Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Nuclear 07/24/2021, Apocalyptic 2021

Territory, Jordan's desert City Petra; Territory, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST; Territory, Africa's Southwest Atlantic COAST; Territory, Territory, Territory cried, Big June 26/27, 2021, Angel Gabriel; also leaving references to the Number 7, a Fast and Furious, Movie profile;  Quebec, and some bout two messages, woe is all unrepentant, especially by their rebellious, procrastination, Apb, The RAM

YouTube, Earth Master, Yellowstone is NOT, about to blow!, (You Tube, Earth Master verses Sunlight Of God, God's Back Turn Throne/Rite Aid Pharmacy counter; commanded Hemingway Exodus; marvel not vaccinated parents and grands are now endangering their unvaccinated children, as forewarn Nov 10, 2020, Memphis, Highland Park, procrastinators. Yeah, like we gonna believe y'all campaigns of going on Noah's day normalcy, bias, driving a 4th wave of coronavirus right now; that's over since post apocalypse the Eden's Fall. THOSE for millennia of Intravenous Holy Spirits. THOSE who have been guided to use cataclysms like Yellowstone 101 Super Eruptions to this tug of Nuclear war into  Armageddon. Ingenuously, to terra-form the planet according to Mat 24 Jesus, when He too, like millennia of bible prophecy, predicted a new earth, heaven and terrestrial solar system, that's all, now come.

-Don't forget, just as Apostle John even witnessed a new Jerusalem descending, inconceivable, as it may seem. This was Aug 10, 2010, I witnessed the same, only my too miraculous to behold, for 15% losses, alone US soil, was a descending  down from the Father of The Sonlight Of God, New Heaven, Earth and Genesis Man Marriage. Seeming the world to creatures you worship, as I write and you read, by volatile, fiery, fast and furious mass to mega destruction was all passed away. I witnessed a new, White Holy House, Royal Priesthood intact, descend as Jesus Millennium Reign, infinite continuity of righteous world rule. Knowingly, both sweet and bitter, this fiery world ender that left your doomed world system, The Americas, West Rule. Honestly, just inundated by predictions six years now, two of them as hand writings of judgements and one a voice as well forewarning, 99 bowls of molten lava!

-So you see, The Americas/West Rule,isn't just suffering centuries, with reaping its Rev 17/18 prophesied weights of blood guilt judgments, but the ebbing, flowing and finale, sentencing of total fiery doomsday deletion. Until, future, fellow scientists, like yourself, will study it all as a Pacific Coast to the Atlantic COAST, commanded to guided nuclear, natural and NEO'S fiery impact crater.  Mysteriously boiling to bubbling up of those thrice now, predicted 99 bowls of molten lava,, now as blacken as 49 and two thirds US States. One as surreal as Joel 2, described fiery apocalypse; described a handwriting, as one trying to stand a predicted (Sept 12/13, {2019}), shaky, shaky shelter, who's also (Aug 7, {2019}), forewarning about 101 Yellowstones, is barely legible; still, one forth-telling, as recent as Jan 2018, Mighty Angel, anxious taking of  heed, as Imminent, fiery apocalyptic, US/Canada West Pacific., 

-No wonder, the Jan 2021 Biden Harris, White House, flaming, blazing, frying pan, flying saucer liftoff! When, now, that Mat 24 Jesus Tribulation has been declared, one month Grand Memphis, today, July 24, 2021, birthday, actually, June 24 2021. Know also, as Mighty Angel warn three years and six months now, nothing withholdeth as predicted decades now, desolations US/ Westernern soil; KNOWING, do you really, like your US leads, near three decades now want to be aligned to tens of millions horribly dead to barbecued, staying in the way by one of your own campaigns of going on like Noah's day normalcy, bias, "Yellowstone is NOT about to blow?" Beware, GOW/JCOR HBOW/Apb The RAM; so, help me mobile all my stores into US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover, straightly give here, $patann1258; see more here,, how like now, how for six millennia, it's ALL been ending prophetically, Apb The RAM

And These Are The Descendants Rescued From The Breast's Marks, Rev 13:5 revisited Sept ({2011}), as the Bride's Second Heavens Ascension Assignment, To Intercede Rev 13:5, Tribulation Saints, featuring King Bridegroom, Crooked Sky, Eyehawk, Monain and Queen Bride, Annabelle Kayna Reeves,

The Unending Love Antidote ...The African Juttah Genealogy, 1986-2016/2026/3036

The Tombola Genealogy, Holy, Temple, April, 17, 1986/2026/3036 into Infinity, God's Kingdom Reign

Unto Chynna Leonardo Afford and Basilly Teirney Doctors was born a son, Pharaoh Dicimus Afford, a son Emperor Maximus Afford and a daughter Nioomi Cleopatra, Alexandria Afford, Doctors

Unto Tanner Peirson Wok and Jadelyn, Madelyn Pugffs was born a son, Errol Sebastian Wok, a son, Rennet Socrates Wok and a god daughter, Cursten Arienna Wok, Pugffs

Unto Christabol Legolas Klein and Hayden Christian Cusson was born a god son, Pierre Christen Klein , a god daughter,Caspen Madonna Klein and a god son, Gradlyn Chelsea (Chels), Klein, Cusson

Unto Deepak Uran Vienna and Chanderlier (Leary), Rreonna Ocean was born a son Kirtlyn Tiery Vienna, a son Conner Zephaniah Vienna and a god daughter Zenith, Maryanne Vienna, Ocean

Mark Scene, Genesis Marriage Worshipers, Noah's Ark, Flood, now A Noah's Cousin, Nuclear, Natural and NEO's, Mark XVII and VII, Matrix Countdown CXXXV

"Please, please as carefully as we approach, don't, well forgive us this eaves dropping, but overhearing you, we want to concur with it all, the commanded Hemingway Exodus, well when I say we, I'm Chynna, this is my wife, Basilly, my brother Tanner, Christabol their wives Hayden  and Jadelyn and our friend Deepak. To ah, to be more frank, I guess, could I just read you all something, a comment I copied from her you tube,  Ice Age Farmer? Sure, mighty intrigued as we are Chynna, you say, please feel free to do so. Well here goes, ah grand Sia saying, to him, 'time I heard about, Taco Bell  shocking, dilemma, a shortage as nationwide of beef and chicken, to myself Christian, I said, just as Ice Age Farmer been forewarning for years. My as well, predicted for decades, barter balen and Apostle John for millennia, predicted Rev 6, third seal, of black, world scourging, deadly famine; marvel not, extinction level shortages, of what could be prophesied, the mark of the beast, deadly damning world systems. Clearly, ebbing and flowing until today a month into end time, Mat 24 Jesus predicted Tribulation; June 25, 2021, 41 months to go until His own world ending, 42 month reign. So, as seen around imploding home planet, whether you believe biblical prophecy or not, guided nuclear, natural and NEO'S. They will all carry on, reoccurring, worsening, the next seven years according to commanded Noah's cousin, an Aqua era, a cosmic to volcanic apocalypse and Sunlight of God, God's back turned Throne, Commanded Hemingway Exodus. As getting into our Mid Atlantic, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST,  crossover, then as usual she ends, beware, HBOW!  Then  if you don't know what HBOW,  sorry, sorry sorry, Deepak, right? That's my skipper dad, calling us  back, but please, yes, ah Grand Sia signing off HBOW, stands for, Holy Bride Of Wrath, saying, since Grand Sia, fellow sailors, just as she witnessed Rev 11 7th Angel Trumpet being passed to Angel Gabriel, she also witnessed, Holy Church Bride, now reigning in heaven, possessing, prepping and launching Dan 2 described stone cut out without hands. Odd is, I, well we, we were only visiting this YouTube, Ice Age Farmer for the first time and just happened to click on her comments, up to then, a few others, here, hands raised to admit and I, were the skeptics of both her and bible prophecy, she hinted at; so, so how genius the other day she reminded Jesus is also the spirit of prophecy, so don't find yourselves anti Jesus Christ, by being anti end time bible prophecy, right? So as you see fellow sailors,"  as one curiously as the maze of sin, mystery woman, reaching into his upper, left hand, pocket, soon handling a yet to be introduced, as Teylor, a  business card; "So reading, hearing and doing those blistering comments, is also what set us  out on a cruise ship of fellow questionnaires to intrepid adventures as yourselves. Please, once you arrive one or more Atlantic coast safe havens, use  that card to find us; here, our Skipper is Commander Mortinsin, also find Him Chynna, you all, find us, sorry we're running, but you all can commy us as well, yes thanks, we will, happy day, sweet sleep, you fellow sailors as well. I can't believe I did that, I can't love,  believe either of us did that, it was just so reassuring, discovering them. But not one name, no Deepak, but we have their info, the rest will  come, hey you five, how about a game of beach volleyball? Wow, that sounds like fun, good, we'll, share introductions along the way, perfect, let's do this!" >>>"So beyond description everything seen, smell, heard and honored but even Apostle Peter too Basilly beloved, said its all to be consumed, what manner of man are you? And Chynna you know, only a month or so ago, we couldn't answer that question. I'm tired, come to bed, please, I'll be in the shower, hardly able to wait to wrap you around me as a soothing blanket, Sooo tempting, loving wife, once more, fresh seas, inhaling gulp, and I'm right there." >>>{{{"I know Leary, you keep saying, you wish you'd come, but since we know all the cruise docking ports, instead pray your parents put you on a flight to one of them, and we're back together. Only Deepak, we're back together, pending a new world order come, this world no more, so don't belittle the urgency of all that. I'm dosing off, see I'm yawning, quick, what you gonna do before I fall asleep, come and find me, or not? You also know I still can't answer that, you also Chanderlier Rreonna, with two R's, Ocean, know how much danger you're putting us in being anywhere near US and Canada states of barbecue, like you're punishing all our deep love for you, so not fair! I will talk to my parents at breakfast, get their advice, call you tomorrow, noon with it's itinerary, they agree or not, I'm coming to find you, Whewwwww, sweet, sweet sleep to us both then, don't leave me babe waiting on the pins and needles of suspicion, get some sleep, talk to you then, okay love, okay, goodnight." Why speak in parables? That you be aware as Jer 37, Eze 5, 9/ Rev 17/18, Holy ELOHIM Father, Himself, Apb The RAM, see more here,, fret not, how like for six millennia its ALL been ending prophetically Apb The RAM

Youtube News, Incredible it snowed in Africa today people are shocked,, ("I'm sure people like you said that couldn't happen either; if as during my June 27, 2021, Florida, Panama beach hotel, come a forewarning, Angel Gabriel, Territory, Jordan's Petra, Territory US Georgia's Atlantic COAST, Crossover,Territory Africa's Southwest Atlantic, coastal cities; some bout 7 and again as the little Miya girl surveyor,  translator, May 22, 2021, some bout the profile of the Fast and Furious Franchise; no longer marvel at the speed of earth ending events, targeting, Jan 12/13, 2018, Rev 2 Jesus designed, rebellious riches to rags sickbeds, sleepovers and their surmised, equally, genesis marriage, genocide, their equally perverse, offspring!

-Know, also, two years exact date prior, it was hearing as I woke, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred blood." Yeah, so many like you who read it said also it couldn't happen; Mat 24 Jesus forewarn, as the days of Noah on nuclear to Godzilla with Volcanic apocalypse! Know also, two years exact date prior, it was waking and surrealistically finding my for decades warn to endangered, Memphis grands, translated into US Georgia's Savannah COAST and next I both see and hear a return, grand Caden Cameron hybrid, is," there's something about Cameron!" Then, then, their grand dad, pending death and ascension Feb 21, 22 2012, presently UK Cameron Brexit, signing date, Feb 21, 22, 2016!

-When like here, Memphis grandad, is a type of Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband in my demos for just as long, the divine culprit to Bridegroom Jesus' accomplice. One phone call to my stationed in Savannah eldest grand confirmed it, all my other Memphis grands translated for hundreds of miles down to her. Then the for decades mystery to the secret of Memphis, actually this backward running clock of years, its Dan 9, 69th to 70th week of years, revisited July 20, 2021; clearly, this from the beneath, molten death rider, would soon be unveiled, Fright night, when all north America largest earthquakes to super volcanoes come this simultaneous ebbing and flowing fiery doomsday, domino event, designed March 13 2028, US states of barbecue, and its Nuclear Canada, presently, with over seven hundred infernos.

Rolling twilight skies, it's molten trajectory, right along the North American craton to stampeding The fiery Americas, refugees from also sudden,  breaking of news, those 101 Yellowstone Eruptions. Now, now, though I'd seen the practice of mass evacuations, just as I'd seen the trial run to the rehearsal of the divine rapture, I mean all types, for just as long. One,  Rev 20, Lamb's book of life was opened and crafted into a roll name call, census taking and I woke in bed devastated by its physical exhaustion. Know also, it was stil six years prior US election, 2008/2009 THEY, millennia of  Intravenous Holy Spirits began showing me, Apostle of Jesus THEY urged and urged!

- How it was  for the blessed continuity of those two suddenly, cataclysmically depleted to disappeared world systems, their blessed, stampeding inherit, even by the fiercest of Rev 12  star wars, THEY only held certain territories. One to two to three, was the Mid Atlantic, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover, into Africa's Southwest Atlantic Coast; marvel not, July 19, 2021, I just got the huge enough to block out the sky, single word, ATLANTIC, in reverse, that's also, Isa 16:1-5, predicted biblical territory,  escape into Sela/Petra Jordan's W Mediterranean; stop being deceived, stop deceiving others, get it, get Jesus, get up yonder deny Him, but still, get over yonder! Whereas I heard Pres Trump's Jan 20 2019 early morn, Rev 12 star warring (Archangel) 'Michael, is laying HIS all around," thus saith GOW/JCOR HBOW/Apb The RAM

China floods heaviest rain and 1000 years lead to massive flooding, (radily seeing our forthtelling work, Prophecy Links Fulfilling Nuclear July 27, 28, 2021, there's some bout China, until I'm like standing before a class, teaching how their Chinese language works to some bout fast and furious 3, Tokyo Drift, so some bout Asians, before I realize Tokyo host Olympics games this nuclear to apocalyptic 2001, year; some bout Quebec and two messages, before it's now reported seven  hundred plus fires, beware, Apb

Youtube Skoolie Tour; Family NO BILLS and NO DEBT in a beautiful School Bus

What Must I Do To Enter Both Jesus' Mansons In Heaven And Reigning Millennium? Are You Smarter Than At Least Five Of Those Ten Virgins?

-When I saw this and watched this, I thought about  HOLY LORDS and I petitioning 49 and  two thirds US States, beware Canada, and others Westerners. This is, your heart treasures in heaven, that you mobile all your other stores and get to the assigned, Mid Atlantic, US Georgia's Atlantic COAST crossover into Africa's Southwest Atlantic, COSTAL ISLANDS! 

-Easily, my next question, was where in the world or country are they; going on to wonder , is the bus home still mobile. When I explained to my daughter in law, going to a Memphis graduation would be hypocritical of my for decades into every nano second, helping stampede ,The Americas refugees into US Georgia, Southeast, Crossover. Not surprised nor alarmed, her response was no body cares, mine, I do. Only since , she said nobody caress, May 31, Archangel Michael, and showing himself disappointed at our slow motion exodus stil, June 26 27, Trump  of God, Angel Gabriel. 

-Then again July 3, 2021, only three days its revisit, short, of July 6, 2020, Rev 12 new born shown being snatched off the planet here's again demonstrator, Archangel Michael. Honestly THEYl have all since her mockery, made appearances, again miraculously saying THEY care. Verifying since,  the molten death bringer from beneath, aligned scripture Psalms 37, saying, Fret not thyself, trust, delight and commit; since,, Run to asigned Territory Territory Territory and HE shall bring forth thy righteousness, ( gifted forth-telling)  as the light.

-Eventually so, and He shall bring forth thy judgments, ( gifted, forth-telling), as the noon day! Marvel not, years back I watched as the noon day Sunlight mentioned here ,slowly descend,  shift-shape, and metamorph, surrealistically until it was a reappearing these last six years, every June 26, July 6 and September 22/23 since ({2015}), blocking out the heavens, diamond carved, crystal dove, Holy Church Bride, Escape Chariot, then a BETE  presently a Sept 22, 23, 2020, huge enough, to block out the sky, single word, with emphasis,"BETA." Beware, repent Run, you know where, Apb The RAM, see here,, how like now, for six millennia it's ALL been ending prophetically, Apb The RAM



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