Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear May 19, Apocalyptic Firestore 2023
BRICS: New Wave of Countries Align to Overthrow U.S. Dollar, (First a according to Rev 17, this what world nations especially Saudi Arabia/CHINA'/Russia are being puppeteered by both AODHF And Red Dragon Anti-Christ to do, ending for Millennia, Great WHORE MYSTERY BABYLON, disguised As America, as WEST RULE, IN ONE PROPHESIED HOUR, FOREVER! Meanwhile, I explained visiting Holy Spirit, been warning about America ending De-dollaration since my 46 year old was 21 and mocked his oldest daughter its Residential street, relocation, when she like Father Abraham's Nephew Lot, refused Archangel Michael THEM, its handout, blessed escape, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit, I know, I KNOW!!! HBOW/Apb,
Youtube Pastor Anita Fuetes,
Especially leaders, Religious Political, MONEYED, Social Media, that's been reading behind me decades now, know all US states are under Mandatory Evacuations, since Juneteenth 2002 into approaching/Juneteenth 2023. Here's what angelic STAMPEDERS, like Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM describes it all as a barbecuing from US West Pacific Mauna Loa into Its YELLOWSTONE Frightnight to leave into Memphis with orphan children, YELLOWSTONE Volcanic Apocalyse, Michio Kaku just warn is come, with y'all knowing it will take out The American Continent, and not just thousands but millions of lives, N. America first, all along its from The West Pacific, EXTREMELY ACTIVE, seismic craton.
-Right, there's a Mystery woman here, with the same authorities as Bridegroom Jesus THE CHRIST, I'm talking offering up heavenly mansions authority; only like Super Mario's Princess, she has murderous wrath at The Oct 17 2021 into Oct 17 2028, Dragon Beast,, Fightnight to a Jan 3, 2021, the showing of an Anubis Undertakers Launching unforeseen death and dying; speaking of Mystery Woman, she was just shown during a multi- million man grocery store line, possessing and exchanging Rev 9/Rev 20 keys to the bottomless pit, so yeah like Prophet Israel and Apostle Johns Israel/ Jerusalem, ALL Britain, Canada and The US are under Mandatory Evacuations, you know three designed assigned, territories where! HBOW/Apb
Article, China warns against ‘geopolitical games’ as US announces Blinken trip to Papua New Guinea,; (-What y'all thinking, Star Warring AODHF gonna have the same response as to Pelosi's Taiwan's visit? Only no more threats but actual launched, incoming, impacting presently Michio Kaku also warn Imminent, again imminent volcanic apocalyse. Frightnight only a day prior, May 16, 2023 I wrestled through the night with this revisiting Predicted Nov 2021/Nov 2022, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! So, know also, March 2021 and Nov 21, 2021 a YELLOWSTON was threaten before that Unprecedented still Hunga Tonga underwater eruption.,.Article, Jim Cramer just predicted that an ‘economic wave’ will soon hit the US — and it will be 'fantastic for investors.' But is that a good sign or a bad sign for the stock market?
See here, Luke 16:19-31, here Eze 31, and here,
-Wait, how old is Cramer's warning? That multi-gazillion dollar yacht has sailed, plenty of them, hopefully like I advised Elon Musk, a while back, camping out at MOTHER Africas' Southwest Atlantic;, just now, that's presently, famed letters USA trajectory; again Rome's Pope, as far back as Nuclear, Apocalyptic Dec 2022 and its matching Jan 2023 described it all ARMAGEDDON; Michio Kaku, YELLOWSTONE, just now, which garner a question, NOW ARE YOU RUNNING? Just know that Jan 16-17, 2023, crafting some racecars to racetrack escapees and others we now know, fast and furious, Mario Cart, Skyward escapes.
-Fightnight to both Anubis Army come along with Molten Lava flooding, Mario Carts heaven bound escape was also about Ben Affleck's since Nov 2021/2022/May 16, 2023, Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! Anyway, again Rome's Pope, knowing even financial Apocalypse come moved The Vatican's Billions in Funds into better securities. I know, I Know, but we were warn, even as far back as 1995, Angels visited, explaining De-dollaration ends US Banking, Housing, Churches, ends America/WEST RULE. Oh, run, apparently running saves lives, explaining Memphis/Beirut Brides being hand RUNNING SHOES, running shoes, saving first borns lives, and their Immortal souls, HBOW/Apb
Article, NTEB,
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear May 20, Apocalyptic Firestorm 2023, Marvel not Americans Churchians and Trumpians, the line upon line neverending line of orphan, injured children come to me, a school office administrator as to the Lamb's Book of life once Crafted Into A school name roll call; HBOW/APB
BEWARE, There's New York Reporting They've Lost A Half Million (as in parents to grands) to Covid, I'm thinking meaning US Covid US Death Tolls Are Far Beyond What's Being Reported You?!
Clearly gone from hearing; FINISH ALL SCHOOLS; To WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES TO I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS! So Apparent Geoffrey, Rev 2 Jesus has come for the children, like HE warn Jan, 2018 Hawaii Missile Morning, Astronomical Crossover to Skyward Escape; warn the same Jan 2023, Holy Father Of Wrath/HFOW, explaining parents aren't willing to sacrifice themselves to save children/THE RAPTURE GOES LIVE!!! So, like .Pale Horse Covid on the rampage and you're falling down dead in 5 minutes, ain't gonna be pretty, a mass dieoff ascension of children.
-Though, like Noah's Day Genesis marriage Abomination, APOCALYPSE is what warrants described riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers who's obvious UNREPENTANCE Geoffrey endangers children to the death, see more here, Aug 24 25 2022, Rev 9/20, horrid deaths Jesus used to bring them to HIM. CHILDREN Hillary Clinton/First Lady Obama/Whoopi Goldberg/BIDEN ADMINISTRATION, who're actually, the Future Royal Priesthood.. get it, get Jesus, THE CHRIST, get up yonder!!!! Holy, Bride Of Wrath/HBOW/Apb The RAM
Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, GET UNDERGROUND, GOVERNMENT ADVISED,, (-And the kings of the earth, and the great men, and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains; And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb: For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? Rev 6, 6th seal/Jan 23, 2018 6th ten day Matrix Countdown
Youtube Michio Kaku, IT'S HAPPENING,, (-Like my predicted 101 YELLOWSTONE eruptions/wrestle all night May 16, 2023, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, there's even a handwriting clumsily on a wall, Aug 07, 2019, ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE! Soooo, I'm thinking FSS, US Government, don't get Underground!!!
-I was charged for the Entire day yesterday, May 20, 2023, Unprecedented spiritual warfare come, even an Interstellar Armageddon, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL THEM STAR WARRING RED DRAGON AN HIS and crystal skies missiled down in huge chunks. Yeah, FSS, unimaginable death tolls come, like millions daily, it's time people come more infatuated and overwhelmed with where they, by their immortal souls will spend its eternity. For FSS, we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, Ephs 6:12
You talking FSS The Government since Bush, Clinton, Bush aligned to 50 million US deaths, revisited July 27/28 2022, adding that's also 25 million Brits and 25 million Canadians, for a total of 100 million westerner lives? Then, then, they're advising you hide underground where's there's incalculable evidence oceans of lava, the imminent VOLCANIC APOCALYPSE is rising up, even as HOLY GOD OF WRATH, vomiting right up into rebellious human-kind, where, what they treasure most if ALL America! Plainly,, heart breakingly, where FSS, they worship whoring, stealing, killing, man-eater, Great Whore Mystery Babylon over SACRIFICIAL BLEEDING CROSS, ELO-HIM again oceans of lava coming after you.
-Waking its Dec 2021 morning, a shopping center torn to shreds, The shop sign thrown to the ground, little did I know it all referenced a Kentucky Pharmacy, equally thrown down by a tornados only hours prior, filled with parents and children' visiting Santa, but why that's shocking, parents, children so threaten. Just you remembr three years before Covid, ALL parents Feb 2017 commanded killed by, all children as recent as Jan 2023 to be taken FSS , per their parents unrepentance, by a mass die off ascension, ALL children. More thsn Russia, CHINA, N . Korea, it's those six slayer, summon from the higher gate north.
Designed FSS, again designed, you taking emergency meds, designed with heart stoppers that appear both a two-edge sword and a sword like syringe and for what I witnessed, commanded by star warring, ELO-HIM, HIMSELF, going after the telling heart, there's no escaping them. Unquestionably this stalker remind Pharmaceuticals are also aligned to human genocide. Including those predicted, IMMINENT, 100 million of WEST RULE'S. That's blamed FSS, the biblical word Pharmakeia, (Pharmaceutical, Jan 12 13 2019, RITE AID Pharmacy); on both, First King, Elvis Presley, and Second King Michael Jackson, sickbeds to deaths, I guess you can say that's also, Queen Whitney Houston, blamed legalized drugs, prescription drugs were for hindering the war on drugs, cancer, to a in pandemic of CRIME, period.
Soooo, lets recap, you talking, The Government aligned to Sept BETA 22 23 2022 Eze 38/39/Rev 20, GOG and MAGOG; The Government aligned to an error Bin Laden, Saddam, Gaddafi, Soleimani, Zawahiri aligned to 50 million US deaths, 25 million Brits, 25 Million Canadians, and not one, not two, but three Great Tribulations. Recurring Mega Disasters Alone FSS, alone, just now, literally wiping California to Gulf states off the planet, that's planet home uninhabitable. Honestly, not counting fiery doomsday apocalypse, natural, VOLCANIC, nuclear, SOLAR. cosmic, ALIEN
-Marvel not tripping mystery woman, blind by wrath, carrying more now blacken judgment bowls, momentarily come to her senses, come merciful enough to offer that multi-million man water cooler better homeless shelters on par with Jesus offer of both CROWNS of life to MANSIONS in heaven. Right now you're getting though they've crafted Isaiah 16, John Rev 7, and my since Senator Barack Hussein 2009/Trump WH 2018, era/error Islam, hundreds of millions, even billions safe haven territories, blessed Brexit, BLAEXIT, Blaexit, Jordan's Petra, US Georgia, COAST CROSSOVER, Africa's Southwest Atlantic, eventually into JESUS THRONE BOSOM.
BLESSED ARE THOSE IN THE FIRST RESURRECTION, SECOND DEATH, YOUR AUTHENTIC CONCERN FSS, HATH NO POWER!!! Blessed Stampers secured for now, 1,260 days actually, only FSS to instead take described Holy Church Bride off the planet, better yet into, explained 2011 second Heaven intercessions. THEY'RE assigned from there, as explained in my hearing we're to both look down, and pray down here for you, Tribulation Saints saints. Surrealistically, as described also Senator Barack Hussein 2009, Rev 13:5.
-You must understand, these days given fulfillment, I witnessed the same happen on US soil, THE RISE OF THESE SAME TWO BEAST; THE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD now up there, praying down here, for them, TRIBULATION SAINTS as originally prophesied, they're given over to announced in SEVEN DRAGON BEAST YEARS, REIGN, Oct 17 2021 thru post apocalyse, WEST RULE, Oct 17 2028. Marvel not the planet is imminent with extinction -level event. just as imminent to leave The American Continent a multi-coast ocean to ocean impact crater boiling to bubbling over with molten lava.
-Look, portrayed as recent as Aug 2022, a multi-million man grocery store, toll booth, barter balen for one's immortal soul; with grocery store managers keys to the Bottomless Pitt. Since THEY aligned Red Dragon and Fallen Angels to Giants and now ALIENS, isn't it all likely they're responsible for all the supernatural creatures being unleashed from the bottomless pit; including, that's including FSS, Feb 2019/its again for SEVEN DRAGON BEAST YEARS, counting down since ebbing and flowing date, Oct 17 2021/ Feb 2019, Alexander, Hitler's Germany, Antichrist. Frightnight as portrayed Brandon's Frayser, sequel Mummy part two, its planet spreading Anubis Army of instant Human Extinctiion! WATCH, RUN, LIVE, Thus saith Dec 3, 4, 5 2021/Jan 12/13, 2023 both Rev 2, 3 JCOR, Also See The, Sixth Trumpet Rev 9:13-21
Probability That US Banks Will Restrict Cash Withdrawals Is ‘Rising Like Mercury’, Says Macro Guru Hugh Hendry,, Article, Target is selling a ‘tuck-friendly’ bathing suit as part of its massive pride collection, which has already made waves for its overt marketing to create transgender children. (-Speaking of Target, I'm instead reminded of the multi-million man Rite Ad Pharmacy reminding again Geoffrey ebbing and flowing date, Jan 27/282023 these people are about to die by the tens of millions, Britain 25 million, Canada 25 million, hinting you're to add US error Islam, 50 million, for a total of 100 million Westerners, Fightnight unimaginable death tolls more and more Imminent everytime either nation advances to threaten WW3; Star Warring AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb
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