Links prophecy 2015-2019

Prophecy Links Fulfilling


White, Holy House descending, 05/17/2010

Seen to be in heaven, 06/17/2002, during great celebrations, suddenly come totally silent, beyond surreal, soon one when approach saying, "he want to see you, I asked who? Him!" When at the speed of an eye's blink, I'm standing before a Mountain God's throne, which a sunlight begin to rise, to speak like in the days of Moses's, Hebrews exodus, Let My People Go! There's something about about Rev 17, great whore sitting on many people, those people being kingdoms, nation, tongue and people, being commanded to be freed by all ruling nations and factions, into end days world to The America's Exodus Presently, Jan 03/13//23 (2020), there's since hearing a Rev 12, Michael star warring in the heavens, 2012/2013, the sound of a heaven to planet wide, reaching trumpet, three intervals of announcing 5 more disasters, presently, with 7 targets, all end days disasters mightily, continuously on the map, Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Rom 10; 9,10

     -Prophesying before Kobe Bryant's fiery crash, there's some bout stagnant NBA players California Dreaming; some bout Los Angeles and something affecting air traffic, causing crashes; seeing only hours before I knew of his crash, a charcoaled arm being raised, with three fingers, left, but hearing about a US Military plane shot down!
     -I also heard, Jan 26, 2020, mostly Islamic Kings as the ten heads Dan 7/Rev 17, one by one being named. To be honest, I can't explain what withholdeth Nov/Dec 24/25 2001-2019, UK/US/BC soil, predicted Volcanic Apocalypse but the final tweaking of Trump's Daniel 9:27, end days, 7 year, peace accord.  Now, there was a running race Dec 29, 2019 to reset into an any day fruition, this firey suspension of all US/Western soil interventions, beware, God is! Apb

Prophecy Links Fulfilling

   -Seeing, hearing the song, California Dreaming, I woke 07/23/2019, a 60th Rev 2, Jesus/Memphis, Matrix 10 day ct., with those lyrics, and some tugging bout NBA's Durant and Westbrook; it's first Rev 2 Jesus, Matrix ten day count? 12/03/2017, was the stampeding of Elephants of staying unaware, leaving earth's billions now riches to rags inherit without excuse, repent or perish, RUN! Said Jesus! Beware, Apb, see here"

(1) Prophecy Links

-Seen to seeing Jan 2019, rising into the final, finale of all prophetic prophecy, the appearance of an Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Alexander the Great/Heil Hitler, Antichrist, whose satanic oppressors and demons possessions posed as German Shepherds

   -Seeing Feb 2017, ancient beast the Lion, Leopard and demon dog, anubis posed in the home, church as friendly house pets, so just as other members of the family, (the calling of evil, wicked devices, good, even innovative).
-Seeing 2015, the unstoppable Antichrist in great prowess throughout the planet; and the Bride in heaven, possessing the Dan 2, mountain from heaven, that when she prepared it's earthbound impact to it's release, I heard, this is the Antichrist,(as in all religious, political, satanic, demonic agenda's) murderer," (finisher.) Beware, Apb

(1b), Prophecy Links

-Seen to be seeing March 1-3 (2019), only a day after Putin 2019, US soil threat, two ELE's launched, incoming, side by side like in a race to impact US, Western soil, beware, Apb,

(1c) Prophecy Links

     -Hearing, 06/26/2017, waking me from sleep, "get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging martyred death;" beware, Apb

     -God Is Avenging Martyred Blood, None But The Repentant Will Survive it! Said Jesus, beware, Apb

    -God no longer winks at our ignorance (religious, political rebellion, unrepentance) but but turns a II Chron 7:14,15 blind eye, a deaf ear and impatient heart, THRONE and reaping sickle, calling on us all to repent or perish! Come Lord Jesus, Prince of Peace, get both heaven and hell their victory; bring on God's New Earth, Heaven and Universe reign, for all eternity, beware, Apb, see here,

(2) Prophecy Links

     -Hearing as during 2008/09 US election campaign, now, US elections, April 2, 2019, "two weeks and 7 years, then 2008 Dan 12/Rev 13 prelude to Ancient Beast/Antichrist reign, presently Dan 7-9/Rev 17:16-18, Rev 18-19 Ancient Beast, Antichrist reign come, and Mystery Babylon, West Rule to be no more a super power until April 16/17 2019-April 16/17 2026 be fulfilled; see Dan 4, and 7 years awarded, Oct 25, 2018, again US/Western soil no more a superpower from now on until April 2026, then Jesus reign, beware, Apb

(3) Prophecy Links

-Seem Feb 14, (2019) to be in a Rite Aid Pharmacy of imminent escape, one sorely crowded opened counter, one closed counter, its female clerk back turn, saying to me walking away, I will wait on you, only to give me 15 dollars for a 5 dollar exchange, and that's per each visit, 5% into 15% death tolls, revisited from 2005-2015, US/Western soil, set, fixed, inevitable, beware, repent, escape, ESCAPE! Apb

(4) Prophecy Links -Hearing 2005, smiling faces don't last, wipe Canada from the map; separate Britain, America into itty, bitty pieces, beware, Apb, see more here, Ps 37, Jer 37:8 Dan 2, Rev 18

(5) Prophecy Links Seen to be seeing Jan 2018, the letter by letter forming of the word thousands, and the proper spelling of Los Angeles, or is that Rev 12, lost, fallen Angels, cast down to planet earth, the final spiritual warfare, woe, woe and woe, until Revelation 1-19 be fulfilled? Beware, Apb

(6) Prophecy Links, Jan-June 17, 2019 -Seeing a fading, shrinking into the distance, breaking of news report; seen to be summoned to a red room, seeing ash building on escape bridges; seem to be seeing a hand writing on a wailing wall, 99 bowls of molten lava; seem to be seeing peeking in from a bedroom doorpost a ten year old red boy or a boy dressed in red alert; hearing whore and beast separated; hearing doomsday Christmas Carol, (2001-2017/2019-2026); seeing the letter by letter formation of the word thousands, to being schooled on the proper spelling of the words Los Angeles, or was that Rev 12, lost, fallen angels? Seeing a Rev 12, Michael, battling along a star wars in the heavens; hearing two weeks and seven years, April 16/17 2019-April 16/17, 2026; seeing a huge enough to block out heaven, red, trimmed in white, breaking of news report, beware, repent, escape, ESCAPE, Apb

(7) Prophecy Links, 1986//2016/2026 -Seen to be seeing June 26, 2015, a Rev 17:14, Jesus husband escaping some into Georgia, before taking the Bride skyward, and hearing further, there's something about Cameron, and seeing further, an estimated time of escape, of September 23-25, see the not seen on plane earth for 7 millennia, visible planetary fulfillment of Rev 12, September 23rd, 2017, also see, March 13/Oct 15, (2018), the inviting of refugee Americans from a predicted nuclear, solar and molten barbecuing instead into Georgia, with Africa's Atlantic pending, and by massive auto loads, they poured into Georgia. That is in all likeness, by a (2008), demo, these same American refugees were equally seen by me, as to pour and pour into an African, island coast line, see also, Rev 7, as a number of planet earth's refugees John couldn't calculate poured washed and made white by Jesus' Blood into God's Throne, got it, got the American Continent/World as Moses day exodus yet? Get it, get Jesus and like Jesus' Saints, get out of the fall of king of kings Mystery Babylon planet earth, universe outbreak with Rev 6, 4th seal, extinction level mortuary! Beware, Apb

(8) Prophecy Links -Hearing 2017, "kill all parents by," now we know is into a 53rd, Rev 2, Matrix ten down to a 2001 christmas carol doomsday USB soil; "finish all schools," cities along predicted midwest did close schools, anticipating unstoppable killer storms, beware all procrastinating blessed exodus, Apb

(9) Prophecy Links -And I heard during Bush's as Trump's non-mirror image, war on the axis of evil, invincible ISLAM, "pray for all the human beings at the wailing wall," fret not, not Americans nor Israelis, but those Eze 9, the inkhorn, incarnate Jesus marked for life, as all others rebellious, warring perished horribly, beware, repent, escape, and again, NOW ESCAPE, your Jesus's Cross gotten Briexit to Blaxit await ! Beware, Apb

(10) Prophecy Link -Seen to be seeing May 23, 2019 in huge, bold letters the word CURSED, and soon the numbers 777; Satan hath come that we have death and hell and that abundantly; Jesus hath come, that we have life and again inherit God's throne, and that abundantly. Apostle John witnessed as tribulation saints of all this world's billions inherits, of every ethnicity come into the Third Heavens, an Heir to Jesus's Reign; Apostle I am, the Lord's year 2008 watched first as they first, American to world refugees come pouring as a sea of multicultural people into Africa's Atlantic, only, seeing reveals in reverse, the Lord's year 2018, I watched as this same sea of all this American continent's people, this world apostate to abominable leader come pouring first into US Georgia's Atlantic for as far as Africa's Atlantic, all blessed as Noah's day escape, beware, Apb Way Maker,

(11) Prophecy Links, Ezekiel 19, Lamentation

     Seen to be seeing Jan 1-3rd, 2019, a single bitten apple (JSM, the sin of disobedience remain); and the scripture, Ezekiel 19, saying: (Moreover take thou up a lamentation for the princes of Israel, (the word lamentation, referring to the woe (GREAT SORROW) upon the nation of Judah, (America), by the ungodly actions of two of it's kings, Jehoahaz {now king of kings Trump}, Jehoiakim, {now king of kings, Pence, Apb}. The mourner is Immanuel, {God seen 1992, crying behind a silence in heaven, still, hearing during Bush's 2003-2019, wars, "pray for all human beings at the wailing walls," those Eze 9, the ink horn man (incarnate Immanuel/Jesus), marked for life, all others unrepentant, men, women children, old, young were to be slain, finished this planet earth, Apb})  And say, What is thy mother? A lioness: she lay down among lions, (JSM, the question, "what is your mother?" refers to Jerusalem {America, West Rule, Apb}, as the great lion, and in a good sense {Isa 29:1} "She lay down among lions." refers to the surrounding heathen nations which she was suppose to lead to God but she was instead led astray herself! She adopted their cruelty and ferocity, thereby losing the Glory of God. 

     The Phrase, she nourished her whelps among young lions," refers to Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim taking the cue from the "young lions," i. e., "kings of the surrounding nations,' rather than from the land.) {Israel, America, only if Jesus be lifted up, he'll draw all men into righteousness, the sight of seeing Rev 12, Michael battling star wars in the heavens just now, Jan 2019, capturing spirit son up, chasing pending heir out, and not lifting up Satan's abominable marriage, whose to extinct us all, ALL! Apb}) JSM, Apb, See more here, Eze. 19, Islam is the rock made by the hands of man kingdom, nations been breaking and breaking themselves against for six millennia now; behold king of kings Babylon looked and saw a stone cut out without hands, as a mountain soaring through the universe March 1-3, 2019, Apostle I am, witnessed two of its kind, launched, incoming and impacting US, Western soil, these earth enders as recently as Feb 2015, announced from the Bride's Reign, as an antichrist and all rebellious carnal to spiritual warfare this planet universe, murderer, see more here, Ps. 2/Rev 1-22, beware, Apb, The RAM  

(12 )Prophecy Links -Seen to be seeing, Bush's 2003, America, West Rule no more this planet, Israel begrudgingly falls to a Dan 9:27 enemy by the name of Hamath, an Islamic/Israeli non-aggression pact, Rev 17:16-28 Hearing Jan 2019, The Whore And Beast Separated, Rev 17/18, Fulfilled

(13) Prophecy Links

-Seen to be seeing, Bush's 2003, America, West Rule no more this planet, Israel begrudgingly falls to a Dan 9:27 enemy by the name of Hamath, an Islamic/Israeli non-aggression pact, Rev 17:16-28 Hearing Jan 2019, The Whore And Beast Separated, Rev 17/18, Fulfilled -Beware, since Trump, Israel and NATO were April 2016-2026, aligned to Eze 38/39, Gog and Magog; a Nuclear fate and 50 million US deaths; Jer 37:8 1998/99 Rev 17:16-18, Rev 18, 2018/2019, be fulfilled, beware, I'd be more concern with their military itinerary, this tug of petrodollars to nuclear beware, Apb, (14) Prophecy Links -Hearing Bush's 2003, pray for all human beings at the wailing wall, see Eze 9, why the inkhorn man marked some for life,while all others where to be slain, young and old, beware, Apb

(15) Prophecy Links -Seen to be hearing, it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it, seeing an Asian invasion on US soil, hearing, yours is a nuclear fate, seeing two ELE's launched, incoming, hearing during Bush's 2002-Trump's, 2019 fifty million will die US soil, seeing Rev 12, Michael battling along star wars in heaven, bringing the Bride up, and hundreds of millions in refugees North America's Continent out of US/Hawaii/Canada States of Barbecue, ELE'S nuclear, solar, molten, beware, Apb

(16) Prophecy Links

-Seen to be seeing, Bush's 2003, America, West Rule no more this planet, Israel begrudgingly falls to a Dan 9:27 enemy by the name of Hamath, an Islamic/Israeli non-aggression pact, Rev 17:16-28 -Hearing Bush's 2003, pray for all human beings at the wailing wall, see Eze 9, why the inkhorn man marked some for life,while all others where to be slain, young and old, beware, Apb

(17) Prophecy Links

-Hearing early Jan 2018, Rev 17, "one hour with beast;" hearing Jan 2019, Rev 17, "whore and beast separated;" meaning? First, Armageddon, nuclear, solar and molten US/Western soil, no further delays, a predicted 2015/Jan 2019, 99 bowls of molten lava, a predicted, 2003-2017/2019-2026, fifty million dead US soil alone, beware, Apb (18) Prophecy Links

-Seen to be hearing Jan 2019, some summoned to a red room, seeing molten ash building on escape bridges and cars, before a UK Michael Volcano eruption, all to hinder speedy escape Mat 4 Jesus suggested we prayed against, beware, Apb

(19) Prophecy Links

Seen May 4, (2019), an ascended loved one by the name of Sharon appear from no place to right behind me, a form of mistrusting the normalcy bias, suddenly rematerialized into a trusting, young, black, African male; see King Solomon's mention of a Rose of during what some call his description of a spring rapture, see, a boutique of red rose, spring out of the earth to me, during the first ever demo of America's exodus, so see the name Sharon, referring to both the Bride's great escape, the great escape of America, for many deemed the 400 yr repatriation of Mother Africa: still see my in hindsight of it all, these 30 plus of demonstrating the spring rapture to an American escape, Africa, Arks all, as of my prophetic parables, beware, Apb, see here,, (20) Prophecy Links

-Seen to be seeing, distracted Jan 13-15, by a Michael Ealy appearing, dangerous, perfect man, when an identical looking, perfect man Jesus asked Apostle/Prophet I am, will angel also ascend? -Seen to be seeing Jan 19-23. (2019), Rev 12 Michael battling star wars in the heavens, hearing, Michael is setting his all around, knowing to bring the Brode up and obedient, American refugees out, beware, Apb

(21) Prophecy Links

The Study Of End Time Prophecy, Fulfillment, Into Apocalypse Come, -Seeing, Jan 23-29, (2018), right into the US Senator Trainwreck, Rev 10 Mighty Angel, one foot the sea, one foot the, earth, seeing Rev 17,7th Angel, bearing seven bowls is with him, and THEY'RE both anxiously saying, and I quote Holy THEM, "no more delays ( doomsday passovers), US soil, desolation predicted come, beware the Midwest, the Eastern Seaboard. as the inundated with such forewarnings, US/Canada West Pacific;" so Apostle I am say, beware of the Solar, Molten end of North America's Continent into this doomed World/Home Earth over, Apb, The RAM, see here, Eze 38, Eze 39, Daniel,

(22) Prophecy Links 

     -Seen to be seeing March 1-3 (2019), two ELE's launched, incoming, side by side like in a race to impact US, Western soil, beware, Apb,    

Jesus Said, And There Shall Be Wars, And Nations Shall Turn Against Nations, Now All Unto Things Unto Fulfillment, Said Angel Gabriel Daniel 534,BC May 15, 2004 AD, beware, Apb

23 Prophecy Links

-Seeing to be hearing as I woke from sleep, April 2, 2019, two weeks and 7 years, was Trump and Kushner's offer of a non aggression pact, two weeks in, April 16/17 2019, the begin to end of Dan 9:27, final week of years, making any military confrontation a march toward Armageddon, the end of West Rule/The present World as we know it? Heard the same during Senator Obama's campaign July 27, 2008/09, only his was a prelude to Ancient Beast rule at world's end, now come, Beware, Apb

(24) Prophecy Links

      Aug/Dec Christmas 2001, seen to be taken by a lock of the hair along a seeing tour, predicted American soil doomsday come. Things past, US/Canada West Pacific, no more; things present, everything burn from there, underground bunkers,  Whitehouse, Space Centers, all; things to come, Eastern Seaboard pronounced gone as well, beware, Apb

(25) Prophecy Links

     Hearing some July 3rd, about the hour of 9, and still 48 hours;" beware July 6th, prophesied to spiritually and militarily be an earth altering event since the 2015, Jesus Husband Of Escape, beware! Apb

(26) Prophecy Link

    -Seeing 07/13/2019 the shape of the state of Louisiana, see all southwest mid to lower southern states, written with the single word, GO! As in North America's Continent, from Hawaii, California, Alaska, Canada into its entire North American Continent, so yes Cen. Sou., America, its Caribbean, again, ALL! All Blessed Briexit to Blaexit, as in Mat 24 Jesus saying, some taken, and others left. Those left behind getting into southeast Georgia to Africa's Atlantic, West Coast, US Wes/Est coast no more. Seen as having no bias, Eze 9 commanded reapers/Lil Miya girl, for two quarters this earth, watcher over all transit, THEY target all else, ALL ELSE! Beware, repent, escape, ESCAPE! Apb, The RAM, See more, here, and here,

(27)  Prophecy Links

2015, and now, 2019, the award of 99 bowls of molten lava and a more extinction level, PROF/NAC; DEC 1-3, 2017 The Elephants Of Staying Unaware Stampeded, Quaking The Earth; Losing A Handle On Peace and Safety; Jan 13, 2018, Memphis Son Crying The Downtown Newspapers Bell Ringing, beware the Newspaper boy, handlebar, soaring into heaven, death toll; 2017, Approached By A Holy, Watcher, Asking, What's The Secret Of Memphis? Hearing Oct 15, 2018, "ten point two earthquake," and days later, "major, major earthquake, West Pacific Canada." Beware, Apb,

(28) Prophecy Links

Seeing Louisiana, July 11 to 13, 2019, shape like a boot itself, and written with the single word, GO! Also hearing July 19, 2019, "California Dreaming," and some tugging about NBA greats, Durant and Westbrook, beware, Apb, The RAM

(29) Prophecy Links

     -Jan 13, 2019, Dan 5, handwriting on a wall, 99 bowls of molten lava, when it's Jan 13, 2018, only hours before Hawaii's 38 minutes of terror, not only was a Memphis son crying, the downtown newspaper bells were ringing, (see elder Memphis son, Nov 4th 1975, into heaven's ceiling newspaper, handlebars, funeral reef of US soil, death tolls); when a Michael Ealy, appearing perfect man Jesus asked the escaping Bride, will angels, those Ps. 91, not, Ps 35, Rev 12, also ascend? Beware, repent, escape, ESCAPE! Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (RAM), just how fast is gone in a nano-second and here was no more Christ Cross outreach? See more here,

Phone Comment 3, Prophecy Links

(30) Prophecy Links

   -Seen to be seeing Jan 13, (2019), a handwriting on a wailing wall 2015's 99 bowls of molten lava, (see Rev 6, 6th seal domino effect of all firing volcanoes predicted 2015, US West Pacific Ring Of Fire, Hawaii, California/Canada, New Mexico to Wyoming US States of Barbecue, all not for centuries active, beware, Apb

(31) Prophecy Links

     -Seen to seeing Jan 19, 2019, a Rev 12 Michael battling star wars in heaven, setting his all around to bring the Bride up, scattering all the rest, get to blessed Brexit/Blaexit, Georgia/Africa, beware, Apb

(32) Prophecy Links

     - Seeing Oct.15  2018, more bear beast readying one, (the Christmas 2018/1929, Christmas Stock Market Crash), grazing on the Horizon of the worst to come, while the word TRIBULATION, scrolled non stop on the news ticker; Jan (2019), there's a breaking news report fading to shrinking into the distance, while UK  molten, lava ash build up on escape cars and bridges, beware, Apb

(33)  Prophecy Links

-Now hear thee a parable a day past, (02/24/2019), about the name George, Georgia, Hemingway and lest, I forget, a 01/19-23, 2019, warring, battling it out in the heavens, setting his all around, a name Michael, see here !
-Seen to be hearing 2003, its a hit cities hit,, Guam just did it, but I also heard, the Eastern seaboard is gone, beware, Apb

(34) Prophecy Links

     Seen to be seeing Feb 21, 2019, a hand writing letter by letter into the word thousands, then I heard Los Angeles or was that lost, as in fallen Rev 12, come down to earth, Angels? Humankind planet earth everything is shattered into itty, bitty pieces I've seen it plenty and we're at the precipice of Dinosaur days extinctions. Holies of Holies even while you cry we want full term abortions are telling us who, why, what, when and where to flee, beware, Apb

(35) Prophecy Links

Though as predicted, THEY'RE ALL COME, all warrior's rebellious, devilous, demonic with ELES Nuclear, Natural and NEO'S, preferably beginning here, Gods now apostate sanctuary, predicted US soil.  Only recent,first this being pounded by a Hawaii 5’0 before they went into more plagues for running disasters; now it's trying to shake off the word Jericho, the TV nuclear series perhaps? Then a night past I heard one hundred plus cities, I'd already heard the predicted West Pacific times two, prior a state of New York, a state of New Jersey, prior the Southwest, just being reminded Bush's 2003 of hearing, “it's a hit, cities hit, Guam just did it,” but there was also the hearing, “the eastern seaboard is gone!” Now, just now, one single word, NUCLEAR! And the hearing 12 types of blood, Rev 7, sealing of the 144, 000 perhaps? Beware, Apb

(36) Prophecy Links 

  -There's something, 02/17/2019, about the Pacific, times two, all revisited from 2005 predicted extinction level events, all seen 2015, seen to be hearing 99 bowls of molten lava,  seen to be shown fuel canisters all in a circle and lit ablaze one by one, seen to be seeing something disastrous happen to Hawaii, that left children in Memphis orphans, hearing, Memphis and Hawaii, Jan 13. (2018), that it's down town newspaper bells were ringing. There's something Feb 10, 2019 about a Hawaii 5'0,  as in five more predicted 2013, disasters down, equaling Moses Egypt's 10, plagues for stampeding, perhap? But no more stalling, installments ELES come; seeing an end of days pharmacy reveal, Feb 12, (2019),  about the number 5 and the number 15, seen to be seeing Jan 19-23 (2019), the Bride my Michael and Holy warring armies taken skyward, again and again, just an out breakout of ELE's come. Beware, Apb

(37) Prophecy Links

    -Seen to be hearing 2005, 2015, 2019, and the Antichrist will kill millions going broke!

     -Seen to be hearing 2005, 2015, 2019, God said he will kill millions, (now March (2018), a Rev 14, harvester bearing sickle looms over US/Western soils pending with mighty Rev 6, Rev 17/18, death tolls

(38) Prophecy Links

Seen to seeing Jan 13, (2019), a single red, bitten 🍎 apple, and a hand writing as 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava; as beware all US states of barbecue along the molten North American Craton, fiery inundation is upon you, beware, Apb.

(39) Prophecy Link

02/12/(2019), 43rd, Dec 24/25 2001-Nov 24/25, (2017), all endtime prophecy into Rev 2, 1-22 Rev Chpts opened, Matrix ten day countdown to doomsday, extinction, beware, Apb.

    -Feb 12/14/2019, Seen to be in a line upon line, a  Rite Aid pharmacy, with only one clerk opened for business of all now panic people. Only, oddly the little Miya girl of post, present apocalypse/translation, she and I are being otherwise serviced by a thought closed counter, of a clerk first with her back turn twice now, two attempted purchases and she who keep giving us 15 dollars exchange for a 5 dollar bill. Then I'm more concern about her shorten draw than it all referring to prophetic reveals 1986/2001 its 2005/2015; as so this sealed in  total even on Jesus (2016), descending millennium, that's US soil of 15% in death tolls, see, Israel's here, Zech, 13, 8, beware, Apb, The Ram

(40) Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing, Jan 1-23rd, (2019), a breaking news report fading into the distance; days prior was some about a hand rewriting on now Trump's wall madness, predicted 2015's 99 bowls of molten; being summoned to a red room, and ash building on escape bridges; as so there's Michael both a Rev 12, warring Archangel for earth inherits release from Rev 17, great whore king of kings this nation, this planet, get into exodus, Briexit, Blaexit and a UK Michael Volcano, Eruption, South George, Island? Beware, Apb

(41) Prophecy Links

    -Seen to be seeing a single red, bitten apple, days later, a single egg readied to be trashed, asked which come first, creation or procreation? There's that about Ezekiel 19, lamentation of Father God, as Rev 18, lamentation of Father God, beware, Apb

(42) Prophecy Links

      -And I heard as I woke this morning, 02/9/2019, "you don't get sick of giving, but of them not asking" (surely as Jesus Mat. 5, sermon on the mound, where he lost all his followers except those predestined; surely the authentic separation of the wheat, tares and burning of the shaft, now those limitless prayers the brazen altar, beware, Apb

(43) Prophecy Links

     -Just a week past, the entire North American Continent, along the North American Craton pending a fiery inundation, I heard Southwest, and a few nights past, I heard, "state of New York, state of New Jersey, " like a Jan (2019), countdown, beware, Apb

(44) Prophecy Links

 Supposedly Mocked, A Special Award Along The Tug of War Flu Influenza to Flu Shots, The Golden Globe Award,

    -Seem to be seeing, Jan 25, (2019), there's something about an approaching Nuclear, Hitler's Germany, obedience salute all; all donned by German Shepherds, that are Ps. 22, 2017, demon dogs themselves, beware, Apb

(45) Prophecy Link

     -Seen to wake 2017, to some doing a qord puzzle, moving the word now around until it find the word judgement, and come, judgement now! Seen to bei seeing only a day later the word now, decorated in multicolored, blinking lights of caution, beware, Apb

(46) Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing after the Oct (2018, word TRIBULATIONS, scrolls none stop on the news ticker, seeing, Jan (2019), a fading into the distance breaking news report, a state of New York, A state of New Jersey, The US/Canada States o f Barbecue, March, Oct,( 2018), Jan (2019), a raining to snowing fire, Ash building on bridges, Rev 6, Rev 12, ARCHANGEL MICHAEL TO UK VOLCANO MICHAEL ERUPTING, though my prophetic parables had 2 decades now, woke up chanting 2004, we will build an Ark! See a revisit to rebellious, satanic, demonic Hitler's Germany, even salute, with demon/dogs, German Shepherds on the move, blessed escape, counted as righteousness is a 1986/2019, Arks, Africa, HEMINGWAY, all, Briexit to Blaexit, you choose, beware, Apb

(47) Prophecy Links

There's something, Jan 1-22, (2019),  about being summoned to a red room, z(see what should be red alerts); followed by ashes being on bridges, some later, the Bride's escape is being prepped, the hold up Michael getting his set; only see Trump's Israel, its Middle East is imploding, Dec 3-5, (2017), elephants very stampede; so referenced is Archangel Michael yes, but an Antarctica Michael Volcano erupts, just as soon, beware, Apb

(48) Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing, 01/29/(2019) a mighty sunlight behind the name Luther, could it too indicate the secret of Memphis; the end of West Rule into the 400 year repatriation of our abandoned Mother, Africa, and Forsaken Father Heaven, that began with worldwide Freedom Riders, as MLK and found blessed, blood finale, when Christ's Cross cried, IT IS FINISHED? Beware, Apb

(49) Prophecy Links

    -Seen to be seeing a single bitten apple ,and a Dan 5, handwriting 99 bowls of molten lava. Seemingly, since sin yet abounds, crying we won't full term abortions, crucify Jesus afresh, his blood be upon us and our children, give us gosnell; so does its Thanksgiving 2017, matrix ten day countdown to doomsday, its 43rd crying 1986/2017, kill all parents by, finish all schools, beware, Apb

 (50) Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing a single egg sitting a garbage pail, and a hand writing Eze 19, Gods lamenting an adulterous wife in Jerusalem, passing away, anew God's kingdom come. Seemingly, since sin yet abounds, crying we want full term abortions, crucify Jesus afresh, his blood be upon us and our children, give us Gosnell; so does its Christmas 2001/Thanksgiving 2017, matrix ten day countdown to doomsday, its 43rd crying 1986//2001/2004/2017-19, kill all parents by, finish all schools, beware, Apb,

 (51) Prophecy Link

   Seem to barely capture a glimpse of the man in Linen, (March (2018), his white garments moving in the haste of getting away, along the hall here. Then the next day by a dream instead, I'm sweeping up salt from where he's tread, for truly if the salt lose its savor it is good for nothing but tossing it into those raging, religious to political Americans reaching pointlessly, for the wind, beware, Apb

 (52) Prophecy Links

There's something, Jan 1-22, (2019),  about being summoned to a red room, (see what should be red alerts); followed by ashes being on bridges, some later, the Bride's escape is being prepped, the hold up Michael getting his set; only see Trump's Israel, its Middle East is imploding, Dec 3-5, (2017), elephants very stampede; so referenced is Archangel Michael yes, but an Antarctica Michael Volcano erupts, just as soon, beware, Apb

*** (53) Prophecy Links

Seeing 2002, an illuminating sunlight rise from behind a mountain both reigning Gods's Throne which spoke as Moses day, to king of kings West Rule America, the planet, "let my people go"; seen to seeing, 01/29/(2019) a mighty sunlight behind the name Luther, could it too indicate the secret of Memphis; the end of West Rule into the 400 year repatriation of our abandoned Mother, Africa, and Forsaken Father Heaven, that began with worldwide Freedom Riders, as MLK and found blessed, blood finale, when Christ's Cross cried, IT IS FINISHED? Beware, Apb

(54) Prophecy Links

    -Seen to be seeing the world of men, the American Dream all, all portrayed as the loan of a bedazzling, bewitching, distracting artificially matured, Leopard Skin coat, an animation of the heart. No wonder Jesus suggested we lay treasures in heaven, for where a man treasures are, oh, there's his authentic heart. Amtv Chris warn 2018, of these events, that there would be bank runs, or in this case people losing their money and losing their mind, hearts, souls. Though so did God, 1998, warn, and it did, just as I predicted Christmas, (2018), the worst crash of its kind since 1929, as in my moms birth year, 1930. Though, like the predicted, Hawaii inbound missile they covered up yet another red alert. God blew Kilauea instead, and for months, predicted 2015, 99 bowls worth, lakes of lava spewed out, all, look like hell on earth, will be hell on earth. The only difference God described all America's debt come due as another manner of darkness coming, that the Antichrist would slay millions going broke because of it; watchers also said, June 26/27 (2017), get ye to repentant altars, God is avenging, Rev 6, 5 seal, Rev 14, martyred blood. Though for years now, say since the Enron attack I suggested you run, if not, going down with king of kings Titanic America? Then you should start downsizing so you won't become one of them, desperate, violent even suicidal, I've seen some use their cars to plow down others, targeting Christians, (Churchians). Just you remember I know it's called America, but even America is death and dying, why Jesus ask what does gaining it profit to what you gonna do with it, death and dying? Serve yours and die eternally, hell enlarging itself, see Hawaii 99 bowls of lava lakes; or serve him, throw off the yoke of death and dying, of falsity, of temporary and live for all eternity, heir with, as Jesus. Truth is death and dying isn't the anomaly, never was, because there hasn't been a system of life and living or even it's potential. That's not since Adam and Eve took Elohim advice and like earth's rebellious inhabitants instead followed their own will l, death by ignorance, got thr wickedness of religion instead of righteous, light/truth. This evil infiltration would be during the first ever recorded garden of Eden disobedience, evidenced by all the useless, pointless manslaughter, and don't you forget it, stop fooling yourself, stop deceiving others, this is a system of death and dying, decide it's soul of immorality! Beware, Apb

(55) Prophecy Links

      -Hearing years back I don't care what the heavens do anymore, to be careful of Alien dangers from above. As so knowing Jesus and Holies of Holies assisting the Bride's escape are here, as in awaiting the second heavens, per a perfect nano-second. Seeing plans, Jan 19-22 (2019), to take out the Bride, hearing the hold up, Michael, as in (Archangel), is getting his set all around. Knowing all these yet mysterious reveals, and the for many millennia. It is how in these last days there would be signs in the heavens, as on the earth beneath, I even mrmbb333. Well I read behind one who said the final war in heaven, Satan's verses Michael's possibly would be about ejecting Dan 9, the Prince of Persia, as of one of a 4th of the fallen of heaven's host, once recorded disallowing the Angel Gabriel; these fallen Angels, over the air. Just as so being ejected to precure it for the ascending Bride, I did witnessed occupy this space for a time. Possibly the live, star wars like war I heard, 2013, so loud, so clear right outside my bedroom window, again so loud, so clear, sound like starwars was real, and here.  Point is, should we be surprised of the evidence of these untellable, extraordinary devices, as of spiritual star wars to biblical, prophetic events come? See more here, see here, and here,

(56) Prophecy Link

     -Seen to be seeing, Jan 13, (2019), a single bitten apple, and the name Ezekiel, scripture 19, another of God's as Rev 18, lamentations, of Him being found, Eze 593/1992/03, crying behind a 92 AD, Rev 7, silence in heaven, beware, Apb
    -Seen to be seeing, 2015, now Jan ¾ (2019), a book of names, in black and white, only last names, remembering the name, Logan, beware, Apb

(57) Prophecy Link

     -Seen to be seeing, Jan 13, (2019), a single bitten apple, and the name Ezekiel, scripture 19, another of God's as Rev 18, lamentations, of Him being found, 1993, crying behind a Rev 7, silence in heaven, beware, Apb
     -Seen to be seeing, 2015, now Jan ¾ (2019), a book of names, in black and white, only last names, remembering the name, Logan, beware, Apb

(58 )Prophecy Links

    I'm looking at my Memphis son, he's looking at me, there's already predicted by his Memphis mother, son, daughter, 1986/2015/2016, a disaster Pacific ring of fire/Hawaii/Memphis TN/EMP/CME. Only now here he is saying, Jan 13-16, 2018, the morning of the Hawaii inbound missile alert, and I quote, "momma, your worrying after me, got the downtown, newspaper bells ringing? Beware, Apb 

(59) Prophecy Links

     And Rev 10, Rev 17, 7, said nights Jan 26--29th 2018, no further delays US soil, desolations come, before the Midwest, Eastern Seaboard, as well as the West, Northwest, Pacific, beware, Apb

(60) Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be made to see 1996 a death bringer come from beneath the earth, saying behold it is death! Seen to hearing in my ear, 2015, 99 bowls of molten lava, seen to be made to see 2015, fuel canisters set all in a circle, then watched as they were one by one set ablaze. Seen to be made to see 2015, something disastrous happen to Hawaii, that left Memphis children orphans. Seen to be seeing, Dec 3-6 2017, elephants of staying unaware stampeding, more of Pres. Trump's deadly declarations, yours is an assigned fate nuclear to exodus. Seen to be approached 2017, and asked what are the secrets of Memphis, even Jan 13 2018, will Angels also ascend with the Bride? Seen to be told, Jan. 13 2018, now a infamous date, by a Memphis son, the downtown newspapers bells were ringing. Clearly the earth and its inhabitants been quaking, exploding, breaking, burning, freezing and inundating itself since, with a crystallized sky seen missiling down as well. Seem to like 2015 dream,Obama's dwindling, Cameron's Brexit pending, now March and Oct 2018, invite some from US states of barbecue into Georgia, again Rev 10, hearing, no further delays. Seem to be seeing Oct 25, 2018 more bear beast grazing on the horizon of the worst yet to come, while the word tribulation scrolled non-stop on the news ticker. Knowing who? God; why? Dec 24/25 2001, weight of blood guilt; what? ELE'S/Antichrist to kill millions going broke; when? No further delays and where to faithfully escape? Georgia/Africa or Jesus/Heaven, get Jesus, get out, beware, Apb

(61) Prophecy Links

Seen to be seeing the no. 7, and later Daniel 4:4, then king of kings Babylon, now king of kings," Mystery Babylon America, is to be no more for the next 7 yrs; then Jesus reign, beware, Apb

(62) Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be looking at my Memphis/New Madrid son, 01/13-16/2018, a 5th Matrix/Rev 5, proceeding predicted, disaster Hawaii affecting Memphis, missile scare, saying, "the downtown newspapers bells are ringing,"
    - Seen to be seeing 12/02/2018, the word prayer stretch across the entire worldwide sky, repent ye or perish, see Ps 51,
     -Seen to be seeing Oct 25, 2018, a 33rd Matrix, 1-22 Rev Chapts opened, more bear beast, readying one, grazing on the horizon of the worst still to come, while the single word tribulation scrolled non-stop on the news ticker, got God's Trump, Jesus yet? Beware, Apb

(63) Prophecy Link, 

Axle Grease Placed On Petrodollar Handlebars, 1974/5-2003-2013/17/18, As Disallowing Russia, China, So With Only Themselves To Blame

     -Seen to be hearing Pres Bush's 2003, one error, into a new fear factor, on to be aligned to 50 million US soil deaths;
     -Seen to be seeing Pres Trump's 2017, in bold, black, lowercase letters, the single word error, on to be aligned to Eze 38, 39, God's fury at them, Gog and Magog and 50 million US soil deaths
   - Seen to be hearing Senator/Pres Obama's 2008-2016, he's the one, two weeks and seven years, 534 BC -May 2004, AD, Angel Gabriel/2018, 7th Angel, on to be aligned to through heaven's roof, death tolls, US soil, then Jesus reigned for a 1000 years.

(64) Prophecy Links

     -Hearing in my ear, 2005, smiling faces don't last (religion/politics which aligned Trump's to Gog and Magog), again men campaign promises don't last, wipe Canada from the map, separate Britain, America into Dan 2, Rev 18, itty, bitty pieces when predicted, disaster West Pacific/Hawaii/Memphis Dunlap Street, shall began to blow, 05/04/2018-2025/26, a 16th Matrix/Rev 16, beware Apb
     -Seen to be hearing Pres Bush's 2003, one error, into a new fear factor, on to be aligned to 50 million US soil deaths;
     -Seen to be seeing Pres Trump's 2017, in bold, black, lowercase letters, the single word error, on to be aligned to Eze 38, 39, God's fury at them, Gog and Magog and 50 million US soil deaths
   - Seen to be hearing Senator/Pres Obama's 2008-2016, he's the one, two weeks and seven years, 534 BC -May 2004, AD, Angel Gabriel/2018, 7th Angel, on to be aligned to through heaven's roof, death tolls, US soil, then Jesus reigned for a 1000 years, beware, Apb, see,

(65) Prophecy Links

Hearing in my ear, 2005, smiling faces don't last (religion/politics, aligned Trump's to Gog and Magog), don't last wipe Canada from the map, Britain, America went off the map as well, when predicted, disaster Hawaii began to blow, 05/04/2018, a 16th Matrix/Rev 16, beware Apb

(66) Prophecy Links

     Nov. 11,2018, a 33 Matrix,1-22 Rev books open, Lambs book open to roll call, census taking, huge martyred blood pink offered done,  Invitations sent out, March 13 2018, revisited Oct 15, 2018, get ye out of US states of barbecue, get into Georgia's Atlantic, even as far as Africa's, for when Hawaii shall begin to blow, (May 4 a 16th Matrix/Rev 16), this shall be the end into Dan 9:27 final week of years and Dan 4:4, complete seizure and removal until these 7 years be done of the now king of kings Mystery Babylon America/Western Civilization this planet, Beware, Apb

(67) Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing this big enough to block out the heavens, in bold, italicized, floodwater down martyred blood, pink letters, the single word, OFFER (exploding, burning, flooding fall out shelters or Jesus' offer of Mansions in heaven?) Beware, Apb, see,

(68) Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -A Memphis home, a gathering of riches to rags/Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband in your sickbeds, to sleepovers, a Memphis son cries, "the downtown newspapers bells are ringing," I'm staring at a Michael Ealy dangerous, perfect man, when it's alike appearing perfect man Jesus asks, will angel also ascend? Dan 12, God's Christ Grace/Holy Bride's earth assignment suspended; second heaven intercessions come, are Holy Ps 35/ 91/Rev 12 Angels of divine intervention, as well, suspended?

(69) Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Aug 2010, New White House Descending, The Old Passed, Well Burn Away, 15% Dead! Beware! RUN!

     -Seen to be seeing a huge enough to block out the sky, in bold, italicized, floodwater down, martyred blood, pink letters, the single word, OFFER! Only Raging American Refugees Cried Back Even If It Extinct US, Crucify Jesus Afresh, We Want Full Term Abortion, even an abominable, Buttigieg White House, Beware, see entire blog here,, how it's predestined 6000 years to end prophetically, Apb,

 (70) Prophecy Links Fulfilling

      -Dec 3/13/23rd,2017, 1, 2, 3rd Rev 1, 2, 3, Jesus Matrix 10 day countdown to doomsday; Pres error Trump, Netanyahu and Palestine's Abbas are in a tug of biblical territory, turf wars. Soon I seem to be crossing, Jan 23, 2018, Rev 10, Mighty Angel, time, Dunlap street, hand in hand with Memphis nephew, Autistic/ artistic Carter/peacemaker Pres. Carter. Jarringly, when just ahead, along a dirt path elephants of staying unaware are all stampeding, causing a mighty world quaking, throwing people off their firm foundation to American dream, beware, all Ps 2 into Rev 9/18, rebellers to repellers, great and small are all, authentically without excuse! Beware!

(71) Prophet Links Fulfilling 

     -As Though the 2001, predicted ELE, EMP, CME had come suddenly, seeing Aug 7th 2019, the single word disappeared frozen as  all HD to 5G screening, so much for GLADD demanding 20% of samesex TV characters, huh? Heck, even it's F for Fornication, A for Abortion, LGBTQ and P for Pedophiler, genocidal agenda, commanding, a samesex school curriculum. I'm pretty sure, during the visit, along the ginormous maze of sin, and multi-millions, planet earth, Universe homeless, patiently awaiting a single water cooler, the trap i saw being laid for your children. Actually, those, Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2, Jesus said children are all the more dead, except your riches to rags sickbeds and sleepovers, repent; don't worry, it's predicted thousands of years into a fiery Noah's cousins, even see, Rev 9, into this very doomsday hour, you won't, repent that is, but if so, see here, Roman 10: 9, 10, see,,  beware, Apb  

(72) Prophecy Links Fulfilling

      -Seeing Feb 14, 2019, two Rite Aid Pharmacy counter, one open to anxious stampeders; one a revisited, seeming closed, back turned, counter, until I walk away hearing its mystery woman say, I will wait in you, only to repeat the transaction a 5% into 15% exchange, western soil, refugees, death tolls, set, beware, Apb

(73 )Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -See April 2, 2019, predicted two weeks and 7 years pending, Pres Trump April 17, 2019 into April 17 2026, Jesus reign, again, Pres Trump's Middle eastern deal; hearing Sept, 13, 2019, "before it's news, Israel," Nov 12th, 2019, The Final Day Planet Earth; The Man In Linen, Dan 9:27, 70th Week Of Years; the Jan 13, 2018, Rev 2, Jesus, 70th, Nov, Thanksgiving, 2017, Matrix 10 day, countdown to doomsday, beware!

(74) Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -A Memphis home, a gathering of riches to rags/Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband in your sickbeds, to sleepovers, a Memphis son cries, "the downtown newspapers bells are ringing," I'm staring at a Michael Ealy dangerous, perfect man, when it's alike appearing perfect man Jesus asks, will angel also ascend? Dan 12, God's Christ Grace/Holy Bride's earth assignment suspended; second heaven intercessions come, are Holy Ps 35/ 91/Rev 12 Angels of divine intervention, as well, suspended?

     -Then hours later, the predicted, unforgettable W. PROF/Hawaii/ Memphis inbound missile alert, terror, and ten Matrix days later, the congress train wreck debacle, they were running from more inbound missiles and we know it, then predicted Hawaii, erupted into hell like lakes of fire. Beware of Western leaders, error Hussein, (Islam), Nov 4,1975/2003/2013 thru April 17, 2019/2026; beware its Newspaper bike route thru the heavens in US death tolls, its Rev 6, 6th, seal, 6th Matrix, missiling down, crystal ceiling, beware, Apb, see here,, youtube, Final Days, cause of fires; how it ends, prophetically...Thus said reigning Jesus, blessed are hearers and doers! Again beware,

(75) Prophecy Links Fulfilling      -Hearing Sept, 13, 2019, "before it's news, Israel," Nov 12th, 2019, The Final Day Planet Earth; The Man In Linen, Dan 9, 70th Week Of Years; the Rev 2, Jesus, 70th Matrix, 10 day, countdown to doomsday, beware! 

(76) Prophecy Links Fulfilling, Aug 7, seeing the word disappeared frozen on all HD to 5G screening, a ginormous stand still, come; seeing Sept 13, 2019, the single word, Weather; wake singing, Nov 4th, 2019, please don't take my sunshine, away! Beware

(77) Prophecy Links Fulfilling     -Hearing Sept, 13, 2019, "before it's news, Israel," Nov 12th, 2019, The Final Day Planet Earth; The Man In Linen, Dan 9, 70th Week Of Years; the Rev 2, Jesus, 70th Matrix 10 day, countdown to doomsday, beware! 
(78) Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -A Memphis home, a gathering of riches to rags/Rev 17:14 Jesus Husband sickbeds, to sleepovers, a Memphis son cries, "the downtown newspapers bells are ringing," I'm staring at a Michael Ealy dangerous, perfect man, when it's alike appearing perfect man Jesus asks, will angel also ascend? Dan 12, God's Christ Grace/Bride's earth assignment suspended; second heaven intercessions come, are Holy Ps 35/ 91/Rev12 Angels of divine intervention, as well, suspended?
     -Then hours later, the predicted, unforgettable W. PROF/Hawaii/ Memphis inbound missile alert, terror, and ten Matrix days later, the congress train-wreck debacle, they were running from more inbound missiles and we know it, then predicted Hawaii, erupted in to hell like lakes of fire. Beware of

(79) Prophecy Links Fulfillung

     -Christmas season shopping 2018, Before one word to letter passes into another I'm enraptured, soaring skyward through the heavens. That's better than 2013, even if told by Heavens Host, they want to be here with me, after visiting heaven, instead being like Apostle, John, unfinished, and lead back here! Beware, Apb 

(80) Prophecy Links Fulfilling

     -Seen to be busying around my kitchen, a usual voice come in my ear, "soon the church bride could be in heaven, (I Thess 4/Rev 12 star warring Michael, the second heavens); "looking down upon and praying for the tribulation saints, as the Antichrist is given power to overcome them," beware, see, Rev 13:5-7, how it ends, prophetically, Apb

(81) Prophecy Links Fulfilling

    -The Waking, June 26, 2015, finding my Memphis grands taken by the, in my dreams for two decades then, their granddad, also in my dreams to demos, a Rev 17:14, Jesus Husband. They're again, taken like Father Abraham's Nephew Lot and Family, Into Savannah Georgia, a kindred UK Cameron Brexit, to American Blaexit, to Bride, Briexit, pending, immediately, beware!


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