Yesterday, All My Trouble Seem So Far Away Now It Looks As Though It's Here To Stay!!!


Prophecy Links Fulfilling, with one of grands, school facility member charged with sexual battery, SODOMY and I'll admit as he was making this atrocity known I did mock, what same-sex call marriage is like Pedophilia, sexual abuse, and how The Bush Administration would possibly give this pervert a medallion. 

-When, in my demos even now his death ascent, so for 3 decades, Rev 17 14 Lamb Of God Jesus Husband, begin to reveal this INCONCEIVABLE  HORRID; he began saying as he, his mother Mary and brother Ruben arrived into a Church parking lot,  three to a bike,  he could see right off, there was demon filled smoke, coming up, out of the earth, pouring into the Church; 

-Fightnight THEY just mocked no matter how well intended all prep, by showing Reigning Church Bride, possessing prepping and launching Dan 2 stone from heaven; he explained further once he entered the Church he could plainly see every teen boys erection had one of your infant children attached;  any wonder Jan 2018, Hawaii Missle Morning, a Michael Ealy appearing Rev 2 Jesus THE CHRIST, design you all, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers; who's by now Jan 2023,  UNREPENTANCE would cause a mass dieoff ascension of ALL Children;  HBOW/Apb


Elon Musk warns against weaponizing currencies as the de-dollarization movement takes hold, (There's something about seeing the filling of up of that multi-million man water cooler; a multi-million man traffic Jam that Brad Pitt and Jolie kids called me from and a multi-million man grocery store, as men barter balen for for ones immortal soul. The sudden end of this world system, not so much in this order, while Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE bearing down upon them all; Thus Saith, Showing HIMSELF EQUALLY STAR WARRING, AODHF

Hearing Just As I woke, April 26, 2026, SEVEN DAYS! Then begin to be witnesseed upon in Spanish! One Of The Languages, (Japanese, Chinese, again Spanish I Woke From Speaking By Three World Area Fathers Escaping With A Single Son;

Dutch, Duh, BABYLON/Babylon In this Order!!!

Huh, again huh; so now BRICS nations are weaponizing currency, so, what y'all think US Leads since Bush Clinton Bush, straight through to Biden/HARRIS being aligned to an error Islam and 50 million US deaths until by Biden Admin US Covid tolls are building into a million plus US dead, is rooted in; the for a generation and more weaponization of the US Petro-dollar?

Know Feb 2021, Ezekiel 31

 -Stop it, such blood boiling hypocrisy that extinction level, continent ending Mauna Loa is being hammered, dominoing into THIS WORLD ENDER YELLOWSTONE and the greater Extinctiion Level of ending, MYSTERY BABYLON, WEST RULE, within an hour, is yuu can't even know its come until as Jesus cursed you, The days of Noah's (presently a Noah's Cousin); you're suddenly no more this planet; stop it, stop deceiving yourselves, stop deceiving others, get It, get Jesus, THE CHRIST get up yonder!!!!! HGOW


Inside the final days before Biden announces his reelection bid, The last-minute scramble


-I guess Christopher', it was sensible, THEY Hawaii Missle Morning show us a Michael Early appearing, perfect, dangerous man I  think Trump and his now million plus in Covid deaths, but (Obama/Harris); Biden is the one as Noah's Days, fallen angels mating with human women, with an alike Genesis Marriage, Genocider Agenda, horrendously, they just offered to Archangel Michael THEM pitted safehaven territories,SW MOTHER AFRICA, Ghana Africa; F for FORNICATION, A FOR ADULTERY, A FOR ABORTION, LGBTQB AND P FOR SMOKE FROM THE BOTTOMLESS PIT CHURCHED PEDOPHILER TEEN BOYS;

-Clearly as crystal skies missiling down, unveiling two as Godzilla like illusionist, one an Egyptian Sobek assistant to Anti-Christ Anubis Army; putting him, a knowingly, dangerous, perfect genocider back in office clearly as crystal skies missiling down just as the Holy Bride skyrocketed, ALL WEST RULE FIRE ROCKETED; reach up to God those Americans, Churchians and Trumpians who didn't die by THE BACKWARD LETTER C PANDEMIC, (Coronavirus/PALE HORSE TYPE, NEW PNEUMONIA), yet repented not, "LOOSE THE BOTTOMLESS PIT! WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!!! AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM



@Elon Musk, Everyone Don't Do That


-Speaking of both the color blue and AI Musk, I woke months back from this hellish cry, not  the blue pill, please don't give me the blue pill; see when Morpheus explained to Neo, the difference in his choice, take the blue continue in wonderland believe what yuu want; AODHF/JCOR

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Christopher Corbra Coyote and Queen Bride, Cottiie Liela Bishop

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Thewis Fonte Driscoll and Maddly Constance Thaw was born Jr Thewis Fonte Driscoll, a  godson, Theddus Gionna Driscoll and a goddaughter Lexus (Lexi), Micellar Driscoll, Thaw

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII 

"What is happening? Seeing everybody rubbernecking out the window;  Servant Valeria thinking even her presence alone so spiritually dissolving; the courtyard is filling up with refugees, even our veterans all around have seen nothing like it, I guess word Madam is spreading you're here. Ah my God, Is Christ, seeing there was every type, the multicultural, Genesis man, women, men, and children. I guess I should go out there, maybe you shouldn't, they could swamp you, put you in danger Madam. I have an ideal, Latina right?  Yes ma'am, we're always ready to receive huge company, Mathis,  yes madam Ill get the others and by that time they would've calmed, cause you no  harm, give us thirty, to set up brunch for them all, in The mean time I'll prepare to address them all, but you already look, smell so wonderful, that'd be very kind of you Madam, very kind indeed.".    " Anymore thought grand Sia receiving The Huge enough to block out the sky in lowercase letters The single word ready; I know Darius Juttah, she says it related to Asbury, Revival, all such Revival, signaling they ready to be taken; but I also remember THEY, well star warring,   ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, she also call Him, assuring her although Bm billions are Predicted to die, including tens of millions of Westerners and Americans, He's ready to get it all done, could just now have signal his readiness, there's that mesure Thewis, there's also, racecars, racetrack, the  instead waving a US flags, signaling their most ultimate flight, ready, set, go! So you thinking, those two alerts could follow?  I mean how serious is it, The commanded African American exodus if they've paused even child's play; get fast and furiously to assigned for your area map, safehaven territores." >>>"I'm just saying we too need consider, tribunals saying, some of grand Sia reveals could be what the Rev 10, 7 thunders thundered; plus what's THEIR sitting a book of Remembrance at the foot of her bed? Yeah Med man, so now there's The Lamb's Book Of Life,, now a school name roll call; there's Grand Sia, with a page torn out; Archangel Michael now has a list, only of what, who, now here's Grand Sia Maaseiah Adonai again, with a book of rememberance. This, her reveals could be what they thundered, I'm thinking, like Daniel was told to conceal Endtime events until it was told John to reveal; easily what the 7 thunders thundered could've began to unleash, the moment Trump of God, Angel Gabriel, I remind, the same who'd made same aware to Daniel, was all unto fulfillment wouldn't that include right, Lion man, those seven thunders. I think it's time we put her Memphis events in order, as in Global Juttah, which would've come first? Wouldn't hearing Nov 2022, Hawaii Is Building Into Have Come first? You know, Wounded man she just got that, yeah that warning, Jan 2023, signaling, get ready, then the Hawaii missile Alert Morning, 2018 again an Hawaiian Alert, translation, ascension and there's no question Sept BETA 2015, Tribulation Saints crossing over, Holy Saints skyrocketing, wow, wow, grand Sia truly is seeing these events in reverse; which if you read, the Bride's ascent, GLORIFICATION was just as hours later, they arriving again with invited and escorts bup, into Lamb of God marriage supper, which would Include The Two Olive Branches, Enoch and Elijah! I know, I know, I know grand Sia would then say marvel not THE AODHF showing HIMSELF star warring,was the referenced behind Rev 11, for when the seventh Angel began to sound,  only Global Tribunal to Nextus Juttah let's say it together; For when the seventh Angel shall begin to sound, The Kingdoms Of Men shall become the Kingdoms of GOD and HIS CHRIST and actually, THEY shall reign forever!" WHEWWWWW, they all clapped, chested, HALLELUJAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!". >>> "Grand Sia please, before you retire to what seems your PARADISE on Mother African soil, we pled your GOD grantee mercy, what's a Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE and he and his son hosting an apostate NBA event is something to do with it? unable to tell, he being the middle of a such a crowd building The Court Yard There, her eyes, nose filled with burning emotions at his inquiry, ml mostly that there were some paying direct attention. May I please, Preece, know your name? I'm Jasper, Of the House Of Jasper; well Preece Jasper, as I come into the Nov 11, 2021 reveal, the also Batman VS SUPERMAN actor, Ben Affleck, was coming straight into home like it a barber shop, saying first thing there'd been one failed attempt, like the infiltration to extinction of children, although I'm thinking this would be a better for my beautician daughter in-law so being a barber shop, only it's not, I'm off to find clipper while he wait, only he being impatient, in goes into the hall back, get in the mirror, began his own as Ezekiel 5 Barber Chair, hair removal; that man in the mirror readying to take all these savings measure them Into there Perfect lengths of God warning, Americans, Churchians and Trumpians, for stampeding purposes, GOD THE FATHER, is designing, like three to four horses of the Apocalypse that are reacurringly upon them; So grand Sia your alike, bald head shaped into four ponytail Judgments, yes but ten days Nov 21, again using Ben Affleck's Armageddon, as a predicted YELLOWSTONE, THEY'RE warning an Apocalyptic event the seize and scope as protrayed in Armageddon, earth ending scenario, hence, Preece Jasper of The House Of Jasper, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! Need I remind we're nearing twilight and some if you have a long walk back, actually Sia Juttah, one of the guards whispering at her, he's thinking, deliciously, perfumed ear, we've made ready The Plantation House, a three day stay, were they're all be as comfortable as your described, exile luxury. Ah my god us Christ, her eyes, cheeks noticably filling this time, we can don that? Yes madam, all as you wish, we've already been to transport some; then ah my god, yes and how wonderful, please, Ben Affleck, now The Man In The mirror, only said mirror has it's own reveal, yes, wow, yes, ah, I as a live, grooming man in the mirror, watched it take on the terrifying image of Ancient Of Days HOLY FATHER, I've blessed HIM, since HE showed HIMSELF Star Warring with Archangel Michael THEM; in the mirror, HE'D picked up, his Throne chair and turn it's back at us/at mass assembly, at it all; before I'd leave my reveal classes, I'd ask a question, how many of you are familiar with The Chosen Series? That's what I thought, having watched it's historic third season, well how many of you read , my, awarded m, The Chosen Series, parable and if you have, do you think they've done enough to present more a mother Mary or yet, a Virgin Mother; is The Holy Bride slash Carnal Bride yet standing the halls, cracked door, waiting for some if The Chosen Series Actors especially Jonathan Roume to come out of religion? RELIGIOUS/ POLITICS, The one earth wide moment, since the deceiving serpent, Eden's Garden, that's ruin to murdered more people than any and all wars past, present and pending The US/Nato vs Arabia/BRICS ten heads Tug Of world war Interstellar Armageddon/Armageddon combined; blessed night, sweet sleep, I'll see more of you, when The stunning morning come, have yours answers and Grand Sia, more our inquiries, yes Mesure Jarius, especially." Like like, who do men say you are, have you come in the spirit of Elijah, are you the final Apostle Prophet before The Two Witnesses to Jesus Millennium Reign; do you have any memories, during Silverston Nicholas, as Moses Exodus, The Mount of transfiguration, of the 144 thousand, your described specialty saints? I can only say Preece Darius Jarius, Of The House Of Jarius all to be answered in the morning, again Blessed 🌃 all, sweet sleep.". >>>"Okay, okay, Water Hunter I can see, but Monster Hunter, how's that? Running a business especially at night grand Ruma, said huge insects would come in and he started even dressing to go on a hunt for them, so his Indian name, come, Munster Hunter, I was thirsty all the time, she said, always looking for water Grand Ruma said in all the wrong places, so, look anyone here, any Canadian Sailors here? Seeing a single hand ease up from someone eating still so its true, you fixed a pack, you and your girls, and loaded onto a friends granted ship, and took sail for the Northern Atlantic, even US Georgia's Coast; left parents, friends, all? Yeah, bout all of the above, hey the apples," handing her fruit, are especially sweet, I know you don't care for them but we're eating for two; but yeah Water Hunter man, but we'd been following The Paris Globe for a while, even some California's Artelon House, like Pier Swanson Them, so we understood plenty, wait Pier Swanson, isn't he and his some of those, yeah, casting, casting a celebrative smile, those Silverston Nicholas exodus/mount of transfiguration, yeah but not only, he and soon to be wife Darius Evolent were one of 12 coupled leaders. So you believe All that, even the mount of transfiguration, of the 144,000, Grand Sia, even there? You asking Water Hunter man, do I believe Holy Father Ancients of days proving HES taking rule over this planet and its new heaven, earth to come? Notwithstanding, wait which one are you? Crooked Sky, Eye Hawk and here, expectant wife, Annabelle, just know we all we head plenty, as Jesus' night of Gethsemane tussling about what to do, know also with, Sebastian grandfather yacht come a family of sailors, so grandpa Buryton had some idea what we were frightfully

planning and made sure-fire we'd be safe. So like Jesus' Gethsemane night or loving husband Grand Sia worried beyond imaging, Mother's Day, 2020, right, she in that white overhead tent, chanting with the prophesied hour manifested in multicultural flesh, a building family gathering. Actually like Dr Fauci suggested, only mega storms like at present, just come, and come and come, blowing, wiping, washing, all going on like normal right off the planet not even choirs were safe but, yeah, portrayed as locking up perishers' who're a commanded fast and furious African American exodus as into highchair type feeders. Hey, look, our number up, as those hurriedly gabbing their things, "revisiting all that guys was really reassuring but I'm guessing you know, these appointments don't come easy." Thanks for sharing, anytime you like, running, as you, later, later." Why Speak In Parables? Jesus Disciples asked with HIM responding by quoting prophets of old saying well see here, Matthew 13:10-17

Article, CBN, Preparing For War, Taiwan preparing for war, news on the 700 club,

I'm on Telegram, Email me here,, text to Zelle me here, 901-600-9519; actually your giving supposed to be so tantamount, there'll be nothing left of this structure, of  its windows, doors, walls, floors, EXCRETA, but the concrete foundation, explained decade's back, after RELIGIOUS CHURCHES were ALL set ablaze, again THE FOUNDATION,  laid by Jesus The Christ and His Holy Apostles, I know, I know!

Knowing who, what, why when and where to blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT,  Blaexit, Africa's Southwest Atlantic,; WATCH! RUN! LIVE!

-When I come into the demo, Oct 11, 2021,  I've opened the front door here, looking out, see nothing but tree's but those trees are men in tannish camouflage, with rifles and they're a building, encroaching guerrilla war. No doubt as usual AMERICANS CHURCHIANS TRUMPIANS,, thinking's it's all fun and games, paint ball to laser tag, soon, , I hear nothing but this loud, cheerful pouring down this stunning, twirling staircase, all Brad Pitt, Jolie Kids; Instead acting as seer grandma, knowing what's out there I stop them mid flight, call out to their dad, Brad Pitt comes down, opens the door;, look out.  I don't know what he sees, I see there's a tall, huge guardian angel, dressed in modern day clothes, including a shimmering, bluest, ,green , camouflage, waist band, jacket. Frightnight GUARDIAN ANGEL, dress would soon be very similar to grand Caden funeral dress.

-Apparently , NOT KNOWING OR EVEN CARING, WHAT THEY TELL US AND SHOW US DOESN'T RETURN TO  HOLY GOD OF WRATH, VOID; so far she's been right. The sister who mocked she nor any of my Memphians would relocate into US Georgia's Coast, CROSSOVER ,would be murdered, ebbing and flowing D-DAY, that Dec 29, 2021. So in all fairness she didn't leave Memphis, nor her eldest son after her, her eldest sister after Him. Fightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, there's even an extremely near miss, near horrid death with Pat-Brad, SHILOH, Memphis niece.

-I'm just saying, be careful telling Jesus THE CHRIST, described, Noah's Day , EXTINCTIION LEVEL AOHDF,, what you and yours not gonna do, see Eze 5 and 9; Eerie is just last night, April 23, 2023, I don't know what sparked it. Only that a visiting, god grand son, 3 years old; (Grand Caden and Grand niece  Lawren, were this age when warn unlike parents and grands, they'd grow up in American occupation): anyway he  just start telling each of us, a living area filled,  we'lre each gonna be bald; it startled some. I just responded, like prophet Ezekiel, I did see myself bald, with four same length ponytails in my hands, I witnessed Ben Affleck's Armageddon/ YELLOWSTONE, this Hall bath doing the same, again see Eze 5 barber chair/Eze 9 commanded reapers, all US/Western soil.

-Know also,  Brad Pitt demo switched from there, we're a connecting hotel room, seeming to sit on top of all massive traffic, there's some bout doing my laundry, The Name Laundry inundating News Breaks;   I know ,when  I say we; there's Brad Pitt, seeming his begrudgingg, advisor and a female who might or might not have been Angelia Jolie. Soon they're at odds what to do about me, when I hear, that's because she' should've been on the 57th and instantly I know its Oct 11, 2021, military, even The US Marines/submarine division, related; HBOW Apb; 

Youtube Sister In Christ, SHOCKING MEDIA SHAKEUPS,


-Straightly during The Hawaii missile morning alert, Rev 2 Jesus did design Americans/WESTERNERS/ CHURCHIANS AND TRUMPIANS RICHES TO RAGS SICKBEDS AND SLEEPOVERS; Endangering Their Children with a mass dieoff ascension!!! I Must Admit during Bush error Saddam Hussein, seeing that build up of torture vehicles, hearing it being designed by a US General to his intimidated men as a dirty Mede, I did consider, Mede, not just as genociders Medes and Persians, but as The US, Media; HBOW/Apb

-Seeing Famed Letters USA Floating Off The Planet, into MOTHER AFRICA'S, Southwest Atlantic...

There's Some About Drinking The Lemonade Of Reveal...

Fret not, Holy Spirits in ways too miraculousIy to go into details, as in too lengthy, showed us election evening Nov 3/4/5 2020 ABC NEWS, would be the most important, most informal, TRUST WORTHY of them all! WATCH! RUN! LIVE,! HBOW/Apb

Youtube, Perry Stone, Send Angels To Chase Your Unsaved Loved Ones Our

Then A Sword Like Syringe Slices Through The Air, Point Blank The Stampeders Telling Heart

See Genesis 15/Psalm 35, Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come; what if star warring Archangel isn't just saving you from reacurring mass disasters but Eze 9 commanded reapers; take heed further Feb 2019,  there's an All aroundAnti-Christ Anubis Army!!! Still with Eze 9 commanded reapers, One Strike The Telling Heart, you're as Jesus witnessed some disappear, ascended to descended? The Heart Alone Doeth Tell, AODHF!

 Youtube The Economic Hub, TROUBLE, Banking Crisis, 2.0 Billion, Pulled from Charles Schwab,

See also here, Bank of America clients withdraw $2.3B from US securities,; I asked weeks back are we seeing bank runs by the rich and famous? HBOW/Apb

Marvel not THEY used Rev 10, Mighty Angel, saying nothing prophesied by AODHF return to ELO-HIM void? To warn Mauna Loa to YELLOWSTONE Apocalyse is here; Fret,  There's Rev 17 7th ANGEL taking up his rear, RUNNNNNN, you know where!

Article, Could we stop Yellowstone from erupting with a giant geothermal power plant? See more here, these mega rbntdu been happening since THEY' put Seismic to Volcanic events in Orange left, Especially Mauna Loa dominating into Ben Affleck's Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE!

By Aug 5 Two Western World Systems Are Skyrocketing to Fire-rocketing Off The Planet; By it's Sept 3,  crystal skies are missiling down bombs, to meteors to  stars to satellites!

Part of Rev 12, Phenomona Heavens, was fulfilled Sept 23, 2017; Sooo, can you stop what John is seeing and predicting Rev 6, 6th seal ? I'm pretty positive they're the same seismic to Volcanic Apocalypse, see here,, possibly the same earth ending; HBOW

Article, Could we stop Yellowstone from erupting with a giant geothermal power plant? Having some to do with Mauna Loa YELLOWSTONE,By Aug 5 2019, Two Western World Systems Are Skyrocketing to Fire-rocketing Off The Planet, 

I Will Strip Schools Noah's Day EXTINCTION LEVEL HGOW!!!!
Hearing April 22, 2023, seven days, before I dozed off while speaking to praying in Spanish/Frightnight Feb 12/13 2023, One Of The ESCAPING Fathers I Woke Speaking As He To His Son, They're At A Fast Food Rest Stop and They're Spanish/Latino; HBOW

See more here,; here,, 
Not only is he seeing  a new thing, movement in some areas that'll normally take weeks but has taken only days, while he's forecasting near 8 size Earth quake, remember predicted to go nuclear, following Mauna Loa YELLOWSTONE, New Madrid is the only US seismic zone that's produced 8 plus Earthquakes, only I heard Oct 17 2018, 10.2 earth quake, possibly, predicted to go nuclear, New, New Madrid,Texas and The Chosen Series Is Heard No More At All Out Of These Impact Zones, Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, see also here,

 (-Marvel not The Breakings News, hearing, after 101 YELLOWSTONE eruptions); Frightnight I believe I'm right, either since Jan 2022 and a revisted Ben Affleck's Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE, UNFORSEEN EVEN STILL, Hunga Tonga or since Jan 2023, this witnesseing the hammering off of something Extinction Level, I believe such unforeseen volcanic activity, and too many daily Eruptions to count,
Unimaginably, as I'm seeing mother earth opening up like fondly lifting her skirt, releasing This Death Rider, and no doubt The Horse Of  Hell On Earth Rides With HIM;  Here's, "Nov 4, 2013, The Obama ERA, Error, US Petro currency, The Funeral Reef Into Heavens, nearing a million Covid deaths by Biden/Harris Administration.

-Marvel not its, Nov 4-8, 2022, The Building Of Hawaii Into, The 101th, EARTH ENDING, Volcanic Eruption which is Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE! Frightnight with an Anubis Army all around and its crystalized Sobek falsifying apocalyptic skies, as predicted that's hundreds of millions dead, to injured, to stampeding to just plain missing. Frightnight still, you being a Procrastinator of COMMANDED Exodus mean you and yours are in one or more of these harrowing situations. I know what you thinking, Holy Lord's putting it all under an Orange Alert YELLOWSTONE, Sept  BETA,, 21/22/2022 unquestionably, The Orange Alert Gone Out For Columbia should be a warning gone out for, from The West Pacific, Ring Of Fire across The Entire, The American VOLCANIC Continent/WESTERN WORLD, HBOW/Apb

Article, Goldman Sachs says the USD will remain dominant on the world stage for a long time

NOT EVEN CLOSE; JESUS SAID WHEN YOU LIKE THE PRESENT SEE AN OUTBREAK OF EXTINCTIION LEVEL EVENTS COME UPON YOU, LET NO MAN/ESPECIALLY BANKERS, DECEIVE YOU THIS WORLD ENDS, DESCENDS ANEW! Any moment now,  Within ONE HOUR It, US Currency, 50 MILLION US, 25 Million Brits and 25 Million Canadians were ALL OF A SUDDENLY, no more this planet; as prophesied, Islam/HUSSEIN, is world reign; actually all in prophetic progress for the most Apocalyptic 7 Ys Ever, since Oct 17 2021; STOP FOOLING YOURSELVES, STOP DECEIVING OTHERS; knowing where, RUN!!! HBOW/Apb

Youtube, Answers In Genesis, Christians (Churchians), Beware, The Normalizing Of Pedophilia,

Article, Baltimore’s Catholic Church sexually abused at least 600 children over 60 years, Maryland AG says,, (-wait, wait, wait, are those crickets I'm hearing? (Wait citing APOCALYPSE COME; Did Rome's Pope resend His Resignation?

Someone Go Down To The Middle School Cast A STONE (Meteor) That's Dan 2/ EZE 9 HGOW, 2003

I know, The Opening Of The Bottomless Pitt, Aug 24 25 2022 or at least The Multi-million, Man Grocery Store, Managers Key's Exchanging Of Hands; That's like the normalization Of Satanic, Demonic and Shown A Hybrid between the two Alien Apocalypse! WAKE UP!!!

Kill All Parents By, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS; And This Eze 9 Command, was 3 Years Before Predicted Near Two Decades, Coronavirus Hit; Taking Millions In APOSTATE Parents, Grands


-NORMALIZING PEDOPHILIA, That's more fast and furious, LUDACRIS, contagious and spreading than legalizing SEXUAL ABUSE, BATTERY, same gender;, Genesis Marriage Abomination in the first place. Anyway, they're done literally screwing with children, understand, THE SUDDEN TRIPLEDEMIC; JCOR, is going forward with a theaten again Hawaii missile morning, the mass dieoff ascension OF ALL CHILDREN; until then children to their evil abusers are The Backward Letter C pandemic mutating into The Pale Horse/Horse of HADES Pandemic!

-Sooooo, knowing who? AODHF, what? Pacific Coast into The Atlantic COAST/African/Atlantic Basin, FIERY DOOMSDAY VOLCANIC APOCALYPSE; why? US, West Rule own Weight Of Martyred Blood Guilt;, when? Every prophesied D-Day hour to nano second and blessed is, Holy God Of Wrath, Knowing where North America is to escape US States Of Barbecue, US Georgia's Coast, COAST CROSSOVER Into Africa's Southwest Atlantic; SINCE A CHILD SHALL LEAD YOU, your refereed Jan 16/17, 2023, fast and furious Mario Carts are ready, Ah, on your mark, get set, get ready, RUNNNNNN! HBOW/Aob

Remember when I warn this?

Youtube, NBC NEWS, Mississippi River Flooding Reaches Historic Levels, Flooding Out Neighborhoods,


The Breaking Of The Genesis Rainbow Covenant A Noah's Cousin to Aqua Era

Also mrmbb333, see here; you kinda mocked The Mississippi was a virtual dessert when I warn it would flood out it's surrounding states; I don't warn what I think I know, I warn what THEY warn me;  Like Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTON as Eze 5 barber chair, the designing of Mega disasters, for stampedIng worthies out of impact zones; yeah that's AODHF like forcing you all to save your own lives, and possibly your immortal souls, behold HE standeth at the door, and knock, if any man;  I know, I know!!! HBOW/Apb The RAM

Six former US Officials claim to have worked on UFO crash retrieval programs, per report 


Article, Billionaire Ray Dalio just spent 13 days in China and has advice for the world’s 2 great powers ‘on the brink of going to war with each other’

And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is,(The Roman Empire);  and the other is not yet come; and when he (The British Empire/Mystery Babylon/WEST RULE); cometh, he must continue a short space.  Rev 17:10

Seeing Famed Letters USA Floating Off The Planet; Hearing, Separate Britain, America Into Itty Bitty Pieces; Wipe Canada Off The Map!!!


-So if you're thinking this is only about world-wide De-dollaration or even A Digital Currency Savior, admittedly, though her weight of Martyred blood guilt Judgmentt Sentence come and it won't save America/WEST RULE, from fiery DOOMSDAY Volcanic Apocalypse, tens of Millions will die; fret not, any threat to US soil by CHINA or Nuclear Asians, they/even NATO, like BRICS/Arabia, Syria/Iran are driven into the already in progress, and Triple GREAT TRIBULATIONS for seven  APOCALYPTIC YEARS since Oct 17 2021, Daniel 9:27, The TRUMPIAN/Abraham Accord, 7 year, non aggression pact; AODHF


Marvel not, May 27/28 2021, I woke from  finding myself before a class of children teaching them how the Chinese language work; Whereas the morning of Feb 12, 13 2023, I woke from speaking languages each, CHINESE, JAPANESE and Spanish, of three fathers, escaping with their son, either a grocery store; a financial center to a  fast food restaurant, I know The process of Guilty Martyred, Blood, sowing and reaping,  HBOW/Apb

US Army orders aviation safety stand down following deadly helicopter crashes

Article, 5 Arab Nations Ready To Join BRICS Alliance

Strike Out Her Name, Pelosi, AMERICA/WEST RULE or Hearing Mary J Blige Just Now?


-Remenber I asked  especially with both de-dollaration and Daniel's Final week, Abraham' Accord, non-Aggression pact, in full daily, 24/7 progress, and no one else' have to die for WAR. I began Asking over a year back, did Russia really have to go through Ukraine; or CHINA', Taiwan; how about North Korea tug of turf war with South Korea, Israel through Islam, Vice versa Islam through Israel. EXACTLY WHAT IS SUDAN WARRING ABOUT? Still, reminded by my bellicose granddaughter, actually, his eldest daughter 30, mocked a relocation to the very Memphis Street.

-Just say my eldest son was instead  his  youngest daughter age, 20, when THEY visited me like Father, The  Abrahamic, Islamic, Israeli lineage for many millennia world-wide biblical inherit; Explaining one thing De-dollaration of Great Whore Mystery BABYLON, spells The WITHIN AN HOUR, End Of America Of West Rule, THIS ENTIRE PLANET. So,  like the fall of Nimrods Babel, (Babylon), and a single language, single intelligence, (Religion); begins a New World Order; (eventually Jesus' Descending Millennium);. Admittedly, rightly puppeteered by AOHDF puppeteering Great Dragon BEAST, equally puppeteering world leaders along De-dollaration until not even Digital Currency to THE AMERICAS, will Stand AODHF/JCOR, HBOW/Apb The RAM, 


-Marvel not extreme PS 2, AODHF,mockery Jan 16-18, 2023  was to suggest Mario Cart World Ending/ Children Animation Ending Equally An Earth Ending Movie Scenario, Say Like Greenland Just now  or Tomorrow War, of giving us some Idea of what to expect beyond ebbing and flowing date, Jan 2021, Flaming, blazing, frying 🍳, flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris including their Air Forces One/Two; equally being mocked we're washing to cleaning the frying pans to boiling pots, even the barbecue grills we're all supposed to be running from,  into those three for Millennia pending, safehaven territories,  you know where, 


Marvel not extreme PS 2, AODHF,mockery Jan 16-18, 2023  was to suggest Mario Cart World Ending/ Children Animation Ending Equally An Earth Ending Movie Scenario, Say Like Greenland Just now  or Tomorrow War,of giving us some Idea of what's to expect beyond ebbing and flowing date, Jan 2021, Flaming, blazing, frying 🍳, flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris including their Air Forces One/Two; equally being mocked we're washing to cleaning the frying pans to boiling pots, even the barbecue grills we're all supposed to be running from, into those three  safehaven territories,  you know where, HBOW/Apb


Remember Explained I see the Fulfilling of events in reverse, like I witnessed hundreds of millions pouring into Africas'Southwest Atlantic before I witnessed those same hundreds of millions pouring into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER Frightnight to an Anubis Army all-around, I actually think I witnessed in perfect order Aug 5  2019, two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off The Planet by a dominoing Apocalyptic Mauna Loa until as predicted there goes Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTON until by it's Sept  3,  regardless of tThe Sky is missiling down everything, FAA /MilitaryFlights/ Planets, Stars, BOMBS, satellites, Etc

Youtube GMC News, Mississippi Communities Brace For Potentially Record Braking Flooding

There's Something, April 30, 2023, Bout Volcanic Apocalyse, Molten Flooding, Mary j Blige and just hours ago, Elon Musk; BEWARE, taking The Front Eye, Infant Children and US States Of Barbecue!! 

Taking Flight, Pray Against, Peace Getting Crystal Skies/Porches, Holidays/Sabbath Day's, Pray For Mother's With Infant Children! PRAY! ICON/SAMT

-Legalized Fornication, The Breakage of The Genesis Rainbow Covenant; A Noah's Cousin to Aqua Era, until there's an Angel up there with pitcher in hand pouring floodwater on The  Planet. Though The Hand Writing of warning on the wall, thrice now, wasn't escape massive flooding, but presently ESCAPE a Ben Affleck's Armageddon, YELLOWSTONE!

Actually I  revisted warning, especially my Memphians about the Mississippi River flooding out surrounding City States,, July 2022, when it was actually at historic lows. Marvel not I keep reminding Americans aren't being overtaken by their ignorance, AODHF promising, "I will not leave you ignorant," but by their knowing and procrastinating very carelessly, dangerously what they know, HBOW/Apb The RAM

Youtube, Lena Petrova, NEW MORTGAGE RULES,; (ANONYMOUSnIM EXPOSING THE WHOLE DAMN THANG; Thus Saith Something Similar, June/JUNETEENTH 2002, The Sunlight Of God, God's Back Turn Throne: Soon Commanding As Moses And World Slavers Pharaohs, LET MY PEOPLE GO!! 

-ANONYMOUS says one to two weeks; I heard April 22/23 2023, 7 Days; so April 30/May 1, 2, 2023; lest we forget all this craziness going on with President Trump, is during two of his April 2 2019/April 20, 2019, Two Weeks And 7 Years Timetables; we know at the end of Senator/President Obama''s Two Weeks And 7 Year Timetable; ebbing and flowing date, still, July 26/27 2016, There Was Demonstrated The Unforseen miraculousness Of Jesus Descending Millennium Reign; horrendously, The Planet Was Littered With It's WWIA WWZ WW3/ ARMAGEDDON, presently millions dead daily/Billions DEAD! I know, I know! HBOW/Apb

Youtube, Lena Petrova, NEW MORTGAGE RULES,

Behold It's Death, (A Breaking News Report Aug 30/31 2019, 101 Yellowstone, Eruptions): And It's Riding Against Time, Against Abominable, Detestable Lives Lands And Churches For They Have Forsaken God!!!


-I just warn like a week back, blood will run in the streets knee deep; Biden fighting his illegal wars, DE-DOLLARATION; Failing Banks to LENDING TREES! When especially to see digital currency/NOT EVEN GOLD is  the savior; HIS NAME IS JESUS, THE CHRIST SAYING RUN, ESPECIALLY PARENTS, YOU KNOW THREE SAFEHAVEN TERRITORIES WHERE! This viral system like Covid lock downs and they blamed and come after mortgages and Renters; said real estate crisis, DESPERATE, HELPLESS TO ARMED homeowners aren't gonna take it anymore,  there will be a bloodbath, ALL landlords/LENDING TREES,  get out now!!!! HBOW/Apb The RAM

Economist Says Stock Market Will Witness Largest Crash Since 1929 As U.S. Dollar Explodes


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