Prophecy Links Fulfilling, 30 Plus Rapture Springs, A Pandemic, A Pandemic Of Gun Violence And  A Pandemic Of Drug Related Mass Deaths, Apb



Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Ma'Khia Bryant Name;  for a second time I was seeing a strange child standing at the end of my bed, two years old, a boy; last time this happened, 13 years ago her May 22th, 2021  birthday, I was being introduced to my grand- daughter, Miya; beginning to be clearly portrayed 2017, during prophetic demos, the car's back seat as  a surveyor to translator of the slow motion, commanded Hemingway Exodus, see more of what I saw March 13,/Oct 15, 2018, on US soil, here

-Evidently a two year old male standing the end of my prayer bed, okay, though they'd all denied it, I had another grand coming, but no, it was time to be introduced to, godson  golden boy Caleb, Caleb has since ascended, last I saw him, Feb 2020, this demo, he stood with his back turn, researching my fridge, fright to night to  world stretching, coronvirus crematoriums, twilight skies, revisiting the 2011, forewarning, US soil occupation of our children, our grands; 

-Marvel not, nor fret, none are winning continuous escalating wars , just as Genesis marriage violators to a pandemic of gun violence is a number one killer of so called black kids,  Genesis marriage abuse and a drug pandemic is the number one killer of so called white kids; marvel not, Jesus horrifying cross, lamenting IT IS DONE, HE HAS OVERCOME THE WORLD and did it not not with the blood of goats to bulls, to sheep but by HIS OWN BLOOD have HE entered the holies of holies, as humankind's, blood's redemption, and when he 7 angel shall sound, Holy Father's Kingdom on earth reigns.  

-Although, a few yeas later,  it was golden boy Caleb who brushed up a child against me, as I washed dishes,  still a time later, I began to realize, he was playing a game with me, with a yellow, number 5, Uno card,  his age and heavenly hue at the time, he past; a yellow Uno card. he fondly made appear, disappear and reappear, so I'd know for sure he was actually here. 

-The last I talked to Caleb, my favorite name in all the world, his brother Aden my second favorite name, I suggested he go to heaven, play with the kids there, how his family would join him there.  I was thinking yes, go joined those children I witnessed a play ground, just below this huge, spiraling, twirling up into God's Throne, pearl stair case, again how his family, he was also visiting, scaring, (if they repent, Run, they know where), would join him there, I haven't seen him or detected him since. 

-Golden boy Caleb THEY designed, him, I call him, as better to arrive in heaven maimed than into hell whole, thus said JCON; remind me grand Caden and I got into a long question and answer, session, bout Angels,  Devils and Demons , Gabriel , Michael and Lucifer, he as always start, just as I walk away, he'd asked another question.

-Right until I suggested, he watch Shawn Weed, video, Archangel Michael come to his rescue no different than He come to defend, the greatest biblical, recorded worldwide deliverer there ever was, MOSES; then I had a question, other than MOSES, why do Holy Angels come to Aad some and not others? Last I told, just think people choose like 50 to 60 cursed years until they die and wake in hell over dying spiritually for, in Jesus at any age, and waking for eternity, the paradise of Holy, Father God, surely knowing, they wouldn't make such ridiculous choices, marvel not, strong delusions hath them.

This is an insert, May 31,, 2021, as I was here, sharing Caden and I debunking earlier biblically and spiritually, what's on the social media about Angelical star wars, again while I'm sharing,  he comes through the patio doors. Out on the deck to me, this stunning Memorial day, the sound of wilderness,  family gatherings, child's play. fire works , there''s this creek all around. He has no ideal I'm sharing these very things. Apparently just having woke, he sit, say, grandma, I just had a dream, I say about what? He say ,growing emotional,  it was about Michael and he told me not to tell anybody how his face actually look, again, he come emotional. I'm like it's okay, without telling me how his face look, what happen? When he began telling me, and the more he told, the more I laughed at it's familiarity of the things, especially things written, the  book of Revelation.


Soon, I pass him my laptop, saying here, write it all down, before you forget ,of course he sad he would never forget, I said  don't add anything, don't take anything away, because everything Michael showed you, gonna make your reveal more authentic to persuasive. Besides using a spell checker, here's exactly what he wrote, but before I do, for three months, by three demos, and yes Caden's  dream touches on this.  I've wanted to tell them, said demos, they're all about us stepping up efforts, no further delays, to relocate as far into Georgia's Atlantic coast as possible,  even into Africa's Southwest Atlantic. They won't let me, I picture them as all Americans to earthers terrified the end come; having their eyes shut tight, while covering their ears. spinning a ring around the roses,, humming loud, louder and the loudest! I mean, who died  so horribly and made me, an apostle, prophet, seer, anyway, right? 

Only With Grand Caden, Permission, see also, www.andachildshallleadthem16, 

     Hi. I'm Caden and this is a dream about my best friend, Archangel  Michael,  I was taking a nap in my parents room and I had a dream that something told me to go outside and it was raining and a gigantic fire ball shot down to the ground, right over from the driveway.  I moved just in time, ran back to my house and tried to take cover to see where it landed. I went back to the same exact spot and it was dark, with clouds in that one spot and there was a circle of light right in the middle and a man reaching down to me, while I'm reaching up and he introduce himself by saying, I'm Archangel Michael and my God want you to follow me.

     I started to ascend to him and then we made it to Heaven and there was a giant hole in Heaven, so Michael and I went through the hole and there was a large hall way. I looked Michael up and down and he had gigantic white wings, with white and gold armor. And I saw John and he had an opened bible in his hand, then Michael and I flew away. and then I heard a deep voice, talking to me and it said. "It's me, your Lord and the only Lord there is and I bowed and started to pray.  

      My prayer is, My Lord please forgive me for my sins and holy spirit, bless my blood and heal my body. Then, I got up, off my knees and there was nothing but light and there was Michael again and I saw his face, just before he put his finger over his lips and said shhhh, then I woke up with a huge smile.  I'm Caden and this is the dream about my best friend, Archangel Michael,  May 31,2021, The Insert, as of May 31, 2021 so four days  later of this original post, These Three, Apb

I, Apostle Grandma heard, While There's Rev 12 Star Warring In The Heavens, "Michael Is Laying His, All Around." ({Jan 20, 2019})

May 31 2021, Archangel Michael reveal to grand Caden, , and there's a hole in heaven, impact crater, Daniel 2, King Nebuchadnezzar, 607 BC/Holy Reigning, Church Bride, ({February 12-19, 2015}) AD, Prepped, Launched Down From Heaven, Stone Made Without Hands,  Having A Meteor Surface? Apb, The RAM

My Cousin Brother, Repented His Sickbed, Death Bed To Jesus, Was Last Witnessed, Entering Heaven, Airport Wise, With His Arm In A Sling....Apb   

-Here, getting back to Jesus parable, its best to enter heaven maim than go into hell whole; as miraculously as Lazarus resurrection he'd have to do all that horrible death and dying over again. Once I told an elder some similar, Jesus was a type of Savior, who'd heal your right hand; turn to you, explain, but if that same hand offend you to sin, cut it off, Elder didn't like it, but like Jesus, they don't like nothing I say. One grand I warn lately she can''t interpret God's word the way she think; be careful how you  advise God's  people, God will hold you accountable; later she told me I'm too much of a grandma, I said yeah, they say I'm too much of a Jesus' Christian, too, she knowingly, laughed.

-Talking of betterment in heaven, I witnessed Caleb arrive in heaven, he had a golden hue all-around him and for blessed assurance, he was learning to ride a bike. Admittedly, something I would've trained him at age three, as I'd done especially with grand Darius, Heaven Is For Real and when Jan 12/13 2018 Hawaii missile alert morning, Rev 2 Jesus threaten riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, children with death, He mean death and heaven, he'll arrive them here, this phenom staircase, but only those children below the age of accountability.

 -From a rock commanded to take out dying middle schools to Eze 9 reapers commanded to slay literally old and young, to finish all, schools and a deadly pandemic, seizing apostate education halls nationally to world wide'. undoubtedly Jesus is describing eternal hell passing over children designed middle school age. Though there's this thickness growing in my throat to say, those teens above this age, with parents to religious, political leaders scarcely saving themselves, again testifying with fear and trembling, like the police officer who slaughtered Ma'Khia Bryant.

- Know also, those adolescence, Ma'Khia Bryant age are  eternally responsible for their choices, except scripturally, their parents, I Cor 7:14; for the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; else were your children unclean; but now are they holy; see Rev 17:14, holiness, sanctity to faithfulness, as Jesus redemptive CROSS, Holy Parents act as DIVINE GRACE over them, which again is why Rev 2 Jesus, like Holy Father, Eden's Garden, forewarn of the forbidden fruit, except ye repent, return from abominable, detestable lives lands and churches, greater your tribulations come, all the more your children will die, especially by gun to drug violence, besides genesis marriage violations, their number one predators to killers.

-Understandably, when grand Darius, the one 2016, who witnessed, predicted disaster Hawaii, leave into Memphis orphans, see more here,, what I instead saw on US soil, March 13/Oct 15, 2018; Here, Feb 1, 2021, after visiting another cousin tragic death, yet pending, he'd recently lost one to gun violence, the evening Jan 3, 2021, of the morning, Jan 3, 2021, I witnessed a stone Anubis launch an arrow, a warpath with death and dying; oddly, again Feb 1, 2021, he saw me, as a babysitter of all children; marvel not, those first born's not repenting after the plague, but are gone a sinning, a whoring again, a half of million and counting US soil no more, now by your procrastination, the child is placed in deadly, imminent danger, just as Jan 2018, Rev 2 Jesus, threaten, beware, GOW,  JCOR, HBOW, Apb The RAM

Article, Why they’re not saying Ma’Khia Bryant’s name, The 16-year-old Black girl could never be the “perfect victim.”, (I'll admit, I forewarn my son and daughter their fall break here, not to get my grands hurt or killed procrastinating blessed escape. Warnings, they threw all of it off as being clueless about dangers Revelation book Holies and I, Apostle THEY call me, been warning them about for decades.

-One, Nov 10, 2020, and sparkling Red, Monster/Munster Trucks to the rescue;  forewarning those knowingly procrastinating blessed escape, endanger their loved ones, particularly, their first borns. Though without her permission, I can't go into specific details; apparently, not a hijacking but a phenom, wellness check.

-I, Apostle Grandma believe the dream our Memphis Makhya had only days before Columbus, Ma’Khia was so brutally slaughtered. Amazing Grace, these were guardian angels to star warring Angels, making sure Memphis Makhya was safe, even cars can't dodge bullets; Concerning while all those coming to her rescue, birth family to Church family, shown attacking, wrestling with divine intervention, pose the imminent threat. 

-Foolishly, procrastinating blessed escape targeted by Eze 9 grim reapers, one strike the telling heart, beware all first born's; marvel not these are the same family to Church members Memphis Makhya, June 17, 2020 , old Arkansas bridge crossovers into US Georgia's COAST, they're now all down on all four penance; in real time, a couple weeks now, the more modern TN/Ark bridge, closed for repairs, detoured to the old Arkansas bridge, coincidence? Repent, Run, you know where, GOW, JCOR, HBOW, Apb The RAM, Ah, Run, Dance, Crawl, you know where, Apb

Convinced Those Memphians Come To Memphis Makhya,Were The Threat, Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men oppose the truth; marvel predicted 101 Yellowstone eruptions and 99 bowls of molten lava, now come, stampeding hundreds pf millions into the US, Southeast, Georgia's Atlantic Coast, see more here, 

2 Timothy 3:8,

8 Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses ([Ex. 7:11-12], the names of these men are found in the Targum of Jonathan), so do these also resist the Truth (they have been shown the Truth, but have rejected the Truth, which they did purposely; it pertains to a rejection of the, Cross of Christ): men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the Faith. (If it’s not “Christ and Him Crucified,” then it is corrupt and reprobate [I Cor. 2:2].)

9 But they shall proceed no further (means the Holy Spirit will allow this error to go so far, and no further): for their folly shall be manifest unto all men (error will ultimately manifest itself for what it really is because the True Gospel is more powerful), as theirs also was (referring to the two men who attempted to withstand, Moses).

Num 16:13

Dathan, together with his brother Abiram, were among the quarrelsome and seditious personages in Egypt and in the wilderness who sought, on every occasion, to place difficulties in the way of Moses. ... It was Abiram and Dathan who were the immediate cause of the bitter reproaches made to Moses and Aaron recounted in Exodus

He was a son of Eliab, the son of Pallu, the son of Reuben. Together with his brother Abiram, the Levite Korah and others, he rebelled against Moses and Aaron. The Book of Numbers relates that "the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses."

(Book of Numbers 16:31)

23 And the LORD spoke unto Moses, saying,

24 Speak unto the congregation, saying, Get you up from about the Tabernacle of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram. I'll be honest when I read this I start laughing and instantly come it's comparison, with Volcanic apocalypse upon us, to Revelation 18, Holy Father, saying so clearly, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.  For her sins have reached unto heaven, and God hath remembered her iniquities.Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double... Rev 18: 4-6

25 And Moses rose up and went unto Dathan and Abiram; and the Elders of Israel followed him.

26 And he spoke unto the congregation, saying, Depart, I pray you, from the tents of these wicked men, and touch nothing of theirs, lest you be consumed in all their sins. (Evidently, Moses and the Elders of Israel were standing near the tents of these individuals. The Lord has already told him that Judgment was soon to come.)

27 So they got up from the tabernacle of  Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, on every side: And Dathan and Abiram came out, and stood in the door of their tents, and their wives, and their sons, and their little children (regrettably, the Judgment would include the entirety of the families).

28 And Moses said, Hereby you shall know that the LORD has sent me to do all these works; for I have not done them of my own mind.

29 If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the LORD has not sent me (the die is now cast!).

30 But if the LORD make a new thing, and the Earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down quick into the pit; then you shall understand that these men have provoked the LORD. (Knowing of all the miracles that Moses had seen, and that the Lord had worked through the hand of this man to do mighty things, one would think that these men would have repented; however, deception is a powerful force. Even though proof is offered, deception cannot see the reality, because deception doesn’t want to see the reality; therefore, it believes a lie, which is the condition of most of the world, and even most of the Church.)

31 And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them (this must have been a very fearful sight and, to be sure, many observed it). ( Equally this is what I saw,1996, with Jan 22-29, 2018, Rev 10 Mighty Angel fretting indescribably forewarning it's here, US, soil, no further delay. it's 1996, I watched as mother earth opened wide and a bringer of death from molten earth, just leaped out; by both months of Aug and Sept 2019; we had six references to a Yellowstone, super volcano event, including two cataclysmic disappearances,suddenly, no more earth stretching, warmongering, Western Civilization), Apb

32 And the Earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods (this speaks of the entirety of these three families of  Korah, Dathan, and Abiram).

33 They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit (into Hell itself), and the Earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation.

34 And all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them: for they said, Lest the Earth swallow us up also.

35 And there came out a fire from the LORD (from the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies), and consumed the two hundred and fifty men who offered incense (exactly as it did Nadab and Abihu [Lev. 10:1-2]). Jimmy Swaggart, Ministry, Exploiter's Bible, IITim 3:8, 9/ Num, 16;23-35

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

Video: Remembering George Floyd, one year after his murder

JUST IN: Marjorie Taylor Greene Rips Kamala Harris Over "BLM Riots" In Angry House Floor Speech

Run Run Run, Why Doeth Thou Perisheth, For God So Loved The World There Is No Going Back To Normal, Its Weight Of Blood Guilt Counted, Weighed, Measured, Sentenced, Why Doeth Thou Perisheth, How Far, Fast Can You, Run, Run, Run? Apb 

-My question, how many George Floyd's to Breonna Taylor's to Ma’Khia Brayant's are dead across this country, this world, the ten million Hitler killed, or the billions dead, these six millennia into every prophesied day, hour to nano-second, right now? Even more recent, how many Asian, Mexican, to Arab Americans will go under attack because of the man-slaying, misunderstanding to blatant mockery of the human being one blood lineage to blood Genome? I, Apostle THEY call, Holy Bride of Wrath, THEY entreat me, I just said through my prophetic, parables, book character, Nextus Global, Bridgeover Aldean Deburk, what I most like about The Chosen Jesus.

-Incredibly, still, it is how they by divine intervention thank Holy Father, God, capture the essence of JESUS' Otherworldly Love and Compassion, then come His Unutterable Forgiveness to UNCONDITIONAL CHARITY, until HE only see's one Genesis Man, Marriage, divinely intercourse, for procreating humankind into it's cursed earth, cursed billions; marvel not, those endangered Michael's List, the as the three Hebrew boys, burning furnace, trial, the flaming, blazing frying pan, flying saucer, liftoff of President Biden and Vice President Harris, depicting a continuity of all world governments, and His Name Shall Be Called, 'The Everlasting Father!' 

-Lamb of God, Ancient of Days, clearly seeing ONE GENESIS MAN/MARRIAGE, clearly see's they're in need of this one genuine thing, He alone, His, Holy Blood alone, Lamb of God, Blood Redemption, so He can only then, again deliver them all back to God's Glory, crowns of life to mansions in heaven; marvel not, God's Kingdom come on new earth, heaven, universe for eons and eons to come, for where a man's treasures, there is also his heart. Except for procreating the Genesis man, marriage the Genesis Godman, Marriage is no longer divided along this satanism to stumbling block of brushing Jesus' heel, kingdoms, nations, tongues, tribes; apostate lives, lands and churches, nor people;

-WE'RE BORN AGAIN, WE ARE CHRISTIANS; WE ARE THE SAINTS OF THE MOST HIGH GOD! Believe this Revelation of God's Glory, know its unspeakable divinity, know Jesus the Christ of Bethlehem, Africa and Nazareth, Ancient, OF Days, Holy Elohim God, abide with THEM, forever; marvel not haters to procrastinators, fully in progress, launching, impacting Ezekiel 5, 9/Rev 2/17/18, style, God's war of wrath against pending, procrastinating tribulation saints; marvel not Ezekiel 9 reapers yet commanded Oct 2017, to kill all parents by, to finish all schools; two weeks and seven years, April 2, 2019, revised, April 20, 2021, timetable, past, to pending to post, three times an apocalypse, repent, RUN, you know who, what, why, when and where to blessed Brexit, Briexit to Blaexit, GOW, JCOR, HBOW, Apb. The RAM  

Run Run Run, Why Doeth Thou Perisheth, For God So Loved The World There Is No Going Back To Normal, Its Weight Of Blood Guilt Counted, Weighed, Measured, Sentenced, Why Doeth Thou Perisheth, How Far, Fast Can You, Run, Run, Run? Apb 

Youtube, Dutchinse, 5/27/2021 -- Giant plume of moisture bursts at California Volcano Pisgah Crater,(Fright night to the Smoke of her burning rising up forever and forever, rolling twilight skies, how urgent would it have had to be, if it's pending apocalypse caused rev 10 mighty Angels to prance nervously the planet, the sea the US map, as a husband, the waiting area, of his screaming wife, travailing horribly birth pain? 

-Equally, Riddle Apostle THEY call me this, is this dutchinsinse forewarning, every time I speak to interpret to read dutch, it all reference him, even the breaking news, Aug 30, 31 2019, saying, after 101 Yellowstone eruption, was around his birthday. clearly, what we're seeing here, is this why like before corona virus hit, we saw some in dark, orange hazmat suits come rushing in; only here, March 11, 2021 we witnessed those in white hazmat suits and these nightmarish looking gas mask come rushing in, followed by the number 3, as in triple apocalyptic threats and fore warnings again, about California's evacuating again. Though to be totally honest, I would think with all reoccurring mass disasters, hitting and hitting these areas, wouldn't most lower southern, states be evacuating as well; especially knowing, only one third of 49 and two thirds of US states are safe, get there or get barbecued, saith stampeding you to safe-haven, US Georgia, Savannah coast, Revelation Book, Holies. 

-Believe it or not, THOSE like in the order, they've come, Psalm 91 guardian angels; Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband, Rev 17, 7th Angel, Gabriel; Rev 10, Mighty Angel, possibly Spring Rapture Jesus with Healing, Gathering Wings; Rev 11, 7th Angel Trumpet. Miraculously, when I said I witnessed THEM  all in a running, race Dec 29, 2019, it was to put back on track, UK/BC/US/ weight of blood guilt, judgement, Dec 24/25, 2001, ebbing and flowing since, until 190 months, sentence, intervene by four revised timetables, fiery, doomsday a Christmas Carol; marvel not since I heard Hawaii is burning, Aug/Sept 2020, predicted to go nuclear US/Canada W Pacific into US/Canada Mid Atlantic, including the Caribbean, have shown themselves more and more imminent see more of mrmbb333 Explosive forewarning's here, and for the innumerate manner of times, repent, RUN, you know where, before you're counted with tens of millions dead,injured to just plain, missing, beware, GOW, JCOR, Holy Bride Of Wrath, HBOW, Apb, The RAM      


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