Elohim God, Put On Flesh, Endured A Cross, For the Man Who Once Was Lost

Scientists Confirm Once Again What's Biblically Written These Six Millennia The Adam. Creation, Procreation, The Last Adam, Jesus, Amen!

    -Prompts me to ask, when was the last time you guys read your bible? Especially the Genesis creation into procreating this planet earth, heavens the God's Willed, Satan's/Antichrist's/rebeller's all ruin the Genesis Man, Marriage, woman seed/Savior, 01/19-23, (2019), Rev 12 Michael now star warring in heaven to bring His Bride Up To Him, Jesus Christ? Beware, Apb

     -Smowmeggddon you call it, that's clever, years ago I didn't have that title for what I saw was 100 feet of snow, in New York. Then this other I could only explain as a nail up your doors, your windows snow event; for Arnold's record multibillion dollar California blizzard, I only heard, " let it snow Tookie Williams, let it snow," and it did, historic and quite crippling, see other link prophecies and more here,  https://2017thelinksprophecy.blogspot.com/2017/04/top-and-this-shall-bethe-end-i-was_3.html?m=1, beware, Apb

Prophecy Links

     -Seen to be seeing, Jan 1-23rd, (2019), a breaking news report fading into the distance; days prior was some about a hand rewriting on now Trump's wall, predicted 2015's 99 bowls of molten; being summoned to a red room, and ash building on escape bridges; as so there's Michael both a warring Archangel for earth inherits release from Rev 17, great whore, get into exodus, Briexit, Blaexit and UK Michael Volcano, Eruption, South George Island? Beware, Apb

Woe! Woe! Woe!

     -Jesus while dying on the cross called him, Eli, (Elohim), the Apostle Paul warn us even if an Angel from heaven come telling us anything other than from the red earth Elohim created Adam/Marriage, and from Elohim's Blessed Blood He created the second, the last Adam/New Spirit Marriage, let no man put asunder, let them be accursed; (Seeing Devils too are a fallen 4th of heaven's host, not even counting a demon horde of allegiance. Surely the star wars in the heavens only days past (Jan 19-23, (2019) around the super blood moon I'm just noticing, revisiting hearing again Trump's Jan 20-23, 2017 inauguration, fifty million will die! Just this battling out with Michael them, soon hearing, talking to the Church Bride, and Tribulation Saints, Michael is getting his set all around, RUN! Like days later Israel, Islam and A UK Michael Volcano all erupted, they are all pending, Rev 6, 6th seal, Matrix 6, thats to go simultaneously this planet, ALL. Surely what the elephants of staying unaware were stampeding from Dec 3-5, (2017), so before Trump and Abbas and Abbas' Dan 7/8, Rev 13, 17/18, eight leads all got involved. Still during Bush's war on the axis of evil Holies of Holies described this sin casting out sin as one error,/era into a new fear factor. Apostle I am described it, 2003, as of Rev 11, 1, 2 a nearing Hussein Whitehouse. Only now in hindsight Hussein's Whitehouse wasn't simply a back man in the White House, seeing the two beast of Rev 13, come up also. This man of prediction too was as a head which had been wounded to death, Saddam Hussein, yet it lived, Barack Hussein. This African, Islamic and European born all world's leader, bringing with him the fulfillment of the Dan 12, man in Linen, timetable, of grace. A sweet to bitter world system allowing for two millennia past Christ's Cross, the entire church age. Only in some two weeks and 7 years, 07,27/2008/ 07/27/2016/18, just as it was sworn to Prophet Daniel upon God's Throne and fulfilled by Christ's Cross it's all done, finaled, come Jesus 1000 year Reign, COME GODS KINGDOM RULE! Though first, prophesied Ancient beast reign, esp, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Zechariah, Revelation 1-22 Chapters, its all there, its all revealed: man by apocalypse come from the dust of the earth, man by apocalypse, returning to the dust of the earth, then judgement of sin. Actually seeing a single bitten apple lately, and a single egg reading to be trashed days later, made me question which come first, creation or procreation? Knowing who? God, the Mountain, the Sunlight His Throne, why? US weight of blood guilt, what? ELE'S, Nuclear, Natural and NEO'S; When? Dan 12, Rev 10 mighty Angel, having sworn upon God's Throne, and Rev 17, 7th Angel bearing 7 bowls, Jan 26-29, (2018), saith, no further delays US soil, desolations come; a woman seen along a limitless maze of sin, a million man visited water cooler, bore bowls only now blacken, but in her upper, right hand pocket were instead business cards for better homeless shelters as mansions in heaven. Only the heathen American just cast these final blessed offers back at Elohim once crying behind a silence in heaven, I saw Him, cried with Him, my heart is like wax, it is melted into the midst if my bowels; only themselves crying back at His, Our longsuffering after them, "we want full term abortions, crucify Jesus afresh, his blood be upon us and our children, give us GOSNELL!  Now I must say Amtv Christopher Green, youtube, alternative Media is asking having to run, where do you run? Apparently America/West Rule has never fallen before, honestly, well not since the Roman Empire, back to the Egyptian Empire. Though during blessed, blessed and still blessed exodus both a 1986-2016, Arks, Africa all, Biexit and Blaexit, you simply, faithfully follow God's lead. Then the blessed lead I saw as a Jesus Husband I been seeing these 30 plus years. Like in the days of all our father Abraham' s Lot, in June 26/27-July 6, 2015, he picked up loved ones from pending US states of barbecue (fiery combustion, from the crust and fire rain). Delivered them into Savannah Georgia before taking the Bride by a September 23-25, 2015 ETE, skyward, ah yeah citing "there's something about Cameron, and be aware of alien, (NEOS), dangers from above!" Surely why 30 plus years of prophetic parables, characters are predicting. That is how very soon, nothing will be left of the North American Continent, as of a predicted 1998/2003/2015, (again Jan 13, (2019). A predicted, just a fiery inundation, 99 bowls of molten lava along the North American Craton again leaving nothing but a coast to coast impact crater bubbling and boiling over with molten lava. Just as Dan 4:4, Oct 15, (2018), cursed leads to Americans build walls and play ring around the predicted 2001/2015, Pacific ring of fire/disaster western seaboard/eastern seaboard; predicted 2015, disaster Hawaii; predicted, 2015, disaster Memphis. Apostle Peter asking these two millennia now,  knowing fiery inundation is upon you, what Amtv, Christopher Green kind of American to Westerner ought you to be, Briexit or Blaexit? Get it, get Jesus, get out! Beware, Apb, The Rising Above Ministry (The RAM),


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