Prophecy Links Fulfilling, The Dying (sexual perversion) Of Schools Is Painful, Go Down To The Middle School And Cast A Meteor, Thus Saith Jan 12/13, 2018, Rev 2, Perfect Man, Jesus Article, CDC report: more than 200 children test positive for COVID-19, (Eerily, what could be the next breaking news headline, regarding Trump/Kayleigh/ REPUBLICANS, reopening schools. Even with Dr Fauci explaining children as young as five found loaded with COVID-19 environs in their nostrils, kinda meaning, they too can be super spreaders,

 -Equally forewarn by the one, COVID-19 children are parents reaping the for generation. As so, the as for centuries abusing, perverting and murdering of children. Presently, they, their schools are your deadly pandemic, Rev 2 Jesus saying repent or yours a sickbed, great tribulation, plus your children even more dead, here COVID-19, all in one. 

-Just as I by a prophetic parable forewarn Jan 2020, a month before Coronavirus; well my forewarn 2001, lab design, backward C flu/pneumonia, plandemic, hit. Most of all we were to know, our own as a CDC Laboratory did this. This was an act of bio'terrorism, US's own, presently a skyrocketing stock market, with Amazon's plandemic earnings alone, 64 billion, knowing, repent, RUN or perished! Apb 

Kill All Parents By, Now We Have A Date Post US/West Rule, As April 2, 2019 thru April 2, 2026 "Since the coronavirus is a disincentive to both local and international civil war, rebelling the Dan 9:27, non-aggression pact/West Rule Hemingway exodus. Truly where instead Trump's middle-eastern deal revisited two weeks April 16/17, 2019 into an April 2, two weeks and 7 year timetable is a jumping off of such talking points, also see Britain/Russia/Syria, July 6, (2015). Just as Apostle John further saw, here, Jan 12/13, 2017, Rev 17:16-18, whore and beast now separated, Jan 12/13, (2019). 

-I surmise question is what would then be even more unprecedented. Undoubtedly these 12 monkey wrenches tossed in? Especially since in four days Aug 5, 2020 is a year's revisit, it 2019, exact date. -Many know, we're forewarn about an approaching event cataclysmic enough to bring the planet. As so its greatest technology to a screeching halt and world orders the Bride nor West Rule are heard no more this planet. 

-No, no, no, just the word disappeared frozen on all HD, 5G and social media screening until by its Aug 7, 2019. Fright night as Jan 12/13, 2019, written waa 99 bowls of molten lava. Here, there's a Dan 5, handwriting clumsily, Escape Yellowstone, I know, I know, see here, -Still, still even more evident, by its Aug 30, 31, 2019, we're hearing as a news report, after 101 Yellowstone's, no joke we talking the described Rev 6, 6th seal volcanic apocalypse, US soil. Notwithstanding, I know but if there are those thinking that's a bit as Dino days extreme, tens of millions US soil suddenly no more, this planet. 

-Just you remember, this catastrophic event was predicted near a year before COVID-19 stood still all kingdom, nation building, closing all near to LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler fornicating schools and churches, even choirs. Leaving a yet calculating, thousands a day 154 thousand dead, US soil alone. -I know, there goes that word again, the first of 2020, odd is I witnessed the letter by letter forming of the word, THOUSANDS. So can we guess how many times this calculator has been used since then? Especially a death toll world wide of over a half of million of mostly parents and grands. Apostle THEY also call me, just saying I did hear 2017, an Ezekiel 9 God's command as, kill all parents by, finish all schools.

 -Since the dying of earth's inherit parents, grand parents age, is the sending off of earth's inherit, God's are not dying, they're ascending. Greeting holy father, and a vast number of heaven's host with open arms, sighing welcome my good and perfect servant, indeed" the Spirit and Bride sayeth come! I also got the word meetings, even more curious. But if you think how many have sat in debating, these last six months looking to save and win back our world, TRUMP'S economy all, these fierce tug of domestic issues alone would count for an outbreak of forewarn, meetings, knowing, repent, RUN or Perish! Apb


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