocence, disobedience. 

-Frightnight to Amazing Grace, mankind's seed, his blood genome is referenced from this point on, six millennia now as Satan's seed. Whereas Satan is referenced as The Father of its rebellious, unrepentant world, any friend of the world is an enemy of GOD/THE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD! Simple to Surrealistically implying by separating now Satan's seed ( possibly something Lucifer didn't reconsider, a woman's seed);

-Separating the two seeds by a sinless blood potentate); from the benevolent woman seed will her virgin seed, as Emmanuel bruise Satan's head, (as HIS ANTI-CHRIST, her heel), right into undoubtedly HIS ARRIVING BY OCT 17 2028, DESCENDING MILLENNIUM REIGN; woe! woe! woe! The Earth Was Littered With Red Dragon's Billions Dead. Further meaning pastor, only able to procreate as husband and wife,.AGAIN, same gender genocider agenda, only able to intercourse NATURALLY as husband and wife.

Apparently, ALL transgressors committing GENESIS marriage abuse until then; indefinitely Adam and Eve reproduces along every dispensation a human being who's by Satan's seed and the woman as naturally Malevolent as the women seed is naturally benevolent, fallen from ELO-HIM GRACE from the beginning, all are forged through cursed blood, all are Satan's seed, all are sin, doomed, damned, except a man be born again, THE WOMAN SEED, he perisheth! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3 4 5 2021 thru BIG JUNE JUNETEENTH 14, 2023, Rev 2 & 3, Jesus THE CHRIST! HBOW/Apb 


Choosing The image of Hearts❤️❤️❤️, Holy Lords can confirm I don't take much pleasure in Archangel Michael THEM, STAR WARRING to Standing Over Sleeping Beds Anxious to Circling The Bride's Chariot All Around; how the overhead long duration quaking, ear deafening craft, THE LAST DAY OF AMERICA,May 26, 2023, could've been THEY again come close but not yet, nearly forthy years of rapture demos kinda hard to still get excited

Only lately it's been💖🥰, 💜, I been finding all types of the design of the 💕💕💕, especially since we been relocating, and you know both prophet Joel and I, Apostle Prophet THEY entreat me, witnessed everything behind us, like a BEN AFFLECK'S ARMAGEDDON, YELLOWSTONE lapping at our even stampeding ankles, you can't go back there's nothing for thousands and thousands of it miles but ashes, with a fan in his hand. Hearts, 💜,🥰💖, FOR STAR WARRING GOD SO LOVES THE WORLD HE TAKE HIS FINAL AS NOAH'S DAY AND BEYOND, EXTINCTIION OF THE REBELLIOUS ; again 💕🥰🥰 ike these for decades, admittedly phenomenal angelic appearances; WE'LL STILL HERE!

Though hear this, like I vaguely witnessed a trumpet being passed to Angel Gabriel, just now all this Jan 16-17, 2023, translating between heaven and earth, I could swear I caught a glimpse of them building both Revelation John and I, stay put pillars, before the 30 minutes of silence hit, we thought we were there, done, finished; only now am I seeing hat this time out of many time once we're there, we can't go no more out, Those Pillars. One thing I desire Of The Lord, that I may seek after, that I may dwell in the HOUSE of The LORD, all the days of this life, to behold The Beauty Of The LORD and inquire in HIS TEMPLE! HBOW/Apb

Marvel not the revisited Nov 11 2022 Hammering Off of a Mount Sinai type reigning God's Back Turn Throne, here, BIG JUNE JUNETEENTH 04 APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM 2023; The hammering off, by Rev 17 14 Lamb Of God Jesus Husband, revisited for 7 years BIG JUNE JUNETEENTH 26, 2023 THEY TRANSLATING MY GRANDS from going Nuclear Hawaii into Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE into Time Done Lapsed New Madrid Memphis, HBOW/Apb

Divine intervention/TRANSLATION

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Cristiano Ariel Fraize and Zabiel Sabrina Tolls.. Featuring King Bridegroom Sebastiano Centeuri Fraize and Queen Bride,  Selene Tristiana Laetitia 

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Davis Cord Kele Jr and Aryanna, Chandni Chowk was born a goddaughter Hailey Amiah Keele, a godson Jaylin Makhi Keele and a godson Darius Kesane Keele, Chowk

Unto Carius Kieran Holmes and Chelsea Sannai Hippa was born a son Damien Mahew Holmes, a son Duomo Mikel Holmes and a godson Diamond Michael Holmes, Hippa

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

{{{"There you are, what the, one minute I'm talking to you, you in the kitchen, you go quiet, I'm like damn, did she go through the window? No, well sort of. You sitting? You crying? Are you sitting? Cause I'm calling you from my grandma phone, I didn't know your grandma was here, didn't know she would again come to Memphis. Grandma is not in Memphis, she's in Georgia! AH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT, argggghhhh, I'm not gonna be able to, KIO, DID YOU HEAR ME, I'M ON GRANDMA PHONE, IN GEORGIA! No, no, no, stop freaking me out, ah my god it sound like cars are crashing back to back, WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? I"m not kidding, she call it, wait, wait, wait, you're telling me you're hundreds of miles away from the kitchen just like that? No, no, no, stop playing, oh god, oh god, oh god, stop playing! I'm not, she call it a translation, written in the bible all. And you didn't tell me? I didn't think you'd believe me, that's not for you to decide, ah my god Tesia, ah my god, I know your Grandma knew things, saw things, I watched her pray for Cord from being an ICU organ donor back home, healed and everything, so stop it with you couldn't tell me, shit! Look, just calm, and Don't Freaking Tell Me To Calm Down!" Easing over to her window, peeking out carefully, seeing her neighbors in panic, some cars crashed, burning, smoking. "Breath Kionna, this is a dream, a nightmare, ah my god," staggering over from the ear pain, swinging the door opened more than she intended, stopping son Macarius for now. That's a plane, YOU HEAR ME, THAT'S A FREAKING PLANE CRASHING! And Why The Hell Are Your Crying? My grandma too is missing, just go to the kitchen, my phone should be on the counter where I was just now, ah my god Tes!" Seeing it was all true, her apple cell phone, and all else just left, like paused in time. "Nooo, you see it don't you? Noooo, no way you're telling me Tesia, you're, you're. What about us huh, what about me and Carius? Wait, somebody's there with you, I can hear them, yeah we all start appearing at the same time, and you should've seen the looks on all our faces, Tez here, its Kio, hello, girl its all true, we were all, all of suddenly brought here, and its louder and louder, I'm on my phone, here's Tesia back. Okay, okay, if our street Tes look like this, then, I know Kio, the multimillion in cars, traffic jams. What's that, something else she told you and you didn't tell me? Listen to me, no, this is crazy! Listen, listen, grandma told me the last she dreamed before she left Memphis, June 26, 2017, and the first time they showed her the backseat, surveyor, translator, was my cousin Miya. Whatt'da hell is a, ...grand said Kio, she was making a left turn on Ramill instead of a right turn, which would've taken her home. I do know a little Miya in the back seat of the car means there's something directional to transitional here. Ah my god Tesia, it so freaking loud, I know, I hear it too, this can't be happening, because Kionna okay, because Ramill is gonna bring you out, near, along the Nike Plant, and if you follow that, yes, yes!" Uselessly wiping both cheeks into realizing where this was all leading, fitting son Macarius ear plus in the better, knowing he too was terrified. "There's an intercession, to the expressway, yes, yes, I think that's exactly where both the little Miya girl, translator and ARCHANGEL are leading. Okay, okay, I'm listening, I also heard her tell some, if this happen, if you find yourself trapped on the highway with millions of others, call on Archangel Michael. Explaining Kio how he and his will be taking THEIRS out, call on him. plead your procrastination, that you're sorry Kio you didn't get out when you was supposed to, grandma say Deliverer Archangel won't hear nothing else. She also said there are Eze 9 type commanded reapers, coming after procrastinators, even chasing you, one strike your telling heart. Wait, chasing me? There are also Anubis demons, yes Kio, I said demons, looking to drag you down into their demonic underworld, oh my, oh my god, this is not happening, YOU KNOW KIO THIS IS HAPPENING, YOU HEAR IT, SEE IT, TASTE IT SALTY TEARS!!!!! Now get Carius, pack lite, lite I mean it! Now it doesn't matter what you see out that door, calm breath by calm breath, you get to that car, get in, maneuver around whatever, and Kio take the direction I told you.  Okay, okay, but what's a Archangel Michael, what make you think Tes, he'll hear me? I'll help you, but you have to get to your car, that's your faith to fate right now, get in, get going! Come on, well you get ready to get out, I'll pray with you, okay here goes. Please Archangel Michael hear us, please help us, please forgive our procrastination, this is Apostle grandma, grand Tesia.  I know you know me, grandma once told me, because of their righteousness I, like all their grands was one of your assignments, those you're getting to safe haven territories. Please have mercy and not sacrifice, show Kio this same grace, and get my dear sister, out, please help us. Now you Kio just have to believe from here, and keep chanting that request, and with all your heart, all you heart Kio, I mean it! Hello, hello, oh my god Kio, please God, let this be a good sign, please deliverer angels have mercy and not sacrifice, ah, ah I see, the phone is dead, all our phones are dead, please deliverer Angels, please God, Jesus have mercy!" Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today, like those rebellious prophet Ezekiel day, yet say, the Lord seeth us not, the Lord is ascended from the earth. HBOW/Apb The RAM

Youtube Golf Untold, Tiger Woods REVEALS the TRUTH About His Daughter,   https://youtu.be/zDPO9J2Gj38

Marvel not the line upon line NEVERENDING line of injured orphan children come to the School office once made into The Lambs Book Of Life Name Roll Cal!;  mass dieoff ascension of children, contagion 

I Will Strip Schools, WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! 

Hearing Lately, Simply, Pray;

-Honesty, I've had my suspicions, since he had that near fatal wreck, reportedly on his way to meet with Dewayne Wade. NBA'S California.Dreaming, who has a transgender kid and uses his worldwide status to support transgender kids; had my suspicions also, since I woke from a fiery crash being examined before waking, hearing about Kobe and his daughters fiery crash.

Just as so to hear also NBA'S California Dreaming, Kobe, was the author of children books, I'm just saying, what sorta children's books? Since before Noah's Ark, evil World has any Empire to Nation been able to falter The Genesis Man, Marriage, of procreation, predestination, prophecies and promises, many, so like, SODOM to Pompeii to Atlantis they're just suddenly wiped out trying, the emphasis stampeding into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST,   CROSSOVER Americans, CHURCHIANS To Trumpians ON SUDDENLY, HBOW/Apb 

Article, Las Vegas Strip Hit By Surprise Closure, https://www.thestreet.com/travel/las-vegas-strip-hit-by-surprise-closure not only; I just saw an image, more frightening than witnessing Damater pull up her skirt, and unleash a death rider upon The Planet; then, there's, though it wasn't a visual, I did wake from Britain, Canada and America death tolls being calculated into 100 million; just now, it was like someone took a drawing of the US map, write the word death on every state and painted it over with red; Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, blessed is HE who Cometh in The Name Of The Lord! WATCH! RUN! LIVE!

Marvel not Equally, seems whispers blowers just confirm, an Euro- USA, De-populationist, bio-weapon does exist; like THEM bribing me into a US Lab this time of the year 2004, reassuring this bio weapon was being designed by those trust, you know by now, a Spanish Flu/ Swine AVIAN New pneumonia, described by this whistler blower to past from pets to owner; while Rev 2 Jesus Threaten Jan 2018, unleashed Jan 2023 mas dieoff ascension of children, contagion, they're both why the authentic tripledemic is God violence even homicidal parents to THE OPIATE CRISIS a mutating into a killer of billions, bio-weapon genicidal flu; and those who didn't die by coronavirus, (THE BACKWARD LETTER C PANDEMIC): repented not HBOW/Apb


Article, while covid rules and restrictions have fully gone away, https://www.thestreet.com/travel/las-vegas-strip-hit-by-surprise-closure; (-and that's the killer; restriction gone, but not its mutating into a deadlier earth ender as first predicted July/Aug 2004, yes decades before Gates convenient head's up, an Avian, Swine New pneumonia, come, AODHF 

YouTube Pastor Breaker, What Does Blood Have To Do With MY Sin?  https://youtu.be/mAsNqzVldUo

See here http://lordurusalem.blogspot.com/2010/12/maaseiah-vii.html and here, www.invasionofpeace2017.blogspot.com

Warn YouTube Dutchsinse, The Sudden Combustion Of The Country Of Canada Record Smok Into US States Was Beginning To Look Like The Barbecuing I Invited Them All From, exception US Georgia's/, Archangel Michael THEM, Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER! Fulfilled During COVID worst US die off's, seeing the US map covered in red; dozing just now, BIG June 23, 2023 ,waking again to a US Map covered in red but after the word death was written on each US state, Frightnight The Commanded AFRICAN American Exodus Began With Memphis, TN, soooo, what about all its previous city-states? Is this what Mighty Angel prancing WORRIEDLY US/BC West Pacific, map, like warning BEWARE as well, the Midwest, the Eastern Seaboard? Even THEY at one time asking, come inquiring, What's The Secret Of Memphis? See entire prophetic parable here,


See here, I John 3:9, Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his SEED remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. The first time pastor The Genesis Man Marriage reproductive origin is referenced as a seed is Genesis 3:15, Here begin God's punishment for both Red Dragon's deception and The Adamic disobedience. 

-Frightnight to Amazing Grace, mankind's seed, his blood genome is referenced from this point on, six millennia now as Satan's seed. Whereas Satan is referenced as The Father of its rebellious, unrepentant world, any friend of the world is an enemy of GOD/THE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD! Simple to Surrealistically implying by separating now Satan's seed ( possibly something Lucifer didn't reconsider, a woman's seed);

-Separating the two seeds by a sinless blood potentate); from the benevolent woman seed will her virgin seed, as Emmanuel bruise Satan's head, as HIS ANTI-CHRIST, her heel, right into undoubtedly HIS ARRIVING BY OCT 17 2028, DESCENDING MILLENNIUM REIGN; woe! woe! woe! The Earth Was Littered With Red Dragon's Dead. Further meaning pastor, only able to procreate as husband and wife,.AGAIN, same gender genocider agenda, only able to intercourse NATURALLY as husband and wife.

-Apparently, ALL transgressors committing GENESIS marriage abuse until then; indefinitely Adam and Eve reproduces along every dispensation a human being who's by Satan's seed and the woman as naturally Malevolent as the women seed is naturally benevolent, fallen from ELO-HIM GRACE from the beginning, all are forged through cursed blood, all are Satan's seed, all are sin, doomed, damned, except a man be born again, THE WOMAN SEED, he perisheth! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3 4 5 2021 thru BIG JUNE JUNETEENTH 14, 2023, Rev 2 & 3, Jesus THE CHRIST 

YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor, THE USA IN CRISIS, BOUT TO GET THEIR ABUTTS KICKED, https://youtu.be/MM6fTevF3pY FRIGHTNIGHT TO ROLLING TWILIGHT SKIES TIL HE COMES, I'M INVITING ALL US STATES FROM A BARBECUING EXCEPTION US GEORGIA'S/STAR WARRING ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM, ATLANTIC COAST, CROSSOVER!!! SEEING FAMED LETTER'S USA FLOATING OFF THE AMERICAN CONTINENT TAKING THE OPPOSITE TRAJECTORY OF THE UNTELLABLE, AFRICAN/ATLANTIC HURRICANE SEASON STRIKE OUT HER NAME! I WILL STRIP HER LEADERS, I WILL STRIP HER SCHOOLS, see more its own US/WEST RULE,weight of Martyred blood guilt, here, DAN 9 -12/REV 13/17/18/www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com -Like something out of Nimrods Babel to Musk, Mystery Babylon,Continent to World migration The Movies Day After Tomorrow beginning with Memphis TN and the movie 2012, beginning with hundreds of millions of Americans, to Britain's to Canadians. Inconceivably they're gonna be relocated to translated to Africa's Southwest Atlantic; THE AMERICAS NO MORE; and elements of THE REAL TO THE AUTHENTIC your HUSSEIN/Biden/ Harris Whitehouse should be funding Instead of WW3/same gender and contraceptives... -Well, is that FSS westerners getting their, I say donkey butts kicked? I'd just mocked months before it's sudden combustion, migrants pouring into Canada are like frogs jumping from a boiling pot into a frying pan of ducks. NO WAY, NO WAY, NO WAY can they not see Apocalyse Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic and shown a hybrid between the two ALIEN Apocalypse, come; like beware of all of a sudden, sudden, sudden fiery doomsday apocalyse! HBOW/Apb


Montana Rail Link provides update on Saturday train derailment, 
  •  Updated 

  • Since Nov 11 2021, I've Had Too MANY Warnings About A YELLOWSTONE event, including hearing Nov 4/5, 2022, The Building Of HAWAII INTO! As Nuclear Hawaii Dominoes Into Ben Affleck's Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE! Presently, The Hammering Off Of Two Hawaii Volcanic Summit Events, https://www.kulr8.com/news/montana-rail-link-provides-update-on-saturday-train-derailment/article_0bc6f310-129b-11ee-bc7a-2f753a2530a9.html -Can't help but wonder are these urgent events proceeding a YELLOWSTONE catastrophe I wrestle with all through Intravenous Angel Gabriel's night, May 15/16, 2023, some bout revisited Nov 11, 2022, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE; are these RED ALERTS, those life to soul saving, MANDATORY evacuations to migrations, VERTIUAL WAKE UP CALMS, I am thankful for, AODHF/HBOW

    Article, 200,000 Lightning Flashes – Tonga’s Hunga Eruption Produced the Most Intense Lightning Ever Recorded, https://scitechdaily.com/200000-lightning-flashes-tongas-hunga-eruption-produced-the-most-intense-lightning-ever-recorded/

    . “And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.” Luke 10:18 Jesus

    (-see also here, 
    Though something similar happened in real-time, when I took Witnessed an  Interstellar Armageddon, heard Michael Is Setting His All Around." This Lightening Phenomenon and phenomonally more is how the heavens would've appeared when Red Dragon them lost the war and come cascading, fire, burning into the planet; Frightnight is, since HOLY LORD'S, confirmed just months past, Fallen Angels is why Aliens (Ancient Aliens, Alien tech, Ancient Mysteries) exist in, there's no way of timing when Rev 12 recorded War In Heaven Actually happen! HBOW/Apb 

    YouTube The Weather Man, ASTEROID ZOOMS BY, (Just Now);  JUNE 25, 2023; Asteroid To Pass Between the earth and the moon, 

    Oct 1, 2004, hearing Two Big Ones Coming; hearing Oct 3,  2021, Two Big Coming!!!

    Hearing Asteroid DESTROY!

    -Worried all  through the night, May 15 16 2023, bout predicted Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE; so to be honest weather man, I'm surprised like recurring UFOS to more dangerous Solar Flares to all other sky phenomon going on up there,  NEO'S too aren't circling to impacting US, all around; HBOW yes I witnessed reigning Bride possess, prep, and launch Dan 2 stone from heaven; but what I saw just now June 4 2023 and back then Nov 11, 2022, was the hammering off of a Mount Sinai type, the from heaven,  Dan 2 stone; again Reigning Bride possessed prepped and launched, Apb The RAM 


    Now come on FSS, you, I and hopefully every Prepper Know As The Days Of Noah to Nimrod and Moses l, The WHOLE WORLD TO PLANETARY BODIES are in Chaos; equally y'all Know, an astronomical amount of EARTHERS are about to die, beginning US/BC West Pacific. Actually explaining why for decades The commanded African American exodus began with yet procrastinating, Memphis TN! - I Know, like a scene out of The Day After Tomorrow, Dennis Quaide drawing a line cutting the country in two halves and President to other officials Frightening, what about the other part of the country, yeah FSS the part Mighty Angel, accompanied by Rev 17 7th Angel warn all others be just as aware of a sudden, incoming impacting, fiery doomsday apocalypse!" RUN, you know where, HBOW/Apb

    RAWALERTS @rawalerts

    The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has put a halt on all flights at airports in Washington, D.C. due to a fire at the communication tower. This means that no planes are allowed to take off or land at these airports until further notice. The FAA and airport officials are working on a backup system https://twitter.com/rawsalerts/status/1673106024226488323?t=WNbWViAGMgTx9xgG7Xg5mQ&s=19

    Lance Armstrong Cisgender, is that another letter to be added the pile, right behind, LGTBQB, P for pedophiler, C for Cisgender; why y'all think THEY just mocked The Fiery Doomsday removal of WEST RULE by showing famed letters USA going off The Planet, the Continuity of The African American? Apb

    Article, Chinese people are watching their idea of a strong, unified Russia get dismantled by Wagner's mutiny, and now they're worrying that China might be next,

    YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor, This Is Bad America Taking Over Russia's Nuclear Weapons; https://youtu.be/2aCJRG2ReDE

    Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, Russia failing its task, could be star warring Jesus Millennium, West Rule To Be No, more, AODHF Employing Dominoing Hawaii into YELLOWSTONE into New Madrid Memphis, The Commanded,African American Exodus, just saying, FSS, as with Dec 3 4 5 2021/June 04, 2023, Rev 3 Jesus,WATCH! RUN! LIVE!

    Frightnight to Archangel Michael THEM battling a star wars, an interstellar Armageddon!!!! Actually FSS, cursed as Noah's Day rebellious, most can't see what's actually scary; like, since BIG JUNE JUNETEENTH 01, 2023, there's counting down 37 days that revisits, The Crossing Over, to Skyrocketing, to, Fire-rocketing of hundreds of millions in Westerners, 190 years of tech just gone.

     I know, hard to believe, they didn't believe either as they were hunting down Saddam Hussein. The little book MIGHTY ANGELS Hand first sweet to John then bitter, I was putting what became, a  Barack Hussein in The US Whitehouse, making a Hussein The World's most powerful; prophetic things are not always what they' seem. Even during Jesus THE CHRIST, descending Millennium Reign, billions in carcasses slew across the planet, it was a HUSSEIN WORLD REIGN who hand over WORLD GOVERNING to King Of KINGS, Lord of LORD'S, ZION.

    -With Eze 5, style, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, pending any and every fiery doomsday now, EVERYTHING Dutchsinse, suspicious about those areas is highly concerning; being prepared as you say, was shown as Intravenous Angels handing out running shoes to Memphis Brides in place of Beirut's running Bride tattered, Red, wedding heels, I know, I KNOW, HBOW/Apb The


    What Happens if Europe Accepts BRICS Currency?https://watcher.guru/news/what-happens-if-europe-accepts-brics-currency

    See,  Abbas's 7 leads, he and Nethanyue making ten; UAE ten Heads; BRICS TEN' HEAD,S; there's mine, Kobe Bryant, fiery crash morning, remembering one,  I witnessed the calling to ordaining of ten Heads, mostly Islamic; They're ALL Predestined, They're All one way or another fulfilling  Rev 11:1, 2, Rev 13:5, Rev 17:16-18, WHY DIE? WHY PERISH! WATCH! RUN!  LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3 4 5 2021REV 3 JCOR/ until by JAN 16/17/2023  THEY'RE crafting Tribulation Saints racecar racetrack, fast and furious, escapes and showing The Bride escaping skyward by Super Mario Carts? HBOW/Apb

    Marvel Not Because Of Burning Canada commanded to be wiped off The Planet, America Is Beginning To Look A Lot Like Those Warn US States Of Barbecue, Exception Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM US Georgia's Atlantic COAST,  CROSSOVER into Africa's Southwest Atlantic Costal Cities 


    Rev 17:16

    And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, (US/WR); and shall make her  desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. Y'all Know by now, all US/West Rule  enemies, NATURAL VOLCANIC NUCLEAR SOLAR COSMIC AND SHOWN A HYBRID BETWEEN THE TWO ALIEN APOCALYPSE, ALL bring fire, ALL, HBOW!I saw that the reigning Holy Church Bride possessed prepped and launched Dan 2 stone from heaven King Nebuchadnezzar witnessed leave nothing but dust wind and a fan in HIS hand of all exiting to future Kingdoms Of Men; mRc not Aug 5,2021 AODHF showing HIMSELF star warring with Archangel Michael THEM was taken from Rev 11, begin vsd 15, for when The Seventh Angel Trumpet Shall Begin To Sound!!! Apb The RAM 

    Article, Radiant Fury: Sun Unleashes Powerful X1.0 Class Solar Flare,https://scitechdaily.com/radiant-fury-sun-unleashes-powerful-x1-0-class-solar-flare/

    Now we know, Red Dragon them is why Aliens exist, no wonder where ancient intelligence come from,, but these early humanoid, not the Adam, THE ADAMIC you and I, made in GOD'S image was the most highly intelligent human ever; SECOND ADAM Jesus was far surpassed any previous human being. So was The First Adam before THE FALL, THE EXPULSION; Presently such is The ROYAL PRIESTHOOD: AODHF used The Woman Seed to re procreate to The First Adam, Man/marriage undoubtedly Lucifer has spend millennia especially by Alien abductions to replicate l, THE ADAM; Frightnight to The Anti-Christ Anubis Army, the revisited Aug 24 25 2022,  Bottomless Pit is  filled with his multitudinous, notorious, monstrous mistakes; Apostle Prophet and wayyyy more THEY entreat me, think so anyway. I was so, so so long ago Memphis Nephew Very Collins, monsters do exist, like Those Four loosed angels 200 million creature, even if yuu can't physically see them

    So what Collins cuz, you asked her about monsters, I guess so I don't remember Car man, but as unaware it's clear Grand Sia aunt answered a question from me bout monsters, I just realized when she say they Phoenix Lights, actually craft, she didn't believe in any of it, leaving the window that night for bed convinced it was Military  Sheath, its triangle shape, but could it go totally silent, come in out without wreaking the place, could it hover around like, that . Yeah, yeah, but watching that YouTube versions  The Phoenix Lights all,  I'm like Caden cuz, even if that's all true, A Stealth jet with all those capabilities, but doesn't explain hovering around that Memphis, Westwood neighborhood; what about what happened lately?  California's witnesses this huge as half the size of a triangle craft only hours later overhead GEORGIA'S home  long, long, long,duration quaking shaking ear numbing , they say UFO event waking her as she's hearing, last day of America." 



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