Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear BIG JUNE JUNETEENTH 30, APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM 2023 searching my phone news only moments ago before I was looking at this article, this monster sunspot; in the demo, I was taking care of an adopted special needs kid and peering out the window at the hugest SUN I'd ever seen. Things is the oddity of hearing back ground celebrations, my eldest son,  its the end of the world as we know it; 

-As in the sudden apocalyse of two West Rule systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet; hearing fret not thyself, here enters, Jesus Millennium Reign, ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY, FATHER DESCENDING INFINITE KINGDOM; for when the seventh angel shall begin to sound; further meaning, Lucifer, The Anti-Christ, The False Prophet to hundreds of millions to billions of sixers all cast Into an infinite lake which burns with fire, 

Article, Monster sunspot’: Kansas astronomer sees sunspot 10x larger than Earth,, You can see a huge sunspot 7 times wider than Earth right now — but be careful!; Frightnight is, only hours ago, I asked YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor, saying this,
what would be the Ginormity that follows Noah's Cousin massive deluges, (see here,, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic and shown a hybrid between the two ALIEN APOCALYPSE, happening simultaneous, translating Tribulation Saints, skyrocketing The Bride's Chariot; instead landing Nuclear nations the bargaining table, two years and eight months Into Post Apocalyptic West Rule/THE AMERICAS, Dan 9 27 non Aggression pact, The Trumpian, Arabian, Israeli, ANTICHRIST, Abraham Accord? WHY DIE? WHY PERISH! WATCH! RUN! LIVE! HBOW/Apb 


YouTube Full Spectrum Survivor, A NUKE EVENT IN SEVEN DAYS ,

And A Mighty Angel Descended August 24/25, 2022, Into A Multi-million man Grocery Store/Barter Balen/Toll Booth, Having To Handling Over The Keys To The Bottomless Pit To The Managing Money Ex-Changer/ SATANIC, DEMONIC, ALIEN APOCALYPSE!!!

Another Countdown In The Midst Of Too Many Like Ticking Time Bombs To Count!

I'm but positive FSS, you do know  seven apocalyptic days from now, Big JULY/JESUS REIGN 01, 2023, fulfills that 37 day countdown, come across my phone, BIG JUNE JUNETEENTH 01, 2023

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear BIG July 04, APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM 2023, both Of these Video remind since BIG JUNE JUNETEENTH 01 2023, We're Counting Down a 37 Day Duration; beware of July 6/7 2023, revisits for eight years, the crossing over Of Tribulation Saints, The Snatching out of The Holy Bride but not before warning there's something about Cameron. Presently, Sunlight Of God, blessed commanded African American Exodus, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit; revisit July 6 2020, when I come Into the demo, Rev 12, new born, (As Holy Church Bride), is being snatched out of Red Dragon them, apocalyptic, shenanigansnext I hear, HOLY FATHER, "yes, take, HIM ( Bridegroom Jesus, whose been descended into Rev 12, Second Heaven intercessions since Pres Barack Hussein July 27 28 ({2016});

-Again I hear, AODHF, "Yes, take HIM, HIS; but this one, she's mine," and when Ancient OF Days Holy Father says, she's mine; I (As apostate wife, Mother Africa, undoubtedly indicating job well done to indescribable rest; again not as Mother Jerusalem, But MOTHER' AFRICA); I laid back into a grown up cradle, and what happens then, while I'm sicken to stricken by undeserved worry, hoping to mask to some how overshadow my stinking decaying, horrid self only Holy ELO-HIM's indescribable, unspeakable adoration is storming, bellowing and blowing, all around, HIMSELF, an engulfing, overwhelming perfume. Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Who is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of glory. Selah.

Article, Whitehouse On High Alert, A Hazmat Scare,

Hearing During Pelosi's Taiwan Visit Strike Out Her Name, Seeing Since Famed Letters USA Floating Off The American Continent; hearing since during a long, long duration UFO flyover,  May 26, 2023, "Last Day Of America." RUN, you know three designed, assigned territories where, HBOW/Apb 

Last Day Of America, The Continuity OF The AFRICAN AMERICAN, Africa's Southwest Atlantic! Blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit! 

-Though as Puppeteering, Star Warring AODHF, I'm not a fan of the Obama/Harris/Biden, Whitehouse Same Gender/Transgender Genocidal Agenda, marvel not a cursive Noah's Cousin to Aqua Era of unprecedented deluges! Only FSS, It is for the last two days I'm not able to  shake concerns about Pres Biden; deep into Covid days, there were those in orange hazmat suits pouring into individual residents; marvel not the new pneumonia of a tripledemic I believe is Jan 2018/2023, Rev 2 Jesus, cursed mass dieoff ASCENSION of children, contagion, CONTAGION; Fightnight to a demonic Anubis Army all around; at the finish line of a 37 day countdown since BIG JUNE, JUNETEENTH 01, APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM 2023, WHY DIE? WHY PERISH? WATCH! RUN! LIVE! HOLY GOD OF WRATH/JESUS CHRIST OF REVELATION, HOLY BRIDE OF WRATH/APOSTLE Patricia Bradford, The Rising Above Ministry


YouTube, The Terrifying Reality Of Kid's Entertainment,, (Marvel not Bryland, the line upon line, neverending line of injured, orphan school children come to me, an office administrator as to come to The Lambs Book Of Life Crafted Into A School Name Roll Call; BIG JUNE JUNETEENTH 04, 2023, regarding broken children was the hammering by Rev 17 14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband, into an Apocalyptic event, followed twice within months by a dominoing Hawaii Eruption; marvel not witnessing BIG JUNE JUNETEENTH 30, 2023, a SUPER SUN, was while caring for a special needs child, because of  procrastinating to absentee parents, all children are, special needs kid; WATCH! RUN! LIVE! 

Supreme Court limits LGBTQ protections with ruling in favor of Christian web designer
By Ariane de Vogue and Devan Cole, CNN
Updated 1:57 PM EDT, Sat July 1, 2023

What AS THE DAYS OF NOAH, Genesis, MARRIAGE does this, more advances, The Same Gender Genocidal, Molester, Mutation and unprecedented national to international Noah's Cousin Deluges Have In Common? See also WORLDWIDE FLOODS ( Predicted Noah's Cousin to Aqua Era);  here,

This was only momentarily before in real-time, during this Trump/Abbas/Kim tug of  turf war to nuclear war, someone launched a missile into dominoing presently into Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE!  That while I slept, dreamed its terrified resident were running, hiding and screaming for their lives. Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, actually when I come into its Jan 12/13, 2018, demo, I was looking at a Michael Ealy appearing dangerous, perfect man, while an equally appearing, Michael Early, Rev 2 Jesus, designed procrastinating, parents, endangering  ALL children,riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers Inquired, of me, would angels, the number The Host Of Heaven, again, required of me, would Angels, The number of The Host Of Heaven, also ascend? 

On the other hand, there's my youngest Memphis son, his at present Memphis home, lamenting, my worrying after him had the downtown newspaper bells ringing (See Memphis New Madrid, AMERICA, WEST RULE set back to its 1811/1812, ringing Church bells), while on the other hand it was clear there's a  Rev 17;14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband like enduring those riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers with us to for us, REPENT OR PERISH!!! When soon I woke hearing about the first domino into those predicted 99 bowls of molten lava, presently into many record breaking Volcanic to molten lava events, to explicate; knowing who? AODHF, Why? US/WEST RULE, OWN, weights of, martyred blood guilt; what, US states of barbecue; when? Sudden APOCALYSE, any prophesied hour; And where to blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit? US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, coastal cities, HBOW/Apb 

YouTube History,  Pharaohs Where' Build For Aliens,


And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition : These Territorial Evils, Revisited and gone Into prediction again, Senator Barack Hussein Obama''s US White House Campaign, See also on US, Soil pending a Hussein Whitehouse, Rev 13

Marvel not seeing Highly Admired Morgan Freeman failing this task bringing a loaded pistol to battle for The Ancient, Ad Astra (An Interstellar Armageddon). Assuring Just Months Back,Fallen Angels Is Why Alien's Exist, Actually, Aliens to The  Pharaohs Of EGYPT and every world Empire mentioned Rev 17:10/11, following in prophetic cessation again EGYPT Assyria ,thru to Ancient Rome, Britain, WEST RULE, into the imminent, Islamic, Israeli, Anti-Christ reign were actually all with Satanic Demonic, , purpose Mutineering Red Dragon them, Ad Astra  to extinct HUMANITY setting a Satanic Demonic, ALIEN Kingdom ABOVE GOD'S; showing HIMSELF Star Warring, ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, (AODHF'S); HGOW

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Cristiano Ariel Fraize and Zabiel Sabrina Tolls.. Featuring King Bridegroom Davis Cord Kele Jr and Queen Bride, Aryanna, Chandni Chowk; Featuring King Bridegroom, Carius Kieran Holmes and  Queen Bride, Chelsea Sannai Hippa

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Watson Tayler Hebruvj and Navarro (Nava), Tierra Santaze was born a goddaughter, Eloquish (Elo) Dieamun Hebruvj a godson Romane Tydus Hebruvj and a godson Axton Ryder Hebruvj, Santaze 

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

[[["What my Lord Urusalem? "I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh-Barnea to spy out the land; and I brought him an honest report.”—Joshua 14:7, I found that Chey, researching the mountains of Kadesh, I got while praying a Psalm, especially having a grand named Meshullam Kadesh. Meaning Sia Maaseiah, reconcile, be holy. Well some bible scholars put Joshua's age as the age of Caleb the son of Jephunneh, mentioned here, like 40 years each, not a coincidence, I think. Sure, ah, yes Grand Sia Maaseiah, it's here, you're concern strengthen your theory, more Tribunal Cheyenne, it horrifies my theory, are we still here, are we enduring its three previous catastrophic years, The Abraham, Daniel 9 27, non Aggression pact putting me as both Moses and Joshua also a forty year duration? Like, equally, is that Cheyenne why the back turn, Rite Aid Pharmacy Counter, mystery woman, expressed she'd wait on me? I know seems benevolent at the time, E

even will Holy Queen Bride, ascending to meet Divine King Bridegroom in the air, Rev 12 Intercessions count? There, there, Grand Sia, Urusalem, we know every its eventful Prophetic fulfillment is in the same 7 BEAST year timetable, so no event purposed, within the perimeter of that 7 year duration assigned Rev 12 Intercessions, those years of aging does count. When I tell you Tribunal Spirit River, beginning when the US and NATO assuring going Chernobyl Russia, they had nothing to do with that Wagner Group fiasco, well, the both of you, I can't shake Pres Biden is in his most trying tug of revisions. Possibly crediting his own gravely endangered children, grands and greats, regretting to revising both same gender to transgender children, again I can't shake it. In all honesty, to the point I'm revisiting Mother's Day 2020, The Prophesied Hour manifest in Multicultural flesh, that under the white tent, his just as mightily as JESUS THE CHRIST, Gethsemane garden, back and forth confusing hour. Which grand Sia, Pres Biden revisions, shown to be mightily evident he's not only reigning his presidency but no longer seeking its reelection, like getting He and his out. Frightnight to Amazing Grace, again his, which would be in hundreds of millions of American refugees, clarifying why the burning Bush to Biden Whitehouse to Specialty Craft, like Moses to your Grand Sia, burning Bush, Danial's burning Hebrew constituents wasn't consuming. No doubt, your prayers of Dan 9 begin vss 4 actually like King Nebuchadnezzar, having its effects on him, bringing some in high places to Jesus THE CHRIST, blood redemption and you two, that all remarkable penance is Tribunal Cheyenne, Waterfall Deburk, Tribunal Spirit River Artelon, dancing Hallelujahs all around}]]]." Lord Urusalem, The Holy Church Bride manifested in the woman seed, CHRIST LORD, that mystery woman shown those mazes of sin Sia Cheyenne, to have Jesus The Christ authority, offering up mansions in heaven all, I so hate it when she end our commy conferences so abruptly, my GOD Is Jesus Christ!. I admit I do too, but having so much to do Tribunal Spirit River, I rest in her abrupt exit as freeing me up, on to other urgencies. So I take it what you Sia Cheyenne just assured Grand Maaseiah, during second heaven intercessions we're yet under the obedience of Cursive Time, aging even. Can't be, we're equally Sia Spirit River as Christ Jesus, resurrected, ascended to GLORIFIED, no, Sia Spirit, not cursive time, for its no more, but its cursive timetables. seven post-apocalyptic BEAST YEARS, into Oct 17 2028. Truly, I can't tell you what a relief for The ancient of days AODHF has had any and all forms of threatening human extinction one form or another on limiting leashes, ebbing and flowing alongside various timetables, into their ownership fiery ending, Eternal Lakes Of Fires. Frightnight to Amazing Grace, which is Sia Cheyenne hoping, praying THEIR definition of eternity and hours far surpasses each its, infamous meaning. Fingers, as usual, Sia Spirit, toes all crossed. Lunch? No, but only Sia Cheyenne cause I have other plans, rein-check? I wouldn't miss it, blessed Briexit, you as well, yeah you Tribunal Juttah, blessed Briexit, as well." >>>"Sh, sh, sh, I'm just gonna squeeze in here with you, two, hurry, you know I'm naked, yeah just like your new son like it, so does his father, it seems. So tell me? All I can tell you babe sitting in Global Juttah conferences, pop up reveals all, Father God mean what He says, He will not have us ignorant, everything hidden a wide open book of Revelations. Just what is that? Don't do that, but I want to really, really bad, you're gonna wake him, then what? Then I'll stay up with him," raking silken braids, out of the way, just this kiss, bite of her neck, shoulder, Levth, what? Please honey love, don't make me stop, you feel, taste so good, pleasuring the babe in her arms, the one her belly and husband Levth erotic through, through salaciousness, any doubt electrifying all of them. II love when you do that along the edges of my hair line, my ears, your mouth, shhhh, your tongue, shhhh, the three of you, I'm so, infused, I could just eat you all right up."  >>>"So one of the docs asked what if Aliens been visiting for millions of years and I'm like as Grand Sia Lord Darius Believe what if they been stranded here for millions of year, expulsed out of the second heaven reign with Red Dragon, Fallen Angels them, this Ad Astra of building their Kingdom above The Stars Of God, marvel not Nimrod's abolished tower/world migration, and not only does all ancient history to mysteries change but in ways never, ever imagined? I don't get one other thing, what Levth? I read somewhere, assuring Grand Sia it all goes live, as she wake to a Jesus Character assuring Lazarus sisters HE IS RESURRECTION OF LIFE; didn't Grand Sia say, well if I'm not mistaken after all that phenomenon she thought she, we were done with as June 04, 2023, demo, the HAMMERING, TRANSLATING to ASCENDING Holy Us, Rev 17:14 Lamb of God Jesus Husband? I'm running guys, but The hammering off of Apocalyptic events, both so far the building of volcanic apocalypse beginning with Hawaii, again the hammering, the same as the opening of seals, to sounding of trumpets to pouring out of Bowls, and what About, what about, what the 7 thunders thundered?  But, but,, but, speeding El Dae Dae, are they hammering into fulfillment what both Sia Grand Grand and Sia Grand have already prophesied; did the Wagner Group just force America/Euro/NATO/WEST RULE a seat at the bargaining table, The TRUMPIAN/UAE/Israeli Abraham Accord? You mean Preece Levth like they showed Israel during Bush/Cheney error Saddam, having no choice but to bow down to an enemy Hamath? Yeah, Darius Juttah and the Building of those torture vehicles, re visited Medes And Persians, even THE CHALDEANS,  all bringing fire. You may as well Levth man name them, into revisiting those territory spirits, once overseeing, those, five are fallen, and one is right into THEM predicting the within an hour apocalyptic deletion of Great WHORE Mystery Babylon. Hey Levth man, I been meaning to ask, that name, any relation to Leviathan? And we are dismissed, blessed day, but he didn't answer, sweet sleep.  Are you asking me god triplet is my name, Leviathan? Yeah," coming to her feet, like her Juttah parents, siblings, just too stunning to explicate, seems a question, he knew she of all had been burning to ask, "possibly,  I guess I am, Leviathan, Memphis Carter begin to read along a commy search, is a sea serpent noted in theology and mythology. It is referenced in several books of the Hebrew Bible, including Psalms, the Book of Job, the Book of Isaiah, the Book of Amos, and, according to some translations, in the Book of Jonah; it is also mentioned in the Book of Enoch… it is also referenced as Lucifer, another Great CREATURE reminding GOD ALONE IS GOD!!!! My birth name is Levth and yes my mom says The Name Leviathan, is its true origin, we better go, Births won't wait, right there, love, I'm just wondering Darius Juttah, El Mahaseiah how long you been anticipating that inquiry? Honestly since I first heard it, I thought how clever, how clever, to like inadvertently name your child Mighty God, you mean? I didn't mean to offend and Preecest Halsey is right, BIRTHS don't wait, ah, blessed day," as one waiting to squeeze between intimidating them, if she have to, "sweet sleep, you too El Mahaseiah, you too." Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today as those rebellious The Days Of The Prophets yet say, The LORD seeth us not; The Lord is ascended from The Earth.

Article, Fear of an ‘internet apocalypse’ is brewing: How likely will upcoming solar storms wreak havoc? (-see more here,'s the size of the earth of a Solar flare, I saw this during it only moments prior compilation of me caring for a special needs child, All children are, when a look over yonder, brought me face to face with the hugest SUN I'd ever seen! So abruptly, it was all gone, frozen in time, the word disappeared on all their screens, HD 5G and social media screening; suddenly a 190 year lost, Instantly, permanently back to Horse and buggy days pray, pray you're as far as far as those three designed assigned territories Jordan's Petra US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER Africa's Southwest Atlantic! PRAY!  WATCH)! RUN! LIVE!


See both revisited Nuclear Apocalyptic 2023 so far, both The Loosing Of Those Four Bound Angel, Their 200 million demon army and The Handover Of The Keys To The Bottomless Pit; Satanic Demonic and shown a hybrid between the two ALIEN APOCALYPSE! Lest I forget marvel not President Trump's Jan/Feb 2019, Alexander Hitler's Germany Anti-Christ did have an all around Anubis  Army posing as policing German Shepherds...


Both Aliens And Demons with identical SATANIC goals to extinct The Human Being/Multicultural ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, After near 40 years of having Trump of God, Guardian Angels, Gabriel THEM and Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, descending and ascending upon me, and yes I clearly know how that sound. Witnessed as standing over sleeping beds anxious, THEY just out right said only months now, Fallen Angels is why Aliens, exist, that's Aliens I didn't believe in, either.

No,  just as despite folklore, humans in this life or the afterlife can't become angels, angels can't become demons. Pus one, fallen Angels are bodied creatures,  malevolent to oppressive in ways quit lethal. Whereas demons are the dis-in-bodied spirits of humanoid creatures, (NOT THE  GODMAN ADAM); as far back, forward as the Cretaceous period into the ADAMIC Dispensation Of Grace and are with deadly possessive capabilities. HBOW/Apb 


This year has been particularly hard for the state due to a devastating combination of storms, floods, drought, and fire.
By Laurelle StelleJuly 2, 2023

Let My People GO, Thus Saith Big JUNE JUNETEENTH 18/19 2002/From Behind A Mountain Both Reigning AODHF Back Turn Throne!!!

Setting Famed Letters USA Floating Off Fiery Doomsday The American Continent Into Africa's Continent, Southwest Atlantic

-Even during the final hours of a commanded African American exodus, the migration of hundreds of millions to a billion, blessed Brexit BRIEXIT Blaexit, I find myself, this news emotional, blinking back the tears; marvel not way back then, being told by a described baby Angel Gabriel, back seat surveyor, TRANSLATOR/presently a little Miya Girl Back Seat surveyor TRANSLATOR, a day is come, they won't be able to give such great TREASURES away, also brought tears; lay not up for thyself treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust doeth corrupt, where thieves break through and steal; where' fiery doomsday volcanic apocalypse will leave as nothing but ashes and wind, knowing, Apostle Peter ask, what sort of American, CHURCHIAN to Trumpian ought you to be, blessed are those in The First Resurrection, pray you're found worthy to escape! JCON/JCOR 

Article, The sun has produced a record number of sunspots — and it could mean power outages, grounded flights, and beautiful auroras,; The news comes as the sun nears a peak of activity that could produce grid-disrupting solar flares. Article (-Revisited INTRAVENOUS ANGEL, our the fast and furious escape, with racecars to racetracks Jan 15/16, 2023. 

Holy Lord's Know,  I'm fearing, This Was The Sudden Lost Of 190 Years Of Tech; Once June 27 28 2021, Trump'Of God, Angel Gabriel THEM ran US out of Florida's COAST for US Georgia's Coast CROSSOVER;  fearing this shutting it all down indefinitely event was upon our Memphis, Red tattled wedding heels, I couldn't get back to Dekalb  Co. Georgia, fast enough! I know, I know, even we know, regarding US States of Barbecue, only US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER is the exception, and that's barely, even with Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM help, HBOW/ Apb 


 It's Official: Monday Was The Hottest Day on Earth Since Records Began,

See me seeing this only moments later;;in the demo, revisiting Jan/May 2022, recurring injures to orphan children coming to me,. untill they ALL come. Just as so Inwas caring for a special needs kid, all kids are endangered by absentee, procrastinating to homicidal parents when I looked and saw The HUGEST SUN ever. 

Remember I have plenty phenom images of The Sun, once while GOD'S back turn throne, HE commanded The African American Exodus; once when I finding myself an actual damsel in distress, with only pennies to spend, looking up, like to the hills (HEAVENS) from whence Cometh my help, Soon that help was The High Sunlight that Day, descent, upon descent, upon descent  was now the metamorphosis of a diamond carved crystal dove Bride's Chariot, yes that same Skyrocketing us off the planet BIG JUNE 26/27; BUG July 6; Big Sept 22 23 recurring these eight prophetic years since, APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM 2015;

Hearing, seeing to suffering this unprecedented HEATWAVE, even The Escaping Atlantic described its hottest ever, with Canada sudden combustion, yet burning and burning. Star Warring AODHF this witness, I just went to consider those Rev 8  sounding trumpets, knowing there's a judgment by the Sun, seeing there wasn't just one. Soon barely able to realize how catastrophic these judgments; triple Great Tribulations THEY shook my shoulders,  explaining, after THEY'D asked should THEY instead pray? 

Remenber no extinction level event predicted returns void, marvel not Jan 22-29, 2018 Mighty Angel words, then referencing US/BC West Pacific,  "desolstions predicted US soil now come; remember the last enemy of man to be destroyed is death until then  billions are dying, a million or more a day beginning by a sudden apocalyse, claiming tens of millions US/BC West Pacific; your African Fathers are in war torn Ukraine and Russia because they know if the American continent goes a billion or more of American refugees, The Continuity OF The AFRICAN AMERICAN,  blessed, Brexit BRIEXIT Blaexit, are now their responsibility, 


Feb 12 13, 2011, Suddenly having my kitchen visited upon, hearing, "Soon The Holy Church Bride Could Be In Heaven, Looking Down Upon (as from Rev 12, Second Heaven Intercessions, we just Ascended to, to meet Jesus THEM), And Praying For The Tribulation Saints as The Anti-Christ Is  Given Power To Overcome Them," Thus Saith, Explained A Suddenly Appearing, Angelic Visitor, 

YouTube, Tucker Carlson Yellowstone Park Just Shut Down A Risk Of, (-Take heed, Oct 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava, Feb 2016 a Hawaii event leave into Memphis with Orphan children; Feb 2019, Hand Writing On A Wall 99 Bowls Of Molten Lava; Aug 2019, Post Apocalyptic America, West Rule, hand writing clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE!

2  Times  NOW, The Hammering Off Of A Dominoing Hawaii Volcanic Event!

-Also amplifying and antagonizing This Wyoming Volcanic Summit into a dominoing Hawaii, also, a predicted Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, is gone viral Seismic, to NEOs to Solar flare activity; marvel not revisiting Angel Gabriel May 15  2020, warnings of Eruptions and FEMA; its May 15/16 2023 Just now, kept me awake Ben Affleck's Armageddon  growing more and more Imminent. 

-So proven to be evident, it's kinda impossible for its volcanic, well there Hawaii/CALIFORNIA to Wyoming Volcanic Summits not to intensify catastrophically; RUN; You know US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER where, running saves lives, saving lives saves souls JCOR/HBOW/Apb 


And When He hath Opened The Seventh Seal 

See more here,
Seeming they realizing Ben Affleck's,  Armageddon YELLOWSTONE is more an Imminent threat to US/Western soil than Beetlejuice, with both Degrassi and Kaku warning its too late; continent to world ender YELLOWSTONE is here! Also within The 37 day countdown since June 01, 2023,  Monday and Tuesday were FSS their hottest on planet earth since records were kept. Being honest I had to reconsider those now two hammering off of more viral Volcanism, Hawaii's Mauna Loa/Kileaua/YELLOWSTONE, are Rev 8 Seven Trumpets, also unprecedented Solar events, sounding off? WATCH RUN LIVE, RUN! HBOW Apb The RAM 

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear BIG JULY 06, APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM 2023, seeing the filling up  with water of the multi-million man water cooler, earth home no more, the mystery woman offered mansions In heaven; marvel not as of Aug 24 25 2022, there's equally mocked a multi-million man grocery store barter balen, toll booth, eat, (, TAKE THE MARK) die, descend, Demons with regiments of torture await. WATCH! RUN!LIVE!

YouTube Dutchsinse Earthquake Activities Across North America, Fires In Arizona and California, (- Canada sudden combustion, spreading fiery doomsday apocalypse, proven to be evident all  N. America to US, are states of barbecue exception US Georgia's COAST coast COAST CROSSOVER! 

Preceded by two West Rule systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet; THIS Keanu Reeves, STANDING OF THE WORLD STILL EVENT; Followed was a handwriting clumsily Escape (presently Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE); followed it's Aug 30/31 was the breaking of news report, "after 101 Yellowstone Eruptions: followed by Sept 3, 2019/2021, was seeing stars from heaven missiling down into EARTHERS and hearing, Shaky, (wobble); Shaky (wobble), earth; So this breaking news and the last two days being the hottest ever, all within a  since BIG JUNE JUNETEENTH 01 37 DAYS,  countdown, on its June 5, 2023, I saw the HUGEST SUN I'd ever seen;

The Largest Sun ever, Dutch, followed by The Largest Sunspot Ever,

Let My People GO! Thus Saith, Since BIG JUNE, JUNETEENTH ({2002}), Sunlight Of God Reigning AODHF Back Turn Throne ! 

Let My People GO, Where'? Jordan's Petra City; US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER; Africa's Southwest Atlantic 

-WHY DO THE HEATHEN (The Biden/Harris/PRIDE MARCHES) RAGE AND IMAGINE SUCH VAIN THINGS? The spirit of The Lord Is upon us to preach The Gospel to the poor; to heal The Broken hearted; to preach deliverance to The Captives and recovering Of Sight to The Blind, to set at liberty those that are bruised, to preach The acceptable year Of The.LORD let us ALL saved by HOLY L,  BLOODY GRACE compile The ROYAL PRIESTHOOD while it is day, before The Mammath to more Godzilla size sunspot put us in infinite night whereas none it's MOSES can outreach TRUE life, light and BLESSED CROSSOVER TO  RESURRECTION! HBOW/Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear BIG JULY 06, APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM 2023, commenting here cause me to realize several times prophetic demos have made references the abominable sexualization of children, the church filled with teen pedo boys wearing your infant children; the one just now showing a children trafficking headquarters at the top of a rollercoaster and third July 5, 2023, Mor Molestation, M for Mutilations, the showing of special needs children, followed by the unveiling of the hugest SUN  to Solar event, I'd ever seen; marvel not the last four days have been recorded as the hottest ever recorded;

YouTube Short, Mel Gibson Important Message  For You,

Rags to riches sickbeds and sleepovers, Rev 2 Jesus, Jan 2018 Hawaii Missile Morning/Jan 2023, warn Ben Affleck's Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, described absentee to endangering to homicidal parents except they repent HE forego a mass dieoff ascension of ALL CHILDREN; marvel not its authentic tripledemic surrounding children, gun violence, the opioid crisis, a mutating Into a killer of billions, backward letter, C, New Pneumonia, contagion.

Article, More than 150 Catholic priests in Maryland sexually abused 600 children, new report found, (-If human trafficking is the number one danger to children then here's the second; being betrayed Mel Gibson, by those most trusted, Parental, Religious, Political, Social and MONETARY/MILITARY, Overseers; CONEY OUT FROM AMONG THEM MY PEOPLE THAT YOU BE PARTAKERS OF THEIR SINS THAT YE RECEIVE NOT OF THEIR PLAGUES, HBOW /Apb 


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Jimmy Swaggart Espositer''s Bible, Hebrews 10, Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, The Sacrificial Blood Of The Lamb, JCON/Apb

Jimmy Swaggart Expositor Bible Ezekiel CHAPTER 16, 1-30

Jimmy Swaggart Expositor Bible Ezekiel CHAPTER 16, 31-63