Article, Fortune 5H, Gen Z teens are so unruly in malls, fed by their TikTok addition, that a growing number are requiring chaperones and supervision,
Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, BIO-TERRORISM ALERT! SCARY IF TRUE htps://youtu.be/gYSlcQXidqs (You mean FSS, scarier than, my witnessed July/August 2004, the US Lab design of a killer Spanish flu/Avian/Swine New Pneumonia; scarier still, there's millions US Covid deaths in less than a year, after I heard it commanded, kill all parents by, finish ALL schools; US to WORLD-WIDE, Covid deaths victims mostly parents to grandparents age, meaning as predicted again 2015/2023, the making of children into orphans is well on the way, millions and more. So in real-nughtmsrish-time, cases of De-populationalism whose the authentic endangered species, rebellious children or their rebellious, parents?
-Presently FSS, their as recent as Nuclear, Apocalyptic, Jan 2023, Rev 2, Jesus threaten, mass dieoff ascension, Simultaneous, Apocalyptic Events, Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic, and shown a hybrid between the two ALIEN, again FSS, as imminent and scary as all that? Indefinitely, Blessed are those in the going LIVE, after 30 plus Chernobyl Spring RAPTURE demos, blessed are those in the First Resurrection, By Jesus, THE CHRIST REDEEMING BLOOD, Second Death, Damnation, hath no power! HBOW/Apb
The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, April 2/17 1986-2016/2026/3036
The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII
-I woke this same morning mentioned here, May 26, 2023, from hearing "The last day of America," meaning per her Dec 24/25 2001, weight of mass Martyred blood guilt it's days of hurting people, of genocide over. Truly reminded waking Pres Trump's Inauguration morning hearing what'd I'd heard since Bush into Biden,, 50 Million will die,. Undoubtedly FSS awaken by this neighborhood shaking, quaking, breaking, ear piercing, long duration air Craft overhead. My next to the youngest Grand daughter, 22 called it a UFO, Unimaginablly, she not realizing only hours prior, see here, https://youtu.be/_KOsHCgnc6E in Southern California.
-By the way, Southern California is an area map marked in red decades now,, so nothing earth shattering there is surprising. Here, some 50 persons, FSS, some catching this image, time I saw it I said that's what I saw. That night of the famous Phoenix Lights I witnessed this identical, HUGE Triangle Craft, come Into that Westwood neighborhood, hovering yet the mystery, just as this One, without a sound . Only here, a day later, waking, hearing, "The Last Day Of America. A reported witness of the same, triangle craft,. So my question, FSS how long does it take, a half of a football field size Triangle Craft to passover ones house or what took so very long is because it was hovering?
-Like, where we hearing FSS, Archangel Michael THEM circling the Bride's Chariot all around, Grand Caden' witnessed, just past midnight, ebbing and flowing date since Pres Trump', 2018, mass hundreds of millions in Commanded Exodus, speeding into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER, March 13 2022? Plus, those who read behind me know, testified since Sept 22 23 2015 into this present hour,representing Isaiah's, JESUS', JUNETEENTH, 2002, SUNLIGHT OF GOD to John's Tribulation Saints, after THEY made sure my elder grands, were in safehaven territory, exile luxury even;; after THEY warn something bout UK's Cameron, (pending Brexit BRIEXIT Blaexit, THE HEMINGWAY EXODUS');
-Miraculously, Grand Caden and I boarded a craft to heaven, one FSS warning about Alien dangers from above, one who's panel scrolled Holy Church Bride Estimated Time Of Arrival, The BETA as Sept 22/23/24, I'm sure you get it, see more here, https://youtu.be/xn_l2yS6H2o; this specific date shown to be evident, a predicted since Rev 12 John, Planetary Phenomon, predating The Adam, fascinated The Solar System to Skies, two years later Sept 23, 2017, I Know, though equally The date Sept 22 23, I assured Memphis niece months prior, her hospice mom awaited. Surrealistically just as THEY explained its morning, THEY took her that evening, Sept 20, 2022, and FSS, THEY been warning About an Apocalyptic Hawaii dominoing into Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE, since, THAT'S SINCE, it Sept 21, 2022
The Backward Letter C Pandemic; Even It's 190 Years SUDDENLY Gone, NOW Western Days Suffers Shaped Their Hands FSS Into A Backward Letter C
-When I come into this demo, July/Aug 2004, one thing remind clear this was being done by people we knew, this was being done by people we trusted, Just as soon FSS. plainly I'd come into a US Lab, brought to it microscope, begin to look in it, this is what I saw, while THEY explained what I was seeing;
The shape of a backward letter C, with a mass it's middle. Actually FSS seeing what you are revealing that Russian Scientist are Revealing word to description to word Those we trusted were designing a killer bio-weapon by modifying The Spanish flu pandemic, that'd, killed 50 million world wide with or combine with an Avian to Swine, New Pneumonia, presently, constantly mutating into a pale horse pandemic, horse of HADES that's alone to claim a quarter of the earth.
Frightnight just as I warn now, about US West Pacific dominoing Volcanism, until Michio Kaku, just warn the sane; back then I constantly warn about a DEADLIER, Spanish Flu, AVIAN, SWINE, NEW PNEUMONIA, once unknowingly on Spsnidh Flu 2018, memorial. When soon right before Covid hit, and Bill Gates did the same, warn it a killer flu. The last day of America, after, they set Britain Canada, America combined death tolls at 100 million; after THEY, FSS, cried during Pelosi Taiwan Visit, adding H. Clinton error Col Gaddafi and flaming, blazing frying 🍳, Biden WH, V. Harris Ghana visit, advancing tthe, LGBTQ-P for Pedophiler GENOCIDAL, agenda; STRIKE OUT HER NAME! AND since witnessed famed letters USA floating off the continent also in the direction, of Africa's Southwest Atlantic, as Juneteenth (2002), SUNLIGHT OF GOD, The commanded African American exodus, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit.
IS SEPT 24 THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT? https://youtu.be/KN3vTPFoEvE ( Hearing The Last Day Of America, May 26, 2023; actually it's shown to me since Dec 24/25 (2001)/October 17 2021, even by the Ethiopian, Mayan Calendar To Be Post Apocalyptic West Rule, October 17 again 2021-2028, but, but, two Westernized World Systems Skyrocket to Fire-rocket any day now, some time prior.
Revisited Thanksgiving 2018, only What's Protrayed Here, http://theresurrectionofmaaseiahadonai18.blogspot.com/2022/10/the-unending-love-antidote.html; begin To Happen in real time, Sept 22 23 (2015); with its Sept 22 23 2022, Since, SINCE, Predicting Imminent Volcanic Apocalyse, The Building Of Hawaii to 99 bowls of molten lava Into YELLOWSTONE! see more here, https://youtu.be/xn_l2yS6H2o, You Tube Pastor Breaker, deals with this same inquiry, What's Gonna Happen On Sept 23, (2017), IS IT THE RAPTURE? Commenter, like THEY just mocked Super Mario Brothers Movie, he's too, mocking several end of the world scenarios he's lived through.
...Don't count your blessings just yet, that just means with such passage of time, you're closer to fiery doomsday apocalypse; Mal 4 described, Sunlight Of God, commanded exodus into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER into Africa's Southwest Atlantic; knowing where, running saves lives, saving lives saves souls; see also Mat 24 JESUS, suggesting HIS Run/Rev 18, AODHF equally suggesting, HIS COME OUT! FOR IN ONE HOUR EVERYTHING YOU TREASURE THE FREE WORLD/THE AMERICAN CONTINENT IS NO MORE THIS PLANET, HBOW/Apb, see also, I Thess 4:16-18/I Cor 15:51-58, see www.intrepiddream2001.blogspot.com
Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear May 29, APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM 2023See here, https://theweek.com/briefing/daily-briefing/1023829/10-things-you-need-to-know-today-may-26-2023; Ten Things You Need To Know Happen May 26 2023; Hearing as I woke, May 26, 2023, "The Last Day Of America; before or as that day prior, half of a football field size, Triangle Craft, spotted, to even photographed by 50 Southern Californians. Seeming like 1997 Phoenix Lights and its Triangle Craft, witnessed hovering in my neighborhood; this one, https://youtu.be/_KOsHCgnc6E; also after 50 seen it's lights, only it wasn't silent, came May 26 early morning and literally sat over this neighborhood, this house, the long duration LOUD rumbling, made my ears hurt for a while. I mean my son asked about it and they with heads firmly buried, so the walking dead, don't ask me nothing. Especially during untellable, undeniable fulfillment, last I explained either the UFO his daughter exclaimed or Biden's described illegal war, military on the move, you could tell either for him spelled THE END AS WE KNOW IT; as his mom been telling it, since his childhood right into this prophesied day, hour to nano second, HBOW/Apb
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