Interstellar Armageddon to Warnings No More Flirting With Keanu'Reeves Movies, WATCH RUN LIVE!


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear March 28, Apocalyptic Firestorm 2023; then mightily we're hearing sirens all around! Mean THEY did wake me from sleep, while a character Jesus was explaining to Lazurus sister Mary, HE IS RESURRECTION INTO IMMORTAL LIFE, THE RAPTURE GOES LIVE! And only a month prior I  step onto my deck and swiftly I'm seeing, hearing triangle crafts, darts overhead so yeah,it wasn't that far-fetched, with every Extinctiion Level Event,  including The Opening Of The Bottomless Pit, ALL ALL ALL Imminent, that we'd just suffered a CME to EMP event, lights out, cars abruptly breaking down,  soon the sound of ambulances all around, but no, like a mother to be, actually I'm expecting, another great grand, waiting in labor, just another false start to  crossing them over and snatching us out!!!

Seen to be seeing,  presently for two years now Brad Pitt WWAI/WWZ/WW3, Oct 11, 2022, In God's Back Turn Throne This Dramtuc Hammering  Off Of  A Mount Sinai type, also in Reign, Perhaps, Dan 2 stone from heaven or perhaps even Wormwood, what if it the Stone Commanded to  finish, that  same gender school curriculum, especially Middie Schools?

NBC, Nashville school shooting live updates: Police body camera footage released,

FINISH ALL SCHOOLS; WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES; I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS! Thus Saith Showing HIMSELF STAR WARRING, AODHF To Witnessed On US Soil, Ezekiel 9 Commanded Reapers, One Strike The Telling Heart!!!

Eze 5/Rev 7, Four Winds Of Apocalypse Strike Out Her Name That It Be heard No MORE This Planet Earth!!!

-Seeing my Jr Darius and his.four college friends back to campus after their spring break here; first just know, while this unimaginablle shooting was happening to the two most Endangered, Children and endangering them, The Elderly,  grandparents, know, one of his Memphis college mates, she committed suicide, while one another, a male, made an attempt; I guess procrastinating, endangering parents locking problematic teens into colleges, dorms and classrooms and additionally throwing away the key, isn't the answer either; anyway I adviced he and his, friends, pray Campus Revival (see Ashbury CAMPUS Revival) spread faster than campus violence; and know what HOLY SCRIPTURE, their churches,  choirs and pulpits are build upon, mean about The Whole Armor Of God!! 

Those who read behind me if you're wondering is he that one The Maze Of Revealing sin, I walked out dressed like an Eskimo to Moscowian before first that historic Artic  Polar,  Christmas 2022 and California snowed in up to their rooftops. I need say yes, he's the one, if you remember in the maze of sin he introduced four other males as his rap group; eventually they  performed, whether they're the same here untill ebbing and flowing prophetic date March 13, 2023, I don't know, but some coincidence, huh? Remenber there was something about them having head wounds that distracted; possibly the speeding, contagious Trumpian Dan 4, madness curse, put ye on The Whole Armor Of God,  like The Helmet Of Salvation, HBOW/Apb


Want To Know Where New Jersey’s Very Own Volcano Is Actually Located?
Read More: New Jersey's Volcano |
/ ( First, THEY like showed you all, family all, giving me that look Neo shot at Morpheus, during these unprecedented Matrix, reveals; now truthfully, scarily I did hear The Eastern Seaboard was wiped off the map; now what did it, Apocalyptic Events, Natural, VOLCANIC, Nuclear, SOLAR , to Cosmic, I don't know maybe finally like Lot and his family  my Memphians and I were just too busy as hundreds of millions of others running with the angels, well,  Ps 35/91/Rev 12, star warring Archangel Michael THEM! 

Seeing  Just now, The Hammering Off of A Mount Sinai type also reigning God's Back Turn Throne; was evenly surreal!!!! See More Here, Dan 2/Rev 6, 6th Seal, see

-Hearing 99 bowls of molten lava; seeing a hand write on a wall 99 bowls of molten lava; seeing a hand writing clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE, it's totally inevitable, The American Continent Is Wiped As Predicted, By That WARMING right now, Volcanic Apocalypse!

Hearing After THEY Put Volcanoes In Orange Alert, And Before It's Volcanic Summit Began To Blow, and is swarming right now into The GINORMITY, "The Building Of Hawaii Into."

-Shocking is 30 Million years ago Colorado's super volcano blew, it was buried in 500 feet  of ash!? Yeah youtube  mrmbb333 showed us evidence of both New England and The warn, Eastern Seaboard. were once all inundated with volcanic activity, how one Mid West area state has enough active, eruptable maga that'd rival  predicted to go Nuclear, YELLOWSTONE. Actually Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM hurriedly escaping some from Volcanic The Pacific into Volcanic The Atlantic, seems as redundant as refugees  pouring into Canada a predicted, that mostly by seismic to solar to cosmic activity any day now, 25 million dead, THANK GOD, Archangel Michael THEM surely know better than any of us; beware The Midwest, The Eastern Seaboard, as US, Canada's West Pacific INUNDATED with such forewarniings, thus Saith Rev 10 Mighty Angel/AODHF

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Hands Of The Oct 17, 2021 Until 7 Dragon Beast Be  Fulfilled, 666 Mark's, Beast Of Beauty Featuring King Bridegroom, Koph Reshiram Saurus and Queen Bride Laydon Seashell Bianca Voightright  

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036 The... 

Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign Featuring King Bridegroom Szvion Crispin Nikel and Bridegroom, Nickalai Aspen Soldier 

Unto Waylon Zerius Keith's and Aretha Brianna Gopts was born a son, Xavier Tennus Keith's a god-son Morganbuilt Elexis Keith's and a goddaughter Channing Mirelle Keith's, Gopts

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, XVII and VII 

"What ginormity gonna wipe 100 million Westerners off the planet before that at present Abraham Accord is signed good? No, Ty man, what was being hammered off that Mt Sinai  type also reigning God's Back Turn Throne. Wsit, wait, I'm .getting a commy alert  right now, unveiled during The 11:00 News Hour, Grand Sia, seeing impacting, planet seize fireballs. I'm just saying her since for decades two big ones coming, either of these earth ending hitting us, like Noah's Day, extinction flood, no further warning, easily that's millions dead with the kind of  swiftness and speed, predicted. Planet size fireballs, yeah, can't burn all that up in the atmosphere; Grand Caden'/Archangel Michael's  fireball, grand grand too, she actually suffered through its unprecedented impact, once it actually hit the house< left nothing but dust and wind." You guys having said all that, I'm not so guilty I brought a a manifesto, of grand Sia, 11: o'clock Mid Day, news to reveals, you know me by now Darius'Juttah, El Shaddai, know it really isn't allowed, but here it goes, I'm sending it to each your commy, I'm running," the mass majority of Juttah Preeceses wondering what it'd be like not only having such a stunning as El Shaddai Coogan as a husband, those edible acorn locks alone, repeatedly, kiss those pretty golden brown eyes, but going home to him, day and night. "Oh no, nothing like that, Yeah, ah, I'm late for,Global Tribunal conference, which you all know also, is a no, no, so see most of you in afternoon reveals class. Let me run with you, El Daedae man, sure, Phelps man, I'm serious, I' am running."  The 11:00 Noon Day Commy, Reveal, HBOW/Apb The RAM.    >>>"Why didn't you tell us? Tell, what is this, his grand mar we just spend spring break, with is Apb The RAM, wha, come on,we would've, that's not possible, King man? What y'all want me to say,, she's my grand mar, I know nothing about her being some, Apb The RAM, what the heck is that, anyway? Ah my god, thy all flopping into seats around, kinda flabbergasted at him as well, you're serious you really don't know, I know my grandmother is way, way way serious about The Thing's Of God, all my life even. man, man, man, That's why she so easily accepted us, gave over her everything to make us comfortable; yeah, was really glad when I assured she'd see us again. Wait wouldn't thst make you one of the grands she witnessed translated for hundreds of miles; like as we sit here, you can just disappear, leave us all just sitting here. So you just gonna leave us? You say that Cassius man like I have its power, grand don't even have, like it's some grand granted the loved ones of faithful Christians, like Angels escaping Lot.and his family, these are just biblical translations. I don't know, she says she suggested we understand, some biblical verse about The Whole Armor Of God. I looked it up it's here, Ephesians 6:11-18, even this helmet of salvation that'll protect us from some Dan 4 Trump' curse of a spreading madness. Huh, a speeding madness? Yeah, like Daniel 4, so according to her we're not just being approached upon by WW3 but WWZ, ah, like Brad Pitt's World Ender, so we guess The Whole Armor Of God act as This camouflage, The Whole ARMOR OF GOD, has to be washed and covered, secured by Jesus' blood, a lot of things y'all make fun of, y'all?  You too man, only, I know when to be serious," grabbing his bag, readying to go,.I can't be late for Mr Talls, neither can y'all. Just so you know, I'm emailing, calling, texting, maybe I'll even Zelle your grandma, how Bessen man? It's all right here, what? Yeah she's giving all ways she can be reached, why Am I even surprised, see yuu guys in there. Doesn't it just freak you, he can go anytime, yanked off to safehaven territories, or something; I want that I'm serious, I'm calling grandmother, well his grandmother, Yeah, I don't Know bout y'all but he ain't leaving me here, Anti-Christ reign, ah nail, nope, nope, nope! Why Speak In Parables? 

Youtube Christopher Greene, Americans Wiped Out!!! COLLAPSE US DOLLAR, RESERVE!!!!, (-I mean have you guys thought about it, why Eze 38/39 Gog and MAGOG them debated in the heavens, why miss another perfect opportunity to snatch Holy CHURCH off the planet, like isn't she now in their timeline; do who does earth enders, people eater's Gog and MAGOG think I Am, why they wanna shut me, while us, up?

Tell US, What Is The Sign Of Thy Coming? Firstly, Let No Man, Deceive You,  JCON, Actually They're Two Deceiving, Crystallized Godzilla Beast, One An Egyptian Sobek! 

-Every time you Christopher, say, trust no one or nothing, I'm reminded of Mat 24 Jesus saying the same: doomsday apocalypse come, and The NEW Blessed Earth, Heaven descends down from The Father Of Lights. The  New World Order and the Exodus of The Americas hard hitting Chris and in our faces, presently on a daily to hourly basis; Marvel not THEY'RE calculating these tens of millions in westerners losses again, as recently as highly Prophetic  Date, July 27 28 2022. Frightnight to those HUGE US flags, hanging down from sparkling powerlines, smoking and burning all around The Country; America, Christopher, West Rule won't be a part of This Imminent, again the Imminent New World Rule come.

-Honestly, having already invited them all from US states of barbecue, they're just too busy dying, running and migrating into either their Britain's, to Canada's mid Atlantic and our US Georgia's Atlantic Coast CROSSOVER. So fiery doomsday apocalypse, has little to nothing to do with AI  but fulfilling for many millennia prophetic scripture, especially Rev 17 18;  and it looks, so far US currency, Trump, SCHOOLS, again SCHOOLS, even Coronavirus (The Backward Letter C bio-weapon/Hussein Obama's WHITEHOUSE/soaring skyward funeral reef); have all performed exactly as I predicted, 

-Here's ISLAM, N. Korea, CHINA, especially CHINA', Russia to The West Pacific, US W Pacific NUCLEAR to Seismic activity following suite, as well as  SOLAR, Cosmic to Alien Apocalypse. Further  explaining a since June 27, July 6  and Sept 22/23, 2015 thru to Jan 16/17 2023, BIBLICAL ANGELS are overseeing a run really, really fast campaign to  prophetic agenda; marvel not as with the children movie series, Frozen Movie Premier used to mock, two world systems skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet, leaving the word DISAPPEARED FROZEN on, as all HD, 5G and Social media screening;.

Equally Christopher, THEY just again mocked a children's movie series, ebbing and flowing, 36 SPRING, RAPTURE, April 5  2023, Mario Cart; (oddly, the sweezing into that cart with wheels to heaven, Jan 17/18 2023, with my sis);  Mario Cart's world also seems to come to an ABRUPT END, then by a Mighty Dragon BEAST!  When like HAWAII missile morning tens of millions suddenly, ABRUPTLY went from heaven on earth to hell both on earth, and pending beneath, 

-Unimaginably, see here, Rev 6, 6th seal, speedily they're running, screaming and hiding for their everlasting lives; I know you've heard nothing else Chris except America, The Americas, WEST RULE will not be a part of This at present  NEW World Order. Crystal, Clearly  everytime a nation sign-on it's a nail in AMERICA, West Rule coffin, a predicted, revisited Jan 22-39, 2020/Oct 17 2021, ten of them, mostly Islamic and how fast disappearing its two world systems would have to come any time, right now; marvel not, hearing Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE a year now, Nov 11 2023, "The Building Of Hawaii Into; HBOW Apb The RAM

Youtube, News Chocolate Factory Explosion Death Toll At 5,, /Mississippi Tornado Kills 23,,



-Not only do I feel this is what was  meant, the warning they're coming, as in unparallel ever in human history, death bringers just before California first bout of Atmospheric Rivers and some bout halting FAA Flights; I believe just now seeing, HUGE US flags hanging from yet sparkling powerlines, all around, smoking and burning, mean the same thing. Just you remember, satisfying a predicted 3 to 4 ( Billion) dead in only a short while,, IN ONLY A SHORT TIME, it was I saying these type tolls will go on daily into the  hundreds, to hundreds of thousands to millions, yes millions, I said millions a day, an Imminent, 100 million in westerners alone;, get to your nearest Mid ATLANTIC Coastline!/US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER!!!

-What like the Chocolate Factory Explosion, an unimaginablle horror, and equally horrid how swiftly and without further warning death can come; then Judgment, then eternal damnation for so many first Borns (BE YE BORN AGAIN, Jesus THE CHRIST)! Jesus, THE CHRIST, knowing this, insurmountable death and dying come, warn, HE that save his life loses it, (The SECOND DEATH/DAMNATION): but he that losses his life for MY SAKE, gains it FOREVERMORE, surely the crowns of life, He offers to FAITHFUL OVERCOMERS, by the way HIS, they're the tens of millions running with star warring Archangel Michael THEM, leading the way,  you, YOURSELF, know three safehaven territores, where, HBOW/Apb The RAM

Article, The Sun Is Suddenly Spitting ‘X-Class’ Flares At Us. Why It’s Happening And What It Means,

.-The ginormity I call it, natural VOLCANIC Nuclear SOLAR Cosmic to Alien Apocalypse, revisited as recent as Jan 19/20 2023, as huge US flags hanging from US  skies, smoking and burning; something of this magnitude, say from hawaii into Memphis, stampedIng elephants as far as Africas'Southwest Atlantic, ALL OF A SUDDEN causes a deficit in tech a lost of 190 years sending two world systems Skyrocketing to Fire-rocketing,  Off The Planet, causing millions in lives. Your Leaders knowing decades now, instead of spending billions hiding approaching Apocalyptic, imploding, impacting crystal skies from you, could've saved the billions predicted in losses by signing into the Islamic/ASIAN US  of Africa, at least Westerners exile luxury; knowing and staying in impact zones, US states of Barbecue, you may as well be volunteering you and your to die and suffer the worst of earth's horrors ever; knowing get it, get BIBLICAL JESUS, get up yonder or even denying HIM get you and yours over yonder!! HBOW/Apb

Youtube Pastor Breaker, WHAT IS SEX?

Let us remember, Jan 2918 Hawaii Missile Alert Morning Rev 2 Jesus, labored these Abominable detestable things, Riches to Rags Sickbeds And Sleepovers, EXCEPT THEY REPENT, MASSIVE DIEOFF'S COME FOR ENDANGERED CHILDREN


AODHF, I've Called Him, Since He showed HIMSELF Star Warring  With,Archangel Michael THEM, I didn't mean to say this much, only to share these two prophetic parables

See more here,; my for decades prophetic parables exist because prime time TV then and more so HD viewing now, with same gender characters. Especially  Pastor presently, these evils come with a same gender school curriculum,  MARVEL NOT HEARING, Jan 17/18, 2023 I  WILL STRIP SCHOOLS; made a genocidal mockery of The Genesis Man Marriage/An ABOMINATION against The Future ROYAL PRIESTHOOD; CHILDREN. 

-So as well, see here Jan 12/13 2018, Hawaii missle morning, Rev 2 Jesus/Jan 12 13, (2023) after hearing, Oct 11  2022, "The Building Of Hawaii Into, Apparentjy the ginormity that follows Noah's Cousin massive planet wide deluges; again Rev 2 Jesus is threatening The Mass Dieoff Ascension Of All CHILDREN endangered by a tripledemic, Including  a same gender school curriculum, THAT'S ALL CHILDREN! HBOW, I witnessed the reigning Bride Possessing, PREPPING and launching Dan 2 stone from heaven; Apb The RAM

PS, HASHTAGS EXCRETA, NUCLEAR MARCH 18, APOCALYPTIC FIRESTORM, 2023, Pastor Breaker, I couldn't find you on Telegram as you ask, it was youtube, financial Adviser,  Christopher Greene, who ask that I join, contact him, so I'm still figuring it,  see more about him,  here,; he and his father got something, AN ESCAPE from fiery  DOOMSDAY, The US states/The American Continent/WEST RULE, called The Island Project; I don't know, revisited as recent as Jan 16,17 2023, this fitting American to Western escapees into racecars type , FAST getaways; 

-I know I've witnessed since ebbing and flowing, specialty date Sept 22 23 (2015); Ps 35/91/Rev 12 star warring Archangel Michael THEM, for now, including my eldest  Memphis Grands, cross over Tribulation Saints into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER; then come to take the Holy Saints, including my youngest grands, skyward; warning as our craft, touched the  phenomona skies, beware of Alien Dangers From Above;  Aliens pastor, I never believed in, but THEY assured only months back exist because of Genesis through to Rev 12 described, Fallen Angels; HBOW, THEY did just reference, August 25, 2022, The Bottomless Pit is opened to Satanic Demonic and shown a hybrid between the two ALIEN APOCALYPSE! Apb The RAM

-Revisiting D-DAY OCT 17 2021, the assurity, we're in The Last Week Of Daniel,, SEVEN  Dragon BEAST YEARS,  Triple Great Tribulations; that's what Jesus meant when he described  the betrayer, Judas, as  the man of prediction;  The same can actually  be said about all positioned world leaders, especially Pres Trump, a man of  prediction, who sat the US Whitehouse,  for one purpose, to bring about the Daniel 9:27, Abraham Accord,  Israel , Islam, WAR GOD CHINA, those US friend enemies are signing up;. 

Youtube, Sister in Christ, 

Riches to Rags Sickbeds And Sleepovers, Rev 2, Hawaii Missle Morning, Jesus, THE CHRIST, designed, them... Procrastinating Parents, ENDANGERING CHILDREN As High Up As First Lady Obama!!!


-If by they, sister you mean capital THEY, yes, THEY warn us as far back as  two decades, just as THEY'D appeared to Father Abraham, about sin cities Sodom and Gomorrah,; here explaining to me, THEY'D destroy Abominable, Detestable, America,  by making all her debt due;  how equally there goes the The Banking, Housing and Church system's, yes THEY included Churches;.

 -Though, don't forget Paul, Peter' and I witnessed all of it burn, except the foundation laid by Christ JESUS and HIS described, Holy Apostles, how it could be rebuild; marvel not hearing, July/August 2004 and as recent as July/August 2022,; "The Anti-Christ Will KILL MILLIONS GOING BROKE; Marvel not, the Daniel 2 stone from heaven, Rev 16 Reigning Bride cast down was labeled The Anti-Christ Murderer,  surrealistically, the weeping of massacres/ of Martyred Blood, sown! HBOW/Apb

Article, Weather Boy, Out of Control Chinese Rocket Heads to Texas,

STRIKE Out Her Name, Pelosi Taiwan, HGOW, Address

-I guess we're not supposed to suspect sabotage, not supposed to be a little bit suspicious this is happening to China, Western Leaders Most Problematic Nuclear Nation; Oh, the image on the shower curtain behind me, that's exactly what I drew,  July, Aug 2004, and shared it on line with you all , a backward letter C, a mass its middle. Surrealistically, after THEY showed me under a US Lab Microscope, how the bio weapon, The Backward Letter C pandemic, you call Covid, did appear; take heed, Dec 24 25 2001, THEY showed me a pale horse pandemic, I believe Covid mutates into, that was come, according to Apostle John, it would kill a quarter of earth's billions;

 I know, I know, I know, see here, Jer 13:23, I only realized it lately, they're equally images of The  Leopard Spots!!! marvel not one of Daniel's 4, Witnessed GREAT BEAST,  The Leopard, was one of three, including The Anubis'Demon Dog,, Witnessed 2017/2020/2021, posing in  your homes, around your children, as any other friendly house pet...see,; I was supposed to comment, to youtube mrmbb333, this is how, Rev 6, 6th seal,  skies appeared, inundated with falling stars, satellites,  SPACE CRAFTS and bother space debris, hum if there was ram rhythm reason, history books, History books, about fallen angels I is why Aliens exist, would have to be re-written, but certainly Jesus Millennium descending, there's no rhyme, rhythm nor reason.

-Fantastical, just as Holy Saints skyrocketed into Rev 12, Second Heaven intercession, to intercede, stampedIng Tribulation Saints, hundreds of millions US soil alone;, into MOTHER Africas' Southwest Atlantic, but as recent as Jan 16 17 2023, that's US Georgia's coast crossover first. Just saying, we know for two decades one was COMMANDED, space debris that  is , to take out middle schools; plus, there's hearing lately; II WILL STRIP SCHOOLS! WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES that'll be ebbing and flowing, Jan 2023, Rev 2 Jesus threatening a mass dieoff ascension of ALL CHILDREN, except their parents repent, which we know,  a deadly pandemic like COVID, alone over a million US dead, couldn't even do, marvel not as predicted, the exchanging of hands of power to the Bottomless Pit, imminent is Satanic Demonic and shown a hybrid between the two, ALIEN APOCALYPSE!!!!

-Shown to be evident they just added a permanent, detestable, vomiting  up of  Volcanoes, like swarming Hawaii to YELLOWSTONE right now, a same gender courtship to my other Netflix show, Shadow and Bone, so no more skipping that one, episode but its entire new season! Marvel not Jan 2022, THEY put even child's play on pause,, yes, Pro Sports to local Sports all paused, its members, that May 27/28, 2021, building up of rescuers we saw; but pausing even child's play that's beyond serious; that by the year since 2001, until 2028, Children's specialty Dec 12/25/ is America's assigned, D -DAY!, marvel not an artic, polar  Christmas 2022, that' could've frozen Millions to death  I'm thinking every time my grands are off to going nuclear schools, their as predicted, (1987), homicidal parents are knowingly spinning the barrel, pulling the trigger, predicted heads wound to graduation tassels as toe tags for the dead; GOD IS NOT MOCKED! HBOW, even Reigning Bride was witnessed NOAHS DAY, GOD'S BACK TURN THRONE, possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2 stone from heaven, Apb The RAM

Article, A 'hole' 30 times Earth's size has spread across the sun, blasting solar winds that'll hit our planet by end of week!!!

   Predicted Apocalyptic Solar events, Pretty sure, as a pileup of Tide containers, warn killer Hurricane Katrina was coming; seeing an Orange, Sunkist Soda, just put solar events in Orange ALERT; beware, THEY put Solar causing seismic activity, (; in Orange ALERT before Mauna Loa, began to blow, , HBOW) APB

Youtube Honest News, GET READY!


-There's seeing famed letters USA floating off the planet after I heard, STRIKE OUT HER NAME and WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES; beware THEY warn about massive dieoff's especially parents and grandparents before Covid hit ,and a mass dieoff ascension of children, again January 2023, but who listened? You can just feel it, I mean it, you can just feel it, just as ISAIAH said it, with every erupting, worldwide YELLOWSTONE volcano, HELL IS ENLARGING , ITSELF, you can just feel it, a shaky shaky shelter, as predicted as far back as Sept 2/3, 2019...

-Everybody Honest News, keep saying get ready, Mat 24 Jesus got us ready the moment HE SAID RUN and since (Feb 2013),, send star warring Archangel Michael THEM to crossover some and ascend others; crafted us running shoes and lately as Jan 2023, crafted us race cars, this speeding about a race track, getting out, destination for now,  US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER! I'm talking the speed by which some grands are translated, one moment she was home, next she's sitting, phone in hand, in front of this TV, hundreds of miles, again, suddenly Translated.

--Can you imagine, according to Rev 9 AND THOSE WHO DIDN'T DIE BY THE PLAGUE, REPENTH NOT; after Covid except they repent, they didn't, they still haven't, Covid lockdowns, if not for stampedIng, America, THE WORLD, weren't supposed to fully open back up, weren't supposed to go back to whoring, stealing, killing and DESTROYING/ Partying and Gaming. There's only  the sacrifice of pounding it all Into Jesus THE CHRIST Repentant altars, repenting, watching, running with The Angels, living, (ASCENDING); 

 -Americans, Churchians abd Trumpian's are not ready for that, HOLY FATHER just sadly affirmed they won't even do it for the children, mutate them into various evils of their own detestable selves instead; any wonder THEY showed me, knotted rope in hand, fishing them out of black places, abominable, parents like yourselves got them; why it's so easily since Bush Clinton Bush,  THEY'VE warn again July 27 28, 2022, 50 million Americans will die, as Noah's day, going on like norma; 25 million Britain, 25 million Canadians! HBOW/Apb

US Fears a War-Weary World May Embrace China’s Ukraine Peace Bid,, 

Some Ask Is America In Bible Prophecy? Fulfilling Endtime Prophecy Is About Star Warring AODHF Vanquishing Those Supposedly God's Of This World Beginning US/BC W Pacific, Beginning With Great Whore Mystery Babylon Posing As America, The Americas/West Rule? Marvel not, just days past, Feb 18/19 2023, there's some bout patriotic teen school girls to huge US flags, hanging from yet sparkling, powerlines, all around the country, smoking and burning. I know, what's that all about, Trump calling for civil, war? 


AMERICA IN BIBLE PROPHECY, There's a handwriting, US Judgement Sentence, Jer 37 8; designing Bush wars one error to a new fearfactor, There's leaders of the middle east taking world rule once two Western systems skyrocket to fire-rocket off the planet;  ISRAEL SURRENDERING TO AN ENEMY HAMATH; A US leader describing to his men, a build up of torture vehicles, "a dirty Mede, (The first Babylon System was lost to the Medes and Persians Empire); How about A US General seen handling his war horse off to a Prophet Jeremiah, NO CONTEST WITH FULFILLING BIBLE PROPHECY;   

-Frightnight to rolling twilight skies till HE come, there's Bush Clinton Bush, Obama, Trump, Biden all aligned to an error Islam and 50 million US deaths, they will not easily sweep under the rugs of collateral military damages. One whose death date Jan 22-29, 2020, revisits for two years, Rev 10 Mighty Angel warning, like don't procrastinate, Apocalyptic events imminent like US/Canada W Pacific; there's, here's Kobe Bryant's, fiery crash morning, the naming to ordaining of the ten kings, mostly Islamic, Rev 17:17, AODHF, puppeteering The Final New World Order/DRAGON BEAST REIGN!

 -Like I said weeks back, I'd be more concerned with Russia and China peace deals emboldening the Islamic/Israeli Abraham Accord. Easily, necessarily,  that forces NATO-US military alliances into the for Millennia predicted, Dan  9, 9:27 /Rev 17: 17:15-17, World Wide, SEVEN BEAST YEAR'S, non Aggression pact, Frightnight, that's human extinctiion, well four billion worth, today, March 23, 2023, already in Prophetic Hindsight, a year, 5 months and 5 days; again there's those two world systems suddenly skyrocketing to fire-rocketing off the planet; Suddenly! HBOW/Apb

Youtube Pastor Anita Fuetes


-I just asked pastor, what does seeing a half Red moon, a half Black moon and a war torn triangle craft all have in common? Perhaps that when THEY snatched  us off FIERY DOOMSDAY Planet Sept BETA ebbing and flowing since 2015, They warn DOOMSDAY planet earth  WWIA come, beware of Alien dangers from above. Some earth enders, including missiling down stars, satellites, other space junk.

-Frightnight including entire planets falling;  marvel not billions to easily die, many waking in HELL screaming HORRIFIED, The more, blessedness, with Angelic Pilots maneuvering us all right through its Apocalyptic adventures.  First crossing over The Tribulation Saints into  US Georgia's Atlantic, into MOTHER Africas'Southwest Atlantic; Second but not least, Skyrocketing HOLY SAINTS,  into Rev 12 described, second heaven intercessions; WATCH, RUN, LIVE, Thus Saith DEC 3, 4, 5 2021 thru March 23, 2023 Rev 3 Jesus THE CHRIST; HBOW/Apb, The RAM

Youtube Full Spectrum Survivor,

-Which FSS would be the point  of THE AODHF showing HIMSELF star warring with Archangel Michael THEM;  only as THEY cross over Tribulation Saints and Skyrocket  Holy Saints,  also second heaven intercessions; whereas America The Americas, West Rule are suddenly heard no more at all this planet; knowing where; RUNNING YET?  HBOW/APB

Youtube, Future Unity, Six Minutes Ago, Joe Rogan Send Out A Terrifying Message,; (Marvel not references Nov 11 21, 2021 to Ben Affleck's Batman VS SUPERMAN; Marvel not their Agenda For The Cyborg Man; half man, half machine... again like the same gender agenda, The Genocide Of The Genesis Man, Marriage/THE ROYAL PRIESTHOOD, HBOW/Apb


Marvel not the warning, ebbing and flowing D DAY Oct 17 2018,; about flirting to courting Keanu'Reeves Movies; Clearly if there wasn't an imminent Jesus Millennium Reign and GOD'S Eternal Kingdom to follow, AI would make The Genesis Man Marriage TOTALLY obsolete. Though, since God's Will  Is  being done and not Man's, AI  is not only obsolete but the least of mankind's concerns, The Building Of Hawaii Into,  Dominoing Fiery Doomsday Apocalyptse , Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE is imminent;  HBOW/Apb


MY Own Recent, 10 Thousand, Priceless Pieces, As 2 CHRON 7:14/15, Burnt Offering, Prayer, Beware Of The Swarming Right Now,  Into Fiery Doomsday Apocalypse, Pacific Rings Of Fire/Hawaii, YELLOWSTONE, THE AMERICAN CONTINENT!

And The Smoke Of Its Burning, Rose Up Forever And Forever Into The Golden Brazen Alter, We Pray Heavenly Father, Your Response To Father King Solomon Offering Of The Jerusalem Temple In Reverse; If Thy People Which Are Called By Thy Name, WHICH ARE STAMPEDING BY THY NAME, Shall Humble Themselves And Pray And Seek Thy Face And Turn From Their Evil Ways Hear Thou Them From Heaven Forgive Their Land And By  Jesus Millennium Reign For All Eons to Eons To Come Heal Their Land!!! HBOW/Apb The Rising Above Ministry, Apb, THE RAM

-Don't y'all get it, there's one great hinderer of the complete signing  of the ABRAHAM Accord, SEVEN YEAR, non aggression pact; in a flash, those ten heads, KINGS, being named to ordain, mostly Islamic names, NBA, Kobe Bryant's Fiery crash morning, reminder of how most Americans/ Californians/ Churchians would die, these  US. States Of Barbecue. John witnessed Ancient Of Days HOLY FATHER puppeteering The GREAT Dragon BEAST and His Ten Headed confederation against this Mighty Prevention. 

-Beware as recent as Aug 5 2021 AODHF showed HIMSELF Star Warring with Archangel Michael THEM, against this Mighty intruder, against Dan 9:27/Rev 17 mocked nations summit, that take world rule from Great Whore Mystery Babylon, and its WEST RULE systems are heard, seen no more at all this planet? 

-They just now  woke me, remind of these two most important meetings of biblical history, one July 27 28 2009, THEY'RE describing Sen Barack Hussein "THE ONE," again not do much The Man but it's predestined for Millennia, Abrahamic, Islamic Israeli, even prophetic blood lineage; I've explained during this meeting in the air, Archangel Michael THEM delivery Of The Holy Bridegroom To Jesus, THE CHRIST; 

-I not only Witnessed a ballooning cloud, each BORN-AGAIN it's capture; as I further described, how now we're with Bridegroom JESUS THE CHRIST,  disappointedly arriving us only two parts The Way, Second Heaven intercessions, They, described US Sister, looking down from there, , praying down, from there, and I quote THEM, as the Tribulation Saints are given over to the Anti-Christ, HBOW/Apb


5 things to know for March 27: Tornado outbreak, Israel, SVB, Chemical spill, Ukraine,, see here,
let me add five more banks that crashed to zero!


-Looking at this Surreal image, thinking of the Jan 19/20 2022 image of HUGE US flags all around, hanging from severed sparkling powerlines, smoking and burning, talk about strange fruit or is that harvest.I 'm reminded of yet another Earth Ending Movie Scenario, Other Than Mario Cart, April 5, 2912, World Ending, The Movie, The 5TH Wave; how many mega storms hit California from two bounts of Atmospheric Rivers to tA  SNOW BLIZZARD not for a Millennia, just back to back MONSTERS, before they, Californians were  declared paralyzed while in the path of one of its own, It's Long Valley Caldera, of W. Pacific/US West Pacific Cascading  Volcanic Firestorm, just you remember a protrayal of Rev 11 star warring AODHF just reassured , even if billions to die, after putting off  dealing with wicked rebellers, for six millennia, He's ready to do this, you, just how fast can you run? HBOW/Apb



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