Youtube, Chris Yoon, Death Is Coming, God Gave Me A Prophetic Word, That People Will Die!

Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear March 6, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2023, 

PS, HASHTAGS EXCRETA NUCLEAR MARCH 6, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2023 of 36 Chernobyl, March, Spring Rapture Demos, And Even Then A Snatching US Out, Sunlight Of God, Assured Our Enemies Were Ashes Under Our Feet!!! Hearing Nov 7/8 2022, The Building Of Hawaii Into, before its Mauna Loa begin to erupt; beware, also The US Area Map, Warn by Mighty Angel, plenty, There's Something Over A Week Now About The NBC TV Series La Brea, about the US area map, US, BC West Pacific, warn by both NOAA/NASA either or, or both its Cascadia Subduction Zone to its San Andreas are imminent to festering with unthinkable catastrophes; pray against all travel bans, especially Apocalyptic Snow Storms... HBOW/Apb

Article, Russia-Ukraine live updates: Blinken warns China is 'contemplating lethal assistance'


See what this mean, Jeremiah 37:8, 1998,  West Rule/America/ THE AMERICAS, own as Daniel  5 hand writing of Judgmentt On A Wall; A hand writing on a wall, 2019, 99 bowls of molten lava; The Sunlight Of God, GOD'S BACK TURN THRONE,  entreating me like a Moses, then on The USA celebrated 2002, JUNETEENTH, COMMANDING From Behind A Mt Sinai Type, also God's Throne,  WEST RULE leaders, Let His People, AFRICAN AMERICAN, EXODUS, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT Blaexit! 

Shown 05/27/28, 2021,teaching children how the Chinese language work; China know it has to stop the West, save millions, even billions o lovef lives, it just doesn't know how best to do that; Russia too, know its war is with the West not Urkraine, Ah, Holy GOD OF WRATH, Can't You Tell, ; HE Has Loosed On Their Rebellious Soils , Rev 7, Those Four Winds of APOCALYPSE! HBOW, I did Witnessed though she had more, now blacken Judgment bowls, she instead offered up invitations to Millions waiting a single water cooler, better homeless earth shelters,  no doubt, Mansions In Heaven." Apb The RAM

Article, Russia demands US stop military support for Ukraine; Trump says Biden policy could fuel WWIII: Live updates (Reaping inaction sown their own error Saddam, Gaddafi and The Islamic People, how many of those millions dead, heck how many of US Millions didn't have to die if they stood up to America Instead of for their own gain, now their painted with Martyred blood into corners of their own making, having stood with the genicidal Saudi Arabia/US petro currency, HBOW


Fitted Into Race Cars, Along A Free For All Race Track Into US Georgia's Coast CROSSOVER; presently a huge, impairing snow storm now threaten a travel ban!

-Doesn't President Trump, many military analyst argue that's what Biden want, more bloody currency; when Moses Pharaoh faced the same nations devastation; then the loss of the lucrative Hebrew Slaves; presently the loss of those lucrative African Americans Pharaoh, lest they perish, they chose war, only with Rev 11, star warring HIMSELF, AODHF; AODHF, JCOR

Seen to be seeing the hammering off of the Mount Sinai type reigning God's Back Turn Throne Dan 2 Stone From Heaven!

Marvel not, not only The Sunlight Of God, JUNETEENTH (2004), as He Spoke To Moses On Mount Sinai Spoke, well commanded from Behind a Mountain reigning God's Back Turn Throne, also I heard, "let my people go!" Escaping Americans shown recently, wearing these heavy, wooden, taxing neck braces, written, reading, blinking of an eye tribe; Whether you're going up or crossing over, there's this constant need for speed; And That's Dancing Hallelujahs All Around! HBOWApb

-Though it's actually Eze 9 commanded reapers,  Bushs 2003, I wanted to say Ben Affleck's Armageddon YELLOWSTONE,  Ez 5 barber chair, Nov 10/21 2021 revisit seeing an event like this on US Soil, burning Bush's 2003l/2004. There were entire families sitting their sets, waiting for the worst of News. Untill when it broke it was obvious, they took off in a panic throughout the house, and out the doors they went running,, yes running, apparently, there were no cars; and FRIGHTNIGHT taking up their rear where one strike the telling  heart  Eze 9 commanded eapers;.

-There's Oct 11/21,2021 Brad Pitt way back then, arms full of Children was  one of them; Marvel not into this present hour, the time of death come,(WWZ); 'I'm thinking it's time ALL AMERICANS great and small have that death talk with Jesus, saying He that save this life,  losses it but he that losses this life Outreaching Jesus THE CHRIST, gains it  forevermore, SECOND DEATH HATH NO POWER, raised on the last,  reborn Into a crown of life! I Know, I know, get it, get Jesus, get up yonder or even denying HIM get you and yours over yonder! HBOW/Apb

These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, April, 2/20, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom, COME; Featuring, King Bridegroom, Vanderbilt (Vander) Alejandro Ervin and Queen Bride, Chimney Ajuan Kribs

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, April 2/17 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign
Unto Crown Castor Adonis and Enna Elores Kiribati was born a son Maximilian Sorenson Adonis, a son Errance Aronofsky Adonis and a goddaughter Gloriana Amsterdam (Amster), Kiribati
Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, XVII and VII

{{{"Sadly but true grand, the stampeding was never to make more aware but how their inaction is inexcusable, even this endangerment to children; think, prophet Isaiah's stampede, they're running from the antichrist who's reported slain two thirds' of Israel's inherit, those the same innumerable John saw, come out the greatness trials and tribulations' ever, we're holy Lord tay the shoulders predicted US/West Rule D-DAY Oct lamening dramatically, Great Tribulations; Great Tribulations; Great Tribulations! Meanings they, the tens of millions I witnessed escaping, equally Isaiahs, equally John's, ignored me warning a GINORMITY as a Mauna Loa, slash YELLOWSTONE slash New Madrid Memphis got behind them; marvel not Jesus, especially Jan 2018 thru Jan 2023, threatening to take the children as procrastinating parents mean more harm than good, plus AODHF just saddened parents' won't sacrifice themselves to save their children. Like grand personal for you, reconsider skyrocketing, domestic gun incidents alone, and how many children hurtling to killing themselves. This Maaseiah Adonai may grow your hair even longer, THEY remind me even when God and father/ uncle Abraham's angels come to their Rescue, and it was obvious to Lot who, WHAT THEYVwere Lot yet refuse to leave Sodom the same Maaseiah Adonai can be said about my, well our Memphians, THEY know especially guardian angel Gabriel THEM And star warring Archangel Michael are regularly to our rescue but grand The Rapture GOING LIVE, for how much longer? Ah, let me remind when I couldn't sleep Monday night,, I cut on that Asbury revival, and the anointing May, soon it sound like Angels were singing, ah wow grand, and you know I know what that sound like and I burst out in non stop hallelujahs, so amazing, I just realized, I guess until I woke this morning, Ah My God so amazing. Like grand let me talk to that predicted 50 Million dead, US's, you know all you had to do was run, right, Jesus already suggested we have no treasures here. So you to use your transportation and get as far from US/BC West Pacific as US Georgia's Atlantic COAST CROSSOVER; that's your faith to faithfulness, as the days of Moses Red Sea, Star warring Archangel Michael THEM had y'all from there. So knowing this and knowing this and knowing this, please no should've would've, could've about acting too late to get out of the way of fiery doomsday apocalypse, Hawaii/YELLOWSTONE/NEW MADRID! I know love, look at the time, so seeing those buzzing about up there, triangle crafts, May I only presume it was flash of the star wars battle both John and I saw; a glitch in the matrix they call it grand, just remember May love you're saying that to the one who mornings ago woke from one crying, not the blue pill, please not the blue pill; talk grand about revisiting those two Crystallized Godzilla types pretending Apocalyptic skies into crystalized skies, I'm going, going, Going grand, I'm gone, blessed day, sweet sleep, kiss, kiss"}}}. Why Speak In Parables? Jesus Disciples Inquired Of Him with Him answering by Quoting Prophets Of Old, Saying, Well see here, Mat 13:10-17

NATO Chief Says Concerned China Will Arm Russia 

Yeah, it's time the TRUMPIAN/Abrab Emirates Abraham Accord be injected, this beginning to fulfilled Dan 9:27 Islamic, Israeli non aggression pact into this tug of WWIA/WWZ/WW3,, Noah's Day EXTINCTION LEVEL  God will extinct us all, JESUS SAYING NO FLESH SURVIVES THESE END DAYS; before HE allow nuclear War to destroy the planet;, where HIS KINGDOM will reign for eons and eons to come; you guys picked a side; Blessed Death or Second Death?  HBOW, I did just witness, Aug 24 2022, Mystery Woman, past the keys to the  bottomless Pit as grocery store keys , a grocery filled with millions it's customers, as to Satanic Demonic and shown a hybrid between the two Alien Apocalypse, get it, get Jesus, get out, you know three designed assigned territories Where! Apb, 

Youtube, Sister in Christ, This Is Getting Worse By The Min UN Votes To Demand Russia Leave Ukraine,; (Frightnight still not only are we coming again upon that 1986, Chernobyl Spring Rapture, Mal 4 SUNLIGHT OF GOD to the Rescue; but Russia's Chernobyl Spring, a world wide nuclear threat, 2022; I Apostle, Prophet THEY call me, Holy Bride manifested in the flesh, star warring Archangel Michael THEM entreat me, explained every for 36 Rapture springs, THEY'VE assure regularly all 2023, is going LIVE, SNATCHING US OUT always involved a nuclear threat!

For In One Hour Is Your Desolations Come, SMOKE, FIRE AND YOU SHALL UTTERLY BE DESTROYED! They Shall Diligently Seek Thy Places And Not Find Them!!!



-Like I said to Rome's Pope praying against Armageddon come, just before he offered up his resignation and blessed it would've been that all , ALL, western leaders had done the same; these are things Matthew 24 Jesus explained had to be fulfilled, let no man deceive you otherwise. Correct, yes, even China allying to weaponizing Russia, how else except by a mighty, enemy force they're to get NATO and its nuclear allies to the Daniel 9:27 non-aggression pact/Trumpian/Arabian/Israeli Abraham Accord??

- Plus there's no calling on Rev 11, Star Warring HIMSELF, ANCIENT OF DAYS HOLY FATHER, shown Puppeteering the puppeteering World Leaders, Dragon Beast, for this identical cause, THEY, HOLY LORDS, wanna end Great Whore Mystery Babylon, disguised as Western Civilization, as WORLD DIPLOMACY, as America, The Americas! Rightly,  like THEY ended Noah's evil world, billions will die, but Billions are Descending, as Jesus Millennium, for when the 7th ANGEL shall begin to sound! HBOW, did I just  Aug 24, 2022, witnessed ascending Bride equally hand over the keys to the Bottomless Pit, to Red Dragon, GOG AND MAGOG them, also an Alien Invasion? 

 -Never to be sidelined predestined The Arab//Iranian/Israeli Abraham Accord to a come to his senses like a once cursed for seven years, King Nebuchadnezzar. President Trump is purposed to make sure Biden them don't get all westerners planet wide killed and not just those predicted since error Islam, Bush ,Clinton, Bush; Obama,Trump, Biden, reaping Martyred blood their error Islam. Surrealistically set death tolls revisited as recent as July 27th 28th, 2022, a predicted 100 million westerners., hearing totals, Britain 25 Million, Canada 25 million for a total of 100 million, including US's 50 million; Marvel not the since Juneteenth 2002 into urgent reminders Jan 16, 17, 2023, The Sunlight Of God Commanded African American exodus!!!,

-Marvel not those designed, assigned safehaven territories dating back as far as the Prophet Isaiah and as recent as Just now, designing us race cars for speeding off away; ;marvel not hearing recently STRIKE OUT HER NAME! Marvel not seeing famed letters USA floating off the planet, like taking the trajectory of not only the transatlantic slave trade but The Sunlight of God commanded African American Exodus into the American, African, Atlantic basin; so which side are you on blessed death, blessed Brexit, BRIEXIT Blaexit or the second death, judgement, hell, eternal lakes of fires? HBOW, I did see when the reigning Bride possessed, prepped and launched Daniel 2 stone from heaven, Apb The RAM

Youtube, Survival Summit, How To Get Home After An EMP Attack,

BEWARE REV 12 WAR IN HEAVEN, The Aug 24 Reference To The Opening of The Bottomless Pit, Also Include This Warn Since Sept 22/22, BETA, (2015), AN ALIEN INVASION!


I can assure you , KNOWING either an as flirting with Keanu Reeves movies, THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL, a CME to EMP attack is looming, for the last couple days I've wanted to warm my 717 Dasher grand not to stray further than walking distance from the house. The one I assured a couple years ago, she ride here with her dad, who was visiting predicted to go nuclear Memphis by a Nuclear HAWAII to YELLOWSTONEt at the time , or she could walk to Georgia's Atlantic Ocean later; she's been with us since; WATCH!, RUN! LIVE! IS MATTHEW 24/ Revelation 2/3 Jesus THE CHRIST, latest warning, for the saving of souls more so than lives, run away!

-Really, it's odd how the one you lease suspect to be the wisest of them all, and I got nine!, is the wisest. Anyway, I clicked here because I know all the dreams about you being offered RUNNING shoes, at one time in place of tattered, red wedding heels, see here,; and running shoes being your car trunk most valuable asset,. Totally all about permanently shutting down the most powerful country to world system this planet within an APOCALYPTIC HOUR; Apostle, Prophet, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM entreat me kid you not, within an hour famed letters USA floated off the planet, millions dead, injured, millions missing, 190 years of tech no more;. there's also some bout an Eze 5, Ben Affleck's Armageddon ,YELLOWSTONE; beware even the recent Dream about GUNSMOKE, is also about the parody; GET OUT OF DODGE!/off the American Continent, BOW/Apb

GO AND GET THE TWELVE HEIRS, INVITE THE BETA, WOW TO SCHOOL BUSES! Strike Out Her Name, STRIP SCHOOLS! BEWARE IT'S AS THE DAYS OF NOAH US SOIL!!! See also Rev 6, 6th seal/; when I hear, see events like this it always remind of Mat 24 Jesus, although He's warning how cataclysmic this our world to planetary being passes away, billions to be dead; another a New Heaven, Earth Planetary System Descends, including billions The Royal Priesthood; GOT HIM? Raise your hand if you ever knew America, West Rule would end; raise your other hand if you ever prayed God's Kingdom Reign Its Place; now with hands raised thank Star Warring AODHF for knowing and for praising Him for what you know; and that's all Dancing Hallelujahs All Around HBOW, I did Witnessed The Reigning Bride possessing prepping and launching Dan 2 stone from heaven, Kingdom Nation building, obliteration; Apb The RAM

Youtube, Policifact, Why Are Athletes collapsing? Are Covid 19 Vaccines Causing Heart Problems In Athletes? Actually after a year now Jan 20/21 2022, I heard GAMES OUT; even child's play; and May 22 2021 mocked Tokyo Olympics Games during millions in Covid Deaths, , As Fast And Furious, Tokyo Drift, beware of recurring MAGA, earthquake, tsunamis! Perhaps The Backward Letter C PALE HORSE Pandemic, You Call Covid, Connection! Ah, AODHF THAT IS SO MUCH MY QUESTION; and that's coming from someone who've witnessed Eze 9, one stab the telling heart commanded reapers on US soil; actually on STAMPEDERS heel's but Covid vaccines would make for better medical explaination....HBOW/Apb Youtube, Chris Yoon, Death Is Coming, God Gave Me A Prophetic Word, That People Will Die! I Apostle Prophet I Am, further say, Marvel not the May 22, 2022 line upon line, neverending line of injured, orphan school children come to me as a Rev 17:14/ REV 20 Jesus crafting The LAMB'S Book of life into a school name roll call; beware, a mass dieoff ascension of children is Imminent and any type of mass assembly make them so vulnerable, especially schools/colleges to religious, to sports venues; FINISH ALL SCHOOLS, WOE TO SCHOOL BUSES!! See Eze 9 one strike the telling heart commanded reapers on US soil, even on the heels of STAMPEDERS; see here, See, Black and White Sports reporting nearly daily, since Damar Hamlin, the suspicious sudden deaths of young athletes, one recently as young as 12 and hardly nothing from the mainstream media, HBOW/Apb

Article, Turkey-Syrua Earthquake, The Smell Of Death Is Everywhere, With Death Tolls Surpassing 16,000;; Frightnight still, see here,; earthquake forecaster Dutchsinse just regretfully announced Feb 22, sesmic activity is staging another MEGA QUAKE disaster for Turkey; Marvel not since ebbing and flowing date Sept 3, 2019/ thru 2022, we're warn the skies missiling down to a shaky,, shaky shelter, home earth!!!!


Kill All Parents By, FINISH ALL SCHOOLS; Since There's Millions Dead, By Covid, In Mostly Parents And Grands; And Schools, Colleges Perfect For The Same Gender Genocidal Agenda, Are Being Stripped! 



SEE REV 12:1-6, while in John's version the Adulterous Birth Mother is Jerusalem; new SNATCHED OUT, born, THE CHRIST JESUS; in the version THEY gave me, ebbing and flowing, July 6 2020, The Adulterous Birth Mother is Africa; the SNATCHED OUT, New Born, described Holy Church Bride; Soon I hear Holy Father, yes take HIM, that'd be Reigning Jesus THE CHRIST, HIS; but this one, she's mine! It is when, Ancient Of Days HOLY FATHER says Shes mine, I lay back in a ground up cradle and entreated with indescribable adoration; but it's what begins to build, and bellow and swarm all around, Apparently with good reason, I'm petrified over the aroma of my decaying, humanity but no worry seems ELO-HIM is come preppied for that, for all the DECAYING millions in Covid dead here and the world, because He's a near sickening, overwhelming, blowing in the wind sweet, perfume smell, truly unbearable and for the first time I've explained why; Frightnight the more, thrice now before a family member dies, even the come close Pat- Brad, SHILOH Memphis niece, all around me, like now I'm being overwhelmed by a near sickening, perfume smell; proven to be evident the overall, immeasurable acts taken to rid ourselves, homes, morgues, to funeral homes of the stench of death, a WWZ itself;; the time of death come; HBOW, I did witnessed reigning Bride possess, prep and launch Dan 2 stone from heaven, millions more  dead, millions more  injured, millions more  missing, Apb The RAM

Youtube mrmbb333, It Seems To Be Happening Again,; (Actually I can tell you what's happening; this was around, around Jan 18/192023, hearing ,saying better, on the phone with my granddaughter, stepping out on my deck; a sound bring my eyes skyward and next she hear is 

Those reassuring mrmbb333 your labor isn't in vain, Amen I too say, , I mrmbb333, I do burnt offerings, the last filled 8 bags, 1000 pieces, each, each commemorates Covid death;  Know, not intentional, but that's the same number as when at my Memphis son home., he doesn't know. These are my as II Chron, 7 14 15,  Father, King Solomon prayer to offer to PENANCE, short,, praying through the fire, the smoke,  rising and rising up, AODHF, cursing with strong delusions, make simple grace,  take the slightest ease off of darken mirrors and veils of illusions; that we're as clueless to rebellious as a world of victims Noah's day and just this one, short time, let us be our most aware.

That's again, let us aware, as our Dec 3 2018, stampedIng elephants of staying unaware; admittedly colleges have broken out with revival and jubilee since and so have the skies with better evidence; still mrmbb333 that's where your labor and Dutchsinse, and others takien to keep us well aware will never be in vain; just do as Noah and take your own extreme measures, escape, you know where! I say this, another part of my burnt offering prayer, God's, who're stampeding, in HIS NAME, humble themselves and pray, seek HIS FACE, turn from their wicked ways,. Frightnight to HELL witnessed enlarging itself, it's here mrmbb333 AODHF promise HE won't hear, see or have anything to do with them, except they return to HOLY BLOOD PURCHASE, RIGHTEOUSNESS!, thus an outbreak of Revival nation to world wide, HBOW/Apb

The Chosen 3, 8

-THEY whispered in my ears recently, He Shall  Cover Thee With HISi FEATHERS and under HIS WINGS Shalt  Thou Trust; understand for months prior THEY'D shown THEMSELVES standing over sleeping beds anxious to snatch us our. Whereas just past midnight, ebbing and flowing date, for four years, The Commanded African American Exodus, March 13, 2022,  THEY, Jan 20 2019, Rev 12, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM were witnessed, circling the Bride's Chariot all around. Marvel not,  since the first of 2023 THEY reassured after 36 Chernobyl Spring Rapture demos, The Sunlight Of God Witnessed arriving with healing WINGS, The Rapture Goes LIVE; until then, WATCH RUN LIVE! Thus Saith Dec 3 ,4, 5, 2021 Rev 3 Jesus THE CHRIST! Remenber Mat 24 Jesus suggested we run, when we shall see, simultaneous, Extinction Level Events, Natural, (VOLCANIC), Nuclear, SOLAR, Cosmic/ALIEN, running saves lives and saving lives saves souls! HBOW/Apb

Youtube Christopher  Greene

-The last thing I heard was a loud, begrudging voice, that's because she should've been on the 57th, they were talking about me, those the connecting hotel room, those shown to be a Brad 

Pitt, possibly a showing her age Angelina Jolie and a not so pleased with me, apparent his 

advisor, one I didn't recognize. See more here, instantly hearing those numbers, I can't explain it but I knew they were US military, even the marine. Beyond that as usual, I don't second guess or doubts what THEY reveal, THEY were using Brad Pitt, and obvious his movie credits make a point, firstly, that an unforeseen gruella war was buildings right there in the trees. Brad Pitt wasn't the first, nor the last, exactly a months later there'd be some bout an Eze 5, barber chair, (see also Feb 21, 2023 Ice Cube, Barber Shop and how Lucrative);

-Still, those Brad Pitt, movie credits, like WWZ, Ad Astra, then pending, his now showing Babylon: during Putin Feb 2022 invasions, I did wake speaking Dutch, the word Dud, further meaning., further meaning Dan 2/Rev 17 BABYLON/Mystery Babylon and lest we forget, his Troy, great powerful mean to Empires all like at present being deluded, devastated and obliviated by the false gods they serve, one an Anubis undertaker, mummifier. Understand just as we're mothered by Africa (Ethiopia) to Israel, (Jerusalem) we're fathered by the Roman Empire to the British Empire,(RISE UP AND EAT MUCH FLESH!/HOW MUCH SHE HATH GLORIFIED HERSELF AND LIVED DELICIOUUSLY, SO MUCH TORMENT AND SORRY GIVE HER. FOR SHE SAY IN HER HEART, I SIT A QUEEN, I AM NO WIDOW, I SHALL SEE NO SORROWS! Yet marvel not the blazing, flaming frying pan, flying saucer liftoff of President Bride, of Vice President Harris, America, THE AMERICAS!

-The climatic fall of Mystery Babylon, beginning with US/BC West Pacific, The Apocalyptic removal of WEST RULE shown to be evident, when John witnessed the devastating removal of of 7 empires before Oct 17, 2021, SEVEN YEARS, Dragon Beast reigned as the 8th, and West Rule area map been in triple great tribulations of sipping them off the planet since, all, all, all, biblical, prophetic evidence, what we call Western Civilization, America even THE AMERICANS are, well were all appendages of the same for many millennia whoremongering, warmongering world system, billions dead, billions dying, (WWAI/WWZ/ WW3/ARMAGEDDON) still billions to die.

-Furthermore, proven to be evident why I explained being as a Noah's cousin, having as a Noah's day extinction level HGOW to an as Moses day showing HIMSELF star warring. Know, comprehend, flee, like her genocider forbearers, no further delay, marvel not THEY warn they're coming, enemies Satanic, Natural, (VOLCANIC), nuclear, SOLAR. Cosmic/ALIEN); further mocked race cars to a racetrack escape to second heaven intercession or cross overing to exile luxury as recent as Jan 16/17 2023. THEY'RE setting to sending ALL her enemies bringing fire against her. Undoubtedly hearing Jan (2019), Rev 17, WHORE AND BEAST SEPERSTED, in more apocalyptic ways than plenty THEY'RE wiping WEST RULE OFF THIS PLANET, witnessing the hammering off of it in Gods a Throne as for a year Ben Affect's Nov 11, 2022, Armageddon/Hunga Tonga/ Yellowstone;

-Prophet Daniel, King Nechadnezzar and I, Feb 12-19, 2015 all witnessed a stone from heaven, smashing it, leaving itty, bitty pieces: Britain, America, separate them into itty-bitty pieces, wipe Canada of the map, ebb and flowing date since Senator Obama July' 27/28 2022, frightnight to the bottomless pit also being opened Aug 25, 2022, to an Alien invasion, those death tolls sound off, calculating that's Britain 25 million, Canada 25 millions , showing that's 100 million in all a predicted since Bush, Clinton Bush, into this present hour, error Islam causing 50 million US,. Just you think, why else would for many millennia, intravenous Angles keep mocking us all either a fast and furious escape to crossover, even that's of caring after Tribulation Saints first; also hearing, stone from heaven destroy Middle schools; Asteroid, destroy Wisconsin, witnessed reigning Bride possess, prepped and launch Daniel 2 stone from heaven; beware still hearing invite the BETA. while Holy Church is skyrocketing through fallen stars, perhaps thousands in fallen satellites were missiling down, how even more merciful to for 36 Chernobyl Spring Demos to make all left behind know, which territory doomed planet earth to escape to designed divine safety;HBOW/Apb


Article, TheStreet, Elon Musk Warns About a China-Russia Alliance,; (Seems to be seeing Bush/Cheney using Axel Grease on bike handlebars disallowing CHINA and Russia; Seem to be seeing during Obama, Biden Clinton,2013, those save Nov 3/4 2013 (See US/Saudi Arabia Petro currency)bike handlebars attached by a funeral reef like any wonder there's an invasion of Anubis undertakers, US soil? Again an Obama/BidenA funerals reef oaring skyward with US death tolls Frightnight, those US death tolls by Pres Elect Biden/Harris/Obama,, that as I write, Feb 27, 2022, have Covid deaths soaring skyward, presently a million and counting; with 49 million US deaths aligned to an error Saddam to error Hussein to go! HBOW/Apb 

Article, Elon Musk Warns About a China-Russia Alliance.....

-Then it would seem Elon Musk and Father of the Daniel 9 27 Abraham Accord, Arabian/Israeli/ IRANIAN non Aggression pact, President Trump, are in agreement. I agree it's like elected leaders have forgotten like stampedIng us out of their way Ps 35/91/ Rev 12, Star Warring Archangel Michael THEM, they've forgotten they supposed to be protecting lives, that again protect souls. Though, so have HOLY LORDS since Jer 37:8,1998, type Bush/Cheney, warn of China and Russia allying eachother; shown HIMSELF also star warring, and here, Rev 17:17 Puppeteering it all!

Our God is a God of War, A Star Warrior With Archangel Michael THEM, the horse and rider hath he trampled into Africas' Southwest Atlantic;

-I'll keep saying it, Apostle/Prophet of Jesus THE CHRIST, Star Warring AODHF/Archangel Michael THEM ALL entreat me. Though, Westerners Death Tolls yet sat at 100 millions, no further delays, again hear me, "NO FURTHER DELAYS" HE THST LETTETH TAKEN OUT OF THE WAY!!!! But with the fall of WEST RULE/The American CONTINENT, they have a billion or more to lose! ("I WILL TAKE 190 OUT OF THIS AREA; I heard in my hearing Sept BETA, 2021;

-Clearly understand, their standing up to NATO and their nuclear allies, a China-Russia alliance can actually save millions of lives, billions even. Surrealistically, shown to be evident, by enforcing a predicted for millennia, that for years world kingdoms, nations, would agree upon this non aggression pact; Marvel not Rev 11/17, AODHF showed HIMSELF star warring; and puppeteering the downfall of Mystery Babylon; apparently as the evil days of Noah, THEY WANT THIS DESCRIBED ABOMINABLE, DETESTABLE WORLD MAYHEM ALL, ALL, ALL GONE! HBOW!


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