One Disappeared With Such Speed And Then There Was Three, One Screw Is Missing


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear March 30, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2023; knowEven The End Of My Prayer Bed With Many Unveilings Itself; HERE'S, The Oddest Things Or Regular Things Just The Oddest Places I find them, Frightnight, each representing a reveal, The Pennies, The MOST  Astrological Best, THE TWO QUARTERS, The MOST Absolute WORST; Oh, Oh, Oh, The Key, like the quarters, could spell, Spill even how two quarters Of Earth's Inherit Can Be so Horribly Gone, SO FAST, tens of millions at The Blinks Of An Eye! Still, all that's captured in this photo, a screw is missing, I know how that sound now; but one of my great grands, 18 months, Jaylyn, just walked up and hand it to me, a loose screw; remember my murdered Dec 29, 2021 Memphis sister, return that Jan 2022, some bout GAMES OUT, even child's play, just as she mocked handling a screw driver, tightening to loosening screws! HBOW/Apb

See more Dutchsinse Earthquake Forecast, Here,

Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor, PREP FOR WAR (-I saw war, well a building in the trees guerrilla War and for some odd reason they used , presently Babylon 's Brad Pitt and Jolie's Kids as its wowing demo, they and their, Equally celeb mom, then pending, Red Carpet, deal; I know, know also waiting  4: times, speaking four languages, Dutch, Duh, is, revisits Bad Pitt's Babylon and Dutchsinse Pretty much Predicting Mystery Babylon, within ONE HOUR, fiery doomsday apocalypse by seismic, solar and volcanic events; Marvel not, those Jan 16-18, 2023,  offers of racecars a fast and furious, free for  all racetrack, apparently molten lava flooding, like California's Swarming, Long Valley, erupting while they're trapped by toms of snow!!! HBOW/Apb
I Will Strip Schools; WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES! INVITE THE BETA! Pray For All Human BEINGS At The Wailing Wall!!! Thus Saith Noah's Day, A Noah's Cousin Extinctiion Level GOD!



-Not FSS pick up everything and go, I know that's what I told Canadian Prepper, but moreso like I explained to my Memphians  Feb (2015), those 99  bowls of molten lava pending; a Death Bringer From Beneath, possibly YELLOWSTONE/ this HUNGA TONGA; to Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE; then like now, by (2016), we had Hawaii threating to LEAVE into Nemphis with orphan children. Thing is FSS, wherever, whatever, WHENEVER,  just be able to throw a backpack over your  shoulder, have highly prized walking to runnining shoes, available; highly prized walking shoes? Right before that  STUNNING Beirut running Bride, I've seen them offered to Memphis Bride's in exchange for red, tattered wedding heels, so, yeah, Yeah, your truck to backpack most valuable asset, not Christopher Greene Archangel Michael golden bars, but  RUNNING SHOES!!!

-Plus, we've witnessed something as miniscule a prep as a toothpaste, toothbrush kit act as a wrecking ball in fast and furious getaways. Pastor Breaker is saying preach The Gospel while you can, I agree, only when you pulled over to the side, a break, use this time, your devices get the Truth out, JESUS IS LORD, but Mat 24 Jesus suggested we don't let nothing, including Sabbath Days ( day's of worship/CHURCHIANS), act as travel bans, pray against them.. WATCH! RUN! LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3 4 5 2021 Rev 3 Jesus THE CHRIST!

-Whereas something equally ginormous, as we're packing, reminding there's a YELLOWSTONE event on our stampedIng heels, Eze 9 commanded reapers as well, but all for good, THEY mocked my procrastinating son while they were out for a night, as recent as Jan 16, 17 2023;  would he keep into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER or return home and pack? Yeah The GINORMITY, Hawaii into YELLOWSTONE into New Madrid, ALL, ALL ALL SWARMING, right now. I been thinking, seeing  Nov 11, 2022, the Hammering Off of a Mount Sinai type, isn't swarming Dutchsinse,  the constant striking at an object until it reacts, ah, catastrophically, like sending those two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet?  WATCH! RUN! LIVE! HBOW/Apb

Youtube Sister In Christ, Earthquake Cluster At YELLOWSTONE, Wyoming (see more here,, ( What's gonna Happened Sept 23, 2017; know I knew nothing about this date going viral, it being the date the astronomical Rev 12 sign, supposedly predating The Adam, would be fulfilled and thus many had pegged it as the day of the rapture; surreal is exactly two years prior Sept 22, 23 (2015) was the date it was demonstrated translating Tribulation Saints and Skyrocketing HOLY SAINTS. Adamantly circling this reveal could be why so many thought Sept 22 23 2017 Rev sign would be it, but sister to be honest I just don't think I reach alot of people with this work.

-Now concerning this date, The Great Gathering Of -Saints, and fiery doomsday, VOLCANIC APOCALYPTSE, even a hand writing clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE! There's how I come by this date and how I come to call it The Sept BETA, know not only does the sleeping in Christ rise first, but pending Tribulation Saints are crossed over first, Jordan's Petra, US Georgia's Coast CROSSOVER; Africa's Southwest Atlantic. Thing is, when said Translations were good and done, I assume giving them a better chance to out maneuver The Anti-Christ,  after grand Caden and I boarded The Craft readied for us, it was 2015, and soon there on the panel was a climbing date,  Sept 22, 23 EXCRETA, The Bride's Estimate Time Of Arrival, The recurring Sept BETA into this present hour.

-What I believe, having missed another BETA, another opportunity to snatch us out, Sept BETA 2022; remember when in the heavens Sept BETA 2020, Gog and MAGOG questioned Archangel Michael, aren't we now in their timeline? Frightnight they too, satanic, demonic, earth enders and genociders had just referenced  ebbing and flowing Sept BETA, 2020. So as predicted to my niece, taking my eldest sister this very date, Sept 20, 2022, meant as we're putting her in the grave, Archangel Michael THEM were snatching her, well us, all out, up; Beginning to hear, I feel as an apology, another missed BETA, Sept 21, ORANGE ALERT! Sep 22 YELLOWSTONE; Oct 11, seeing The Hammering Off of a Mount Sinai type reigning God's Back Turn Throne; Nov 11, hearing, THE BUILDING OF HAWAII INTO; all again meaning US soil, Volcanic Apocalypse here, we not for long, sister, would be.. HBOW, just as The Witnessed The Anti-Christ In Great Prowess Planet Wide; I witnessed The Holy Bride, now reigning in Heaven, possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2 stone from heaven

PS, HASHTAGS EXCRETA NUCLEAR MARCH 30, Apocalyptic Firestorm 2023

Presently there's something about a half Red moon; a half black moon, I wonder what a black hole moving toward The Earth might have to do with that; a war battled triangle craft and just now, plant size fireballs, yeah planet size, any wonder a new everything descends down from heaven, including The Royal Priesthood.... HBOW/Apb

Article, Tapping the Vast Renewable Energy of the Yellowstone Supervolcano,

After seeing a death bringer from beneath; hearing 99 bowls of molten lava; witnessing a hand write on a wall, 99 bowls of molten lava; witnessing a hand writing clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE, that's after a Ginormity, possibly Mauna Loa sent two world systems, off the planet; that's millions dead here and once a predicted 200 more super Eruptions join in, that's billions dead world wide, wait, what were you saying about  how beneficaL YELLOWSTON, is, HGOW/JCOR HBOW Apb The RAM

Youtube Christopher Greene, ALERT TRUMP INDICTED, also see, here,, US Dollars lost 80%of It's Value, Against The Chinese Yuan

(-Paying me little attention, then either, my warning, Covid hit during a growing tug of civil/Political upheaval US soil, cooling hot heads, this time, I wonder what's next? Marvel not all World nations, especially West Rule, main focus, to next step, should be, this,; understand, with or without their participation, The since D-DAY Oct 17 2021, Fulfilling,  Daniel FINAL Week, SEVEN DRAGON  BEAST YEARS Of recurring Apocalyse, claiming billions, migrating billions here, SAVING ONLY YOURSELVES out,  what you as world leaders gonna do? HOW/Apb, 

STRIKE OUT HER NAME, SEEING FAMED LETTERS USA FLOATING OFF THE MAP; I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS! He cried aloud, and said thus, Hew down the tree, and cut off his branches, shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit: let the beasts get away from under it, and the fowls from his branches (the “Watcher” gives instructions as to what is to be done with the tree): Dan 4

-Daniel's King Nebuchadnezzar Our Pres Trump, King Nebuchadnezzar 18 th year, Pres Trump  2018, both reduced from heads of gold of  financial brilliance to tree stumps, of  curses of madness; who's maddening followers, again remind of Anti-Christ sixers, the more dangerous, damaging and deadly this man get; wich remind Chris at what temperature does Archangel Michael golden bars melt; how bout 99 bowls of molten lava worth? Just know I caught your repeated references to why Africa chose China; our continent away from doomed continent, world system.

-Apparentjy, y'all didn't pay much attention either,  when I explained Trump and V Pence, 2015 announcement had been ALIGNED to Eze 38/39/Rev 20 referer to people eater's, world enders Gog and Magug,  how his everything, including his Abraham Accord is followed by sudden destruction and forthwith 2017 hurricane season hit  while N. Korea Kim launched missles overhead.  

-Believe Apostle Prophet I am also, you're seeing up close, hard hitting and in your face, Jesus getting a head start on the Judgement Of The Nations, here, when Rev 17:17 Puppeteering, star warring HOLY GOD OF WRATH take one man's abominations personally and personally comes after him. Through first, the warning, ebbing and flowing, 17 years, America's appointed D DAY  Oct 17 2018, let alone like then Senator Hussein before him, he's given an April 2, 2019 two weeks and 7 year timetable, by it's years duration of a warning,  P Trump is to repent or perish,so  by its 10/27/2019.

 -You and I know Christopher' like their father Lucifer to Moses Pharaoh, these god's of gods, kings of kings, what they have to repent of, they are gods of their own domain to all they're survey, Fret not thyself, said assurance followed The Rise Of A Death Rider, surely it's befitting here, raise your hand if you knew one day, GREAT WHORE, Mystery Babylon, disguised as America, as WEST RULE would end; raise your other hand if you ever prayed,/God's Kingdom Reign in its place! Now,  about The Judgment Of The Nations, also see here,; HBOW/Apb

PS, HASHTAGS EXCRETA NUCLEAR MARCH 31, APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM 2023, Those three chest pieces, the image above, laid right outside my door, in this order; weren't there when I entered; days before those two US quarters, the tow for crossing over into Jesus Millennium Reign now come, The Same thing, only these three red pieces in this order instantly remind, of the lights, the back of those Jan 28 2023, Triangle Shaped, Fighter Darts, only they, those triangular lights were multi-colored, I know, I Know; HBOW Apb The RAM

Prophecy Links Fulfilling May 23, 2021, 6:31 AM 

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Christopher Corbra Coyote and Queen Bride, Cottiie Liela Bishop

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto First Prince Silverton Nicholas Coogan, Chow Liverpool and Preecest Torrance Allegra Lattern was born their twin daughter Demetria Cressida Liverpool and Halle Kressida Liverpool, a son, Braxton Blaine David Liverpool and a final son, Branch Padre Frederico Lattern

Unto Second Prince Meshullam Kadesh and Felicity Stuart Benz was born their first son, Vladimir Elizondo Kadesh Kroff, twin daughters, Angelica Paris and Antoinette Berlin Kroff and a daughter, Ahmiya Jordon Benz

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII, It's CXXVI Matrix Counts

My Own Prophetic Demonstration (May 22, {2021}), shared here as a prophetic parable, Apb The RAM

"You're crying, sobbing so, you got me crying, ah now we're laughing, I can ah, ah my god, what is happening? Ah my god, ah, I was in this, I'm gonna say, like grand Sia, this demo. I'll describe the constant first, okay, I'm visiting in Africa, there's this huge game going on, a mud lot nearby; I'll even say rugby. Also there's this huge family to tribal gathering and these shepherds running down as to  brand, I don't know if sheeps are branded, they're kinda herding sheep. Miraculously, these are some of the hugest sheep I've ever seen, they're like three times the size of a regular sheep, all those are the constants. Soon to realize I'm not just me, Second Princess' Darius Juttah but also the wife, I don't even know if he have a wife, I don't even know his name. We only been watching The Chosen series for a week or so but it's him, the one who play Jesus, his wife, he's a practicing Jew, really strict. Come this moment here, as his wife, I fondly grab his waist, tease him for a kiss, he's embarrassed, all these people all around. Look, you know how tall you stand over me, well he stands over me two to three times as much as you, he's towering. Soon things shift, all around there's this huge rugby game playing, this outdoor, building family gathering, these shepherds running down these huge sheep. Next I know, I'm in this building, you know, it could be a waiting area of a waiting room. I'm as the wife, I'm standing the hall, I'm waiting for him to get done with his Jewish duties. A door opening and closing reveals, he's in a room with two others reading and studying, they too I'm sure are two of The Chosen characters, Peter and Matthew, I think, they're all strict Jews, studying. Here, its clear, the wife want actor Jesus to see her waiting for him, even like a deer it's waterbrook, panting for him, I read in the bible somewhere. Things shift again, I'm outside with others, standing this wire fence, watching these constants, the game, the family gathering, the sheep herding. Soon my ear catch a new thing, some others, hunters, fishermen's are in trouble, and all-around rescuers start gathering what they need. This is when I see our daughter, like I say, don't know if there's a wife let alone children. Anyway, she's helping them prep, only to myself, I'm saying, thinking, she better not try sneaking off with them. Then I begin to see, hear someone say, there's a storm coming in, then I hear what grand Sia said she heard as dozing off asleep mother's day night, just now, 'pray.' As soon as I heard pray, I looked toward the heavens, a sunlight, start singing, Selah's How Great Thou Art, ( and ah my God growing mostly male voices all around start singing it with me, so, so incredible. Then automatically, I started singing it in the language Selah does, possibly Swahili, and so did they, equally amazing, ah my God. Once finished, I looked at one African female and said, I never thought I'd get to sing that with Africans and she said, we never thought we'd get to sing that with you. That's when everything, every constant filled in really close, when I realized I'd lost track of her, the daughter, frighten she'd sneaked off with rescuers. But soon again distracted, this huge game of rugby was on going, as so that building family to tribal gathering. I watched as these shepherds, captured another sheep, huge, they were, sheared up to the head, white with black to red circles each leg, just above the hooves. Suddenly, it broke away like a shot, and sheep dogs took out after it, only soon a ginormous, lying in wait alligator snatched them all up! Then the oddest of all, pig, after pig after pig kept piling into its mouth, oddly this rescue too; like keeping the predator gator from trapping them all in his mouth, jaws. Suddenly I woke this riveting gladness to celebration soon erupting limitless orgasms, that exploded all over, through me; ah us, our marriage bed, so wordless itself; ah my god woman, so, so indescribable, all of it! I know, I know, I couldn't help it, I could be embarrassed , coming after you like that, but you are my husband, Second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh, Coogan, Kroff.  Oh, oh, oh, I got a sorta revelation days past, about your name,  meaning RECONCILE, BE HOLY! Just think Kadesh, that's the down from the FATHER OF LIGHT'S ultimate cry for Israel and Palestine right now, in fruitless turf wars again, right now, Which raging, blistering temptress remind me, I was visiting grand, grand Saurus, the one that took, raised First Prince Silverton and grand Maaseiah and I these mysterious visitors for years. I was questioning her as always about spiritual things, can't remember what right now. Just then she say, we being godlike living spirits, the holy spirit can come into our spirit and make us like Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, all the billions of us, we just have to let HIM; ah my God Felicity, we just have to let HIM, even THEM. Then she stress, move off, after I went into my closet that day and said Apostle Paul's Romans 12,1, 2, as a heart, true prayer, I was never again the same, never again!  Then moving off with tea and toast in hand, again she pause, it was only minutes later Kadesh son, Almighty Jesus having wings and a nondescript host of heaven besides Zech 14 and Rev 19 all come for me. It was all those times they'd visited me since I was a child, this is exactly what they were waiting for, for me to surrender heart, mind, soul and cursed earth, life over to them. Know also grandson, you can say THEY too lie in wait for millennia now for any and all of us to just opened to Jesus knocking, that they surrender to THEM all, the amazing grace of belief, faith and faithfulness. Okay, okay, beloved Kadesh, grand, grand is as brilliant as always, but I  know you know what that dream mean, if nothing else those shepherds to sheeps were curious; and Felicity love the lot of it, but, not now, not while we're racing to the shower, too, too late, last one sit in the crowded back, ah you're such a cheater, last one Felicity dear, argggg, you're such a cheater Second Prince, Meshullum Kadesh Coogan, Kroff!"     >>>"African Juttah Septennial to El  Shaddai Coogan, what is going, sorry Cassius man, ah, I'm still flabbergasted over the divine curative, Holy Father, Garden Of Eden. The husband flesh and blood of hers, for curing the wife and the wife, fresh, blood of his, for curing the husband, especially their unspeakable, humbling, procreating, blessed, marriage bed. I'm sitting the balcony as evening grew cooler, I'm broken hearted and overwrought this pointless conversation I just had with a Preecest Juttah. Soon cold, miserable I'm pining and pining for newly wed Chodne to come, wrap her warm blanket self all around me. Only, only fascinatingly, just as soon it's not a dream, I shockingly, happily feel her warm juicy body on mine and it's all wayyy more amazing, magical than imagined. When as Forrest Gump would say, that's all I gotta say about that, except, except Sias all, Holy Father of lights does indeed know what we need, when and where and like come to Job's rescue, He delivers, mightily.  So, so beginning with yourself, I Darius Juttah, El Shaddai Coogan say, all surrendered to THEM, come to glorious light, all this cursive, deadly, damning, whoring, stealing, killing and destroying never heard of again, God's Christ, Paradise, The Tree of life, all on planet earth.  I know they take more pleasure in darkness and every evil work, still I'm just saying, blessed deliverance, it's all in them, come unto me, all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest, take my yoke upon you, for my yoke is easy and my burden's lite and ye shall find rest unto your souls, Jesus Christ Of Nazareth. I need to go find beloved Chodne, right now, we got some planning to do, catch you all in reveals. So Maha, how you do it; I know you told Chodne you would, we all heard it, doubted it, so how? If El Elylon big brother you must know, I found her, but I didn't go alone, Darius, Queen Juttah, Karsiann and Princess Juttah Evolent, both accustomed my efforts, my mission impossible if you will. Oh my God, you're kidding, there's no saying no to either of those Juttah, Revelation, Goddesses. To be honest Ely, once Preecest Cottie was informed there'd be no more outgoing transit, how all Juttah Tribunals agreed it'd be too much of a target for Ezekiel 9 grim reapers targeting all non-compliant transit; one strike the telling heart, some ascended, most descended. Then big brother, there was only convincing her how there's not for many millennia past, nor for many millennia to come, it's a coincidence she's in the Juttah Septennial; being pursued by one of the most fascinating Tombola Prenuptial's here, and you Sia, Christopher, Cobra, Coyote, know who you are. Equally, you know she's not speaking to me, won't hear nor see me? Ah but she will, digesting one's own foolish heart anew all Sias here know is really, really, mentally to physically drooling. Easily it could be Sia Mahaseiah, she wants nothing else to do with me, which  is why Sia Coyote the Tombola Pool is filled with such titillating possibilities and guess who else knows that? I give you one guess." Why Speak In Parables? For those rebellious today like those rebellious Noah's Day, A Noah's Cousins yet say Rev 18 Holy God seeth them not, the Lord is ascended from the earth; stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, repent, Run or likewise of billions lost to billions pending lost,, perish; see more here,, how like for six millennia its all been ending, prophetically, GOW, JCOR, HBOW, Apb The RAM


Ezekiel 7:19 ... “They shall cast  their silver in the streets, and their gold shall be removed: their silver and their gold shall not be able to deliver them ; I asked youtube Christopher'. Greene at what temperature will his Archangel Michael golden bars melt?  Just remember, when all your years and apocalyse of prep was all done you were all still found, multi-million awaiting a single water-cooler, when Come to the rescue, though she carried more bowl  judgments, she Stoke up a conversation about better HOMELESS EARTH shelters, reaching into her upper left hand pockets to handout invitations to where I believe were mansions in heaven; Why Die? Why Perish?WATCH! RUN! LIVE!

Further, riddle Apostle, Prophet, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM entreat me, what's showing even The Reigning Bride possessing PREPPING, again, PREPPING and launching Dan 2 stone from heaven, doeth mean; what is your tremendous prep weighed against HERS? AODHF JCOR, HBOW Apb The RAM

Seeing Famed Letters USA floating off the planet: seeing a near  empty water bottle, passed between refugees... also prepped, every type of door wedge one can imagine...Oh There's world Extinctiion YELLOWSTONE on the  heels of tattered red wedding hills/heels of us packers to preppers.


The erriest thing, THEY just made the Rev 9 handling over The Keys To The Bottomless Pitt, to  SATANIC DEMONIC And shown a hybrid between the two, Alien Apocalypse, a multi-million, man trapped behind a grocery store toll, both, a barter balen for their Immortal soul; marvel not the assigned 11:00 shopping lunch hour;  no wonder the warning no frivolous shopping; seen a shopping mall in smittering , the shop sign tossed to the ground. Let alone Ghosen Prepper  the most miniscule of prep a toothpaste, toothbrush kit causing a wrecking ball in a fast and furious escape, mocked recently as crafting tribers like yourself, racecars, a faster getaway, race track. Frightnight it appears somethibg even more hair-raising than 101 YELLOWSTONES,  no prep will solve,  molten lava flooding  and incoming, planet size fireballs! HBOW/Apb The RAM


 Why Do  The Heathen Rage? I Will Mock When Your Fear Cometh!  Plainly Mockery Is Of God, But You Have To Admit, Gone So Extreme Lately Are A Sign Of Desperation, THEIR Archangel Michael THEM assigned BILLIONS escape! 

Every Good Gift, And Perfect Gift Descends Down From The Father Of Lights

That's what ALL  this is, fear, not faith, when Jan 2018/2023, Rev  2, Jesus makes it clear, five years now of an award every Dec 3, Matrix tenth day, HE awards, including Dec 3 2021, RUN, as with our since Dec 3 2017, stampedIng elephants of staying unaware  How HE'S to award Our faith to faithfulness with crowns of righteousness, again that's to him, who's faithfully not fearfully endures. Presently, you're  between nephew Abraham's Lot to Gethsemane Garden, Jesus night of blistering indecision; let go, let God to circling the Bride's Chariot all around, rescuing ANGELS, that's actual faith? 

-Even, did some know, Israel been told for many millennia, Isa 16:1-5, exactly where they'd take exile luxury; during these exact doomsdays and here, Rev 12:1-6, explained how long it's duration, 1,260 days; you their biblical lineage, Holy Lord's just showed July 6, 2020, yours, as MOTHER AFRICA, is  the same,  promise, only Westerners safehaven territory to exile luxury, Africa's Southwest Atlantic,  where I just witnessed famed letters USA floating off toward. Unconditionally, making your fast and furious destination, your authentic faith and faithfulness for divine as the days of Moses Red Sea escape, divine, extractions to translations, Britain to Canada's to THE AMERICA'S, Mid ATLANTIC to US's Georgia's Atlantic COAST, ALL ITS DIVINE CROSSOVER, first!

John 16:28-30 King James Version (KJV)

Lo, now speakest thou plainly, and speakest no proverb. Now are we sure that thou knowest all things, and needest not that any man should ask thee: by this we believe that thou camest forth from God/The Sunlight Of God, God's Back Turn Throne

Youtube, mrmbb333, Rare Huge CME ring detected Above The Earth,

Expecting such a thing, and those earth enders horribly worse, HOLY FATHER this witness, just an hour ago I wanted to research what to do in case of an EMP to CME; just know, right before The hand writing clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE,  a greater GINORMITY  two days prior, had already sent two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet and 190 years of tech with them.. all in progress, RUN, you know where, HBOW/Apb

Youtube Goshen Prepping

See here, Eze 5, barber chair and what's its to do with Ben Affleck's, Oct 11, 21 2021, his own barber chair only here, this house, this restroom, he's shaving himself bald, head, face all so like Prophet Ezekiel he's to measurements it all into three perfect warnings of  horse's of The apocalypse designed for ONE REASON, that you Run! 

THEY could use active solar events, Cosmic and Seismic activity m rumbling across predicted to go nuclear, The W. Pacific,  US/BS W. Pacific take our Alaska, Canada yo California and be done with US's 50 million dead, Canada 25 million dead; and those three earth enders, one a Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE to Batman VS Superman to stampede what's left

Dan Miguel Volcano,El Salvador Strata Erupting,, ( I'm wondering a prequel to  Hell enlarging itself and pouring; out as super volcanoes

Commenter, So Many Volcanoes Erupting

We know, 101 alike YELLOWSTONES, Including YELLOWSTONE will blow,, sending two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet. So, so ,are we counting those blowing their tops, including Hunga Tonga, from The Warning Nov 11/21,2021 a Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE or since Sept 21/22, 2022,  hearing, The Building Of Hawaii, into?  To The Jan 16/17, 2023 again getting us fast and furiously,  from  what's warn as molten lava flooding? I'm thinking counting Hunga, Tonga, since, Hunga Tonga, because a Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE was  instead predicted; I know, I know, meaning anything other than commanded, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT, Blaexit isn't only redundant but  deadly to damning; RUN! HBOW/Apb

Article, NTEB HOUSE CHURCH SUNDAY SERVICE: Blessed Is The King Of Israel That Cometh In The Name Of The Lord, Hosanna In The Highest!


Youtube Pastor Breaker, Rev 16:1-21,; (-Who knew, my strong disappointment with witnesseing May 15, 2004, Angel Gabriel upon approach, how HOLY FATHER YET HAD TO GO TO SUCH EXTREMES; was him appearing to assure us, it's all almost over, ALL OF IT, he said, being fulfilled on our watch; Oh, she go, come by a 7th Angel,He also said; I remember some mocked which is it, go, come?  We not really realizing Rev 11, 7Th Angel Trumpet/I Thess 4:14,15,, THE TRUMP OF GOD, Sounding, both summons The HOLY CHURCH Bride's APOCALYPTIC exit and HER/THEIR, Rev 20, ASTRONOMICAL reentry...AODHF/JCON


1 And I heard a great voice out of the Temple saying to the seven Angels (this is the “great” Chapter of the Bible, the word occurring 11 times), Go your ways, and pour out the Vials of the Wrath of God upon the earth. (This refers to the kingdom of the Antichrist, and not to the entirety of the Earth. That kingdom will be comprised of North Africa, the Middle East, and much of Europe [Dan. 7:7].)

The Multi-millions, Waiting A Single Water-Cooler... Those Feb 2020 My Torn Out page; Those,  Feb 2021, Archangel Michael's List?


-Most who read behind me pastor, and know of this SURREAL reveal, are asking the same question as myself. The Vials to Bowls, this Mystery Woman carried, only now blacken, before she too offered up mansions in heaven, the same as those Rev 16; the same as those aligning Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 10 Mighty Angel is Rev 17, 7th ANGEL and he too is carrying 7 vials; no Revelation Book, not yet fulfilled but definitely without further DELAY tor questioning, fulfilling and all I want for 36 years of experiences Chernobyl Spring Rapture Demos is to finally be free of corruptible, mortal flesh, John wanted no more worrisome Ocean, which is understandable, imprisoned on an Island, even as he wrote, The Book 📚 Of Revelation, You Pastor?

-Actually I was just now like kicking myself, remembering arriving Rev 12 Second Heaven intercessions, I was so  concerned we weren't in The THIRD HEAVENS, HOLY THRONE; I completely missed we were resurrected, ascended, GLORIFIED and no longer subject to curses, especially, cursed flesh. Beyond phenomona events were AGAIN happening to me, to us and again I'm focusing on, but is it scripture? Like didn't we, Apostle, Prophet just meet Jesus THE CHRIST in the air? Well for my part, I didn't as yet know it was second heaven, for Interceding Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, that'd be explained, years later, like Feb 2011; HBOW/Apb

Youtube Sister In Christ, There's Hail In, DFW, (Yeah people are still reeling over that rare California tornado, event; I  must admit something I saw did remind of those 60 lbs hail stone, which Itself just remind, hearing,"I DON'T CARE WHAT THE HEAVENS DO ANYMORE; SO WHO OR WHAT' JUST ABANDONED THEIR POST? HBOW/Apb

See more here; 

Hold Back The Four Winds; The Four Bound Angels! The Opening Of The Bottomless Pit, UNTIL, AODHF!

-First THEY explained storms were coming, suggested that we Pray and showed us a build up of RESCUERS; I just suggested since Jan 2022,  RESCUERS that should be made of up of, those, suspended, both professional and local Sports persons. Of course if you remember, this was around the same time of that Florida Highrise slide that buried many alive, and brought in RESCUERS from as far away as Israel. 

-The prophetic parable I shared first thing, tell of the entire demo, from the hunting down of these huge Lamb's to  singing Selah's How Great Thou Art, with Native Africans to waking, fired up and going erotically after my husband. Actually I'm thankful I made it all into  a Prophetic parable, no way I could've remembered such details; one of the most concerning warning, The Chosen Series, Actors, especially Jesus, at the time, I didn't even know his name, are caught up in the same, deadly religions of those who plotted  Jesus' Crucifixion; beware, HBOW/Apb The RAM

Ghana Lawmakers Fight Back On LGBTQB RIGHTS,h ttps://

-We  already know, Harris, Biden and Obama are aligned to 50 million US deaths, well 49 when you subtract a Million US Covid; clearly is their spreading fiery doomsday apocalypse, The genocidal same gender Abomination, why as Senator Hussein vied for The Whitehouse, those who'd be his constituents were witnesseed by the hundred of millions instead pouring into Africas'Southwest Atlantic, costal cites? Holy Father God, knowing best; COME OUT FROM AMONG THEM, HE'S JUDGING THEM DOUBLE, THEIR ABOMINABLE DETESTABLE,,, LIVES! LANDS! CHURCHES AND SCHOOLS,  AODHF!

Yellowstone, Earthquake Swarm;

Youtube, 24 News, English, BRICS nations announce plans for joint currency,

Youtube, Gold/Silver (w/Mike Maloney,  DE-DOLLARATION, Change Is Coming That Haven't Happen In 100 Years ,"  world,; TRIPLE GREAT TRIBULATIONS, Oct 17 2021, Genesis thru Revelation, for six millennia, Intravenous Angels described it and there months earlier, Sept BETA 2021, asked should THEY Pray For US?


Seeing Famed Letters USA Floating Off The Planet, Taking The Same Trajectory, The Juneteenth ({2002}), SUNLIGHT OF GOD, Commanded African American Exodus, Africa's Southwest Atlantic Coastal Cities;  


I showed my eldest this, the real reason, The US, its  allies come after Col Gaddafi US of Africa; China should've l never let happen but predestined US'S' One Error, to New Fearfactor, TO ERROR ISLAM, aligned to 50 MILLION US dead, it  was bound to happen; and if you're not RIGHT NOW escaping US/BC West Pacific, beware you, yours are counted with tens of millions suddenly no more planet earthone, then Judgment, then ETERNAL lakes of fire; Marvel not the mockery of using a knotted rope to fish children out of dark places  your riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, hath gotten them; HBOW/Apb see more here,

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear April 5, Apocalyptic Firestorms, 2023, Dayview, Mario Cart As An End Of The World, Children's World, Movie Scenario; whereas you pending Tribulation Saints were fitted into race cars type, speeding along a free for all racetrack, some bout the fastest moving volcanic lava ever, molten lava flooding while I; (as escaping Church Bride), those sleeping rising first,  squeezed into a cart with wheels, with my recently murdered sister,  up to moma, up to heaven, up to second heaven intercessions, we know all mocked,as Frozen 2 movie premier,  another children movie premier, at the actual end of our world;

Jan 3, 2021, I witnessed a Stone Egyptian Anubis Undertakers, Mummifier, Come to life, stretch His bow, launch an arrow and return to his previous form; The worship of stone gods, indeed...HBOW/Apb

-Marvel not I woke Feb (2015), from Rev 20, Lamb's Book of life being crafted into a school name roll call before I witnessed May 22, 2022, that line upon line, neverending line of injured, orphan children come to me as a school office administrator; Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE return, this was around the time of that Uvadle School shooting; I'd been Explaining to my daughter in law how months prior, for days straight, injured, orphan to even ghost children had been coming to me.

Actually, so many, so often, I thought of building a children center, Fightnight is this May 22 202 date is that of the grand daughter standing The foot of my prayer bed before any knew she'd been conceived; beware, this date also revisited a previous warning bout a gaming system GTA, only to wake and have grand Caden explain, fondly, truly how close and personal these dangers are, how he and his friend had spent the night playing, GTA; wicked devices, aligned to a pandemic of homicidal parents and children gun violence, decades now, yeah the sound of a spinning gun chamber, the pulling of the trigger every time a door opened and close behind a School kid.

One Of The Three Mighty Beast From Dan 7 to Rev 13, Feb 2017, The Lion, The Leopard, Posing In The Home As Innocent as house pets, was also a demon dog, Anubis Undertaker, Then We Hear Commands To Eze 9 commanded reapers, Like, KILL ALL PARENTS BY, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS! 

Woe To School Buses, July 27, 28 2022/This waking from calculations, Britain 25 Million Dead, Canada, 25 Million dead, for a total of 100 million Westerners dead, know Since a predicted US's error, Saddam/ISLAM, claims 50 million same date, year prior,  July 27/28, 2021

-Beware equally, parents killing their children to protest The Anti-abortion laws, yes it's that obvious,  though they die horribly, Rev 2 Jesus, as recent as Jan 2023,  promised He'd used death to take them from you. know within moments they wake lookihg at Jesus. Onjy Your UNREPENTANT riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, except you repent yours is a sickbed, Triple Great Tribulations, Apocalyptic, Volcanic dd death and dying, then further Judgment, then eternal lakes of life; stop being deceived, stop Deceiving Others, get it, get Jesus THE CHRIST, get up yonder or even denying HIM/Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, get you and yours, get over yonder!!!! HBOW/Apb

Article, Bond amount explained after man found with weapons at NC A&T,; (-revisited Jan 12 2022, one of the most highest ranking persons classified as a Procrastinating Parents endangering both MEMPHIS St June children and her own college kids, and with my equally accused MEMPHIANS (AMERICANS, CHURCHIANS AND TRUMPIANS was Michelle OBAMA TO THE HUSSEIN OBAMA, AGAIN ESPECIALLY, IT'S Abrahamic, ISLAMIC, ISRAELI BLOODLINE; DANIEL 7/REV 17, THOSE TEN BEING NAMED TO ORDAIN, KOBE BRAYANT FIERY CRASHED MORNING WERE MOSTLY ISLAMIC NAMES

These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Hands Of The Alexander/Hitler's Germany type Antichrist, marks, beware he has an Anubis Army All Around!!!

"You all do know what that date revisit D-DAY, July 27 28 2016, Jesus The Christ Descended into second heaven intercessions; Descended into Fiery  doomsday planet earth, took over the rulership of world governments, begining with a Whitehouse, Hussein Obama, grand Sia recently explaining not such The Man, but its Abrahamic, Islamic, Israeli bloodline; Actually Water Hunter man, "The One,"I don't understand, that date goes back as far as Senator Hussein Obama and tens of millions are escaping His pending reign like they're escaping the GINORMITY, That stud two West Rule system's skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet, again all that same date; July 27 28 2009; speaking of  hundreds of millions, even a billion or more in western refugees escaping with star warring Archangel Michael THEM into Africas'Southwest Atlantic, I just saw breaking News and you did too, Russia just arrived in S. Africa, this meeting to summit of ten in all BRICS Nations, they're already carrying on, like GREAT WHORE MYSTERY BABYLON, posing as  West Rule no longer exist; not Preecehood Juttah like it no longer exist, but no longer, viable, with the exception of its a billion or more in stampedIng refugees.  Yeah had one explain grand, grand Sia, these as II Chron  7:14/15 Father,  King Solomon, burnt offerings, she' does, one most recent ten thousand pieces, said is ensuring prayer, remind they're all STAMPEDERS, The Brexit, The Briexit, The Blaexit and how by the smoke of it all burning, she ask, AODHF by The Golden Alter, these persons called by HIS NAME, Stampeding by HIS NAME, again, those STAMPEDING by HIS NAME, if they too, like Father King Solomon, rebellious, humble themselves and pray, turn from their wicked ways, HE'D instead  hear them from heaven, forgive their sins, and by BRIDEGROOM, Jesus THE CHRIST arrival, for eons and eons heal, their lands... wait did you say ten thousand pieces?  Yeah of the most priceless materials she can find to purchase making her rememberance, memorializing offering itself priceless and you know so much about it! I'm her Great Grand, Until recently live in, grand grand does these offerings also to assure Ancient Of Days HOLY, being in impact zones,  for persuading her Memphians, she's in no way, no way whatsoever taking HIS GRACE, for granted, like know her heart, always, Holy Father God, know her heart. Bryson man what's going on, just figuring I now know what those HUGE US flags hanging from severed sparkling powerlines meant, yeah? Yeah, what do recurring climatic storms do? I heard one predicted to have 90 miles per hour winds, and baseball size hail I went into a mantra of oh my god's. You do know, in prophetic hindsight, The Twelve Heirs Gone off the planet, The Holy Bride as well, Tribulation Saints crossed over to translated, grand believe in real time, Rev 7, 4 winds of Apocalytic weather are loosed. You  say that Water Hunter man, like that's all, yeah, seeing how alerting the situation, alarm, we better get, what were yuu saying Alwen, hold on, I'll bring it up in reveals."  
>>>" That's just it Nicholas, all while I'm making plans, heartily I'm  praying,  hoping for divine intervention, that they come and save me from what I think; cause what happens next been predestined the women's womb, for many millennia now obey God! What, hurriedly shying away into spoons of her fruit bowls, you giving me that look again, so what Precious Maaseiah Adonai you think it mean, this look I give! Don't know, only how it make me feel, and what's that, I can't describe it, I'd say The equivalent of those seeing me back to planet earth outreach, Holy Angels saying, THEY Maaseiah, Adonai Coogan, can't wait to be down here where you are, yeah Nicholas Edin Coogsn only eroticallly, why don't we discuss it further, you know. What if I play dumb and say I really don't, ah know, what if I equally play dumb, and change the subject? Why do feel intense vibes, you're about to run from me? You dont scare me mesure, Coogan," curiously getting set, getting ready, denoting  her  itching into its rise, "why would I run? And off fast and furiously,  laughing, jeering,  screaming, she goes. well, they go. My Lord do those  two ever rest? Ah come on, if you had a man that looks like him, or, or a woman that looks like her, and you're falling down, tripling all over one another still in love,  what else to be suspected? >>>"Did I tell you wonderful, amazing, superman, how the wordless landscape around here remind so much, my visitations to heaven, its equally phenomona skies to all around Eden Paradise? Which, taking me to heaven and back just now, temptress, well you started it, you talked to specialist Veneer, what's his excuse? Just as Dare, literally biting her tongue she'd not told him she and Dare, Desrek Alum had met for lunch; I've virtually given the world, An African Juttah, Paradise Africa and think I'm not worthy of just a pinch of its gloriousness. What are you now thinking? Feeling, seeing he's to move to his back, stir into tall, exquisite ceilings, to light display, she thinking, wondering, what's that about now Colonial Desrek Alum? I'm thinking all this beyond amazingness, yet Maaseiah Adonai, as the deer paneth after the waterbrook, there's one thing we too desire of The Lord, that we seek after, to dwell in the house of The Lord, all the days of ETERNITY, to Nicholas Edin behold HIS BEAUTY,  and inquire, visit HIS PHENOMONA, Temple; but I want more, I Nicholas want to be made a pillar, My Holy Father's Temple z That I go no more out; a darling, edible temptress as yourself would want that, you've loving girl bern there and back,big, how many times? I dare I count the ways loving man, Knight Husband,  I dare I count the ways!" Why Speak In Parables? 

Youtube, Future Unity,  NASA just announced, a 100 mile,  fissure crack just opened up YELLOWSTONE Volcano  within 24, hrs,
(-Marvel not I just warning some I feel strongly THEY fixing to yank my grands out of MEMPHIS into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER; Frightnight is, THEY Take The Holy Bride next and nothing holds back Fiery Doomsday VOLCANIC Apocalypse,  claiming not only The American Continent but WEST RULE!!!

Marvel not The Jan 16 17 2023, fast and furious escape, consisted of fitting some into racecars,  along a free for all racetrack,  into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER, molten lava flooding, was coming!!!!

Breaking Of News Report, Aug 30/31 2019, "After 101 YELLOWSTONE, Eruptions,

Breaking Of  News Report, Nov 8/9, 2022,  "The Building Of Hawaii, Into.....

Woe To School Buses!!!

Like something out of the book of Rev, I witnessed a death bringer from beneath the earth, 1998;  got three refers to a YS eruption Aug 2019 alone; by the time a hand wrote clumsily, escape YS, two world systems had already skyrocketed  to fire-rocketed  off The Planet, Beware  Nov 11 21 2021, Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE!!! HBOW Apb The RAM

Youtube, Lena Petrova, BRICS Nations To Issue New Currency, Backed By Gold,, (- Remember When Col Gaddafi/CHINA moved to also introduce a new currency, backed by gold,
 we know how that all ended; soon Obama/Biden/Clinton WH was mocked as a funeral reef, attached to a paperboy handlebars seen shooting Skyward with US deaths b the flaming blazing frying 🍳, flying saucer liftoff of The Biden/Harris WH, they've always said it pay back is the Apocalyptic Removal, by Apocalyptic, VOLCANO Firestorms of Great Genicidal Whore, Mystery Babylon, WEST RULE!!!

We're All Living In A Yellow Submarine! A Sunlight Of God, God's Back Turn Throne, JUNETEENTH (2002), DEMANDED, COMMANDED HIS EXODUS'; BLESSED BREXIT, BRIEXIT!  BLAEXIT RIGHT INTO EXILE LUXURY!!!!

BUSH'S 2003, A  Hussein Will Sit The Whitehouse And Rule The World, Rev 11:1, 2, I Assured All Americans Terrified Over Bushs 'ISLAMIC Wars....

-LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU, Know bible prophecy, mass assembly was informed, AFTER THEY'RE TOLD INSTEAD, GET TO ALTARS OF JESUS THE CHRIST! Seeming ancients ago, Bush, Biden, Clinton Era; aligned Into Hussein Obama/ Trump/Biden inauguration, to 50 Million US Dead; stating further,, A DARKNESS IS COMING!, MANY WOULD DIE, WELL PERISH, THE SECOND DEATH! So they plan on doing more than weakening The US currency until especially Memphis Brides, your most vital assets are  Jan 16/17 2023 mobile, Mario Carts  to July 2021, offer of RUNNING SHOES;, with racecars and a free for all racetrack stirred up Into all that, there's too a stalk warning, beware of North American traffic, they're to lose, 25 million.

-See here, Dan 9:27/ Rev 17, there's The One I was In, A MOCKED  Nations Summit July 27, 28 2009, The Abrahamic/Islamic Israeli, Ancient Bloodline was declared, THE ONE, see here, www.thephoenix1012,; Plus we know a demo of Jesus Millennium Descending July 27/28 2016, THE EARTH WAS LITTERED WITH THE DEAD,  WORLD RULE was being taken from a Hussein/Obama bloodline. Just you know, each of these meetings, especially like BRICS here, when ten are in agreement, they're plotting to seizing The Day, it's  prophetic hour America, THE AMERICAS,  WEST RULE WITHIN its Rev 18, prophetic HOUR are heard no more at all on this planet and its  billion or more in  refugees, you be may  ask?  Just as also witnesseed, July 27 28 2009/March 13 2018, finally getting out of the way of it ALL, stampedIng, to migrating into MOTHER' Africa's, Southwest Atlantic. HBOW/Apb The RAM


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