Our God is a God of War, A Star Warrior With Archangel Michael THEM, the horse and rider hath he trampled into Africas' Southwest Atlantic;

Prophecy Link's Fulfilling Nuclear Feb 28, Apocalyptic Firestorm, 2023 The for Millennia assured Great Gathering Of Saints, (The Rapture) Predicted All This Nuclea, Apocalyptic 2023 To Go Live, turn on top of Jesus explaining to Lazarus sisters, HE IS THE RESURRECTION OF THE RIGHTEOUS DEAD; THEY reassuring the one Apostle/Prophet with 36 Chernobyl SPRING Rapture demos, so far and as of Jan 16-222023, a race carliftoff, return with more invitations; I know, I know! S haring This Reveal, Inspired by Ashbury, Kentucky College Revival; and no wonder it's spreading to college campuses and other venues that're not actual churches.. -Amazing grace to Fright Night since showing us HIS Throne back to mass assembly and mass prayer: too mocking assembly filling up with smoke and demons of teen boys pedophilia from the opened bottomles put to mocking choirs as locking millions in parishioners in highchair like traps; even the revisited since March 13 2018, millions in Tribulation...