First Of Each New Year Nuclear Apocalyptic Month Of January


Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear March 28 Apocalyptic Firestorm 2023, 

Sister In Christ, God Won't Let You Fight Alone; (-
Actually sister I'm reminded, when Rev 13, described, Gog ,Magog and Anubis' demon Dog's come after me for my Outreaching  testament of Jesus Christ. Know at one time I hid in a red car, understood their Anubis'underwood and Millennia of manslaughter all the better, He come to my rescue wasn't only my loving husband Mack, but spiritual Bridegroom, JESUS THE CHRIST, HIMSELF and some bout the scripture Rev 17:14 and He's been known as The Lamb Of God Jesus Husband since, these three decades, so marvel not the reminder lately, like Jan 2022, my Brad Pitt, Shiloh Memphis nieces was hand keys, by procrastinating Memphis mins, including First Lady Obama, just as I heard, The Car Is Red...

Although I hung out in the heavens, witnessed you all be collected by a bsllonning Cloud watched; He shall shall cover you with His Feathers and Under his Wings shall thou trust, and that's dancing Hallelujahs all around;  plus Rev 11/Rev17:17,  HIM,  HE just showed HIMSELF Star Warring with Archangel Michael THEM, The taking back of planet earth, first from GREAT WHORE MYSTERY BABYLON disguised as America, falsified as The Americas, disillusioned as WEST RULE! Frightnight what THEY'RE celebration behind The sounding of the Seventh Angel Trumpet,  GOD HATH TAKEN VENGEANCE AND REIGN; WATCH, RUN! LIVE Thus Saith Dec 3,4,5, 2021, Rev 3 Jesus THE CHRIST!, HE just reaffirmed, HE'S ready to do, TAKE BACK HIS REIGN, even if billions will die, remenber THEY remind, billions in HOLY SAINTS,  are also descending with The Christ Lord, King Zion, HBOW/Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear March 27, Apocalyptic Firestorm 2023, take note this image is also how the US Lab Bio-weapon look under its Lab's microscope; querying, would 100 Million Westerners deaths, Since Bush Clinton Bush,50 Million Americans, Britain's 25 Million, Canada's 25 Million, Frightnight Kinda before the ink, the just now, signing of the Trumpian/ Islamic/Israeli Abraham Accord, drys, answer HBOW, inquiry toward Jeremiah, whether his days, The Rebellious As Of Their Sins To Wickedness, whether the two are As Incorrigible As A Leopard Spots and An Ethiopian ( say, NBA Laker, Gabriel's) Skin? Further note, The Death Bringer that brought a  rebellious Moses Day Egypt to it knees  an alike nation ender,didn't even scratch the surface of Americas described Abominable, detestable lives lands and churches, SCHOOLS.

-Surrealistically, whose over one million Covid deaths, seems to embolden their Anti-Christ lifestyles,, F for Fornication, A for Adultery, A for Abortion, LGBQTB and P for PEDOPHILER,  all, all all the more, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers Rev 2 Jesus THE CHRIST describes it all the more! Just saying, HBOW, Rev 9 John exclaiming, and those who didn't die by the plague repented not; I know I just witnessed,  August 24/25, 2022,what happens next, just as he, Apostle John, witnessed the exchanging of hands and power of The Keys To The Bottomless Pit, SATANIC, Demonic and shown a hybrid between the two ALIEN APOCALYPSE!!! Ah, RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN! HBOW, Apb

Youtube, Outpouring Gates, Angels Appeared And Revealed This Warning For The West Coast,; ( I know some didn't understand my praising God when I read about forced evacuations concerning endangered Californias; but decades before, we Witnessed Mighty Angel prancing nervously back and forth, back and fourth above US/Canada West Pacific we knew it as an area map INUNDATED with proposed catastrophic events; explaining Mighty Angel warning, "Desolstions Predicted, US soil, NOW COME!" HBOW/Apb

Email me here,
Subject, The Seventh Angel/Text to Zelle me here, 901-600-9519; see more here, Rev 9/ (Nicholas and Tiffany flyover, Noah's cousin, human extinction, come; Rev 9, Appearing to be fulfilled Aug 24, 25, 2022, am I telling you I witnessed the opening of the Bottomless Pit TO THE WORLD  ENDING SATANIC, DEMONIC and shown a hybrid between the two, ALIEN APOCALYPSE? No, what I am telling you? Like Apostle John I Witnessed a multi-million man grocery store reveal of persons trapped in a barter balen for their immortal souls, the exchanging of hands, of power and responsibility of the keys, (store managers keys); to the Bottomless, Pit, again August 25, 2022;

Seeing A Trumpet Passed To Him, Clearly THEY, Trump Of God, Trumpeter's, Angel Gabriel THEM appeared to you with such  illuminating SPECTACULAR, Glory, totally expectibg such God's Throne  Fantasticism come down to us, to be easily believed. The next I know, for this other fast and furious escape, Jan 16/17 2023,  THEY were fitting Tribulation Saints into racecars type FAST getaways, along a free for all racetrack. Guardians Angels knowing, what was coming wasn't just a catastrophic tsunami wave but packed with those 99 bowls of molten lava, fightnight as the sounding of The Fifth Trumpet, we now had unprecedented, inescapable, molten flooding; 

-Although I don't have to, I am the one in the actual Christmas Carol type flyover I shared, above, protrayed by book characters Tiffany (Maaseiah Adonai) and Nicholas Edin); still you nor I can begin to imagine an APOCALYPSE of such magnitude, just now with California's Long Valley Caldera Eruption while tens of millions of them were reportedly paralyzed from recurring atmospheric rivers to tens of feet of snow to more historic deluges, mudslides. Surely it's easy to see like Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev Mighty Angel, warn, US/BC West Pacific was being wiped to washed off the planet;  RUN; beware the Midwest the Eastern Seaboard, warn further, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, who's Himself, aligned by Rev 17, 7 th , Angel and he's too  bearing 7 more Judgmentt bowls!!! HBOW/Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear March 28, Apocalyptic Firestorm 2023 Hearing Those Commands Feb 2017, To Eze 9 Reapers, Kill ALL Parents By FINISH ALL SCHOOLS; marvel not those Millions worldwide Covid dead are parents age to grandparents age; HBOW)Apb

Is Transgender Shooter Audrey Hale The Start Of A Trans Gun Violence Movement, And Will The Democrat-Run Legacy State Media Even Report On It?

Riches To Rags Sickbeds And Sleepovers EXCEPT THEY REPENT? THEY,  PERISH!! JCON/JCOR

Jan 12/13 2018, Hawaii Missle Morning, Rev 2 Jesus THE CHRIST, revisited Jan 2023 , The Threat of A Mass Dieoff Ascension Of All Children, frightnight that tripledemic affecting mostly school children hit hard; since I've heard WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES and I WILL STRIP SCHOOLS; Beware Woe To School Buses, was on the ebbing and flowing date, since Senator Obama''s (2009, was declared THE ONE! I only woke its exact date July 2022, from the calculations of Westerners Death Tolls, Britain 25 million, 'Canada 25 million, totaling 100 million and woke up; those reading behind me know how 25 plus 25 can equal 100 million,, only it's when you add US soil, error Saddam/Islam, predicted losses!

 Frightnight to rolling twilight skies until HE come, I warn how disgruntled to feeling betrayed same sexers to transgenders can become violent, and deadly against their perverters, to MUTILATORS to oppressors; even seeing the killing of children as putting them out of their misery. Since they were once a student, make me wonder how many private schools are far and ahead of public schools with a same gender, genocidal, curriculum!? Marvel not the Uvadle School shooting,  May 22 2022, line upon line ,neverending line of injured to orphan school children come to me like a school administrator of JESUS' ' DIVINE, Resurrection, Ascension! HBOW/Apb

Article, Aliens might have already landed on Earth, says the Pentagon,; (Grand Caden just described something a mighty an impact shock the house, it not only startled the dog wide awake, but the sleeping great, grand kids. Now while he explained such mighty a ruckus to shaking, quaking, I thought to myself now see, that's exactly what shouldve happened Phoenix Lights 1998, I witnessed The Mother Ship Of A Triangle Craft Hovering Soundless a Memphis West Wood Neighborhood...I know,  Apostle Prophet THEY say I am ,I know


Unleashed a murderous horde, Opening Of The Bottomless Pit; unveiling true humanity; I'm thinking the mind blower, Fallen Angels is why Aliens exist,they too were in Rev 12 WAR IN HEAVEN WWIA I describe it, and were stranded here with their mutinous makers,again solving all ancient mysteries, AODHF, not leaving us  ignorant; HBOW/Apb

The MOCKERY of Keanu Reeves, Movies The Day The Earth Stood Still of seeing two world systems skyrocketing off the planet; followed by a hand writing clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE; equally followed by breaking of news report; "after 101 YELLOWSTONE Eruptions; 

Know Jan 2017, we have that Dan 9:27/Rev 17, mocked nations summit of putting Dragon BEAST in world rule; hearing ONE HOUR WITH THE BEAST; WHORE AND BEAST SEPARATED!!!!

Know gorgeously, most mightily,  to catastrophic, Jan 2018, one moment we have Rev 2 Jesus asking me with Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM all around, me, will  Angels also Ascend?

Know still, most  gorgeously, mightily,  catastrophic, there's a too anxious to put into words Rev 10 Mighty Angel and he's like nervously prancing back and forth, you can hear his feet and hear too, Desolations predicted US soil NOW COME!"

Know, Jan 2019, we have that handwriting on a wall Jerusalem to Trump's, of Judgmentt, Predicted since Jan 2016, 99 bowls of molten lava;

 Know Jan 2020,  Kobe Bryant's fiery crash morning, we have the counting down to ordaining of those ten heads, mostly Islamic, constantly in the news, right now, signing a  prophetic, record breaking Abraham Accord, Dan 9 27, non Aggression pact, with both Russia and CHINA pending.

There's Jan 2021, Frightnight to HUGE US flags hanging from severed, sparkling powerlines, there's  the  flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris;

Know Jan 2022, Volcanoes were placed on ORANGE ALERT; by  THOSE stampedIng US States Of Barbecue,  just before Mauna Loa began to erupt; remenber gorgeous, catastrophic Jan 2018  if snatching us out,was also about that Hawaii Missle threat, yeah why don't our Government come clean about that?  No way would a HOST of Heaven, as plentiful as to instantly change the topography Israel's  Mount Olivet or Rev 19, John's version of a returning Jesus with a host of God's Throne as  plentiful as The Stars and Fightnight to rolling twilight skies, they're mostly missiling down

-There's Jan 2023, both hearing the building of Hawaii into and seeing in God's back turn Throne , the hammering off of a Mount Sinai type also reigning God's Back Turn Throne; the hammering itself remind how at present both gravely predicted continent ending  Mauna Loa to World ending NBA ALL STARS, Ben Affleck's Armageddon/ YELLOWSTONE, are swarming into Jan 18 Mighty Angel desolstions predicted, US soil, NOW COME!I mean really, swooning in an unimaginable peril , painstaking peril, still over a million plus US Covid deaths; these Noah's Cousin type, evenly knowing, there's still as we speak, 49 million US  deaths most, most horrid, to go, as of or during, a foreseeable, Islamic, Israeli, Anti-Christ, NEW World Order OF THE DRAGON BEAST SEVEN YEAR RULE, 

-As A matter of Prophetic fulfillment, May 15, 2004, Trump Of God,/Angel Gabriel warn had come Jan 2018 Mighty Angel, warn, its Desolations US soil no further delays; see here, Rev 6 6th seal Earthquake to Volcanic Apocalypse; see Rev 17 :16 “And the ten horns (those agreeing to the Abraham Accord right now); which thou saw upon the beast, these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire.” (-marvel not the flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer, liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris.

-Just as Frightnight, marvel not equally, the asking what's in common, with a just now, red half moon, a black half moon and a  war battled, torn Triangle Craft; remenber I warn every imminent US/West Rule enemy natural to nuclear, SOLAR to Cosmic, come bringing fire, marvel not the invitations Trump's March 13 2018, to all US states was from a barbecuing into a laser kind, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER!!! see also here,, here and here. 

Youtube Pastor Anita Fuetes, Pentagon, Alien Mother Ship  In Our Solar System Could Send Mini Probes To Earth,

-Actually Pastor, according to those mysterious Phoenix Lights 1998 and around the same time, The Triangle Craft, MOTHER Ship I witnessed Soundlessly hovering around my Memphis neighborhood, they been around for decades. Like in comparison lately to what's being called Arizona Lights, a return of The Motheship, no less,. You should know,  I cal them Darts, these triangle shaped probes to fighters, and around Jan 18/19 2023, witnessed some just above here, treating our skyline, as it was normally theirs; marvel not one was all war torn, Rev 12 described WORLD WAR INTERSTELLAR ARMAGEDDON/Ad Astra of Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, HBOW/Apb. 

Youtube,  Christopher Greene, Alarming This Doesn't Seem Right, Nashville And Major Events World Wide

-You missing the point, AODHF showing HIMSELF Star Warring with Archangel Michael THEM; HIS WAR as those disgruntled to feeling betrayed, to HOPELESS Same Gender to Transgender ; actually their war is  against Christianity, APOSTATE CHRISTIANITY; more Americans , to CHURCHIANS to Trumpians; repent or perish!!!

 -Yeah, if you're thinking that mass of followers Jesus explained weren't HIS  their sins remain; those of mass assembly I was told to tell to get to Alters Of Jesus Christ, pound abominable, detestable, riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers into altars of Christ CROSS repentance, again, their sins remain; 

-Frightnight as far as Trump's followers, I'm  being reminded  of Rev 13 described 666, sixers; only that'd make Trump The Anti-Christ, which he isn't, though there's the False Prophet who leadeth to The Anti-Christ. Only here's revisiting Trump's son in law, always rumored The Anti-Christ, I mean The popularity of The  Abraham Accord  is more his, than Trump, Arab Emirates were persuaded by him, I wonder how  of UAE, were the name, during the ordaining of Those 10 Heads, Kobe Bryant's fiery crash morning.

-Sincerely, Besides Senator Barack Hussein, being called The One, given a two weeks and SEVEN year timetable, so has Pres Trump', twice April 2 2019/April 20, 2020.  Still there's referencing Trump a Dan 4, King Nebuchadnezzar type, who's Trump also  granted  curse of seven years of madness, drove him to repentance . Just saying Christopher, I doubt seriously The False Prophet would be given that opportunity, to like King Nebuchadnezzar, repent,  you?  HBOW/Apb The RAM

Youtube Sister In Christ, Earthquake Cluster At YELLOWSTONE, Wyoming (see more here,, ( What's gonna Happened Sept 23, 2017; know I knew nothing about this date going viral, it being the date the astronomical Rev 12 sign, supposedly predating The Adam, would be fulfilled and thus many had pegged it as the day of the rapture; surreal is exactly two years prior Sept 22, 23 (2015) was the date it was demonstrated translating Tribulation Saints and Skyrocketing HOLY SAINTS. Adamantly circling this reveal could be why so many thought Sept 22 23 2017 Rev sign would be it, but sister to be honest I just don't think I reach alot of people with this work.

-Now concerning this date, The Great Gathering Of -Saints, and fiery doomsday, VOLCANIC APOCALYPTSE, even a hand writing clumsily ESCAPE YELLOWSTONE! There's how I come by this date and how I come to call it The Sept BETA, know not only does the sleeping in Christ rise first, but pending Tribulation Saints are crossed over first, Jordan's Petra, US Georgia's Coast CROSSOVER; Africa's Southwest Atlantic. Things when said Translations were good and done, I assume giving them a better chance to out maneuver The Anti-Christ,  after grand Caden and I boarded The Craft readied for us, it was 2015, and soon there on the panel was a climbing date,  Sept 22, 23 EXCRETA, The Bride's Estimate Time Of Arrival, The recurring Sept BETA into this present hour.

-What I believe, having missed another BETA, another opportunity to snatch us out, Sept BETA 2022; remember when in the heavens Sept BETA 2020, Gog and MAGOG questioned Archangel Michael, aren't we now in their timeline? Frightnight they too, satanic, demonic, earth enders and genociders had just referenced  ebbing and flowing Sept BETA, 2020. So as predicted, taking my eldest sister this very date, Sept 20, 2022, meant as we're putting her in the grave, Archangel Michael THEM were snatching her, well us, all out, up; Beginning to hear, I feel as an apology, another missed BETA, Sept 21, ORANGE ALERT! Sep 22 YELLOWSTONE; Oct 11, seeing The Hammering Off of a Mount Sinai type reigning God's Back Turn Throne; Nov 11, hearing, THE BUILDING OF HAWAII INTO; all again meaning US soil, Volcanic Apocalypse here, we not for long, sister, would be.."

Breaking: Over 60 Earthquake Struck Yellowstone Volcano In The Past 24 Hours! - Grand Supreme News

Youtube Sister In Christ

See more, here,; (What's Gonna Happen Sept 23?); [Would you believe, also about pending Volcanic Apocalypse, including Hawaii, ESPECIALLY YELLOWSTON and other continent to earth enders all along The imminent, West Pacific Ring Of Fire and The North American Seismic Craton; Jan 16/172023, fitting Tribulation Saints into racecars type FAST getaways, along a free for all race track; there's us as Holy Saints, well my sis and I sweezing into, what we now know, was, is a Mario Cart to heaven, mocking its New Spring April 5, Mario Movie, at the end of their world, The End Of Children animated series, GET THEM ALL TO JESUS THE CHRIST, HIS OWN SUGGESTION!!!

-Further, believing just as abruptly as this fast and furious escape! I mean mocked even knowing YELLOESTONE is on its way, they'd go back and pack; my eldest son, his wife and two youngest children SUDDENLY weren't supposed to return home from their overnight stay but keep straight into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER! Soon Us carter's into second heaven intercessions, we're just as speedily return, in short, the handling out  of Invitations, The resurrection, ascension Of The Two Witnesses, Rev 11, Rev 20, The Marriage Supper Of The LAMB' and Rev 7, John's Witnessed incalculable in Tribulation Saints, are with them; I Know, Apostle Prophet THEY also entreat me, I know and now, so do you, RUN!; HBOW/Apb, The RAM

A supermassive black hole just turned toward Earth, firing its charged beam our way


Article, Elon Musk and Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak among over 1,100 who sign open letter calling for 6-month ban on creating powerful A.I.

 Seen Netflix Jungle? if THEY'RE warning bout  courting to flirting with, K Reeves movies to Ben Affleck's Batman VS SUPERMAN, Cyborg characterJ Netflix Jungle is clear, like Hawaii missile alert morning,  Rev 2 Jesus, described Riches To Rags Sickbeds And Sleepovers, AI too makes The Genesis Man Obsolete; showing HIMSELF star warring, AODHF, PRESENTLY bringing it ALL to the brink of Extinction, only intervened by Jesus Millennium Reign, I can truly tell you, upon Apocalyse earth descent, it's littered with those billions dead, HBOW/Apb

Youtube Christopher Greene, ALERT TRUMP INDICTED, also see, here,, US Dollars lost 80%of It's Value, Against The Chinese Yuan

(-Paying me little attention, then either, my warning, Covid hit during a growing tug of civil/Political upheaval US soil, cooling hot heads, this time, I wonder what's next? Marvel not all World nations, especially West Rule, main focus, to next step, should be, this,; understand, with or without their participation, The since D-DAY Oct 17 2021, Fulfilling,  Daniel FINAL Week, SEVEN DRAGON  BEAST YEARS Of recurring Apocalyse, claiming billions, migrating billions here, SAVING ONLY YOURSELVES out,  what you as world leaders gonna do? HOW/Apb, see entire reveal, here,


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